Viibryd Reviews (Page 34)


Going to start it tomorrow. Anyone else taking it, and if so, how do you like it?


1053 Replies (53 Pages)

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You sound alot like me. So whats your story if you don't mind sharing. You can email me at xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy}

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Ask your shrink why you were on Celexa that was invented in 1989 and the patent expired in 2003. Forest Labs sells Lexapro, which is the current current updated version of Celexa, where there was some changes in the formulation with Lexapro.

Most people I know went to newer Lexapro rather than old Celexa.

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Just curious if by story you mean history. I will assume that you mean the latter. I am a psychologist (which is why I use the word 'history' I guess) with a long history of familial depression...lots of self medication in my mom's generation. I started on Prozac, went to Luvox and then on to Effexor. I seem to plateau on them all and have to move on. I had to stop working due to pain from an accident. I tried Cymbalta but it just made me lazy and fat...although I didn't care that much, which may have been a good thing. I went on to Celexa which I felt great on but it stopped working after I maxed out the dose. My doc said that this drug lowered anxiety somewhat. I have found that I am starting to be creative again and I am setting up my art studio which I have been talking about for years. Last week I had a setback. At 40 I started to feel as if I had a Meth Amphetamine IV. I am titrating back to 20 a day. I still take 300 Welbutrin SL because physical energy is a problem. I can spend entire days in bed due to chronic fatigue, depression and pain meds.
This creativity is a new and very happy side effect. I had been going to classes but just could not get myself together to put a studio up and organize it (along with many other things most people enjoy). It still feels like a lot of life that other people take for granted is work for me. I just don't have a lot of energy. This is made more complex by the fact that I have had cancer (chemo and radiation) as well as fibromyalgia for 20 years. I think that the Welbutrin gives me some momentum I would not otherwise have, but it does not take much to knock me over.
My doc said that Viibryd will diminish anxiety, which would be a blessing, but that would be at a lower dose. I thought that someone had slipped me a speedball last week! I have been a nasty shrew to anyone unlucky enough to cross my path...almost like the bipolar patients I used to treat. They could pick a fight over anything!
So where exactly did you end up on your dosage?

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Joe, you are absolutely right. It was Lexapro, not Celexa, which I understand tends to put on weight and kind of slow you down. Just goes to show how SSRIs wreck memory! As for another writer who quit the Viibryd, I just wanted to say that I had the same euphoric experience at first in terms of finally feeling creative again, but two months has made me feel like a strung out meth addict. Backing off to half the dose seems to have made all the difference.
Thanks Joe for noticing my error.

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Regarding the use of xanax to manage anxiety, there was not enough Klonapin in the world when I started speeding on this stuff! I should have been forced to live among wolves. I have lots of amends to make. People were shocked that sweet little me could be such a shrew. No one could do anything right! I would cut back the dose. Ultimately Viibryd is thought to lower anxiety somewhat, which made it really attractive to me...aside from the fact that I had run out of SSRIs.

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So drbeth do u take Xanax? I have never taken Klonopin ... I don't want something for all day... I take my Xanax when I need it...

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I used to take Xanax for panic attacks but ended up with Klonapin for sleep. It is the drug of choice for chronic fatigue to enhance sleep. You really can't take them both.
Sounds like you only need brief coverage so it is the perfect drug for you. You can't let anxiety get away from you. It really needs to be managed quickly so you don't connect your anxiety to the situations you are in when you experience driving your car. Not good. I think you have a wise doctor in terms of using that drug.

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I would agree that Klonopin is superior for sleep, because it is a longer acting agent, taking longer for the drug to be metabolized out of the system. I generally find that I can cut in half a .5 mg Klonopin and use it for more improved sleep. But, for a true elevated anxiety attack, generally xanax can be very useful to hit it fast and in a short acting way and get out of the system faster if that is important.
Klonopin can be good for a panic attack, but, usually one may need to take 1-2mg to get the results.
I have personally found that Vii is working very well to control GAD which is basically my main problem. It has been proven to be calming and somehow manages to stop an over active, busy brain and thinking process. It helps to control ruminating, or fears, or negative thoughts.

As for needing pain meds, that can be a complicating factor in dealing with depression. Central nervous sysem suppressants like Vicodin and others can be moderating the SSRIs.

I am somewhat intrigued on what is going on in Colorado for the proliferation of Marijuan sale stores for prescriptive marijuana use.

Watch last Sunday's CBS 60 minutes on your computer, about how people are finding good relief supposedly for chronic pain by resorting to marijuana. I have no need for it, but, it is seemingly becoming more popular and more doctors are willing to go along with its use, if not maybe even for trial testing. Of course, it presents the issue of dependency too.

One thing that is very interesting about depression, is that people that are into big time heavy duty exercising, where they really almost exhaust themselves, have a very low incidence of depression problems. The research is indicating that it is the most effective ways to treat depression or to avoid getting it. You exercise until you drop basically, with a lot of sweat. This can be like running a mile or two or longer for some people, or a good zumba or gym workout. There is some correlation that if you can break a sweat, it is extremely healthy and beneficial for improved brain chemistry.

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I have taken many diferent antidepresants over a 30 year peroid. Beware of Viibryd!!!!! I have had blurred vision.dexlexia,head achs,abdominal swelling,just to name few.oh,and my anziety....its magnafied! Please,be safe... From,Ky.

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Kolopin is known to cause depression. In fact, all benzos can cause depression!! Therefore, I do not understand why doctors prescribe them to people who are suffering from depression!

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I was on Viibryd for over a year and had no bad side affects. It worked well for me. No hair loss.

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Any Benzodiazepine (Xanax, Klonapin) is prescribed to manage anxiety and panic attacks. The newer benzos really have minimal depression, if any, as a side effect. If anything, they can help people focus because their anxiety is reduced. Valium was very depressing. Many drugs have depression as a side effect, including opiates. That is why your doctor always has to choose the smallest amount of a drug that will alleviate symptoms without causing side effects. Actually those are effects of the drug but big pharma has us calling them side effects because they consider the "effect" to be anxiety reduction. Speeding, impulsiveness, rashes and suicidal feelings are "side effects" of most anti depressants but that does not stop people from taking them.

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Depressive action is not much of a risk when taking Klonopin or Xanax in low or mild doses, particularly if taken only as needed. When there is excess anxiety and hyperness, these two can work to settle and calm down that action with putting people into a greater depression. Untreated chronic anxiety often leads to depressive reactions, because people become kind of worn out, exhausted, sad, lethargic over high anxiety episodes. People may have tendency to escape into peaceful and sleep and relax situations that can be at times be depressive in nature. So I do recommend correct and safe usage of these two drugs under appropriate medical monitoring.
Also, if one has a form of axiety where the person feels like an adrenaline release surge, elevated pulse, respiration, tension in the gut, etc, then, sometimes it is recommended to take a beta blocker drug to have an effect on the adrenal gland to slow it down. The Beta Blocker type of drug can lower blood pressure, allow blood to flow more freely, etc, so in effect producing some calming action.

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Sorry, I misspoke or miss wrote...
Depressive action is not much of a risk when taking Klonopin or Xanax in low or mild doses, particularly if taken only as needed. When there is excess anxiety and hyperness, these two can work to settle and calm down that action WITHOUT putting people into a greater depression.

Originally it sounded like I thought those would put people into a greater depression. I left off the last three letters. Benzos are one of the best things that ever happened to those of us who are obsessive, anxious or anxiously depressed. A good thing....

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Well said Joe. The effects can be life changing. I had a friend that actually shouted she was so anxious from the insanity of her family abuse. After years of antidepressants a wise shrink finally put her on Klonapin. It changed her life. And whenever she ran out her speech sped up and she made no barely any sense. Benzodiazepines started out as anti seizure drugs. They relax muscles as well. I am now having some clenching from the Viibryd. A reduction to 20mg has lessened that, but because of TMJ issues I really cannot afford to hype up the clenching. It is causing teeth to move. Unfortunately most SSRIs can cause clenching and headaches.
On the other hand, I am loving the energy and creativity that I am experiencing. It is I haven't felt since my first Prozac almost 20 years ago. I thought it was normal to have an endless loop tape of looney tunes running around in my head. What a relief to turn that off! I feel more like that now than I have in years. I really believe that dosage is a very tricky thing with this drug and I may have to move back to 15mg a day. Like Prozac I also felt a change almost immediately.

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Interesting take, Joe, regarding exercise and depression. I also have heard that there is very little depression in places of great poverty, like Belize. A friend who did some time in the peace core observed that. Perhaps they are more socially connected and supportive. They also do a lot more physical work. I don't know that our bodies have had a lot of time to evolve from life on the farm to sitting in a cubicle.
Unfortunately some of us cannot exercise. As a matter of fact, exercise can deplete energy for people with chronic fatigue. Marijuana will reduce anxiety which can help with both pain and sleep. It might even be able to reduce the dosage of sleep meds. Anxiety is a huge impediment to sleep.
Marijuana is not a respiratory system depressant like opiates or benzos (both of which I take), so it is actually safer than benzos if respiratory depression is a concern. That is a huge plus!
Marijuana can be a depressant for some. I don't think it has been studied enough to determine why. My own pain doc had not heard about Viibryd last visit, but he will support anything that will improve my quality of life. That is a healing factor in itself. I feel really blessed to have a good working relationships with all my docs. I always had that with my own patients and it makes all the difference. That alone is a big anxiety reducer.

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Our Western culture is full of stimuli. We are exposed today to tons of news, entertainment, culture, busy lives here in America. The complexity of our lives has increased.
I remember when it was said that computers would shorten the work day as it would produce faster. The idea was that computers at work could mean you get to leave work sooner and go home because our alloted time at work was more productive. What a joke.
Everything seems more hectic and busy. There are pressures to get educated, find and keep jobs, and women are now fully apart of the economy by having to work so much more than in past decades.
What I am saying, is my theory is that life is more complex and busy and a need to accomplish so much more in each day. So, what that means, is there can be failures and let downs and thus depressive triggers, due to disappointments, set backs, exhaustion, etc.
Also, isn't raising children are harder proposition for people today than in past decades? The peer pressures and the peer influences are great. Kids today want and need more from their parents. That can create extra stress on parenting. We are having more family issues, more single parent households.
All I am saying is that depression seems to be almost an epidemic in the USA, and we have to look at our society, culture, busy lives, and economic troubles, along with changes in the family structure and raising kids.
The drug industry no doubt will be continuing to invent more drugs for us all, since there seems to be an ever increasing demand for such drugs.

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Are you saying that people should not need medication?

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I feel that medication is certainly appropriate when good doctor skills makes it indicated. Yet, in many parts of the world such SSRI drugs are not popular with society, and not given out except in more serious situations. In other countries there is a tendency to explore more non-medication solutions. If that does not work, the individual may actually be stuck with their depression if mild and not severe. Much as to do with one's relative wealth and sophistication and education in terms of what they can obtain. Studies have shown that depression condtions can be different from countries to countries based on the unigue cultural and social conditions involved in that locality. I would have to research this in more detail, but in recent years I believe here in the USA per capita there is a higher prescription rate for SSRIs according to certain studies. We also have a high incident rate for pain prescription medications on a greater prolonged basis.
40 years ago there was not many pain clinics in the USA. There was beginning in the 1980s the development of universal pain management specialists and clinics. I am not saying that is bad, but noting the development of a sector in medicine that became relatively new. SSRIs still have critics and some researchers feel these drugs are not as effective as touted by the drug companies. On balance, my experience is that they are effective in most cases that is measurable. Some patients however do not respond to them for a number of reasons.

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There were no really respectable antidepressants until 40 years ago that did not have awful side effects. Only the most disturbed people took them because they added weight, upset thought processes and made you sleepy. You had to be pretty miserable to want them. The fact that my bulimic patients stopped barfing the day after they started Prozac is certainly enough proof for me that medication can save lives, but without psychotherapy many would stop taking their meds and relapse.
On the other hand, in countries that do not have a constant media bombardment of perfect images that one should aspire to (beauty, longer and larger erections, bigger cars, etc) there is less depression. They are also exposed to fewer environmental toxins. And they seem to take time to enjoy life more, rather than achieving until they drop dead.
So I get it and agree with you in part. I also think that people were used to suffering more in the past. Now that there is a possibility of less suffering marketed so craftily by so many, people are expecting more. They are also disappointed more.
The only reason that I am upright and able to drive, sleep and live independently is Oxycontin. Am I grateful for it and my pain specialist who does facet ablations so I don't have to take so much medication? Hell yes! I am quite sure that I would be dead like my relatives who self medicated with legal substances and died if SSRIs had not come along. As a psychologist I had to educate people often about how rarely medicine cures. It is really about maintenance for most of us. But then we are not working 14 hours a day on a farm like our ancestors did only a hundred years ago. Our bodies were much stronger or we died in childbirth. Having children was not a choice and you had to have a lot of them to keep the farm going. People didn't question it...maybe Thoreau. They just did it. Now we think, contemplate, compare, use the net. I guess I just came full circle to agree with you.
I believe that if you have a tendency toward any kind of suffering that you must do your best to create an environment that minimizes anything that worsens your condition. And people have avoided heart bypasses purely through diet change so...go figure.
One writer, Donna Eden, moved to Bali as a child and all of her allergies disappeared. When she returned tot he US she could taste the chemicals and the plastic wrap that touched the produce she ate. So there are many variables, some of which we won't look at until we run out of options.

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