Weaning Off Pristiq For Good (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I just wanted to tell all of you trying to get off pristiq, its possible. I was on pristiq for severe panic attacks for 6 months. It saved my life. It gave me a chance to slow down my career, gave me a huge wakeup call. This drug put a cloud over my brain. I was not my happy, fun loving self. I was like a step ford wife. You can't wean off this pill. I was on 50 mg. I did every other day for a month. Every third day for two weeks then cold turkey. It really was not so bad. I layer on my couch for three days, cried a bit and watched movies. I'm happily on all holistic medications, no longer a slave to Pristiq. If I can beat anxiety, anyone can. My biggest advice.. Exercise. Next, surround yourself with positive people. Three, talk out your problems. Good luck.

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An update from my earlier post (#108) I struggled weaning off prestiq even with pharmacist assistance. My doctor had the best solution and I wish I'd gone to her first.
She prescribed me 4 90mg prozac. I stopped prestiq and took the first Prozac. A week later (I actually made it 9 days) I took the second Prozac. From there I was supposed to wait 2 weeks. So far it has been 17 days and I haven't needed the 3rd pill. I feel a little off balance but it is liveable. It may have been a little easier since I had already started the weaning process.
Btw...to finish the doctor's instructions I was supposed to take the 3rd pill after 2 weeks and the 4th pill 2 weeks later if needed. It honestly doesn't look like I will need either. Thank goodness. Feels great to be free:)
Good luck to everyone

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Hi Michelle -I COMPLETELY understand what you are (and have been) going through! - and the negative impact that Pristiq can have on our lives...
I had been on 50mg since 3/11 - and then bumped up to 100mg once it "stopped working"...the best way I can describe it is that it felt like I had a "blanket" over my brain - and like you, totally lost my zest/passion for life (my personality changed - wanting to isolate where before I had always been outgoing and social)- and felt like everything was a huge effort (couldn't think clearly)... after a couple of failed attempts - and about 5 weeks of hell (first in "tapering" from 100mg to 50) - and then in coming off Pristiq altogether - I am as of tomorrow 3 weeks Pristiq free!! FINALLY starting to feel somewhat like my self again - and an added benefit of losing about 8-10 lbs so far (I had puffed up big time and gained about 30-35 lbs. during my 2+ years on Pristiq)... it sounds like you are on track w/your nutrition. I have been staying w/my sister for the last 2 weeks to help get me through the "discontinuation symptoms" - which included severe dizziness, headaches, off and on crying jags and overall feeling pretty awful. I have not been able to drive during this time . Thankfully got the advice from my brother (a doctor in Germany) to add a low dose "light weight" anti-depressant during this transition. We decided on Lexapro (10mg) as I had been on that one before w/little to no side effects. through my research, I have discovered that Pristiq IS a pretty heavy duty drug - affecting both the seratonin levels and dompamine levels in the brain..AND you are correct that the doctors are not very well educated/informed on the potential side effects/discontinuation symptoms of this drug.. or how to effectively get their patients OFF the drug. I called Pfizer to file a report - was told to taper slowly (which as it is designed almost impossible to do) - and referred back to my doctor.
I would highly encourage you to seek support from family and/or friends while you are going through this process...coming down from the 50mg might not be as difficult - depending on how long you have been on this drug. I also got a 1 month prescription of xanax - and have taken either 1/2 or a full tablet during the times where I felt that the symptoms were too much... SO thankful to be feeling healthy and well again - the "brain fog" has lifted!! :)) YOU can do this too!! Hang in there and BE WELL!! Karen

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Hi Michelle,
Thank you for your post. First, I am so sorry for what you are going through!!
I can most definitely empathize/relate to your experience -and want to encourage you to please hang in there through this !! And let you know that it IS possible -although VERY difficult to come off of Pristiq...
After 2 1/2 years - and 2 failed attempts (ended up getting back on it because I couldn't tolerate the discontinuation symptoms) - I will be completely OFF this medication for almost 5 weeks this coming Saturday!
I am thankfully feeling better than I have in a long long time - and the "brain fog"/sense of numbness that I have had for over 2 years now has finally lifted!! :))
Needless to say, the process of getting off of it was NOT fun - and I agree that the lack of understanding about this particular drug in the medical community is very frustrating and disheartening. One of the lessons I have learned through all of this is how important it is that we learn to become our own "health advocates".
Once stopping the medication all together (I tried cutting it and became very sick from what may have been due to the medicine "dumping" - as this medication is NOT designed to be cut in half)..I had a week or so of feeling absolutely horrible - severe headaches, dizziness, disoriented and yes - a couple of major meltdowns and a time where I felt that I would be better off to die (than feel like I was feeling)...so please know that all of what you are experiencing is unfortunately part of these "discontinuation symptoms".
Please try to find a friend or family member that lives close by that can support you as you go through this process!! Thank God I was able to get through it with the support of my family (flew up to stay with my sister while I was going through the worst of it). I also added 10mg of Lexapro (per the advice of my brother who is a doctor in Germany) to help aid in the transition (from 50mg to 0) which I feel was a huge help...You may want to talk w/a doctor about this as a possible option?
I had been on Lexpro for the 5 years prior to Pristiq w/little to no side effects and will stay on this for another month or two to allow myself time to continue to adjust and "stabilize" -I do feel it has helped me in finally being able to get off of Pristiq.
My goal is to eventually taper off this as well - but unlike Pristiq, this drug is actually designed where it IS possible to do a gradual taper!!
Many of the other things that other people have mentioned on here can also play a big part in getting through this and feeling well...try to keep up good nutrition and exercise (which I know can be difficult to do when you are feeling so poorly).
You may also want to see your primary doctor to have your Vitamin D levels checked - mine were very low and this is something that can definitely contribute to depression.I was thankfully able to find a local holistic MD to work with who is helping me with this. She has the approach of looking at/treating the "whole person" - which totally makes sense to me!! Maybe you can try to locate one in your area as well...
Lastly, there is another site through Mayo clinic (just google Mayo clinic - Pristiq) which also has some info which might be a help.
Please take good care and post again w/an update on how you are doing...you CAN do this!!
Best wishes,

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Hi Karen,
Thankyou for your kind words. I am in total agreement with you, if only when we went on this drug we were not desperate and clinging to anything that would help us through our time of need. I feel like we all have been given the raw deal by this drug manufacturer and the doctors who prescribe it without fully understanding. I have a great naturopath which I will work with on 'getting clean', fortunately my job as a massage therapist keeps me active and I do notice I feel better once working. Just time now I guess :)... I am not taking this lying down and am going to fight to have this drug removed, it's not ok that this can happen, we trust in the doctors & government to look after us.
I am so happy for you that you are 'free' congratulations, be really proud of yourself, this is such a difficult thing to explain to anyone, I think you really need to go through it to understand how horrible and traumatic it is.
With gratitude for your encouragement & kind heart.
Michelle xx

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Hi Michelle

It sounds to me like you need Valium or Xanax. You should speak to your psychiatrist and see if you can get it prescribed.

I also felt suicidal coming off this drug. I work on the 9th floor of a building with a balcony and had these horrible images of throwing myself off the edge. It was truly terrible, but the valium certainly helped.

I take Valdoxen too. It is an excellent medicine but it does not pack the same anti-anxiolytic punch that valium and xanax do. This is what you need right now.

It took me about 2 weeks to feel normal again. I now only take 25mgs of valdoxen each night and valium as needed (which is not often).

When you are suffering withdrawals from this drug, you feel like you will never feel "normal" again, but the truth is that you will, it just takes some time.

Good luck Michelle

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Thanks Andrew, I'm now stable on 50mg and intend to take the next taper a lot slower! Interesting that I phoned the psychatrist to ask for advice and I've not received a call back...considering he is the one incharge of all our local hospital mental health advisory and oversees 2 major university psyc depts I really thought he would have know what he was talking about! I don't know how we can educate but I'm sure going to try. :)

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oh gosh - I am so sorry you are going through this (and i can totally relate!!)...please make sure you have some sort of support (family and/or friend) available to help you get through this. My advice would be to maybe try and take some time off to allow your mind/body a chance to adjust. the rx of xanax helped me to relax a little - I would also highly recommend finding some type of holistic body support (accupuncture or something similar to help bring some balance to your body/mind). Take good care and please know you are not alone in this!!!

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I'm an attorney, and my doctor put me on Pristiq because I was too stressed out with work and had severe anxiety. My insurance decided not to pay for my medication. I want to get off of this medication. I went three days without this drug, but I could not take it. I went ahead and paid out of pocket. I really want to get off of this medication, and this website is the first step for me to get other's advice. I wish there were drugs out there to get people off of this, but it would be counterintuitive. I really do not know anyone personally who is going through this, and I will be relying on this site. Please keep up the good work and I will post my results.

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DS i am now 2 weeks off it and no more side effects. First 5 days were the worst. I can cry again through a movie, i have emotion back.
take a week off work, prepare some healthy meals, go for a walk everyday. Its tough but if you want to he free from it you will be able to push through. Im single with no support and i did it, just be prepared . Good luck

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Hi DS - i am a lawyer too and I think we are especially susceptible to anxiety. I feel for you. My advice would be to ask your doctor for both valium and valdoxen. In the first few days of withdrawals, I was having approximately 30mgs a day of valium (3 x 10mgs doses) and then down to 15mgs a day for a few days and now i am back to my usual regime of 5 - 10mgs a day as needed (when i feel panicky). Valdoxen is an extremely good medicine - at least, that is what i thought until a couple of weeks ago when i started zoloft, and now it no longer seems to be working - and it will help you get to sleep at night.

The valium and valdoxen should get you through the first week of withdrawals. After that, you will be through the worst of it.

Best of luck my friend. Dont work too hard. You should definitely take sick/stress leave from work while you are going through this

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Very interesting tapering Slim. it seems very complicated and As many of these other drugs have a variety of their own side effects -it could be really challenging. I appreciate you sharing though and I hope things work out for you so keep us posted. I've experienced weight gain, memory issues, lethargy and the sweats have chilled out. its all just a big pain in the ass.

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Hi i was on pristiq 50 mg for last nine months.. It helped my anxiety but i gained 50 lbs... 1 month before i started jogging everyday 40 minutes plus heavy weight lifting excercise.. I just discontinuid this medicine suddenly while i was on vigorous exercise.. I didnt feel any withdrawal symptoms

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We used Beacon Pharmacy in Southington CT. They delivered it via US postage. I talked to Nicky who was compassionate and caring. She made capsules with time release in them in varying dosages. Today starts 20 mg in am and 10 mg in pm. Dr wanted her to taper by missing days. But fortunately for these forums i was informed this is not the way to go. I hope this helps you.

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PS this is not medical advice. I am not a doctor. Use the information at your own risk.

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Karen, i too called the company and complain with the same experience. My next call will be to the FDA.

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Hi, I've been on pristiq for four years. My doctor didn't want me to come off either. I never had a history of depression or any other disorders. At the time i went on, my sister was dying, my marriage was falling apart, my young daughter just had a baby and work was suffering.

I went to see a doctor who recommended pristiq. There wasn't a lot of information out there, and I knew nothing about AD's. She put me in this horrible drug and quickly upped it to 100mg's.

I've tried several times to go off. This time I'm on day 4, and I will NOT cave. When I changed doctors they game me a 7 day supply of 50mg's. I held on to them knowing I'd need them. I took those and started cutting my 100's in half. Then gradually smaller. Finally I quit. I've been getting the nausea, weird dreams, brain zaps are the worst, among others. I'm hoping these side effects are gone soon.

It's thanksgiving weekend and I plan to do nothing, but get through this withdrawal.

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thanks Nancy. I am doing a lot better today. I am starting to feel like I can do it. I didn't taper because I just didn't want to drag it out anymore than I had to. I was just so angry. I may be in a lull but at the present on day 6-7 I am not angry and actually feeling hopeful. I will keep you posted if I have dificulties later.

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I have been on Prestiq for over two years. I have tried to taper off on several occasions but notice that my moods swing so much and I seem so manic that I decided not to do so again. I recently ran out, on a Wednesday, and I forgot to call to get the refill. I remembered to call on Saturday (so this would be day 3 w/o meds) but my RX had run out. Meaning I had to wait until today, Monday, to phone and get the refill. I decided to investigate how others tapered off or and stopped this med. I have decided to try and see how I do 'cold turkey'. Thus far, the results have been typical of what the side effects say. Emotional, mood swings, night sweats (like crazy), VIVID dreams, little sleep, unable to concentrate, dizziness, tired, agitated, diarrhea, some nausea. I am keeping a journal and I'll add some exercise in today. I'm a bit weepy also. I'm 54. Wonder if the taper off effect lasts longer in those that are older. I'm fairly miserable but the fact that you can't get off of this drug reasonably is alarming to me. I'm ready. Thank you for this site. It is a welcome relief. Ks

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Off pristiq 2 days and topomax 1 week. OMG the vomiting, getting off due to migraines, dr put me on topomax for pristiq caused migraines. I may have to take a week off (self employed). Scary s*** for sure!

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You have a winner's attitude.....you are a great mother because you want to be there for them, instead of drugged up. It is soon to be a year since the worst days of my life, watching my daughter go off this drug. It was awful!!! But she is doing great now...she realized that being in touch with her feelings is so much better than having none. Still struggles with anxiety, but exercising, regular sleep and good diet has helped. She saw a acupuncturist during the discontinuation of Pristiq, it stopped her nausea, headaches, vision problems, brain zaps, stabilized her moods....she didn't want to go, so it wasn't psychosomatic. I pray for you and your children....give yourself a hug, because you are doing awesome!

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