Weaning Off Pristiq For Good (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI just wanted to tell all of you trying to get off pristiq, its possible. I was on pristiq for severe panic attacks for 6 months. It saved my life. It gave me a chance to slow down my career, gave me a huge wakeup call. This drug put a cloud over my brain. I was not my happy, fun loving self. I was like a step ford wife. You can't wean off this pill. I was on 50 mg. I did every other day for a month. Every third day for two weeks then cold turkey. It really was not so bad. I layer on my couch for three days, cried a bit and watched movies. I'm happily on all holistic medications, no longer a slave to Pristiq. If I can beat anxiety, anyone can. My biggest advice.. Exercise. Next, surround yourself with positive people. Three, talk out your problems. Good luck.
I took Pristiq 50mg. daily for six months. It was good, stopped my daily crying and mood swings. But the lose of my libido and the waking up in the middle of the night, due to the 'night sweats' was too much. My Doctor told me to "just take it every second day" if you want to stop taking it. I'm no Doctor but this made no sense to me and after reading up on the internet about the horror stories of trying to get off of Pristiq...I was freaked out about stopping. What I did WORKED FOR ME!!! It took me a month, to do it gradually...with very little side effects or discomfort, no down time. I cut each tablet (yes cut up) into 4 pieces. For seven days I took 3/4 of a tablet...spread out evenly, through out the day. Then for fourteen days I took 1/2 of a tablet....spread out morning and evening. Then for nine days I took 1/4 tablet, a little of it in the morning and the rest in the evening (very tiny bits, at this point). I also took a really good multivitamin and Omega-3 1500mg. daily. It's been 3 months without Pristiq and no side effects or withdrawls.
I have been on anti depressants for 10 years, starting from when I was in high school up until now, I am 27. I have been on a few different ones over the years. For the last few yrs I have been taking pristique. When I made the decision it was finally time to go off them I tried skipping days (it was extremely hard) I had accidently missed tablets before negatives to living in a small town an no chemist being opened so I can had the brain shocks, loss of slight, seeing things, bad temper, difficult to walk in a straight line, extremely hard to work and concentrate without feeling like I am loosing the plot. I contacted a Natropath with help from my mother. It was the best thing I did. I took a weeks off work, I ate as per my Natropath persisted, took natural medication from her. The side effects where not almost as bad as what I had previously went through, i would recommend to everyone and anyone to contact a Natropath if they are thinking if getting off the medication. It has done me the world if good. I have now been off them for 25 days. Someways are easier than others, I am still having trouble with concentration and the everyday function of my brain but I have completed the hard part and I couldn't be more proud or happy with the way I have accomplished it.
I am on day 2 of pristiq withdrawal. I have been taking 50mg for about a year and a half. I starting taking it for the anxiety, but now I think I'd rather deal with the anxiety than feel nothing. I feel flat and passionless. I have no interest in being intimate and have just lost any interest in fun things. I am doing ok today but feel like I am sitting waiting for a sunami tidal wave to come. I have gone off of antidepressents before so know what to expect. I have quartered my 50mg pills and plan of taking a quarter if the withdrawal symptoms are so bad I can't function. I have gravol suppositories in the bathroom waiting for me in case I need them and ultra Tylenol for headache pain. I have hemp hearts that I starting eating today to boost my vitamins and minerals. I am vegetarian so have lots of fresh veggies and fruit, organic dairy and organic eggs from my hens. I most importantly have God and I know that he is with me. My spouse is also supportive, but somewhat apprehensive about me going off this medication. I don't feel he really understands how this drug has been making me feel. As well as the horrible weight gain and low self esteem I have now since taking it. Wish me luck.. Michele
Since coming off Pristiq I too couldn't turn my head without feeling dizzy or having a brain zap, which really scared me. I've recently found out that you can naturally stimulate the Seritonine in the brain if you exercise, get as much sunlight as possible, eat well, get lots of hugs & watch happy movies! The sunlight & exercising have really mad a difference. Even just a nice walk somewhere in the sunshine. Try it & see if it helps you too. Avoid laying around sleeping in a dark room. Best of luck :)
Wow, I am relieved I am not the only one. I have been on Pristiq 100mg for 2 years and 50mg for 2 years before that. I went to a Psychatrist who instructed I cut to 50mg daily for 6 days then nothing, at the same time start 25mg of Valdoxen. This didnt really sit well with me so i went to an alternate Dr for 2nd opinion the agreed with the Psyc. I have never been afraid of myself but I was very suicidal and angry, not to mention crashing my car and the physical symptoms. I called numerous drug helplines to find out what was happening, they were surprised to hear of my symptoms, so I started googling....wow so many people suffering from this horrible poison. I ended up in the ED last night, the doctors had no idea how to help me. So frustrating and infuriating to be left to have to work it out alone. I like so many others I've read about am now taking matters into my own hands, I'm tapering slowly, cutting up a drug that the manufacturer says not to, I intend on registering a complaint as soon as I am clear headed enough to do so. I am dumbfounded at how on earth this drug company is allowed to sell this product and how the medical fraternity has turned their backs on us, the people whom they took an oath to help...I can not wait to have this poison out of my system. Thank goodness for community and pages like this, without it I may very well have given into those suicidal and rage impulses.
Hi everyone, I'm nearly at the close of day 3 totally clean! Has anyone experienced heart palpitations as part of their withdrawal? I saw my natropath today who has blended me some St. John's wort, heavy duty b's for the nervous system as well as some immune strengthening herbs. Brain zaps still happening, plus total mania and the need to keep busy and my lips are very tingly...not to mention what seems to be a thousand trips to the bathroom and lotsa tears...I treated myself to some massage and family time...keep hanging in there everyone, we can all do it! :)
5 days of hell on earth but pristiq free, just started to feel better. Actually I think I was more scared than anything, but because of situations, being bipolar and manic my Dr. said you have to stop it now, completely. All I can say is it gets better, if you have someone to talk to that understands, and anything to keep occupied and eat alot of protein, etc., you won't suffer needlessly. Just my opinion but tapering or switching really was not an option I'm happy that it is getting better. I had help from the Dr. in taking Ativan for anxiety, ambien for sleep, but really just keep a positive mood. I even joked with a friend that I saw while having the brain zapping saying this is bizzare and tried to make light of it. What got me through so far was knowing this isn't forever, it will get better! Hang in there, if tapering is an option then it could be easier. Take care everyone.
It is important to get to the bottom of WHY you were having those symptoms prior to going on Pristq. So that you can address that situation and not fall into a bad place when you wean off.
For me, my harmonies were out of balance and my intestinal track was way out if wack, both of which have strong influence on the body's release of seratonin to the brain.
I had no idea ... And most people don't.
Sometimes it can be triggered by a tragic event, prolonged stress, etc.
Do you know the origin of your depression and anxiety?
It is important to know and address this prior to coming off of any medication like this.
Being armed with this information will help you prepare and tackle it from another (possibly more healthy) angle
And of course, the goal is to handle it once and for all. But that isn't always possible.
I have been off a year and had a apocothariest from a special pharmacy to help me wean so the process wasn't so severe.
I will occasionally feel a little anxiety coming on and now treat it with natural items that I obtain from the health food store. Some of them work within moments - amazing really - and I no longer walk around in a Pristiq daze.
What ever path you choose. I wish you the very best in your journey toward wholeness .
NikStar - stick with it !! After a week you will be fine - yes its HORRIBLE in that time but after a week you will be over all the brain zaps - then its about another 2 weeks of detoxing from it - then you will be GREAT! I will tell you that the best way to get through it is to go through your normal routine and EXCERSIZE - it does WONDERS!
I hope this helps - there is a light at the end of the tunnel i promise!
Thanxs Anne. I have managed to drop 50 mg every 3 days from 200 n I was ok with that. I'm know hitting day 4 of no meds and oh the brrain zaps.sweats n nodding off is realy taking its toll. But thanku ur words give me the strength to endure this process and see the light that I know is flickering at the end of the tunnel xo
Keep fighting!!!! You're almost there! Soon you will be helping others on medschat. My daughter almost gave in, at this point. She decided she didn't want to start over and now she is one year free of Pristiq! You are close to freedom. I'll be praying for you
Thank you!!!! So encouraging!!! I keep reading this post to push through!!
It feels like a constant hang over that won't go away. I'm ok for a few hours but then get the brain shivers and feel really nauseated again. I was on pristiq for three years so it's probably going to take a lot longer than a week to get through this. I just don't want to feel sick anymore. I do realize the uncontrollable crying and dark thoughts are directly related so when it happens I'm just letting it pass and forgive myself. Thank you all for the encouragement. It makes me feel connected during this brutal time. Thank you!!!!!
Ok i think I'm on the home stretch now. I'm not super happy or anything but definitely not sick as a dog anymore. Mild brain shivers.... Totally manageable now.. No nausea . Thank God..... Ladies and gentleman .... I think I successfully kicked pristiq. Wow and let me state that I would not have had the hope or perseverance had it not been for this site, posts and encouragement . I will be on this sit to encourage anyone wanting to do it cold turkey and be there for them as well. Much love!!!!
Nicole. I am happy that you are felling good. You are an inspiration. Make to keep us updated. Also you may feel the blues again or anxiety again. That doesn't necessarily mean you are relapsing. It's just life. Keep talking to people and go for walks or do jumping jacks to release some endorphins. Way to go. Peace
Hi ive been on prestiq for 6 months and feel worse now than when I did before, horribvle thoughts and anxiety has gone through the roof, i keep busy all the time as when im in down time ive to much time to think. What the best way to come off this mind boggling drug>?
It was so helpful reading your posts! I am on day 6 of no pristiq and hopefully nearing the end of these crazy symptoms! Still have some zaps, weird muscle twitches and irritable but nothing like the first few days. I am ready to start a family with my husband and I wanted to be completely free of this drug before we have a baby! It has been a nightmare going cold turkey from 50mg but it is so encouraging to read that you made it through! I hope I can continue to push through this darkness and reach my goal! Thank you for telling your story!!
I have been Pristiq free for almost 9 months and counting. I will never take another antidepressant again! I am currently tapering off Alprozolam. I am taking a mega dose of amino acids, minerals and vitamins. I just started True Hope Advanced... We will see what happens... I am scared. I wish not even my worst enemy to go through as much pain as I have been in.'
I lost my mother June 1st and was already feeling pretty bad before she died.. I have been through hell and almost back! I am seeing a psychotherapist and taking these supplements. Here : TrueHope,com
I am hoping this will help me! I know that my brain isn't right after the antidepressants over a 4 year period. They have live coaches that will talk to you and guide you.
On the other hand.. I explained my feeling to the lady and she told me that True Hope is supposed to help replenish what the drugs took from me. Anyone try it ?
I'm curious what holistics medicine you are using?
This thread has been helpful. I would like to add some thoughts and what I have learned.
I've been on 50 mg of Pristiq for 9 months and it's time to wean off. From this thread I tried the every other day approach for the past week and quite frankly the "other" day has sucked and not pleasant at all. I went to my pharmacist and he was very helpful. First, he said that taking a time released pill such as Pristiq every other day is too much of a jolt to your body if you have been taking it for a significant period. He suggests that the best way to wean of Pristiq is to start off by only skipping one day during the week (for example: Sunday). Do this for 2 weeks. On the 3rd and 4th week, skip a pill 2 times (for example Sunday and Wednesday). For Week 5 and 6 take the pill every other day (skip Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday). Week 7 - Skip (Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday). Week 8 skilp (Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday). By then you are only taking 2 pills a week. Week 9 try only taking the pill 1 during the week. The withdrawal symptoms should be much more tolerable with this approach.
I would like add that the person on the thread who doesn't understand why everyone doesn't just quit cold turkey and just have a bad week of withdrawals isn't being responsible. Everyone is different and everyone responds differently to medications. Trust me, it were easy everyone would do it. Also, most people, cannot lay on the couch for a week while the brain zaps take over their every move. Unfortunately, we have families to take care of and work to go to.
Pristiq worked for me for the purposes I needed it. Because getting off the medication is so difficult, it will be a reminder that I need to find other ways of handling life and anxiety in a healthy positive way so medication isn't necessary. However, if I need it (or you need it) then find one that works for you.
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