Watson Vs. Mylan Generic Lorazepam Side Effects. (Page 4)
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Been on Sandoz mfr. lorazepam for 10 years; no problems; no need to increase dose. Sandoz stopped mfr. Now, can only get these generic's & Actavis. Having lots of troubles getting results; either nothing or zonked. Anyone else w/any experience which mfr. is closer to Sandoz (since FDA approves up to 2% differences in generics). Thank you.
Re: Gabby (# 472)
Need to clarify that I do have insurance but they will not pay for brand-name Ativan. This is why I'll have to pay cash if Valeant will help me out. I've already done all the fighting I can do they won't pay for it.
Re: Jamie (# 471)
My pharmacist made some comment about not wanting patients with a large amount of .5's. I was like why? I never really got a direct answer from him. I'm assuming being they might think I'll sell them. Yeah right. Good grief I need the medication just like the rest of us do. Sad but true all too many would sell them. Yes I know about insurance companies. As I said mine won't pay for brand name. That's crazy you work as a MA in a clinic? You must have access to a lot of pharmaceutical companies don't you? Or the doctors you work for? Just throwing this out here I'm surprised they haven't said something about using benzodiazepines. My experience has been they're really hard on us/others who take them. You have to love a pdoc that does dual diagnosis on just about anybody so they can lock you up and bleed your insurance company dry. Seen that happen with some close buddies of mine. Don't think I'd be sharing with my co-workers what meds you're on Jamie. That's interesting to know where you work.
I'm posting this here as well as I did on a Sandoz thread.
I just talked to my pharmacist about Sandoz and he said it's being discontinued. But a fellow name Henry said they might be making it again. I've been on Mylan for 10 years and was on Brand name prior to that. My pharmacist told me the pill he can get is made by Sandoz and the 1mg has SZ 198 on it. Is this the old formula or is this a new one? I've never taken this pill that I know of. My pharmacist is going to get a few bottles for me to let me try it. Does anybody know how well Sandoz compares to Mylan? Sounds like it's stronger? My pharmacist is just trying to help me out with what he can get left in his warehouse. Next step is seeing if Valeant that makes brand name will help me with a reduce price since I cannot afford the cost cash wise being I have no insurance. Any help would be appreciated. Still no word whether Mylan got their formula to make all the strengths until they run out if any of you have been reading about Mylan.
Gabby (# 469) --
Yes they are. But stupid Blue Cross is causing an issue!!! Saying they don’t want to pay for that many .5, my Doc put in a prior authorization. Still waiting. I have 20 mylans left and the rest Actavis. So frustrating. I actually work at a mental health/substance abuse clinic as a med assistant. So I know the battle with insurance. Biggest scam there is! We pay 700 a month for insurance and they pay for jack s***. Excuse my language.
Re: Jamie (# 468)
Didn't your pharmacist order you the .5's? I thought she was going to get as much as she could for you. I know what it's like taken a brand that messes a person up too well. I'm thinking you should do what others have. Talk to your doctor and have them battle for you if needed with your insurance company to get the brand. Least you seem to have some time to spare with the .5's.
Re: Jamie (# 468)
I’m still following your’s and Gabby’s posts. Looks like we are in big trouble. I looked to see what new options may be for lorazepam and they’re still showing all the same logos from way back when Qualitest was making them. Nothing has been updated. What logo does the Actavis brand have on the pill? Gabby suggested I see if I can fill where my friend gets hers north of me, but I can’t get it filled til July 2, so unfortunately since it’s a new pharmacy to me it won’t do any good to find out now if they still have any. Meanwhile my pharmacist has hopefully still held the 0.5 mg he ordered and put my name on. So this latest stuff made you groggy, but anxiety didn’t go away. Omg this is horrible. I’ll just pray something changes soon.
Re: Gabby (# 467)
I’ve got nothing new. Horrible week I tried testing Actavis whole week just to see.. saving mylans. Wanted to see if I would adjust hoping I would in fear they would be my only option in future. I was so zonked out but still anxious if that makes sense. At work was falling asleep. Couldn’t even take dog for a walk longer than 10 minutes without feeling like I was going to collapse and they make my mood horrible. Please let me know what mylan tells you. This sucks.
Another long stressful week trying to find a alternative to Mylan. Still no word on Sandoz. Most likely call Mylan again the start of the week to see what may have changed. Anyone come up with any new stuff?
Gabby (# 464) --
If they don’t run out by July 1, I will do that. My 1mg prescription with refills is at my pharmacy, but they will transfer and it’ll be worth the drive. If I don’t do that I’ll end up having my doc to write another one for the 0.5 anyway. Thanks for your help. I’ll keep my ears open.
Deedee (# 463) --
Maybe you could have your script fill at her pharmacy. If shes in the same state I would think your doctors license would be good there? Its a thought. She seems to be a lucky one that she hasn't had any problems with other Lorazepam generics.
Gabby (# 461) --
She’s prescribed 1 mg a day of lorazepam for anxiety and takes one Klonopin at night for restless leg syndrome. With her fentanyl patches and lots of other meds, she probably could’ve taken one of the meds that don’t work for us, but with all her other stuff it may not effect her the same. Maybe if we get a couple months with the few Mylan we’ve found, someone else will come out with a new one that does work as well??
Re: Gabby (# 456)
Yes by all means don’t focus on me ! Thanks for the well wishes
Deedee (# 460) --
Wowzers she's on lorazepam and Klonopin. From my experience I've been told you can't mix two benzodiazepines. But then I know epileptics that are on more then one. I know I sound like I just contradicted myself. I suppose with great doctor care she'll be fine? Have no idea why she was able to get it and you can't. Like I said each Pharmacy uses different warehouses or different distributors. I'm pretty sure I have my problem figured out. Just waiting for some callbacks. My only advise to you ia maybe switching to a new benzo. That or seeing if your insurance will pay for the brand name.
Gabby (# 459) --
So far I haven’t seen any other replies to me. I am a little upset with a friend of mine. She lives 20 miles north of me, is also on lorazepam for panic disorder, I have talked to her about what they’ve given her out there. She called today and filled her lorazepam and it was Mylan 457, which is the 1 mg we’re all looking for. She’s never complained about other manufacturers not working for her, but she is on Klonopin as well, so maybe that’s why. She has MS and lupus, on top of everything else. Anyway, I found out she got this through a CVS, which shocked me. I had to switch from CVS bec they were ordering the cheapest they could get. I called my pharmacy, a little family owned pharmacy and the two warehouses they use is still showing none available. He did tell me he’s stocked the 0.5 mg for me which should last a while?? He said he would transfer my 1 mg prescription to the CVS if I wanted, but it won’t be until my refill can go through and by then they may be out. I’m wondering since he’s ordered the 0.5 for me and holding with my name, I hate to make him angry by transferring the 1 mg prescription. It could only end up being for on month and he may be angry enough to not hold the 0.5 then. Isn’t this awful we have to be our own advocates instead of having our doctors, pharmacies and medication manufacturers taking care of us. It’s our insurance paying these high costs.. something is totally wrong with this picture!!
Deedee I've replied to you but it hasn't posted yet. Seems they check over what we say. Don't think I've said anything that needed to be censored. But it's not the first time they've done it. I don't think you're naive. Hope the longer message gets posted to you.
Re: Gabby (# 457)
My pharmacist is amazing! She feels so bad for me and knows my struggle with all the meds I’ve tried and that this is the only one/brand that’s worked. I called again today and she told me there was some still available and she was going to order all she can.. after that’s gone don’t know what I will do.
Re: Deedee (# 453)
Where I'm at with Mylan is I'm running out patience on what they've said to us. They've put a lot of us in a rock and a hard place. I really believe their agents are given a limited amount of information that leads us to nowhere. I'm a cut to the chase person. I can handle anything they say as long as it's the truth. Its like beating a dead horse on this subject ya know what I mean. As for me knowing about what others have said or I seem to know you guys out here. I've been watching this thread for years. The only person I've seen that has stayed with the same name for any length of time has been you. I'm guessing you've gone by Dee for short as well. If so you've been the only person that's been here for sometime. I'm not new by no means I've just been a spectator for the most part. My interests came in when I saw Pj, you, Doc, Henry, Twig and now Jamie. If you read my recent post I'm getting close to an alternative if Mylan doesn't work out. My faith in my current pharmacist has been getting less by the days. This too shall pass. There is no sublingual lorazepam in a generic form so far that I know of so we can chalk that off the board until I hear otherwise. Leading brand seems to be taking over the market like a grass fire. I talked to a really down to earth pharmacist today that told me she's been taught the generics have to put the full strength of the active ingredient in their generics. She did agree that the fillers could make that active ingredient not work as well. She is the first pharmacist in a long time that has said what we've all been talking about. She has many clients that have experienced what we've all talked about here about some generics not working and some generics working.
The only thing that I semi disagree with is that generic makers are putting the full amount but the active ingredient in their pills. But she said that the fillers can make the active ingredient metabolize differently in each and every one of our bodies. She said the FDA mandates they have to put the full active ingredient in their generics just as it was the brand. Now I know what a lot of us been taught that that 2% ratio is what we've heard the FDA say they could do. I don't want to throw a monkey wrench in here but as I said I did listen to what she had to say. I guess it's something to think about. But the important thing of that conversation was at least the fillers can cause some generics not to work for many of us. As for you being naive about there have been others out here masking under different names and they are the same person I don't think that's the right label for you to have. Everybody's entitled to what they feel is right or wrong. I for one have been out here in this chat world and other chat worlds for many years and I pay attention to sentences and keywords. I've notice that the majority of the ones I've thought were the same person seem to be gone. Though I do believe that person is still here. Bottom line I hope we all can come up with some kind of plan. I'm not going to bring up the subject about multiple people being the same person any longer. If I don't acknowledge some of you that ask me a question don't take it personal. You're not naive Deedee. Best of health to ya all.
Re: Jamie (# 455)
In my area nobody is seeing anything available in any of the strength as of now. That's Mylan. Sandoz was available but in a limited amount and I was told they didn't know if this was old stock or new. Each pharmacy as most of us know use different warehouses like Cardinal and so on. Most big chains will-not special order anything. Depending on what time of the day you call can affect how much some techs or pharmacist will tell you. End of the day has been the most effective timeframe I've found to be helpful. Rush hours times don't call them about these questions folks. Just a heads up. :)
Re: Savannah (# 454)
None of my CVS pharmacies will not special order anything for me. They can only order what corporate allows them to order. That's pretty much the same with all the big chain pharmacies in my area. Thanks for input. I'm glad you have your brand name coming in. I'm going to focus on those who actually need Mylan or other brands that might help. I wish you the best of health. Lets leave it at that :)
Re: Gabby (# 452)
Yes agree but hate the inconsistency of stories! Pharmacist yesterday said her computer is saying on back order until July. I told her they told me it was discontinued. She told me she would order as many .5 as possible to hold me over as long as I can. So glad the .5 came in but I know they won’t last forever. I’ve tried other benzos nothing else has worked for me.
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