Where To Purchase Paregoric (Page 16)


I've used Paregoric for 15 years and can't find it. Is there anywhere in the U.S. or other countries where this can be purchased?

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This whole paregoric situation is insane. Im so sick today and need my medicine. Id be better so quickly if I had it. Of course there is a lot of pain pill addiction BUT Ive NEVER heard of anyone addicted or trying to hunt Paregoric on the black market. Maybe there just wasn't enough need so they discontinued it?

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I never minded the taste of paragoric cause I was given it from the time I was about a month old for earaches that went on for years. I actually remember a "pop" ending the pain & wonder if my eardrum popped and released the pressure. I associated the taste of paragoric with the pain easing and while I never found it tasty, I was OK with the taste. (I've taken liquid potassium supplements since I was 16 and have gotten used to the taste of potassium too.) I was never allowed to mention menstrual cramps at home, so I'd go to my room and actually pass out from them. I just fought through them at school & work.

If your cramps are consistently bad, you may have endometriosis. The doctors who know the most about that are fertility doctors, as it's the leading cause of infertility in women worldwide. It took three botched surgeries before I went to a fertility doctor, and I don't want any other woman to go through that kind of hell. Apparently, cramps should not be so bad you need heavy drugs to handle them.

Many pharmacies have flavorings that can be added to liquid meds. The pharmacist should know what will mix with which drugs, as a drug with oil or alcohol may need a different kind of flavoring. You're free to mix a med with juice or whatever, but check with the pharmacist first. Grapefruit juice & OJ can neutralize some medications and cause bad side effects with others. It can be confusing, but the pharmacist should be able to help. If you don't get help, change pharmacies.

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Hey there Gypsy, I would love to be able to secure. bottle or 2 of this, I have severended fibromyalgia, deteriorating arthritis in my spine, as well as throughout the rest of my joints, I also have tremors, & debilitating migraines. Nothing helps! I'm willing to pay !

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There is a compounding pharmacy in Oakville, Ontario (Canada) that makes Paregoric

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Hi Whats the name of the pharmacy? Thanks so much

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Hi. The name of the pharmacy is ORIGINS Pharmacy & Compounding Lab. You can send an email to
[email protected] or call them at 905-847-9696.

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I heard you can buy it from the Dominican republic. Guess we have to book a cruise to get. It is an old medication but works wonders.

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Paregoric is available at Walgreens and Chateau drugs in the New Orleans area. Walgreens will only fill it written as tincture of opium. I have had it filled at both stores in 2016 and it was covered by BCBS Louisiana ($7 copay). Hope this helps someone out there!

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But the tincture of opium is different, isn't it? Thank you.

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No, Wikipedia has a good paragraph to clear the confusion [en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laudanum].

It appears they are used interchangeably, but my Walgreens Rx says opium tincture, formerly paregoric. Filled in March.

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I had a doctor prescribe LIBRAX that turned IBS off. Saved me from daily hell. Maybe a daily remedy. Nothing was a fast as paregoric though.

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Paregoric is "camphorated tincture of opium." It works on GI problems and pain. It is addictive because it's opium. Use it wisely. It can cause severe constipation in some people.

If it's prescribed for you, be very careful with the first dose, the first few doses, until you find out how your body reacts to the drug. Never drink alcohol with it. Check with your doctor or pharmacist about drug interactions. Don't try to be slick and inj. it; the camphor is part of the drug to prevent inj.

Every woman I've known who's been told she has irritable bowel (including myself) has eventually been diagnosed with endometriosis. It can cause intense pain, severe bowel damage, internal hemorrhage (you'll have pain between your shoulder blades, so get to an ER), and permanent infertility. Don't treat it with paregoric.

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An old pharmacist in Helper Utah made a med known as parapectolin that tasted like black licorice.

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If you are in the US typically you will need to go to a pain specialist. These are typically Radiology trained doctors I guess because they often use fluoroscopes to guide needle insertion. They will diagnose what is going on and if you need strong pain medication will have you enter into an opioid contract. You will typically get tested every 6 months or so to verify you are not abusing the drugs and are not using illegal drugs. But if you need sifnificant amounts of opioids you will be out of luck after maybe 3 or 4 years when your body becomes less responsive to the pain killing due to building up your tolerance. I only have one other option left for me due to failed back surgery syndrome and lots of bone grafts blocking some other procedures.

If you are thinking of paregoric for pain, I think you would be better off with Oxycodone, and you avoid the nasty taste. To get the same pain killing strength as Oxycodone you would probably have to drink a lot of paregoric (but that is just a somewhat informed guess on my part).

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Just had a prescription for Paregoric filled for my mom yesterday at a Red Cross Pharmacy in Missouri. Akorndirect is a distributor in NY...

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Tincture of opium is paregoric. I've heard people complain about the taste. When I was little, I had chronic earaches and was given paregoric to shut me up; it eases the pain and can make you sleepy. Because I learned early (before 6 weeks) to associate the taste of paregoric with pain relief, I don't mind the taste. I have no reason to take it now. I'm in severe chronic pain, but the FDA, CDC, and Congress have made getting pain treatment impossible. (I have RA and fibromyalgia, with avascular necrosis. It hurts to move. I'm allergic to all forms of codeine including oxys and Vicodin, nonsteroidals, COX2 inhibitors, etc. I can take morphine, hydromorphone, and meperidine. Methadone which helps many people, doesn't help me. I've tried PT, acupuncture, hypnosis, those nasty machines that have a mild electric current, everything. So now I'm pretty much bedridden because it hurts too much to try to walk.

I'm sorry there are people with addiction problems, but why do those of us in chronic pain have to suffer? Don't trade one addiction for another. Becoming addicted to methadone or buprenorphine (Suboxone) is not curing your addiction, it's just switching to another addiction. Heroin was developed in 1874 to treat morphine addiction. It was a dismal failure. We keep repeating the same mistake with new drugs. The patient remains addicted to something so it's not a cure. Go through detox, then only you can keep yourself clean. If NA helps, go to meetings. Get a sponsor. You still have to do it yourself. (Don't try to quit smoking and opiates at the same time. Smoking will kill you, but opiates will kill you faster. Get clean, get comfortable with yourself, then deal with smoking. Use the gum, lozenges, or patches.)

If you've got chronic bowel problems, keep a food diary and see if you can determine if a specific food is involved. Remember your GI reaction may be immediate or may be in hours or the next day. Try stopping a food for a week or two. If it helps, great. If it doesn't, stop another food. Don't be shy about finding a new doctor as it's your body and your decision.

Chronic cramps and diarrhea can be caused by C dif, a bacteria that gets into your GI tract. I don't know how long I had it, but after it was diagnosed, it took a year to get rid of it. (I have unrelated but serious chronic health problems, so you shouldn't be looking at that.) If you're otherwise healthy, C dif requires treatment but should respond relatively quickly (a couple if weeks). You cannot diagnose or treat it yourself. Untreated, it can sometimes kill you and it will always make you miserable. Treatment is usually an oral antibiotic, then a reevaluation, as it can be stubborn.

When it's cured, it's gone. You can catch it again because you don't develop immunity to it. If you keep getting C dif, clean your kitchen and bath with chlorine bleach (open a window). Stop using the fast food places you use and pick new ones or cook at home! If someone has C dif, doesn't scrub their hands after using the toilet, then handles food, they can spread C dif. They may never know they have it. Don't rely on "hand sanitizers."

Stay healthy!

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Every Drugs store specially the Cuban Drugs in miami,fl like Navarro Pharnacy they have it,for sure and is over the counter

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I know this is an old post, but I remember other people, and myself was given this as a child. But when we were on a cruise 2012, I seen it on a shelf in a drug store, I think it was Cozumel Mexico, or one of the ports in Mexico, and I picked up a bottle around $4.00 hadn't seen it since I was a child, many years ago, but don't know if they even still carry it.

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Are you saying it's available in Little Havana in Miami? How about in Cuba?

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I'm sorry , I don't know anything about it being available in Miami or Havana. Mine was available and filled in Maryland and I assume (but could be wrong) it would be available with prescription in each state.

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