Viibryd Side Effects (Page 18)


What if any side effects are people experiencing on viibryd

613 Replies (31 Pages)

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Im still having issues with horrible aches....5 months later. This drug needs yo be taken off the market. Plain and simple.

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I had positive energy results from Viibryd for a few months, and then it lost its effectiveness for me. No long term side effects and it was easy to quit. The depression came back along with the apathy and lack of energy (desire) to do anything. Just based on your short message, you might research and then talk to your doctor about Concerta. There are more and more doctors willing to give these ADHD meds a try when nothing else is working. It has improved my energy but also completely alleviated the depression. I'm getting no negative side effects. Crossing my fingers it will keep working. Good luck.

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I agree, it's the worst I've ever felt in my life.

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I have been off of it now for 3 months and I am still having inflammation in some of my joints.... Do you think eventually we will be free of this joint pain? I am still taking prednisone for the inflammation (20mg) and it helps some. When I try to come off of the steroids it really flares up! This is the oddest most frustrating thing I have ever experienced! No answers to any of this as no one knows! And well the pharm co will not give any info at all!!
Everyone that has had problems with this medication please report it!!! We need this off the market!

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Thank You Dave!!! That was what I needed to hear. I felt so happy with the energy. But now will the tiredness I really don't feel any different than I did before I started the meds...kind of back to square one. UGH! I will definitely speak with my doctor about the med you mentioned. I was hoping someone could give me a suggestion. You're awesome!

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my vision is all f-d up- I was on for 3 weeks- off for two and I can't see normal- no one can help me- it's a nightmare

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I am still only on the starter pack but once I started to take the 20mg dose, I began having severe pains in my knees, ankles, hands and feet. I had alot if trouble sleeping because Of the severe pain. This kept occurring every night I took the medicine. Even with Advil, the joint pain was severe. I am now titrating back off if it because my depression was actually better than this awful pain.

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About the 10th anti-dep Iam taking. Getting sides effects like confusion, unsteady on feet, forgetting things, more depressed. I'd say this one goes in the NOT pile.

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I've been on this drug several months and the longer I 'm on it the worse all the symptoms get! Last night I dreampt all night and I am worn out! I too wake up seeing dark figures moving around in our bedroom. Then they stop and stare at me. I have the aching joints. Feel like I am developing arthritis. I have constant diarreha. I shock myself at the degree of anger I am capable of! Not my normal demeanor at all! Experiencing paranoia. My memory is deteriorating at an alarming rate! My mouth tastes like it does when you have bad breath all the time. When I don't take it on time in the morning I start yawning and can barely stay awake. Then if I take it later I can't sleep at night. If I don't take it I have very detailed emotional dreams. If I wake up and go back to sleep they start right where I left off. I have wakened my husband kicking my feet on the mattress or making enough noise to wake him up. I am right back where I started as far as the depression and anxiety goes plus I now have all these other things wrong. I feel like it is disconnecting me from my old self. It started off with a bang-I thought I'd found the best solution to my problems with depression. Almost felt like taking Speed. I should have known better-it was too good to be true! I will be calling my doctor tomorrow to get off this drug! Thank you all for sharing your experiences! I thought I was going crazy and you all validated it was this 'devil' drug!

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I have been on VII for about 2 weeks and the same stuff is happening to me. I am also having some joint stiffness in my knees but not anywhere else. My doc did tell me to only do 20 mg daily, not to go up to the 40 mg tab.

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stop taking it now!

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I've starting taking Viibryd in Aug 2013, after being on 40 mg. Celexa for a few years. I started with the starter packs until leveled at 40 a day. Wow, I hated it! Cold turkey'd it two weeks ago with nearly zero withdrawl. Can actually say that this is the first time in 20 years I haven't been on a antidepressant. My hope is to stay this way.

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I've been on Viibryd since September. I started slowly, 10mg, 2 weeks later, 15 mg, and so on up to 20 mg. I have never in my life experienced such bad side effects from a drug, headaches, nausea, increased anxiety, dry mouth, tingling in tongue and lips, numbness in face, bad dreams, insomnia. After three months of giving this mediation a try that was suppose to be so wonderful, I have finally gradually tapered off and today took my last 5 mg. I'm hoping that the coming week is not awful with any withdrawals. My doctor decided he didn't want to put me on anything new/different right now(though I have tried pretty much everything). I looked at him like he was crazy. I've only been on antidepressant/anti-anxiety meds for 12 years. I'm not sure what he's thinking but I'm going to trust him for now. In the meantime, he told me to take Xanax if I'm feeling anxious though I am concerned of getting addicted to this medicine. Bottom line, I wouldn't recommend Viibryd to anyone and wonder why so my doctors are prescribing it as I have found very few people with positive results.

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Well I have been off Viibryd for almost a year now, I am still having muscle pains everywhere, and headpains. I don't know if it will ever go away, I am beginning to think it isn't going to get better. Getting out of bed and can't hardly walk, ankles hurt wrist hurt fingers and etc...... Don't take this poison! Stop taking it. Your doc won't believe you , but they don't know everything, they are only human.

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Off of Viibyrd x 3 weeks. I gained 20lbs on this drug.
The joint pain is unbelievable- I'm walking around like I'm 90.

Does anyone know how long this will last?

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How long did it take you to put on the weight? My daughter also takes it (weaning off) and gained a lot of weight.

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2-3 months

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I took viibryd for nine days i have been off it for 10 monthes i am still feeling sever side effects i went to neurologist and was diagnosed with sever sensory myoclonis. The side effects your feeling could very possibly be permanent.

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Thank you for sharing i took vii for nine days 1 week of seven at 10 mg felt RLS then i took 20 mg on day 8 noticed more muscle pain.. day 9 i took 20 mg experienced sever muscle lock of all muscles even jaw lasted ten min...stop taking its been . Talked to.a.doc they said good you stoped taken it. I made a nero app and found out vii gave me severe permanent side effect is. sensory myoclonis and it a cronic disease and now MS is setting in...i have read many discussion forums.and no body as it as severe as i do..

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I have now had my side effects for 6 months after being off the med. Its horrific. Some people have no problems, however.

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