Watson Is Now Actavis Generic Percocet 5/325 What Is Up With This (Page 31)
UpdatedI had been taking 5/325 generic Watson percocet for 4 years. Suddenly I get notified by Walgreens which I have insurance that there is no more Watson brand and I was given generic percocet 5/325 by Actavis. It is not the same at all. It has no pain relief for me. I used to break the watsons in half sometimes and never had a funny taste. I just broke one of the actavis white tablets in half and it immediately tasted like salt or alka seltzer? Has anyone had any issues with this drug too. Also, along with it not working right it has made my GI tract and stomach so ill feeling and cramping. This is not right how can they take away a medicine that someone has been on for 4 years without any problems and tell them to suddenly switch. Would a peson who has been on a certain heart medication for years be told to suddenly switch that he can't get that medicine anymore? I don't think so. I don't know what I am going to do but when it comes time to have my rx re-filled it will not be with Actavis and I will have to pharmacy shop I guess to see if I can find Watson. I am very depressed now and so unhappy I can't believe it.
Jennifer, what ever came of the addicts using the new OxyContin/condone formulas with the deterrent? What were their experiences? It would be interesting to find out. Even more interesting if none of them got good results and those results were ignored. As we know, there seems to be a lot of "turning a blind eye" to such things because they want their drug(s) approved! I don't have much faith in pharmaceutical companies or the FDA anymore! That is very sad but it is how I feel due to experiences! What can we do? Talk to our local politicians and see if we can get somewhere with them? Get an attorney for a legal suit? It just seems like we are stuck. I will wait and see what Actavis is going to do to remedy the situation but I am not going to wait around for years! We need access to decent medications that do the job they were created to do!!! Without that, we basically have nothing!
Hi tracy....told ya! They want a lot number...ur gonna gets lots of calls from them....n godforbid u ask a legit question about the med, theyll tell u another dept will have to answer that question n theyll have em call u....someone will call u, but they wont have an answer, they probably wont b from the dept u were told ur question would go to, and when u ask what dept will have an answer for u, theyll tell u the dept n theyll have them call u...and around n around u will go...each one acting like this is new news to them n how sorry they are that ur experiencing these problems. Then u will get a letter from Actavis telling u without the lot number, there isnt more they can do and maybe it was only the bottle u had and how they strive to deliver quality. ..remember everything I just wrote so u can tell me ur having deajhavough with every call from them, then when u receive the letter...lol. telling ur dr is one I haven't heard from them but then again, our dr's have nothing to do with the formula these companies use. They just wanna pass the buck in hopes to avoid a legal suit. Only one person from Actavis told me they were getting alot of the same calls.....but she had no answers.....I had to tell her what the company she works for had up on their website under their news n reports. Told her she should know whats on their site especially since she deals with customer service n didnt have one answer to the many questions I asked her that I already knew the answers for cause I read them on the actavis web page n she should forward her paycheck n call backs to me since I knew more than she could handle. I was pissed with all the I dont know replies n it set me off on them.
What ive come to see is these pharmaceutical companies are billion dollar companies n in order for them to b concerned n make a move, u would have to hit them with a loss in the triple digit millions or even billions. And that would have to be done throughout the world in all their markets cause its not just us here in North America that keeps the shareholders pockets full, we're just a small dent. Thats y in all this time, with all the calls n complaints. ...n its more than the 50 u posted.....its gotta b in the thousands....prob more! I know ive seen hundreds throughout this year on all diff sites....maybe more. Im definitely not a conspiracy theorist. ...never researched about anything in my life as much as I have since this crap hit the fan, but I must admit I feel like Munch from SVU in this post. These pharmaceuticals dont think about our issues cause one way or another, they know pm patients not only need, but depend on these meds to have a puny ounce of a normal life.....as far as the abuse deterrent. ....they dont care about the losers who abuse their meds n make it harder for us...think about it.....they make the deterrent to appease the ones advocating for something to b done because they lost loved ones due to pill abuse, to appease the FDA who has to deal with the bs of abuse all the while lining the big wigs pockets in the FDA n so forth with a hefty dollar amount cause either way, 1- we will still be using one pain med or another...2-the ones who abuse meds that now have deterrents, turn to H which is cheaper n easier to get ahold of n who makes, creates, distributes H in some form or another in one way or another?
The pharmaceuticals labs! They make their billions through the pharmaceutical distribution n the streets so they dont care about deterrents, abuse, side effects, or how effective these meds are.....theyre gonna get our money from one side or another! Think about it. And all these doctors play dumb cause what if we went n made our complaints everywhere n said, "my dr told me this n my doctor said that, my dr, my dr....", it would literally b us painting a target on their practice and the backlash could ruin them! I was so eager n gun hoe in the beginning like u....pushing everyone to call everywhere....but as time went by, it didnt make a difference and the more u push the subject to ur dr or pharmacy, the more risk u take being accused of drug seeking behavior n chance ur dr dismissing u cause he doesnt want to chance any reprecussions. ...soooo, needless to say, reality has set in with me almost a yr from the day it started! If this is not a "Munch" post, then I dont what is! Lol. I just hope I made sense to u all n the pieces put together bring the same clarity to u that i now have!
Tracy.....the pills can still b broken....split in half when takin the med but the way it breaks down in our bodies n absorbed is where the deterrent comes into play. Here is the link to an article talking about the results of the deterrent added to meds n how it led users to H... nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc1204141 .....its quite interesting!
At the bottom of the article, click on the citings tab n see where u can find so much more info on the topics.....check out #21.... interesting huh? I only read the citings titles but intend on reading the articles that apply in the citings!
Lol, Jennifer! Oh, they asked for the lot number alright but I didn't have it so they asked for my pharmacy phone number....I gave it completely willingly! I am so sick right now...literally not just sick of their BS...LOL.....anyway, have appt with my doc on the 19th but I need to call tomorrow. My stomach and intestines feel like they are going to blow out mt throat! ( sorry anyone who doesn't like that talk.....I'm a nurse, gruesome doesn't bother me!) I will NEVER EVER take another drug from this company! I don't freaking care if it's a sugar pill! Something will be wrong with that too! I haven't taken that Percocet in a few days and it is still causing problems! I feel like I have a boulder in my stomach and it keeps expanding! I can't lay down cuz things seem to find their way back up! I'm worried about a blockage caused by this crap! ( no pun intended.....lol). I already told 2 people at Actavis that this is not a batch problem but a formula problem because at least 50 people scattered across the US are having the same problems. She ACTUALLY said to me, well, I'm not a medical professional so I can't say. I said, "guess what! I AM a medical professional and I CAN say!!!" They can try play with me but they don't know me.....I'm freaking relentless and I'm not stupid like they like to think! None of us are! Hey, I have been fighting work comp for over 13 years and haven't quit yet!! Lol......I'm not easily intimidated or brushed off. I CAN be someone's nightmare! Oh, I'm not threatening either......that is a solid promise! :) how do you like me now, right??? Lol. PS.....not how do YOU like me now.....I meant them....haha. I have to start laughing or I'll just cry I hurt so bad! De ja vu is right.....I will remember you! Jennifer! Lol
Jennifer, I was being very conservative when I mentioned 50 people. I know it is far more than that, those are just the ones I've read complaints from!
Hey, I would have loved to have been a fly on their wall when you told them to send you their pay checks! You should have heard the deafening silence when I told her, " guess what? I AM A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL!" Freaking priceless! You must find out who you are talking to before saying something that could ( and did ) backfire! Lol
Tracy....I understood ya! Im a new yorker so I get it! Bold, straight forward, no sugar coating here. .....and I dont open my mouth unless im aware of what im talking about! And my patience for stupidy or trying to get one by me was lost long ago! Its funny, there were 2 other tracys on this site looong ago and at the time, they were regular checkins.....if either r u are reading this, hope ur doing well! Let us know! anyway.....have u checked out the link I posted? Is anyone still here besides myself n tracy? Lol
Hmmm.....I think it turned into the Jennifer and Tracy show! Lol. I hear ya.....I have very little patience for stupidity. Misunderstanding or not understanding is one thing but, plain old stupidity.....drives me nuts. I'm talking more of what you see come out of someone with no common sense! Of course, no one would ever think I thought that if they were on the phone with me or standing in front of me......well, I guess it depends on who it is...LOL. But, I would never do it to a patient/patients family and THAT can be extremely difficult!
Hey, my pharmacist called me last night and he told me, over the phone of course, what they carried in generics, etc, etc. You know, everything we all have been talking about. Anyway, I had him put in my chart, my husbands and my 70 year old mothers' chart ABSOLUTELY NO ACTAVIS BRAND MEDS! I don't care what the med is. He also said Actavis is charging, his cost, 3 times more than anyone else that he stocks and something does not seem right at all there! Next, and I'm saying this for everyone's benefit, he wished people would ask questions like I do. And that I always ask damn good questions. Well, I research and read a lot! Nursing is what I enjoy and pharmaceuticals are a part of that. It interests me like a fictional novel interests most! I posted, on another thread, to everyone & I will say it here.....YOU HAVE TO BE IN CONTROL/BE THE HEAD OF YOUR OWN MEDICAL CARE. ASK QUESTIONS....TRULY ASK. IMHO, THE ONLY STUPID QUESTION IS THE ONE NOT ASKED. IE: WHEN A DOC CHANGES A PRESCRIPTION HE/SHE IS NOT ALWAYS GOOD AT TELLING PATIENTS TO STOP THE MED THE NEW ONE IS SUPPOSE TO REPLACE. I HAVE HAD MANY, ESPECIALLY ELDERLY, PATIENTS HAVE SEVERE ADVERSE REACTIONS BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T STOP A MED...JUST ADDED ONE. QUESTIONS MUST BE ASKED AND DON'T LET ANYONES ATTITUDE DETER YOU FROM ASKING! IT IS THEIR JOB.....WE CANNOT READ YOUR MIND!
anyway, I never heard back from Actavis after the lady told me another department would be calling me about refunding my $218 I spent on the actacrap! Oh my, WHY would they want to discuss that, right? Some people! I do not foresee a quick fix to the med problem. It took them b/t 5-7 years to fix the Wellbutrin XL 300 MG that some BiPolar and severely depressed people commit suicide because the meds "no longer worked" and they had had enough. The FDA approved the Wellbutrin XL300 based SOLELY on the analysis of the 150mg XL saying that since the 150's worked so would the 300's. EVERY med is suppose to be tested against the brand...doesn't matter if it's just a different MG! Oh, what did the FDA say about this, you ask? "We don't know how we approved that without it being tested!" Something to that effect. UN-FREAKING-BELIEVABLE!!! I read all this on The People's Pharmacy website.
Ive read some things on the peoples pharmacy site a few times as it came up in my searches. .....just like I wrote below in my "Munch" moment.....theyre not gonna do anything. .....we're a small crumb in their bakery. U seem to hv a pharmacist that builds relationships with his patients. ...my actual pharmacist is a miserable bastard who would rather not b bothered....but the firmer pharmacist who worked at my pharmacy was transferred to another location in my town and promoted to manager of the pharmacy there, well, he was awesome! Is awesome! Friendly, upbeat, helpful....blah blah, blah. ...hes the one who helped me originally with the endocet and every time I hv questions ir need to know something. ..I go to him and know hes gonna help.....but alot of the people here hv pharmacists that are aholes and not easy to talk to and if u try to talk to them, they treat u like an abuser instead of a pain patient trying to manage your pain in the best way possible. So sometimes, it best some of these people dont ask too many questions. ...and those who can and cant know who they are.
Omg, I love reading all these posts! We are not confused. They have deliberately changed pain medications to stop drug abuse on the streets!! Those we truly need pain relief are screwed! I don't know how this can be legal. Someone needs to take a serious evaluation of this nightmare!! I complained to Endocet manufacturer, Qualitest. The Endocet 10/325's in Colorado are AWFUL!! They don't work for pain, and make you deathly tired! I will never get them again!
As all of the posts have indicated, Actavis Percocet bites. I have had a few abdominal surgeries, including a c-section recovery, lapro gall bladder and last summer, had to have my 6-pack muscles pulled back and cinched into place. My Dr. ALWAYS prescribes Percocet for my pain. It works like no other meds do. Morphine, hydrocodone and Tramadol don't work for me at all. But the oxy type meds do the trick. I didn't have a care in the world about brand, until recently. I am 7 months post op and I take a muscle relaxer that also acts as a partial pain med. However, during certain times of my school year, like when I am on my feet 20 hours a day, my muscles are so tight and painful, I get the occasional Percocet prescription. My family practice Dr. was in Germany for a month and I couldn't get into my clinic with anyone else for 2 weeks, so I had no choice but to bite it an go to Urgent Care. They prescribed me a small dose of Percocet. I took my script, went to the all night Walgreens and left with my 7.5/325 Percs. Took one, along with my muscle relaxer and went to bed. I didn't sleep all night. I got up, and took another................still no sleep. I got up, went about my day and took one more..................nothing. I finally decided these Percocets were NOT doing their job. Surprise, Surprise..............Activis 7.5/325. I did know that Activis had bought out Watson, because my muscle relaxers are Watson. Thank God they still work well. So, I went back to the pharmacy and they of course, told me there was nothing they could do and I would have to go back to the dr and get a different prescription if I wanted something different. Which meant back to Urgent Care, right? 2 nights in a row, sitting in the ER, the second just to get the dang prescription changed. It all worked out well, the Dr., (a different one from the night before) said that he knows that this happens with generics. He asked if I had the Activis with me, I handed it over and they dispensed of it. He then called in to the in house Pharmacy (along with the paper I needed to pick it up) just pure oxycodone. Worked like a charm. So, you are not all crazy! Activis Percocet sucks. A couple of words of help: 1) Walgreens orders as a complete unit, so ALL Walgreens have the SAME brands of whatever drug. This was verified by the Walgreen's pharmacist when I first went there to complain. 2) I don't get my prescriptions from Target, but from what I read on the internet, they usually carry different brand names than Walgreens. 3) IF you live far enough North where you might be able to get to a Shopko, their pharmacy will order you in a different brand name and they will get it overnight. This is straight from the Shopko pharmacist's mouth. 4) if you have to get your script changed, and you are covered by insurance and co-pay, if your Dr. prescribes the exact drug for replacement (and you with hopes of getting a different brand at a different pharmacy), your insurance company may not pay for that SAME prescription, since you just had it filled and you probably got a months supply, right? So, if you go the route I went and went from Percocet to just Oxycodone, no problem. They aren't the same thing, so the insurance company paid. Plus the paperwork from the hospital clearly stated that I forfeited my crappy Activis and would be picking up the Oxycodone from the hospital pharmacy. Hope that helps.
Has anyone found a pecocet 10-325 that works yet? I seem to only have a choice between Amneal and actavis. I used to get endocet which I liked but no one has it anymore. I have chronic pain and am so tired of purchasing meds that don't work!!
Oh my God it has gotten so crazy in Michigan that the doctors need to run a MAPS query on you before you can get any sort of pain medication. Both my PCP and neurologist will no longer prescribe pain meds due to a surgery I had last month to repair a broken ankle. My ortho prescribed percocet which was s***ty activis and now I am black balled and can not get my pain meds filled which I need for severe back pain caused by arthritis herniated discs scoliosis etc. The pain goes all the way down my right leg. They say that sense I had one doc prescribing pain meds which was temporary that they can not give me my pain meds I have been getting for several years. I don't know what to do, I went to a pain clinic and was told they only do steroid inj's. which I have had done 6 times with no relief. I am in tears is it like this in other states or is our state which have threatened to arrest doctors for prescribing too many pain meds so I can't blame them, this has really gotten out of hand when people in pain can't get any help because the government has gotten in our medical records. Does anyone have any suggestions. Thank you so much
God n I thought NJ was bad. Every time u get a rx for pain meds, the state is informed. If u get an rx from a dr other then the 1st 1, even if u changed drs, the pharmacist calls both of them. At least the a**hole at our local chain store (its 2 words) my husband just turned 70, he has a rare disorder that is not treatable except w/ pain meds. He was not dr shopping. He changed drs cuz he went to 5 drs over 3 yrs. He finally was given a referral to a wonderful, kind n CARING pain dr. He prescribed something hubby never had before. 15 mg of oxycontin w/o tylenol. He was the 1st dr not intimidated.
NJ is 1 of the 3 most strict states for pain meds. Evidently urs is another. It took almost 3 yrs to get proper meds. We were finally able to c a neuropsyologist (?). He was diagnosed with small nerve fiber idiopathic neuropathy. Dr said in her career, shes only had 3 other patients with it. She is at. Jefferson neuroligical specialty hospital in philly. The jacka** pharmscist gave hubby a hard time. I called the H Q of the pharmacy n explained things. Totally
The next day the chain pharmacy mgr called. also told us they were out n would not have any for a week as they were out. the mgr spoke with me as i filed complaint n then hubby. Amazing when u tell them u r contacting ur elected officials n filing a complaint how apologetic they r n do the right thing. The store mgr was instructed to order the pills n always have them in stock. So, it took approx. 3 yrs to get the meds he so desperately needed. So, dont give up. Make calls, contact ur senators n dont give up. Best of luck to you!
Rammstein fan.....if u go back to the dr who did ur surgery for ur ankle and give him ur actavis back, he wont write u a new script? I dont understand why the drs uve been seeing for ur meds for ur back wont continue to treat u? If u gave them ur actavis back, they wont write u a new script? Youve been on this thread for awhile now....u should know when u go to a pharmacy, ask what manufacturer they use for the med ur filling.....so ur not stuck with the Actavis after its too late.
JB, alot of us here have been taking endocet and they have worked better than anything else out there at the moment. Endocet is generic Percocet. I have wrote this before....there are 4 Walgreen s in my town....two of them will special order them for me, the others wont. So before ur script is due to be filled, you need to physically go into the walgreens and ask them if they have endocet....if not, will they order it for u so they will have it when u bring ur script in. If they say no....go to another walgreens. .....keep trying till u find one that will. Unless ur in their system, they wont answer u honestly over the phone so u have to go into the pharmacy. Also, some people say CVS will order them for u as well so u can go there n try them as well. Good luck!
Hi Jennifer, it was my fault. I have my prescriptions filled at walgreens except my pain meds which I have been getting at Shopco which carry Mals which work better for me. I had my husband take my script to be filled and he did not hear me when I told him to go to Shopko and went to walgreens so I got activis. You would not believe the people in Michigan that are unable to get the pain meds filled due to the strict enforcement on the new drug laws. If you go to the ER for pain they will not give you any meds, doctors are refusing to refill any pain meds for fear the may be prosecuted. It is crazy I am about ready to move to a different state. Thanks for your advice. Diane
The worse pain meds out there its like tylon sucks heArt hurtin in sever pain.need to recall thus junk activis.guess they will when someone sews em.what happened to the watson percet.the qualafast was workin niw cant get them.there just throwin junk around.
Find urself a reputable pain dr. Be able to back up ur health problems with test results, mri, ct scans. My husband had a prob. And since we did the above plus having his primary dr. Call plus write a letter, it worked. Qualitest stinks. Had an uphill battle at drug store but they ordered in actavis. We live in NJ which is 1 of the 3 most difficult states to get pain meds
Luvjazz, Thanks for the advice. I have recent MRIs, and xrays and it shows my back is a mess. I have been to two pain clinics at the advice of my pcp and was told we don't do meds that they would schedule me for the steroid inj's. which I told them they do not work. I have one more pain clinic near me that I am hopefully going to get a referral and pray they give meds. These places make you feel like a junkie and I am tired of being talked down to. I have a few actavis left from my surgery on my ankle and when they are gone I am s*** out of luck. I am in a panic because the pain is excruciating.
Luvjazz n rammstein.....the Actavis work for you? This whole thread and many many others are all about how horrible Actavis is.....doesnt give us any pain relief and has given us many horrible side effects....ur last comments read as if u want them n theyre working for u which is a first!
KAROL.....if u read through this thread, youll learn what happened to the infamous Watson's that worked wonders for all our pain. Also...I know theres alit of pages, but if u can, read through this entire thread from post number 1 till the end....you will learn so much u never knew and will find interesting. Best of all, youll be well informed and the more you know about your meds, the better! I always advise everyone who comes on this thread to read through it all. When ur a pain management patient, knowledge is ur power and as a responsible pain management patient , you should know as much as u can n I find this thread to be the most informative thread amongst them all on the topic area
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