Taking Hydrocodone For Depression (Page 3)


I am wondering if anybody else out there has taken Hydrocodone and noticed that symptoms of depression are alleviated? I find that many of today's anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs come with unpleasant side effects, whereas while taking Hydrocodone they aren't there. The caveat to all of this is that yes, I know that Hydrocodone and opiates in general can be addictive. So long term use would result in withdrawal symptoms. I'm just wondering who else might agree with me on this?

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BOZO, thank you. I agree.

I would just like to caution that a very common side effect of using opiate, including Hydrocodone, is constipation. It can be severe and necessitate medical intervention.

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I found this discussion thread while searching for any information on Vicodin as a treatment for depression. I was diagnosed with depression 10 years ago and take Effexor and Welbutrin daily. I was recently prescribed Vicodin after knee surgery and noticed a profound remission of my depression symptoms. I don't feel 'high', but I feel an optimism about my life - my job, future, relationships, that I've not felt in over a decade. Believe me, I would much prefer to avoid ANY medication, and the last thing I wast to do is create an addiction to Vicodin. But I'd like to understand if any science is behind this or if it's just my interpretation. Maybe there is a different antidepressant that operates on the same chemical principles?

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I totally agree. I was prescribed a cough syrup with hydrocodone and my depression and anxiety completely went away when I would take it. I am going to talk to my Dr. about perhaps putting me on a program with hydrocodone. I doubt he will though as I heard it is addictive and a controlled substance. If I could take this every day, I could give up all the other meds they have me on.

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I agree whole heartedly with this statement. I usually use dance as a way of producing endorphins in my brain and keeping myself in shape, more free from emotional pain, and my confidence up. Lately though, I Havnt had the money to go to classes and have slowly been falling into a more depressed state. It's somewhat off and on but I've become very self critical, jealous, and almost hopeless at times. Hydro helps me feel relief from this but I still realize that its a horrible habit and addiction to pick up. I know how "anything that helps" feels and I am fighting to avoid it myself but its not a good thing to pick up, get into, and simply accept.

Happiness is earned. For some of us its a harder task than others but I believe that there are much better alternatives out there. Be strong you guys. I'm with you.

Ps: I also need to be careful of its effects on the liver because of a pre existing liver condition so I guess I have extra motivation.

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I was agreeing with Tony if the site does not show that...

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I read what you said Tony. I'm not mad or anything but I'm curious about something. Are you now or have you ever been diagnosed with depression

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Hi Halfshellie, I've been reading up on your posts. While over the past few months, I have had 4 surgeries. I am seeing a pain management doctor and have been weened off of dilaudid thankfully. I am currently on hyrocodone 10/325 x 5 per day. I do have good days in regards to no or little pain. So I do not take the medication. However, I know that my depression that I have suffered with for the past 15 to 20 years comes back. I have tried probably 12 to 15 different depression medication. Nothing has ever worked. So, I tried taking a hydrocodone and it has helped with my depression. I am allowed to take up to 5 hydrocodones a day. If I do not need to take it in regards to having pain, such as on a good day, I will take two pills a day as my depression sinks in very quickly and very deeply. Even before I had my first hydrocodone nothing worked. I at first did experience a euphoria at first. However I do not anymore. However, while I am allowed 5 pills a day, if I don't need them I don't take them. However I will take 1 10/325 hydrocodone twice a day and that helps me out with my depression and lasts.
I work in the IT field. I noticed you stated in your post that you are having trouble with the web editor. I would love to help you with getting this site up as I have experience in this area. Please let me know if you want help.

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I can tell you that this person who wants to collect IP addresses would not gain the attention of the authorities and would not provide enough evidence to prosecute someone. I specialize in network security, cryptography, cyber ethics, and cyber law with multiple college degrees and advanced degrees. They are blowing smoke, whether they realize it or not. I can say that they are just on here wasting time. Yes, they have the right to say pretty much what they want, I can promise you that a governmental agency would not give this situation time of the day. Please take what I am saying from experience. Not experience in practicing this, but based on significant research and the departments, which I will not name, I have worked for. You have any idea how easy it is to spoof your IP address? This person has no idea what they are talking about on this forum.

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hydrocodone is an opiate...yes it will elevate your mood very quickly as it causes euphoria.

However, like alcohol (which GREATLY alleviates anxiety), once it begins wearing off it will actually WORSEN your per-existing depression and very likely will cause increased aggression.

NEITHER opiates or alcohol are good for depression as they only "fix" it for about an hour at best...then they actually make it worse.

I used to use morphine as the OP described, but it was when I noticed I was VERY easily agitated while coming off (I used enough to elicit the buzz of two beers). Most downers may make you feel great for a bit but most (not all) will floor you when you come off. I then used alcohol...it is actually pretty common for anxiety sufferers to use alcohol for anxiety and it works...however as I already had depression problems along with anxiety, alcohol is no friend to me. Nor are opiates.

I miss my opiate days, but I do NOT miss the extra downer effect nor the increased aggression. I encourage you to limit your opiate use.

In 6 months I went from needing 2mg morphine I.M. for a 2 beer effect to needing over 12mg...less than 6 months. Opiate addiction is nothing to mess with, if it weren't for the tolerance issues I might still use it, but opiates damage your liver just like alcohol...so take GREAT caution.

Tylenol (which is an ingredient of hydro) also damages the liver, if you consume alcohol and take hydrocodone, even if not at the same time, you are REALLY killing your liver...and that is not how you want to go...very slow...very uncomfortable.

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I first started taking hydrocodone for a spinal fusion as result of an accident. I only used it for the recovery period of the surgery. Now years later, I have such bad pain and arthritis in my back my Dr prescribes hydocodone again for me. I am prescribed a 5mg and i break that in half. I take 2.g mgs around 10:30 am and the other half at bedtime. I never want more it dulls the pain and as a bonus , I no longer have to deal with depression. Maybe I'm heading down the path but I feel safe with this plan.

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Reading some of your posts helps me greatly. I am a newlywed of 5 months. I knew my husband took them recreationally as he says, but I didn't understand why for a while. I loved him the way he was. We are both bipolar but his has more depressive episodes than mine does. He has major problems with his feet and back so he is prescribed them. I am prescribed them as well. His are 7.5/325 and mine are 7.5/650. He has been doing this for so long he will take 6 to 8 at a time to get the stabilized mood depending on the severity of the episode...not a high. Like most of you have said, he says its just feeling normal and being able to not worry about depression, he wants to get out of bed, play with the kids, help in the house, sex life is great, etc etc. Twice a day, 6 to 8...you do the math...He can blow through both of our 90 count scripts in less than 2 weeks then he has to suffer through both severe depression and severe pain. he is on Lamictal and Cybalta, but he says they don't offer him the same relief.
Now its taking a toll on my emotional wellbeing. We are a very open couple...talk about everything, even things we know are going to upset the other. However, for 8 months he has lied to me about stealing my meds and how much he is taking. I know he doesn't want me to see him in a bad light but its killing me. Some people drink a couple beers, some play video games, some just have to ride it out (like me). I can't make him understand how I feel when he lies to me. I feel so worthless and it makes me insecure. I can't even have my meds at home when I really need them. I have to keep them locked up in my drawer at work. it isn't fair. It isn't fair I have to watch as he suffers for weeks until the next script is filled or watch as he falls into such a bad depression, he can't get out of bed and can't stop crying. Is there nothing that can come close? We are struggling financially right now and can't afford to visit 3 different drs (reg dr, psycologist, and psychiatrist).
Please someone give me some advice. I don't want this to come between us. I can't let it. HELP!

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Manic depression has been diagnosed in myself, my late brother (suicide) and father. I have been through years of cognitive therapy for depression as well as medication for a 3- 6 month trial. The feeling of hopelessness is so overwhelming, it has become exhausting. I have combatted my severe depression through intense episodes of exercise achieving physical highs that would keep me "happy" for a few hours. We all have ups and downs (some of us have been hit harder then most) but to live suicidal, negative, withdrawn trying to cope is very difficult and for those that don't have the chemical inbalances affecting them, they don't understand. I have been very successful professional in the banking world and have driven and motivated others to push beyond their limits but this behavior is cyclical for me with severe mood swings. After a horseback riding injury, my doctor prescribed hydrocone. I had been averse to pain meds - even through the birth of my son during an emergency c-section thinking I can do this by myself - not quitting and pushing forward despite how hard it is has been a mantra. The hydrocone leveled me to a feeling that I had never had. I was smiling all the time and not feeling reactive or like I was going to explode or dive deep into withdrawal. I couldn't believe the effect. I would like to talk about this with my primary doctor but am embarrassed to bring this up with him to avoid the "drug addict" stigma. Any suggestion on this from someone who has been through the storms of depression and would like to enjoy life while still here - I would appreciate it.

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yes, it defenitly helps me, which is why I came to this page! I have been on antidepressants for quite a long time. I have alwasy been self medicating myself and without getting high, I have found that hydrocodine makes me actually feel normal. no anxiety, No wanting to stay in bed. My depression is not the suicidal type but I have no energy, mental energy, really, and I tend to fade away from the public. I take a vicodine> tow at most in the morning and I'm good to go. This is only something I have found that works for me and I am trying to find out more about it. Anybody dealing with depression, I DO NOT advise you to self medicate like I do. It can be dangerous and and there are different types of depression. I am trying to get more info so I can talk with my doc. and stop treating this myself.

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Oh, my gosh! I googled this question about hydrocodone and it helping my depression and NEVER expected to see that I am NOT the only one! I put up a post answering the first post I read and after that, I have been read and reading everybody posts. I have to say I am amaized and relieved. I have been telling my Mother for a long time that other than the everyday pain issues I have, with or with out pain, it makes me very productive thru my depression as well. But, because I have been trying to self medicate myself for so long, I have gotton myself in trouble with drugs, so my family, knowing I have been dealing with depression as well, just don't understand what Hydrocdone does for me. But they don't understand my daily battles either. Mom has helped me a little so I believe she is trying to understand. Anyways..Nice to know, I'm not the ONLY one who have found something that works! Be SAFE, EVERYONE!

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Obviously, you donot know and/or have ever experienced what depression is. People that live with it can't not help it! if they could they would do it who really likes being sad, hopeless, having no energy not even to get out of bed. Depression is a serious illness no joke, not easy to deal with.

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im not sure who's post u are replying to, however, who is it that thinks this is a joke? I have been in this battle for a long time and had been curious myself as to what other people have found in hydrocodode working for depression. Appearantly, there are lots of people feeling the same as I do. I have been dealing with depression for many years and been on different meds for my depression. i no longer miss use medications, unless you count finding and using something I know finally workd for me after being perscribed hydrocodone for pain. It helps me in every way when I am suppose to that this and that and this and that when I have found working results for all my issues in one med only. So, I don't know who your refering to but it looks like you were replying to my post and not sure why you had the responce you had. Just saying..ofcourse it's NO joke and very quite serious.

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So I see some of you think the generic drug called hydrocodone helps with your depression. Not the drug of choice. It supresses pain by effecting the brain to cut off the pain so you feel better. Now I have heard of medical studies for anxiety the use of Tramadol. But trust me Doctors do not write scripts for Ultram when you are having panic attacks. Example is the common pain med percocet. Some Doctors do prescribe that med for chronic Diarrhea when other conventional meds do not work. The best medications for depression are none. That is my personal opinion. Many do more harm then good. A good way to battle depression is to keep yourself busy like taking a walk or reading a good book maybe playing a serious video game or spending time with your Grandchildren if you have some.

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I am eager to see how the originator of this topic is doing. I hope you are still doing well. Please let me know, as I am going through same thing, or any one else still getting good results. God Bless us all.

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I am 65. Over the last 30 years,have been diagnosed with dysthymia, fibromyalgia, Cushing's Syndrome, osteoarthritis, bi-polar disorder, and PTSD.

I, too, was prescribed myriad drugs with varying degrees of success.... Until one fine Saturday afternoon while working in the yard, and an errant branch scratched my cornea. The ER doc prescribed Vicodin... and PRESTO!!! My GP let me stay on it because "Studies show it is not so addictive in people over 50," and "As long as you do not start coming to me asking for more... offering excuses..." That was nearly EIGHT YEARS ago, and I, too, thought I'd found a Godsend. But on April 4, 2013, I saw my doctor again and told him I'd figured out I have to get off the drug.

It seemed a miracle cure -- and for me, it was -- for quite a while. But what I'd finally figured out was that it had probably stopped working about two years earlier, I'd developed a new set of symptoms (besides the incessant constipation), and what I thought was the old pains coming back was actually a combination of hydrocodone side effects and withdrawal. And I still had bouts of depression and pain towards the end!

The addiction was slow and insidious. Withdrawal was shocking. And I was usually staying one, on good days, two, pills below my prescription level! I am now battling sleeplessness, which I understand can last for months after total withdrawal, but I have no plans to ever take that drug again. (And I think I burned the bridge by telling my doctor I needed to quit, anyway).

My advice: Do NOT use hydrocodone long term, no matter how great a cure it seems to be, and even if you can stay within the original prescription level -- unless you only plan on living another six or seven years. Otherwise, I suspect the joy WILL eventually end, and you'll be worse off than when you started.

On an encouraging note, although I've been mostly vegetarian for many years, I also went vegan about a week before tapering off the hydro. I now strongly suspect that food, particularly poultry and dairy products, was a major source of my pain. At least TRYa vegan diet for a month or two first!

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A long time ago, I used to think along those lines also. But Vicodin will "backfire" on you and leave you so sad and depressed again. It's a very deceiving drug. Extremely helpful in so many cases, but it will mess you up if you are seriously, clinically depressed. If not right away, then in a few years. It just happens. You need to recognize the difference in real happiness and artifical effects of fake happiness. It is sooo very hard, I know. I've been there. You've asked a very good question that I'm sure many folks have wanted to ask!

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