Watson Vs. Mylan Generic Lorazepam Side Effects. (Page 5)
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Been on Sandoz mfr. lorazepam for 10 years; no problems; no need to increase dose. Sandoz stopped mfr. Now, can only get these generic's & Actavis. Having lots of troubles getting results; either nothing or zonked. Anyone else w/any experience which mfr. is closer to Sandoz (since FDA approves up to 2% differences in generics). Thank you.

534 Replies (27 Pages)

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Re: Gabby (# 449) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, you mentioned finding a pharmacy. Cvs is who ordered mine for me. Hope this helps.

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Re: Gabby (# 452) Expand Referenced Message

That’s exactly what Mylan told me, that they have a small amount left, but couldn’t say when it would come available and go to just keep asking my pharmacist to check availability when I’m due for a refill. Looks like you and Jamie are the last of our group to continue. Please post if you have any luck and I’ll continue to log in with any new info I run across. I guess I’m too naive to believe people are playing games and pretending to be someone else?? That’s ridiculous when we all have problems with anxiety as it is. I pray they get help if that’s really happening. I’m only posting now if I see some of the group I felt I could trust to give me the right info. As for Mylan, I would totally suggest we each talk to them ourselves, that way we have names of reps and what they actually say. I for sure will never take Leading again and sure didn’t want anyone else to have the miserable effects that I did. I’ll keep checking in as emails pop up with more info on this thread, otherwise I’m going to pray Mylan gets that last bit out on the market??

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Re: Jamie (# 451) Expand Referenced Message

No new formula Jamie. They are waiting for the ingredients to make a batch of each strength. How long that will take nobody knows. Whether this is truly going to happen I can't say with any certainty. I've seen other post where Mylan told one person one story and then others another story. Its never been consistent the past three weeks now. I've been watching this thread for awhile. I started adding my story when others seemed to have left. Something has to give. You might want to consider a different benzo. There are many others out there. I'll keep y'all posted what I find out. I'm going to guess there's many others looking at this thread that aren't commenting. If anyone has any news please post it. Just try and base it on facts. Lets all stay consistent here. Another thing to consider not all of us are located in the same state. Some may be able to get Mylan because their pharmacies warehouse may still have it stock. Mine doesn't so they say. Had mine done what I told them to do and thats purchase enough to cover me until either Mylan made more that would have been nice. I'm too old for this mess. Old saying I believe. "This too shall pass"

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Re: Gabby (# 449) Expand Referenced Message

Mylan said they were getting a new formula? I’m so confused by them. One minute it was back ordered then it was unsure then discontinued now new formula. I wish they understood how much this drug helps so many people!

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Re: Gabby (# 449) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you Gabby! When I leave work I get to pick up my last .5 mylan they were able to order. This last week with Activas has been living hell! I’m so scared for what’s next! Thank you for being so helpful! My pharmacist today could not believe mylan was going out as she heard they were customer favorite and best generic. Do we keep hounding them haha.

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I'm checking with Sandoz to see if they've got a new formula. I read back in the posts that Henry was checking up on that but I haven't heard anything since then. I'm also checking into whether there's a sublingual lorazepam in the generic form that isn't costly. Also I'm going to talked to my spouses doctor to see if she'll write a script for brand-name and then I'll call Valeant and see if they can help me out with the cost. Before that I need to find a pharmacy that will purchase the brand name for me. Then I will talk with my spouses doctor and go from there. Mine said he wouldn't do it. I'd still like to know when Mylan will be getting in that formula and making some new pills. As I spoke of before maybe if enough of us continue to call Mylan maybe they'll see there's a need greater than them discontinuing it. I'll get back to y'all when I have some news.

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Re: Jamie (# 444) Expand Referenced Message

All I know is I'm trying to do what others are doing. Trying to find an alternative to lorazepam if I can't find another generic that works. There's no question in my mind there are some here that are the same person. Yes if one uses their email address with multiple names Medchat will find them and ban them. But that doesn't stop someone from posting under an anonymous name (not using their email address). Every time someone logs into their pc or mobile device their IP address changes. If they have more than one device they can switch either from Wi-Fi or data. That will also change their IP address. You have an IP address for both. If Medschat has the technology they can trace the location irregardless if they're logging in with their email or anonymously. I'm not sure why MedChat keeps changing my name either. {edited for privacy}. If I'm causing infringement rights let me know.

Editor's note: We apologize, but per our privacy policy we do not allow individuals to post their own personal contact information on our discussion threads. This includes one's full name.

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Gabby (# 440) --

So I went and talked to my pharmacist for like a half hour. She was super nice and helpful. She couldn’t believe Mylan is discontinuing. She said everyone was using that. Currently all they have as I said before is Actavis and leading. She knows the problem I’m having on Actavis and told me that at the end of June that contract is ending with them. She told me the only other one they can order is Sandoz? I think I’ve read some comments on that. But don’t remember. Has anyone had any luck good results with Sandoz. Or are they not the same anymore either? Thanks in advance.

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Gabby (# 438) --

I was contacting mylan and trying to find out about the manufacturer so that I might have a chance of still getting the med. I paid cash on May 22nd (4000.00) to get the brand name because I was so sick I had to get relief! I did not get an approval for the brand name until June! That was why I was asking questions and also trying to answer what others had asked about mylan and other brands. What helped and what did not. That was it.

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Gabby (# 438) --

I am not playing any games! I’m stating the fact that I was sick in bed for weeks because they changed mylan to leading brand and I was ill from it. If I had a choice I would still take mylan so my insurance did not have to pay so much for my medication. I also have tried to answer other questions that others have asked about these companies. I was only here to help. I’m not trying to manipulate anyone! I’m sorry you took it that way. I am one person with one email.

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Gabby (# 440) --

Noticed this too! I don’t understand so many things people can “troll” on/play games but why a med chat site?! I’m here too same as you and I thought everyone else was looking for answers on mylan and a good alternative. What is wrong with people?!!

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Gabby (# 440) --

This is strange. I’m noticing some new names all of a sudden that seem like they know our conversations, unless they’ve just paid attention. Some Jamie said that I mentioned trying Teva, and I never have tried that one. It really bothers me about what Wally said about me... who is this person and what is he saying that I’m giving the wrong info and can hurt someone? I’ve never hurt anyone and just need help like I thought all of we did?? Who do we trust?? I’ve had a feeling that the person named Verwon seems to be working for pharmaceuticals or someone. He seems to know an awful lot about things and keeps bringing up how addictive these meds are and seems to be going against them than helping us find something that works. We all know that, but we have to live and be able to function normally. I’ve never doctor shopped or switched pharmacies except when CVS wouldn’t order my Qualitest and the family pharmacy would, and I’ve never filled my scripts early or any of the red flags we all hear they look for. Unless all the people you’re wondering about have multiple email addresses, how can this site allow this to happen? I sure hope nobody is trying to mess with us. It’s very sad to think that. I’m praying this is wrong.

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Deedee (# 439) --

Deedee I'm not sure if you have seen what I said to Savannah. But I've got to say I've read back over like 7 pages and there's some serious abnormal behavior going on here. I can't remember the persons name that brought up what I think he/she was on to. But I see it. There's someone that has access to multiple devices posing as different names. I also read what the Admin said about having folks come on here using multiple names manipulating the conversation. That and basically talking to themselves under different names. Have you read back over and seen it? You can see how they write their sentences alike. I have severe panic disorder, major depression and PTSD. I'm here trying to find out what I think others are. Information about Mylan. Or a alternative medication to help us. But gees Louise ya know. I don't know who this Wally was but I haven't seen you cause any problems. But the person that brought this up awhile back was in to something because those names stopped posting. Smh .... :(

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Jamie (# 436) --

It must’ve been someone else who used Teva. I’ve only used the Qualitest until they dc’d, then went right to Mylan. One month Leading was filled, I tried for 2 days and felt awful. Watson was given by accident 2 mos ago and that didn’t work either. So now it’s only Mylan until I figure out something else. I was just accused of giving wrong info and could hurt somebody, by name of Wally?? I don’t have time, nor am I sure anyone else here does, to play silly games. That’s absolutely ridiculous. I did read from Twig7, a few days ago that he thinks somebody is pretending to be different people. I would certainly hope any of the people I’ve been able to get helpful info from aren’t just pulling my leg. What possibly could anyone get from lying to people who are seeking help from others in the same situation. Signing up we have one email address and a nickname?? I sure hope he’s wrong. I thought we were all here to help each other since we're all in the same boat with Mylan. My only advice was to try a smaller family-owned pharmacy which I can guarantee worked for me. They are much more willing to work with their patients than the corporate chain pharmacies. Good luck.

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Wally (# 435) --

Wow,I really don’t understand where this is coming from. I’ve never given any incorrect information. I’ve been as honest as I’m hoping everyone else is. We all have enough problems and certainly don’t need more. I’m really offended by this comment and am only relating info that has happened directly with me. How in the world I have given info that could hurt someone, please explain??? I was in the medical field 35 years prior to severe depression, and severe scoliosis which has so far necessitated 3 back surgeries. I don’t play games with people!!

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Savannah (# 437) --

I'm a bit confused here. You just said you got the brand name Ativan on the 22 of May. Question, if you've been on the brand name since then why were you contacting Mylan? If your problems were resolved having the real deal why would you be out here on this thread complaining that you can't get it? Why would you manipulate the conversation like you needed Mylan when in fact you already have brand name from Valeant? What invested interest would cause you to call Mylan for over a month if you were in fact on brand name? I've read back some two months trying to help myself find a brand that will help me. I also seen the post about someone thinking there's one person posing under different names. I clearly can see that as well. I don't know who Wally is. But I have to agree that many of us are not well. And this doesn't help others playing games.

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Re: Gabby (# 417) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry Gabby I didn’t answer this one before. I have never take Ativan before, it’s always been generic lorezepam. When I first started the Ativan on the 22nd of May, I had been in bed sick for over 14 days from the leading brand. I could not function and felt so horrible. Within about 40 mins after taking the first Ativan (Valeant) I felt so relaxed but super out of it. It was so much stronger so strong I could not drive for the first few days of taking it. I was able to cut a pill out of my daily dose because I did not need the amount I had been on even with mylan. I think the only Ativan I had been given was by injection at the hospital years ago. For everyone in here go to the Valeant website. They are in Canada. They have a form you can fill out. If your insurance will not cover it they offer to help the way the form reads. I have missed 3 calls from them so I know they were going to work with me. Since my insurance decided to put me on a diff tier I can pay my 30 dollar co pay. Then I get the brand.

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Re: Deedee (# 433) Expand Referenced Message

You said you did good on Teva? Do they still make it?

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Re: Deedee (# 433) Expand Referenced Message

Every individual is different you shouldn't give out false information it's just not right. If you're not correct on the information then stop giving it out. You could hurt someone.

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Re: Deedee (# 433) Expand Referenced Message

I've had pharmacist in the past that would help me out like that. They've retired way before Mylan decided to pull the plug on many of us. The one I have now is touch and go. I haven't been able to find one as of yet that I have full confidence in. There's a big stigmatism with many pharmacist with benzodiazepines. Just like opiates. Something I'm so thankful I have never had to experience being on. But I don't want to go off topic here. My main concern here is finding a Lorazepam that works.

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