Torsemide Forums
Recently active Torsemide forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Torsemide and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.How is Dytor (20mg) helpful for patients with diabetes? ## Dytor contains the active ingredient Torsemide, it is a loop diuretic, used to remove excess fluids from the body. That said, this is not used to treat diabetes, at all. Did your doctor prescribe this? ## In the month of June 2010 there was problem with me, where I had extra urine accumulated in my body. Dr asked me to take Dytor 20 tab. I used this medicine for one month, then I stopped it. Since my Dr ask me to monitor my body weight, I used to monitor it. In the last week my weight has suddenly gone up. I then started Dytor 20 and my weight went back down. Now I need to know if I should take Dytor permanently or occasionally? Kindly clarify. ## I am aged 70..I have sugar high BP Colestrol.I got bypassed 15 yrs before.Mydaily ...
TAB WHITE ROUND SCORED ON ONE SIDE PA 917 ON OTHER SIDE ## Based on the description provided, I found your pill to be Torsemide (20 mg). Torsemide is a pyridine-sulfonyl urea type loop diuretic mainly used in the management of edema associated with congestive heart failure. You can view a detailed description of the drug, by clicking on the link below... If you have any more questions or comments to add, please post back so I can further assist you. ## I’ve taken this pill twice for heart failure — seems here lately that it's not working good at all and my ankles are swollen. Took 2 last night and they went back down. I was nauseated at bed time, got through that, felt funny for the rest of the night and today I’ve felt strange all day, walking is hard and I’...
. PA 917 ,med, wht, round , pill 2. 2 or z over 2907, sml ,round, wht pill orread upside down 4052 ovr 2 0r z ## white round scored slash on one side. label PA 917 ## Round white pill with numbers 2907 plus a big X . On the other side is a slit, so it can be divided. ## Labeled torsemide 20 mg. Does not work! ## The tablet with the PA 917 marking is manufactured by Pliva Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 20mgsof Torsemide, which is a LOOP diuretic that is used to help reduce the amount of fluid in the body to treat, or prevent conditions, such as edema, high blood pressure, and congestive heart failure. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, hypotension, and dehydration. The tablet with the 2907 marking...
White Round Pill with PA 977 imprinited on it. ## what is the pill I found in my cabinet. imprinted PA977. ## ; ## Is the marking possibly PA 917? If so, this tablet is manufactured by Pliva and they it as containing 20mgs of Torsemide, which is a diuretic that is used to treat high blood pressure, edema, and heart failure. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, hypotension, and increased urination.
My husband has chf so takes this med. It hasn't worked after taking double dose. He weight is increasing..ten lbs since yesterday. Could this be kidney relater or a low postasium level. ## Hello, Donna! How is your husband doing? It would be best for him to contact his cardiologist for an emergency appointment. It's difficult to guess why he isn't responding to the medication, but yes, it usually signals that there is some other underlying cause. Is he on any other medications? Does he limit his daily liquid intake? Does he limit his sodium intake? The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination and dehydration.
My father had bypass surgery 2 years before and continued taking dytor 20 plus wich cash hard mass collection on chest which is painful too. I want to know what is this plus chemical ? As few doctors says its side effects of 20 plus but its not problem with dytor 20 . Is there any changes? ??? ## Hello, Vikram! How are you? According to the information provided by the FDA, Dytor contains the active ingredient Torsemide and Dytor Plus contains Torsemide and Spironolactone, so yes, they are different. The typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache and dehydration. What type of mass does he have on his chest?
hi im having dytor 10 for reducing my weight and my blood pressure and sugar are i normal level...taking this pill is right or wrong? i have started a day before...plz suggest me a gud answer as im going to get married soon i want to reduce ma weight ## Dytor contains the active ingredient Torsemide, this is a LOOP diuretic that's most commonly used to treat conditions such as high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and edema. It is not safe to use it to try to lose with it, unless your doctor has specifically instructed you to do so. It can lower blood pressure, but its effects on weight are only due to the fluid it removes from the body. Removing too much fluid could cause dehydration and it is not the type of weight you'll usually keep off, anyway. Learn more Dytor deta...
H on one side 5 on one half n 9 on other whats it for ## Hello, Maria! How are you? An oval, whit tablet with H on one side and 59 on the other is manufactured by Hetero Drugs Limited and they list it as containing 20mgs of Torsemide. The FDA classifies this medication as being a diuretic that is most commonly used to treat fluid retention associated with congestive heart failure, kidney disease or liver disease. Typical side effects are listed as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination and dehydration. Is there anything else I can help with?
What is the differants can you take both at the same time ## Hello, Theresa! How are you? They are both used to help remove excess fluid from the body to treat conditions such as edema, high blood pressure and congestive heart failure, but they work in different ways. Torsemide also often forces potassium out of the body, so when someone's potassium is low or if they don't hold normal levels of it, the Spironolactone might be prescribed instead, since it tends to help the body hold on to potassium. And no, unless your doctor has specifically instructed you to do so, you shouldn't take both at the same time, because that could create the risk of severe dehydration and kidney damage. Side effects to these medications may include nausea, dizziness, headache and increased urinat...
white oval pill with 5 imprinted then a strait scored line separating the 9 and on the other side is a capital H ## white oval pill with 5 then scored strait line then 9 separated by scored line... then on backside of pill is the letter "H" ## Hello, Brian! How are you? This tablet contains 20mgs of Torsemide, which is a diuretic that's used to remove excess fluid from the body to treat high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and edema. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach pain and dehydration. Is there anything else I can help with?
i am having muscle weakness in my legs and can't stand for long periods of time. i lose my balance easily. is this normal ## Got no directions about whether this tab can be cut in half. its a long white pill with US20 on one side. husband cannot swallow ## Why are you on the Potassium? The symptoms your describing are not normal, but they could be caused by the condition being treated or the treatments. Have you spoken to your doctor about the dizziness, weakness and balance issues? ## US 20 contains 20meqs of Potassium and yes, it is a regular release tablet, so you can safely cut it in half or crush it to make it easier for him to swallow. Are there any other questions? ## difference between potassium cl er 20 meq tablet and 90 mg potassium tablet ## I have read all the info from ...
White oblong scored pill with 10 & 20 on one side & APO On the other. I don't know exactly what it is? Thnx ## Based on the description provided, I found your white oblong pill to be Torsemide (20 mg). Manufacturer: Apotex Corp. National Drug Code (NDC): 60505-0234 NOTE: the correct imprint is actually "T0" instead of "10" - so it reads "APO" on one side and "T0 | 20" on the other. Torsemide is a pyridine-sulfonyl urea type loop diuretic mainly used in the management of edema associated with congestive heart failure, but has other uses as well. You can learn more about this drug on the page for Torsemide Details I hope this helps!
The Doctor prescribed Dytor 10 twice weekly as I am turning fat even though my weight remains the same Please advise ## Dytor contains the active ingredient Torsemide, it is a diuretic, that is used to reduce the amount of fluid retained by the body. Therefore, your doctor thinks that your body isn't eliminating enough water and that's what is causing your problem. Common side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, frequent urination and dehydration. Learn more: Are there any comments or questions? ## Cardiac arrest, exces fluid in lungs, no urination
Oblong White Pill 60 On One Side H Other...indented for splitting.. ## Hi Donald, Based on the description provided, I found your white oblong pill to be Torsemide (100 mg). Manufacturer: Hetero Drugs Limited Torsemide is a pyridine-sulfonyl urea type loop diuretic mainly used in the management of edema associated with congestive heart failure, but has other uses as well. Learn More: Torsemide Details I hope this helps!
I found a pill it has H/57 what is it..... ## A white, oval tablet with an H on one side and 57 on the other contains 10mgs of Torsemide, which is a loop diuretic that's used to remove excess fluid from the body. Learn more Torsemide details here. Is there anything else I can help with?
Would like to know if you get leg cramps following taking Torsimide, Also was told that Fluid pills, namely Lasix is dangerous when taken with blood pressure meds,(Enalaprel)... Would appreciate any infor. Thanks ## There are dangers associated with combining them, but they happen very rarely and diuretics are often combined with blood pressure medications, the dangers are most often associated with people that have severe, active cardiac conditions, such as congestive heart failure. The usual doses, for a person that is regularly monitored by their doctor very rarely cause any dangerous issues. As to the leg cramps, there are 2 reasons those might be occurring, or they could be from a combination of both. The medication may be causing you to become dehydrated, or it may have caused you...
What pill is this? It is elliptical in shape, white in color, and marked 4/3 on one side and C on the other? ## I believe I located a match it's Torsemide 20 mg, which is mainly used in the management of edema associated with congestive heart failure. To learn more click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## i was at a party and I seen someone take a green heart shaped pill can you tell me what it is and how many mg it is?
What causes the ankles to swell so much and I feel like my chest, is jiggling with fluid ## Have you consulted a doctor? There are several medical conditions that can cause fluid retention, such as high blood pressure and/or a very high sodium intake. If you are suffering from Ascites, which is fluid in the peritoneal cavity, it is very important to see a doctor, because this could potentially lead to congestive heart failure. Torsemide is a LOOP diuretic, that is used to help reduce the amount of fluid in the body. It may cause side effects, such as: nausea, dizziness, stomach pain and dehydration. Learn more:
oval shaped 104 on one side 20 on the other white scored in middle ## Based on the description provided, I found your pill to be a brand of Torsemide (20 mg), known as Demadex. This drug is a pyridine-sulfonyl urea type loop diuretic mainly used in the management of edema associated with congestive heart failure. You can view a detailed description of the drug, by clicking on the link below... If you have any more questions or comments to add, please post back so I can further assist you.
Oval white pill scored in the middle on one side with an h on one side and 59 on the other found in an apartment i was working on ## Based on the description provided, I found your pill to be Torsemide (20 mg). Torsemide is a pyridine-sulfonyl urea type loop diuretic mainly used in the management of edema associated with congestive heart failure. You can view a detailed description of the drug, by clicking on the link below... If you have any more questions or comments to add, please post back so I can further assist you.