Viibryd Reviews (Page 48)


Going to start it tomorrow. Anyone else taking it, and if so, how do you like it?


1053 Replies (53 Pages)

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I have been on it a week 20 Mgs did u notice any benefit at that point or not until 3 weeks please let me know did u feel better one day or was it gradual

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20 mgs. isn't a lot, IMO. After I was able to wean off Vii due to the SP, the Dr's began announcing that maybe 40 mgs. was too much Vii. But I nearly laughed at that, because I remembered how I didn't feel good even on the 30 mg. Maybe it's because Vii isn't a long acting med, that until you get to their highest dose, then you feel better. Again, IMO, (ask your Dr. 1st) I'd be increasing my dose w/ just days in between to feel better. I've never read of anyone feeling so awful after a week+ of Vii. What AD did you come off of? You need to see your Dr. and probably add Wellbutrin (mentioned that b4, on another forum?). But I can't promise you that you won't have sleep paralysis (SP) on Vii.

Lastly, all Vii did for me was make me feel content w/ winter weather (didn't care) & erase all PMS. I think it's the most screwed up of all AD's & it works by making you feel so normal that you almost cannot believe that you are on an AD....and then the demons came to get me at night. It wasnt until I was weaning from the nighttime night terrors & SP that everything went wrong on the med during the day. It has a horrible track record for brain explosions & auditory hallucinations.


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Theresa, you are very obsessed to hear what you want to hear. Just relax and try to let the vii work for you. I was on it for 15 months. From 20 to 40 to 30 to 20 to 40. Then weaned off over a week and went on Paxil. On vii I had loose stools daily for the entire year plus. Anxiety would come for 6 weeks at a time. I lost 10 pounds because I couldn't eat from the anxiety. That's when I went back up to 40. I was ok for 3 months the came the 2 month bout with anxiety. This time I lost 15 pounds. I was 135# to start with so I couldn't afford to lose any more weight. I have been on Paxil now for 4 months. Feel great. Back up to 130# and no anxiety what so ever. I am losing my job in 30 days and it doesn't phase me. I am so confident that I will get another good job that if not for the Paxil, I would be so sick with anxiety and ponder how others attempt suicide because the sick feeling never goes away. I would never attempt it myself but do understand how others that are weak could do it. Paxil helps me for my anxiety condition and minor depression. Effexor made me vomit.

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Theresa, in reply to your question about when and how much improvement: 10 mg did zero to improve affect. At 20 mg for about a week, one day I noticed that I just felt OK, no suicidal stuff. For a while, that was on-again, off-again. At 30 mg, I can't say much because of the pain meds. I can assure you, however, that I have had NO issues with "sleep paralysis" or nightmares. So, it may be true that what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, but some of us are ducks.

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So would I say it helped u are u on it yet

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@Theresa -- my relief was gradual, and it took about 10 days to stop feeling spacey and down all the time. I haven't experienced any of the nightmares others on this thread have mentioned, so I just may be one of the lucky ones who respond well to Vii. But remember, I was experiencing a lot of day time anxiety and that's why my doc added Bus to the mix.

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Hi I'm not feeling awful because of the viibryd I have been feeling awful because no med I have tried has worked for my severe anxiety depression extreme fears etc. my hope is that viibryd might work but like alot of other meds there are some horrible experiences I know everyone is different I just wish something would help already. No med has lifted my mood or helped my anxiety

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So sorry to hear that you are not feeling better. And yes, I understand that the Vii isn't working (yet?) Have you googled how long it takes? Meds work immed. for me...& I have a high tolerance. Something doesn't sound right w/ your situation. I don't mean to offend you in any way, as this is just something that was brought up in another post, but something about bipolar individuals unable to take SSRI's or SNRI's? And having dealt w/ anxiety for years, I've never expected to get total relief from an AD & never have. So IMO, it sounds like you are feeling awful more from anxiety. Can you get yourself to the ER? NO ONE should have to experience so much heartache for days on end. And I believe that you are struggling & feel your pain. So please get yourself some assistance. You might just need a script of Ativan or Xanax to help you work up to 40 mg. of Vii. and then try weaning back down from the Benzo's. Because IMO, until that anxiety is dealt with, your mind & body won't be able to achieve relief from depression. HTH! ;)

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Thx I actually have a script for xanax have tried all the benzos don't help believe it or not doctors just keep trying different meds hoping

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R u still on viibryd

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ADe how are you doing on the viibryd yet

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Chuck are you still on viibryd

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You mentioned that you don't feel relief from Xanax or other Benzo's & that your Dr. is trying to find a med. that helps you. Your situation is complex & you need to talk to your Dr. on Mon.

I am responding a lot because myself & others (few to hundreds?) get an email every time you post.

So if you're posting "is the med working" (?) daily on each Viibryd forum on this site, then hundreds of people are getting multiple emails daily from you with the same message from you.

My suggestion is to post with your story & be patient for a reply. It's a tough ? to answer when you aren't sharing much about your situation. We want to help you.

Have you heard from the moderator w/ a similar response? Hope you feel better soon. I know you are fighting anxiety. I know how it feels. Hugs!

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Hi Theresa,

Thanks for asking. Yes, I am still on the Viibryd. I believe I am around Day 24'ish right now. Here's the thing though, I wanted to make sure my body was totally used to the 10mg before going up so I have only been on the 20mg for three days now. So, I guess I did three weeks at 10mg. I can tell that it is working but I'm not out of the woods yet. The despair is gone but my motivation to do stuff isn't really back yet. I'm just kind of "okay" I guess. I hope this helps :). Keep on truckin'. We can do this!

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Did you just wake up feeling better one day? I have no idea what to expect because no med has provided me any relief ever in the two years I'm dealing with this this is for ADe

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Sorry but how bad were you before starting the viibryd had you been on other meds before this do you have depression anxiety ? For ADe

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Hi Theresa,

I was on Effexor for just shy of 10 years, but came off of it about 6 months ago. I was doing okay for a little while, but then decided that I would be better if I was on something. I originally wanted to go to Pristiq because of it's similarities to Effexor, but heard about this new Viibryd drug. I'm still not sure if I am totally sold on it. It keeps the despair away like I said before, but I have been really cloudy minded because of it. Also, there is a heightened amount of irritability that I am not used too. I am now currently going between 10mg and 20mg per day. It is going on four weeks now. Hope this helps :)

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I had problems with the 10, twenty and now forty mg. dose of vibriibryd. I was on of wellbutrin and low dose lexapro, but I was tired all of the time so my doctor switched me to this. I had the vivid dreaming right away, but he said it could be an interaction with the wellbutrin. (Lexapro removed at beginning) And that I should go to the 40 mg. for maximum effect. My dreaming is out of control. I do not feel any better with the depression, with the notation that I am getting depressed more because of the reaction to the viibryd. I'm afraid to go to sleep. Not scary nightmares, just vivid dreaming that you remember every detail, and the dreams repeat. Head drenched in sweat every night, hot all day, overeating, b****y, itchy, swoolen right eye, feeling like I want to self-medicate, and sloth. In comparision to this, I think I was doing fine on the Wellbutrin and Lexapro. this was supposed to give you more energy. My nights are hellish. I have tried everything, and now I don't feel I have any new drug to try. I just know I can't stay on this one. Never had psychological and physical side-effects like this before. I have a call into the doctor, but I feel like he is making excuses to keep me on it. It's been months of the nightmares, even with the beginning term mg. dose and now that I am on 40 mg. I can't stand it anymore. I am exhausted from sleeping if that makes any sense. He is going to call me at one o'clock. I am pouring sugar down my throat as well. (not literally, but.........) I never complain about anything by the way. I heard the withdrawls from this med are bad? Anybody know? I am so glad I gogled Vibriiyad and vivid dreaming because I thought I was losing my damn mind. Have been on 40 mg. of Vibriiyad for one month with no other meds.

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I have gained twenty pounds. Which in of itself is depressing the hell out of me.

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Just wanted to mention also read the Viibryd & Sleep Paralysis forum. A couple new posts saying same as you.

My suggestion is to forget about weaning slowly, but try to work down to 20 mg. while taking up to 4 (.25) Xanax if nec. (My drs orders) Then on the 1st nite w/o Vii, take 20 mg. of Prozac. :) You will no longer have any SP. Continue on Prozac until you think you want to continue or switch to something else.

I've discovered that Cymbalta is purified Vii. :) it's wonderful!!!!! And works so much better for anxiety. Some wt. gain though...w/ any AD. Adding in 150 of Wellbutrin due to Cym. making me sleep...& sleep (much needed rest though!) & I've weaned down to maybe 20 mg. of Cymbalta. (My own creative dumping out (& saving) beacs from capsule) I like the smaller dose of Cymbalta. Seems to work better, so I still feel in touch w/ my children, instead of not feeling interested in anything (when at 60 mg).

:) HTH!

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