Taking Hydrocodone For Depression (Page 9)


I am wondering if anybody else out there has taken Hydrocodone and noticed that symptoms of depression are alleviated? I find that many of today's anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs come with unpleasant side effects, whereas while taking Hydrocodone they aren't there. The caveat to all of this is that yes, I know that Hydrocodone and opiates in general can be addictive. So long term use would result in withdrawal symptoms. I'm just wondering who else might agree with me on this?

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I take Wellbutrin for depression supplemented by L-Methylfolate, which is actually a special kind of folic acid that helps the Wellbutrin work more effectively, according to my doctor.

I was taking HYDROCODONE for pain after having an operation and found that it absolutely can be helpful. For depression I take one tablet and it works like a charm. I only take it, however, when I am REALLY feeling bad.

I would say that anyone with an addictive personality (alcohol, gambling, etc.) should exercise extreme caution in deciding whether to ask a doctor for a prescription for this medication. I think that there is more danger of becoming habituated to it than physically addicted

Many doctors here in NY are leery of
writing an Rx for Vicodin because last year a few unscrupulous doctors were busted for writing a lot of prescriptions (for cash) for opiate drugs and the state government has been scrutinizing doctors who write prescriptions for these meds.

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Regarding opiates and depression. I can not tell you how opiates have totally eradicated my symptoms of depression. In fact, I have said for years that I take them as an anti depressant more than a pain reliever and I suffer from chronic pain.

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Yes I to believe it does help with depression. It helped me

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Absolutely,yes! After 2 surgeries,I began to notice after I took my dose for pain the heavy cloud of depression was lifted. I have been treated for depression for 30 years...taken all the meds, cognitive therapy...everything. the only bad part is I know it will never be prescribed for an " off label" It would be so wonderful to live life like everyone else but I have a feeling it won't be prescribed for help with depression.

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Herman2005 it sounds like normal antidepressants maybe ineffective for you.
I know several people who have this same issue. Their psychiatrists prescribed Ritalin or Aderol which is kind of a last resort treatment when conventional antidepressants don't work. The stimulants boost their mood and work fairly well from what I've seen in these people's lives. It basically saved them and gave them their lives back. One is a college professor PhD and the other 2 are high up within their companies. You should discuss the possible usage of one of the drugs I mentioned with your mental health care professional, don't suffer in silence and try to stay off Hydrocodone unless it's being used for analgesia. It will cause more problems down the road than its temporary mood boost today. Goodluck with your depressive disorder, it's more complex to treat in some people than others. Yours definitely isn't a here's a antidepressant pill now you're better...

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I took Hydrocodone 10/325 for years before my doctor switched me to Oxycodone but I did notice it greatly helped my depression symptoms. Although it was prescribed for pain, I did notice it significantly reduced my depression so long as I was able to take regular doses every 6 hours or so. Only thing is I dont believe doctors would ever prescribe Hydrocodone for that particular symptom and would instead elect to prescribe a medication specifically designed for that :>/

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I found hydrocodone better than oxycodone for my depression and lack of energy. After 10 years of access to it, I can only handle 5 mg (1/2 tablet) maybe twice per day. I get sleepy and don't feel well if I take more. The small dosage changed me into an energetic, happy, enthusiastic person and I liked me better. Btw, I specifically responded better to half a 'lorcet' which was 10/650, but that is no longer available. I hope someday this will be all figured out and something will come available to provide relief 'on label'.

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Just a quick Yes to your question! ! I have chronic issues that cause discomfort.. the hydro definitely help , however I think its only because they are bringing pain level to a managable spot..

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I've noticed that my oxycodone definitely relieves my depression. But I'd have to say the reason is obvious. The pain I suffer is demobilizing. Therefore my meds removes my pain and thus the reason for my depression. I don't think the reason is directly related to chemical reaction on the brain as it is a byproduct of feeling good and your brain taking note. I do realize that eather way you get the same results. But if your thinking opioids are going to be prescribed for depression, don't bet on it. Remember euphoria (the other way they relieve depression) from opioids isn't sustainable.
You will eather have to constantly increase the dose to maintain that state which will lead ultimately to your death! Or, if you are taking the same dose, your body will get immune to the euphoric effect. ( such as me) and the euphoria (antidepressant effect) is gone.

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Have severe anxiety take slprazolam .5
It calms me. Hours
Hydrocodone relieves pain from spinal stenosis
And makes me feel happy
Been suffering from gad for 15 years
It's horrible panic attacks
Anyway hydrocodone wirks well but also afraid of addiction
I'm just careful

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Yes, this is also true for me, they've worked for me for years. I'm actually going back to see my pain specialist again tomorrow, He decided to put me on dilaudid, totally intolerably to them, or methadone, or oxytocin, or oxycodone that whole family of meds make me feel like crap. I feel great with the hydrocodone only, pain is relieved, I have energy and not depressed at all, I can function great! and we're not the only ones out there that would agree. Its the Tylenol that is dangerous and is why he wanted to change my meds

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Same here, just feel nirmal and can function well, and yes the gov needs to stay out if the medical profession and just let our doctors treat us as they are trained professionals not the gov.

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I am not a doctor so this is not medical advice only free information: centuries ago opiates were considered Hul Gil -God's Gift to Man. They were also the first all natural antidepressant. Opiates were deemed dangerous because fair skinned, blue eyed, flaxen haired women took up with negroes and chinamen. You can come to your own conclusion but IMHO opiates should be otc at Walmart. Also some of us who are considered 'treatment resistant' to antidepressants are actually endogenous deficient and should be able to take them as any other nutrient or vitamin.

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You are so right
This is the bottom line:)

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I've found this is absolutely true. My daughter developed severe anxiety and was diagnosed with PTSD after having her pancreatitis misdiagnosed as "anxiety" when she was 26. Another attack of pancreatitis two weeks later was also misdiagnosed as anxiety--her own doctor's PA made the mistake of consulting with the ER doc who saw her for the first attack and so just went with that misdiagnosis. That time, however, she insisted on a blood test which is when they discovered she had pancreatitis. However, the damage was done. The Nurse Practitioner therapist she had been sent to for her non-existent anxiety promptly overdosed her on Cymbalta in spite of the warnings about it which indicate that it is risky for young adults to take. When I say "overdosed," I mean she prescribed her a 33% higher dose than the strongest recommended dose. My daughter developed serotonin syndrome which led to severe anxiety and an eventual diagnosis of PTSD as a direct result of taking so much Cymbalta. She was removed from it "cold turkey" and, though her PCP told her to have the NP give her Xanax to help her through the withdrawal, the NP accused her of drug-seeking when my daughter told her what her PCP had said. She subsequently tried other medications (antidepressants and anti-anxiety) and discovered that ALL of them gave her either serotonin syndrome, grand mal or petit mal seizures. However, when she had to take opioids in subsequent situations (a broken arm, a damaged knee, a back injury after a fall from a horse, etc.) she found that they helped her anxiety tremendously. The relief was tremendous and the only thing that's every alleviated the anxiety--but obviously no doctor will prescribe opioids for anxiety. And so, through no fault of her own, she's been suffering the aftereffects of the NP's malpractice for 8 years with no end in sight.

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Read The Opiate Cure by doctor Robert Cochran

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Without question, it helps depression, and I only take 1 per day. I have for 4 years, and have not seen any "need" to increase the dosage. My day starts at 7 am and ends at 12 am. I take 1 at about 8 am and wow, what a depression relief. I am prescribed it for stenosis and nerve damage between the L5 and L6, and it alleviates that as well. I also do PT and home exercises which also may explain only needing 1 pill per day. Currently going through a divorce, mountain of debt, and just lost my job, so I guess depression won't be going away soon!!!

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Geez some of you guys are really light weight!!! For the last 10 yrs. I've been taking oxycodone 30 mgs & morphine 30 mgs to back the oxy. 4 oxy p/day & 3 morphine p/day. Needless to say after I got use to them...it was nothing to take 8 oxys at once. Yeah I ran out way too early & actually had to go through withdrawal. Fellows thats something u wouldn't wish on ur worse enemy. And it can last from 4 to 8 days. Depending on what & how much. Those of u who are amazed at it relieving ur depression... come on! Of course u don't feel depressed... your high! Hydrcodone may be weaker than oxy, but it is what it is...an opiate. You can have withdrawals with it to. My dr put me on oxy because most hydrocodone (Lortab, vicadan, Tylenol #3, etc.) all have acetaminophen in them U know it says 10/350...well the 350 is of acetaminophen. If u don't know & have scripts for hydrocodone....Acetaminophen destroys ur liver. I know I have cirrhosis. So while ur enjoying relief from depression thru opiates...don't let the fact that its destroying ur body stop u. Oh yea...I got off everything. Much more depressed; no energy BUT I'M ALIVE. The thing that got me was gastroperinesis (probably spelled wrong) but basically the opiates cause constipation & basically slows body functions. When u eat, food should be out of your stomach by 1 to 2 hours. I was rushed to hospital thinking it was either stroke or hear attack. After extensive evaluations they found when I ate it took over 5 hours & my stomach still wasn't empty. I had such horrible acid reflux from this. It can cause ulcers, the food can actually rot in ur stomach & poison you. Trust me when I say nobody loved opiates more than me. I'm bipolar & they helped that even. But please be realistic when ur turning to them for depression. At some point you've got to take more. Everybody builds a tolerance. And even tho u feel so good when u take them; trust me ur paying a high price. Basically I forgot how to live without them. But honestly when I had them I slept most of day & was too messed up to drive. Good luck & if nothing else get rid of the acetaminophen!

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Acetamenophen is probably one of the biggest problems from overdosing on opiates that contain it (Vicodin, etc..) I knew an addict who took up to 60 Vicodin a day, I don't know what happened to her, but I would assume she definitely destroyed her liver. Also, there seems to be a lot of middle aged women who end up overdosing and dying from opiates in the past several years. But, I still think there is something to opiates and treating depression. There are tons of medications out there that when are dangerous but with the correct usage can be miraculous (example Botox, which is a poison). I hope that there are researchers out there that are looking into using this (opiates) medication for depression.

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