Viibryd Reviews (Page 33)


Going to start it tomorrow. Anyone else taking it, and if so, how do you like it?


1053 Replies (53 Pages)

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Not me!! my doctors haven't had anyone that has a problem with it. Usually when you come to a place like this, there are more problems cause people are looking for answers. I hate that all of you have had so many problems, but there are a few on here that have done well.....they just don't post as much.....not every med is good for everybody as we all know....

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Not me, no way. I am happy with this SSRI over the rest I had to take.
I had a lousy situation starting last Friday, where I went on a five day trip where I forget to stuff my pills in my luggage. Dang, now I am taking 30 mg a day, and no pill to take. Luckily I called my shrink, told him about 5 days of no pills, so that they were good enough to electronically send to a nearby CVS pharmacy 5 40 MG pills. I got them on Sunday. Just in the nick of time, because, I was getting withdrawal symptoms. They were some head lightheadness, and dizziness, some pins and needles, tremors, all very minimal. Yet, I was thinking what if I don't get my replacement pills, where will this lead too. Especially since last Monday was my 63 birthday. That would suck to be in withdrawals on a birthday.
But, to my rescue was my shrink and CVS, except CVS ripped me off for $23 for 5 40 mg pills.
So, I learned my lesson, to never, ever forget to take your prescriptions for trips. I have now put in a fail safe system with a big sign on my luggage--don't forget pills!!!

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Glad its working for you. But I have heard more about withdrawls symptoms on this anti-depressant than any other anti-depressant. I stop taking them after a month and had no W/D at all Usually anti-depressants don't have the W/D symptoms that you all are describing. Are you sure its not just your original symptoms coming back without the meds?

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Quit vi after 8 days. Horrible horrible side effects. Major panic. Had to call 911. :((

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Kristin, what happened?

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I've been taking 10mg for about 4 weeks now. Had some minor GI issues for the first day or so, but they went away. All my anxiety and all the other physical/mental issures I was having before Viibryd are COMPLETELY gone. I feel completely back to normal. I just hope the symptoms don't come back.

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Congrats Scott. It is great to see that the minimum dose is kicking in well. I am working well with 30 mg since May when I started this med. It is the best one I have had versus the others in the past.
If I had one disappointment, is that I was hoping my overall sleep duration and quality would be improved from my average typical lack of sufficient sleep. This drug at least in my case has not helped really with sleep improvement, but I can deal with that anyway with other means.

Good luck.

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I have been on Lexapro for 3 months. Im 29 and have always felt kind "blue" but a few recent difficult times made these "blues" a whole lot worse and I havent been able to bounce back. My family physican prescribed me Lexapro 10mg that I have taken for 3 months. It didnt seem to be helping as much as I was hoping it would so I went and seen a pshyciatrist. I was advised I had severe depression and was prescribed Viibryd. I started the 10 mg today. I take these for 7 days move up to 20 mg and then to 40 within another week. This is my first experience with this type of medication. I have read over the forums and honestly I am a little scared of the side effects. From what I am reading it sounds like I need to invest in some Immodium :) How long does it take until I start to feel the effects of the medicine - a happier me? Can I expect insomnia? Aside from the "blues" I have anxiety issues. Can I expect that this is going to help? Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated. As I mentioned before this is new to me and not exactly something that I can discuss with others because I dont know of anyone, personally, who is taking this medication.

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I have been a poster since May when I started Vii, and I had neglible side effects, with zero GI tract problems.
My shrink said to start with 5 mg for 3 days, then go to 10, in order to reduce GI possible troubles. So, maybe that is why it did not affect me.
Yes, if you get GI troubles, try the over the counter meds that would seem to work. From what I can tell, the GI problem is low percent of people and it is mild, but, some report that had to give up Vii.
Most SSRIs are to help with better sleep if there has been agitated sleep patterns due to worries and things that cause wake ups. So, it could help with any insomnia. In terms of causing insomnia, that is not what I have seen or heard about.
The Vii is basically 2 pills rolled into one. One is similar to lexapro, and the other is different to work on other neurons. Read up on the formula and what it does to the brain neurons in the two respects. Kind of interesting.
Also, get discount coupons from the Vii website or your doctor.
It sounds that your doctor wants to be aggressive here to getting this up to 40 mg. That could be a good opinion to get this fixed, as you are young and should have good recovery prospects. You might go in for psychologist counseling as an adjunct to the meds. A few sessions could do wonders at times. Some employers have employee psyche assistance programs that give 3 free sessions. Perhaps that is available to you. If not, it may be worth it to get some sessions. Remember to exercise, with sweating, along with no junk foods or excess sugars. Diet is super key. Proteins are key.
Hope you get better soon.

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I would not be scared at all to begin this medication. I was the same way because I have tried just about every anti-depressant out there. I had to stop every one of them because I also have panic disorder and all the others triggered these attacks. I would however invest in the Imodium. My GI problems were so bad, I went off of them for about a week, started all over again (I was up to 40mg), since I went back on them the only issue I had was awful indigestion. I have started a round of Prilosec and that last for 4 months. It’s not a happy-as-a-lark-dancing-on-tables drug. I find that it just calms my anxiety, which lessens the depression. The best part is no side-effects that agitate my panic disorder. It’s so nice to finally have something that helps. I have been dealing with this for way to long.

Best of luck to you

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Yay!!! Great!! That is the unexpected side effect that I got! I can drive on the Highways again. I had gotten to the point that I was driving about 40mph everywhere and there was no way I was getting on the road. Started taking Vii and all of the sudden my panic attacks were almost gone....very thankful for this. It has changed my life! I do still take xanax and wellbutrin.

Happy you found something for your panic too!!


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Good for you! I also have to take Klonopin for the panic disorder. But you are right, its so nice to feel "normal" : )

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I have been on Viibryd for a few months now, up to 40 mg and feeling great. The only thing for me is that it highlights I need to have a sleep study done, since it didn't help my sleep issues, that I need to exercise for it to work as well, so have been doing more of that, and that I need to count calories to lose weight, so nothing out of the ordinary.

I feel pretty on track with this drug and motivated! HOpe others do as well, any anti-depressent can be scary. Vii works for me!

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Blu-ky: When I hear panic attacks, sometimes that is associated with a release of adrenaline from some subscious action that you may not even recognize. Often in a panic attack, it can arise, and becomes circular, in that when the symptoms hit, more panic sets in, and it takes a life of its own. Feeling panicky breeds an ill feeling that creates worries and thus reactions for more.
You might benefit from a Beta Blocker type drug that may control unwanted release of adrenaline, or restrict it to reduce symptoms. Panic attacks can be a totally separate condition that has to be fought in other ways than just a SSRI. Read up on some books and research, and talk to a doctor about possible meds to stop it from beginning or arresting it from being worse. Good Luck.

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Panic Disorder is most definitely a totally seperate condition than lets say anxiety or depression and unfortunately the best know medication for Panic Disorder is Klonopin. I have been on it for 24 years. My anxiety and depression for which I am taking the Viibryd is just started last year.

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Yes, Klonopin has been the standard for panic attacks. The first time I really needed a tranquilizer was 14 years ago. It really helped. It was Ativan for starters. Another doctor said go for Klonopin. So, for 14 years I have had it as a regular Rx as needed. I have no clue why I can be relaxing, things are cool, but, then this feeling of nervousness strikes, out of the blue, generated by the brain. I don't take booze and really never have much over my life. I found that booze did not agree with my genetics as it was producing undesired symptoms not worth the value of the normal benefits of booze.
There are a lot of materials you can read on panic attacks and self help measures.
A number of years ago, I had a shrink tell me that axiety is an excess abundance of energy pent up in the body. For younger people, he recommended going out and doing strenous exercise, go jog a mile or something, to burn away the excess energy. I did that at times in the past. But at age 63, it is not as easy to go out and bust out a job and burn a sweat. I try to exercise, but it the kind of people in my age group typically.
If people are young, a sweat workout, job, whatever, can really stop panic attacks in their tracks.

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I feel that if you are doing well on the viibryd, don't change anything. If you are still having panic problems then Klonapin or Xanax (that I take instead) will work. But I say don't fix it if it isn't broke....Glad you are doing well!!

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I just quit taking it 2 nights ago. I started taking it December 2011 and it was my first Anti-Depressant ever. Be careful.

At first I loved it! It made me feel like my old self again. Side effects that I PERSONALLY experienced, insomnia, severe lack of recall, my memory kind of "stopped". I have loose bowel movements almost since the beginning and weight gain. The scariest by far, was the brain activity and issues. I mentioned memory but there's something else. I had these strange brain reactions. Someone I recently found explained it as a "zap/glitch" inside your brain and that's about perfect. It started out sometimes at night while I was watching tv to fall asleep but then it started happening when I was reading and driving...too scary!
So, good luck. I loved the way it made me feel but I can't take never wanting to shake someone else's hand because ,my palms were so disgusting. I'm excited to be off and find something that doesn't make me feel crazy. I'm doing a good job of that WITHOUT the pill.
Good luck!

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My experience is that if the side effects are prolonged, and not going away, then, yes, switching to some other drug would be better, since that one may work better.

My suggestion that with SSRIs that will be used for 2 years or more, use a psychiatrist if at all possible. GP, or FP or Internists are okay for short term usage of SSRIs. But if you will be on such drugs, it is best to get a psyche dr. consult at least. Good luck

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My shrink said that most people cannot handle 40 mg a day. Most stop at 20...sometimes 30. I went from Celexa to Viibryd, carefully titrated between meds. I have been a raving maniac for the last week...nuts, angry, anxious and an all around b****. Kind of like Wellbutrin is said to make people although I did as well as someone with treatment resistant depression can on Celexa 30 mg and Wellbutrin XL 300mg. I have a feeling that the two together are not good for me. I will back off to 30 mg a day.,. then 20mg a day and if that doesn't work, return to celexa 30 mg.

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