Viibryd Reviews (Page 32)


Going to start it tomorrow. Anyone else taking it, and if so, how do you like it?


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Thanks for sharing about your husbands experience. I too was on the Viibryd, (20mg) for about a month and a half, but I couldn't stand the GI side effects. They were way too disturbing out of my normal day, and I travel alot for work, so I couldn't have that distraction. I had weaned myself off of 40 mg of Celexa in order to try the Viibryd. I stopped the Vii cold turkey and just went back to the Celexa and I had no withdrawal effects. I am sure this is not the case for your husband, however, since he's been on it much longer. This is a dangerous drug! I have been on these forums for awhile now and I, like you, am amazed at how unique the effects are. I hope things get better for your husband. The klonopin will help alot, so its good to have that on hand.

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Wife ov vii,

Sorry to hear bout ur hubby. Was ur hubby taking and kind of allergy pills while on vii? Because this did a counter reaction on me... I had really bad feelings, and severly agitated. And I knew it, too. There is also a med for tummy call robinul.. It is used for stomach ulcers and sweating... I'm taking it for both.. I still have the bad GI problem but no pain. It's really weird. Hope everything goes well.

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Has the diarrea gone away?

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Has anyone successfully passed through the intense diarrea for good without immodium, and if so for how many days or weeks do you suggest tolerating this side effect?

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I still have some of the side affects (tummy issues every week may b at least 2 times a week.) 3rd month on vii.
The first 2 months were horrible. Everyday all day. But it has gotten better as I try to deal with the affects.

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So sorry, last post was for Monique

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Thanks for response, I'm on week one with 10 mg, I feel calm and less anxious, I'd love to hear that this stomach issue goes away entirely and in what time frame....ive already had a near way to live with that kind of urgency to get to the toilet. Life is stressful enough with kids, career and travel needs... I'd love to hear that anyone with thist kind of difficult start up saw it resolved to make this worth the trial of sticking with viibryd?

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I am 4 full months on Vii. I had the on & off gi issues pretty much the whole time. I took 1 generic immodium 3 nights in a row last week. I have been very well since then. I haven't taken any more and the GI issues have gone away. I guess my system just needed a little help to get back to normal. Hope it works for you. Hope it keeps working for me.

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Hi thought it was just me, didn't see hair loss as a side effect either. I've been on viibryd a little over a month. Started off with the sample pack then went to dose of 40. Didn't stay on that too long getting rapid heartbeat. Didn't want to come off it because it seem to motivate me so i went down to 30. Can't sleep, hair falling out, anxiety level real high have to take adavan. I've been on antidepressants good over 20 years and I've tried them all, alone and didn't cocktails. I have such hope for this one, now what?

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Josie - So sorry to hear about your problems with Viibryd. I wasn't on it that long because of the GI issues. I could not get in touch with my doctor to get something to help. I finally got a perscription of Bentyl, so I am starting over again. Not with very high hope though. Its seems to work great for everyone for a while then the nightmare starts.

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Sorry to hear about this long term need for SSRIs. Sometimes that has to happen. I would imagine you have tried all kinds of other self-help measures that contribute usually to improvement or control.

As for the hair loss, that is a new one on me. However, I have witnesses how stress in minutes can create major chemistry changes in the body, such as I know of some people that develop immediate skin blemishes, like almost like acne, or things like hives. I have seen how stress episodes creates immediate muscle spams, like a locked back or neck. I have seen almost instant onset of headaches. For sure, GI upsets from onset of acute feeling of stress or panic.

So the fact that you mention hair loss is conceiveable and within the profile of what havoc stress can do to the body.

I would hope you have a good, trustworthy psychiatrist at this stage and not just a GP or FP doctor. A good internist and psychiatrist should collaborate on what would be best for you. Have you tried a Beta Blocker Medicine, that can also be a daily small dose pill that helps to calm down
the cardiac system and adrenals? Metopolol is a well known and standard drug that is given as an adjunct to help calm episodes of stress. Another beta blocker is Tenormin.

I am no doctor but have been exposed for 30 years to people that have mental health disorders and the assorted drugs that have been given to such people over the years.

I would say this is something for a good doctor to evaluate about the hair loss and figure out solutions.

Hope this drug works for you.

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All the symtoms that have been described including hair loss are from the Viibryd. I thought it was my thyroid, because I am hypo/hashi, but it was fromt he Vii when I started. All the symtoms seem to go away for most people after they have been on it for a while. Some of them are hard though....I realize. It really just comes down to how much it helps you compared to the symtoms. Dreams, hair loss, weird feeling...ect...all for a can look back at the beginning from when I asked the question about Vii for this string to where I started feeeling better. But if you aren't having awful problems and the med it helping you like it does me...I just suggest to give it dream thing lasted a long was weird, but not worth giving up driving again! Good Luck!!

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I wanted to update everyone on my husbands progress. He took his last 20mg of Viibryd on Sunday a.m.. Monday was a rough day - lots of irrational anger (bordering on rage) over perceived issues. Basically a lot of nitpickiness that resulted in a screaming fit. He definitely was not himself. He didn't talk about it much but he clearly was not doing very well. He complained of a headache all day. Severe trouble sleeping.

Tuesday was much better. He seemed fairly zoned out, and had commented in the past about not feeling real. That's the impression that I got of how he was doing. Some anger but exponentially less than Monday.

Last night he was even better and commented on several occassions about how much better he was feeling mentally. He still hasn't slept very well since he stopped taking the 40 mg. I think he finally came to bed last night around 4 and he was complaining of feeling "stretchy". It's a huge relief though that it looks like the worst of it (Monday) is over.

I just wanted to let anyone who is considering quitting know that in this case it was a rough day or two but every day is noticeably better. (disclaimer - it's only been 3 days, if something drastic happens I'll update)

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I appreciate letting us know what happened so far. It is always a scary and nervous time getting off of these kinds of drugs. I fear that my self, but, then, so far for me it has not been too bad. My worse experience was going off of paxel and I recall I had tremors in my legs for a couple of days. Twitching and stuff like that. That was nerve racking.
Now the issue is moving on and seeing what else can be done to improve his conditions. I hope that can happen for you all. Good luck.

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Been on vibryd for a month. Started at 10mg. and felt a little better. went to 20 mg. and havve been having a fast heartbeat and terrible anxiety. Want to get off this horrible drug. Afraid of getting more side effects. Please give me some feedback. Thank you. Good luck to all.

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I'm on day 11 of viibryd the mental health dr took me off my 80mg Prozac and .5 Xanax and put me on the viibryd starter pack (on 20mg till Tuesday), 150mg of Wellbutrin and .5 klonopin (upto 3x daily). I'm feeling more like my old self other than the on an off nausea and the headaches but two days ago I after washing and brushing my hair I found a nice size bald spot an a smaller one. Then two I found another nice size one. I'm freaking out now. I go back to the dr Monday morning and I'm seriously thinking about saying forget it and find a new combo to help with my anxiety and depression.

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Dawn----- hair los's is normal at first. I keep saying the same thing.... if it is working give it a chance...side effects will subside. If it is something that isn't working for you of course dont use it...

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Finally, I'm down to 10 mg from 40. I feel amazing !! Can't wait to be done . Good luck everyone !

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Ok, I've weaned myself from 40 - 5 mg over thecourse of 6 our 7 wks. I'm down to 5 , been on 5 for 2 days . I'm ready to just stop taking it now . Should I continue taking this dose for another 4 days to let my brain adjust ... Has anyone weaned like this ? did you have withdrawals from 5 mg. so far I have had no withdrawal symptoms . Help?

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So is everyone going off of Viibryd?

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