White Round Pill Pliva 433 What Is It For?


Is this a pain pill or is like a Xanax? It is round with line on 1 side and Pliva 433 on other side.

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This tablet contains 50mgs of Trazodone, it's actually an SARI class antidepressant.

NDC: 50111-433
Size: 9mm
Labeler: Pliva Inc.

Inactive Ingredients:
-Silicon Dioxide
-Anhydrous Lactose
-Magnesium Stearate
-Cellulose, Microcrystalline
-Sodium Starch Glycolate Type a Potato

Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and weight gain.

Read more: https:/­/­rxchat.com/­wiki/­Trazodone/­

Are there any comments or questions?

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How will this drug help me? And how long will it take before it starts to work?

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Its not like a pain pill or a xanax to me. Its nothing compared to it. Its not a controlled substance there for u wont feel it right on. It will take a couple days. But its not habit forming.

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My Doctor prescribed me Trazadone as a sleeping aid.

It works great if you have a hard tine sleeping.

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It may work ok if you have a hard tine sleeping but it Really if you have a hard time sleeping.

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As an anti depressant it takes time to build in your system. However it can also be used as a sleeping aid and a muscle relaxant. It was prescribed to me for a twitch in my face and ringing in my ear from gritting my teeth. Both problems resulting from muscle tension due to anxiety.

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I'm wondering what was the alarm for? If it's only cause you weren't taking it as prescribed, I would be careful.

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Trazadone is horrible I took one after my dr prescribed them to me & I had a grandmal sezier off it..... I'd never try that again but I guess everyone's body is different..

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I was prescribed Trazadone for a sleep aid & anxiety. This is a strong drug but once it's in your system good, it provokes successful for anxiety.

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That's why it was prescribed for me. I take a reasonably effective antidepressant, but sometimes cannot sleep. I don't use trazadone often, but it works and best of all, I don't feel groggy in the morning.

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How bad is the neasua? Does it make you dizzy too?

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is pliva 433 any form of suboxone?

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No sorry two different drug families. If you are a recovering opiate/opioid addict like I am I can recommend going to your nearest hospital and inquiring about a program, sub friendly hospitals will give you a drug panel to make sure and the same day will issue u suboxone. Suboxone was not for me so I found a methadone clinic.

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I found this pill in my moms drawers . and I want to know if its a pain killer .. So I could give it to my grandma cause she ran out of her pain killers

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Yes it will give u the I instant effect of sleepiness but not like a xanax..fact is key here. :-)

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How long till this med helps me

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This is trazodone. Mainly prescribed to help sleeping disorders.

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@Post #14,

Some of us on this site are MDs, RNs, NPs and lots of others are not stupid. What is ONE pill (assuming you understood what it was and indications and contraindications). If your Grandma needs pain meds, it's up to HER doctor to decide IF she needs them, which drug would be best and frequency of dosage (For example, I've written for Hydromorphone [Dilaudid] n strengths from 2 to 3 mg all the way to 8mg (and that's usually q3-8 to 8h). Given its potency, we're talking about drugs that can easily cause significant side effects in the elderly. I don't know what disgusts me more — using a sick grandma for a drug scam or your assumption of the stupidity of the medical profession.

Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.

Was this helpful? 32

Good work as usual. It's an odd AD, in terms of chemical structure and effects. Most of the shrinks I know use it as a safe, non-addicting sleep aid. It wouldn't be my first choice for an AD. However, I did have a patient who "transferred to me" (his doc, whom I knew well retired). He hoped every night that the prism effect would kick in and I mentioned that we were talking one if a million or so MPR [Monthly Prescribing Reference] had this as a major story this month. I told the patient it wouldn't be very pleasurable beyond a few hours, gut he kept praying. Meanwhile. Imparted that I didn't get paged at 4 am regarding zm erectikon tjsy wouldn't stop! The [atiemt, a demtst by profession, gave up psychiatry because he needed ADs (I ut the Trazodone to 50mg at HS and prescribed Lexapro which world well) becaisevsome jerk in his AA group who had a DO after his name (and no certs in psychiatry) told him he wasn't sober on NON-ADDICTING psych meds.His annoyed me so much that I literally "brought down the house," since I had Ivy League degrees, multiple certs, creds, etc., I told him because the "The Big Book" says or implies something doesn't make to factual correct. This is not the Holy Bible under discussion here.

I contacted that doc (an FP) and asked why he was interfering with my case and if he said abater word I'd report him to the state licensing board — along with five or six other docs. Predictably, the patient fell into a Depressive Episode and decided to go to ann "AA Doctor" — he prescribed a drug that came on the market about shen my folks got married — 1953 or so — Trivial. Good enough and safe enough, but I didn't like giving phenothiazines indefinite. I take Thorazine for severe migraine accompanied by nausea and/r vomiting and I watch my intake. Hold save us from Bipolar patients (he had a Bipolar I Disorder) snd those doctors who don't care what the current thinking is, still advocate the position of no meds in AA or NA.

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I take 200 mg and never get nauseous but it does make you hungry and can weight. I gained 70 lb from it.

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Re: Jane Doe (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Yes very helpful , Thank you very much and God Bless

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Re: DrJoeyMDPhD (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

The attitude of AA today is that we don't have the right to play doctor. If you are self-honest and choose a reputable doctor who treats you for a psychiatric condition, and you take as prescribed, you are still sober and clean.

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Re: Sandra (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

Help you what? For sleep it will work within 15 to 30 min if you are laying down and going to bed but if you choose not to and you stay up and active it won’t do much but give you a dry mouth, in other words you can actually stay active and miss the “effective” timing of this pill as a sleep aid, many people use it for depression (that’s what it is) and take it in the morning but it is more often used off label for sleep.
I have been prescribed Trazadone in many doses over the past 20 years and it just has never been effective in treating my depression, it does help me sleep though.
Hope this helps you.

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Trazodone is similar to xanax, probably weaker (like a 'football- not a zanibar). It didn't help with my ADHD that much, but there is definitely a buzzable effect. Who doesn't want to be anxiety-free? I noticed a calming effect, without knocking me comatose (which a xanax bar definitely does). Sometimes trazodone makes me feel aroused, or rather increases my libido. But that's why I need Adderall. I hope this helped, hon...

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Re: Anna (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Usually, I am falling asleep in less than 10-15 minutes. I am at computer and next thing I know I'm out. I've been on this med for maybe 8-9 years. However, the old pill, V 61-60 worked better. That manufacturer, as others, is now TEVA Pliva. I don't feel this remake works as well as the older version.

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Re: amber (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Me recetaron hace 1 tiempo este medicamento pero no recuerdo para q es ya q tengo muchas condiciones medicas como problemas para dormir,anciedad,depresión y dolor crónico en mi columna xq tenía varios discos fuera d su lugar y nervios pinchados el cual ya m operaron d los discos xq m tenía los nervios pinchados,y como va muchos meses q m lo recetaron no m acuerdo xq razón el dr. M la recetó kisiera saber para q se puede usar ya le mencioné mis condiciones medicas y necesito saber para q se usa ya q fue recetado x alguna condición de las q comenté y como estoy tomando otros medicamentos m gustaría saber para q la puedo usar q no vaya hacer q m la tome y sea igual a 1 d las q ya estoy tomando y pueda tener 1 sobredosis x tomarla en caso q este tomando algo parecido a este medicamento, espero m puedan contestar y sacarme d dudas se los voy agradecer

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Re: DrJoeyMDPhD (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

I was going to ask you what YOU'RE on but you told us a part of your meds. You're going to lose your license Dr JackO. That is IF you're a genuine doctor!

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No it is not a painkiller. Used for depression or insomnia.

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Awesome response. It's people like that dear grandchild that is causing legitimate, chronic pain patients to no longer get the help they need.

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No. This is used for anxiety, or depression. You will not get wacked out on them. They are also used for insomnia.

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