Taking Hydrocodone For Depression (Page 25) (Top voted first)


I am wondering if anybody else out there has taken Hydrocodone and noticed that symptoms of depression are alleviated? I find that many of today's anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs come with unpleasant side effects, whereas while taking Hydrocodone they aren't there. The caveat to all of this is that yes, I know that Hydrocodone and opiates in general can be addictive. So long term use would result in withdrawal symptoms. I'm just wondering who else might agree with me on this?

508 Replies (26 Pages)

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While several low-dose opioid medications are being tested by researchers to treat depression, hydrocodone is not a candidate for this use. In fact, the drugs most often prescribed for depression, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), interact poorly with hydrocodone.

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I would suspect that you feel depression because your brain is lacking dopamine rather than serotonin which is why SSRI don’t work as well for you as opioids.

You should ask to get checked for ADHD. It caused depression and anxiety symptoms in me and once I started taking Adderall that all went away. Instantly, it doesn’t take six weeks to work like SSRI claim to

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Obviously, you donot know and/or have ever experienced what depression is. People that live with it can't not help it! if they could they would do it who really likes being sad, hopeless, having no energy not even to get out of bed. Depression is a serious illness no joke, not easy to deal with.

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Wow.. Real regal of you with your stated 'position' to make threats to people on an online message forum of people that deal with REAL depression every single day and are trying to communicate in an efficient manner about something that truly does help them. We are not on here condoning drug use but rather speaking from our own experiences. You must be one very bored woman to threaten 'IP addresses', but I doubt you would understand what to do, not to mention the fact you need a court order to do anything to even pull and do anything with said IP addresses. Good riddance to people like you Donna!

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Hi Tony,

I agree with you! Depression is not a choice. Each individual must do what it takes in order to live a life worth living.

I also agree with you that those who are not educated about the science of depression or medication tend to be judgmental about them.

I also agree that sometimes it is better to just keep the mouth closed and move on:)

When I took Hydrocodone for my chronic pain, I was judged quite often. Of course, my chronic pain led to my depression. So, I took antidepressant medication to treat the depression, and I still do. Again, I was judged for that, too. As a result, I have learned to say it like it is to those around me (strangers, friends, or family). That is, I tell them I take pain killers for my chronic pain and I take antidepressants for the depression caused by my chronic pain. I say it in a manner that is firm and educational. If they don't like it, they can lump it and kiss my booty! LOL. No one says anything to me these days:)

I say to each his own:)

My point about the Hydrocodone is that if I, personally, take it to treat my depression, I know I will become addicted to it because it makes me feel, oh so normal and nice!


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Clear water extraction, gets the APAP out of it.

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Oh...u noticed that when u take hydrocodone, think u said 10 mg., must be Loratab; u don't have any depression or anxiety... amazing!!! Yes there is a Santa Claus!! And withdrawal "symptoms"...well, that's called being "strung out" or addicted! Yep, only draw back to narcotics or "opiates", as they seem to be called more nowadays. I'm old-school. I call them "dope" & the users "junkies"! Oh yeah, & I call withdrawal..."HELL!! You sound young or very inexperienced. I'm not trying to be mean or a smart a**! But seriously, if we could all take narcotics for depression. ..it would be a very happy planet...just not very productive! I'm from the 60's...peace, love & happiness. We actually lived that way daily. As much as I hate to say it...drugs are what killed us. You see what starts out as "no depression" turns into a need for that drug & nothing else...I mean nothing else. Nothing but the dope! It only takes 4 or 5 days to develop a "habit"; depending on which drug, ur size & ur "tolerance"...which has nothing to do with ur gender, size, etc. I'm only 4 ft. 10" & I would take EIGHT 30mg. Roxicodone AT ONE TIME...& still walk & drive around.

My dr. was prescribing 240 roxis, 30mg. plus 90 MS Contin 30 mg.(morphine). For the other person who wondered about getting a dr. to write & monitor ur usage...they have 'em. Their called "pain management" drs. In fact, they r only ones who can prescribe anything stronger than oxicodone 10 mg., or oxi 10 mg. W/acetaminophen, commonly known as Percocet 10. U must go to pain management (with medical proof...herniated discs r most common ailment). Long story short. ..of course dope cures depression. ..for a time. I did alot of drugs in 60s...even H...never got hooked on it. Thank God. Got clean when I married & had sons. Remained that way till 2004 & went to dr & found out I had herniated discs in lower back. The crack pot (or I should say "pusher") started me on roxi 30 mg. W/ Morphine as long term med. I didn't even know what they were. It had been that long since I'd done drugs. Here I am in 2015 still on oxi 10 mg. without acetaminophen cause I have hepatitis C & cirrhosis, along with too many other illnesses caused from hep C. I was told in 1982 I had Hep C. ..but drs. didn't know anything about it then & just said don't give blood. Had I known all the damage it does...I would have never drank alcohol.

I just turned 64 & I am amazed to be alive! Four husbands, (last killed in auto accident in 2011; 2 sons...17 yr. old killed in auto acc. in 1996; its just my 26 yr old, who has Downs Syndrome; and me living by ourselves. I'm still prescribed oxicodone 10 mg. (which is not much stronger than what u take. I cut myself down that much. So I could function & endure the pain. Oh yea...the depression? Worse than ever. I forgot to mention I'm Bipolar. The dope actually stabilizes my moods. But no depression is so bad compared to the "up's" & "downs" of drug addiction (or alcoholism). The feelings AT FIRST are so wonderful u think you've reached heaven...they'll get shorter as ur tolerance gets stronger...and then you'll get ur lows which is despair & Desperation at its worst. U will find that u can't live without drugs...but u can't live with them, either. I know its long...but I hope you all took the time to read it cause I've lived it & am still living it. I've learned how to manage it. And remember...you've got to come down. I have lost so many friends, so many loved ones...most importantly, I lost so much of my life...realizing it now, when theres not that much time left for me. I know antidepressants don't work. Tried them all. But please...from one whose been there... Find another way! I pray that sharing my life with you...will save you from having to go out there & finding out urself!! God bless you all!

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Good am! I've been in pain for a day or two but I'm better. Yes, Hydrcodone is much better for me than oxy. I've tried oxy once...I was still in pain. Like taking a baby aspirin.

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gagelle if it works on the opiate receptors it only makes sense to prescribe opiates as an anti depressant......like they were 70-6,000 years ago!!! Oxy and hydro aren't even narcotics! They are stimulants and natural antidepressants...the govt has lied to us about them the same as cannabis

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You feel better because your hooked up and don't know it yet.

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How can you be dependent but not addicted? Please pay attention!
You are going through withdrawal.

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I only take half a pill for bad pain since the next morning the hydro nervousness arrives. Tramadol extended release is a god send which counteracts the hydro withdrawal.

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Will the changes in the Affordable Care Act impact the use of these medications?

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Changes in insurance will not affect these drugs but congress is making changes to help curb the opiate epidemic that's infecting America today.

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"Is it ok to have a few drinks and take hydrocodone 5/325? I drank, but my back is killing me and my neck is stiff as hell!!" ~Meesh

Are you asking a real serious question here?? Do me a favor, take out your prescription bottle for hydrocodone and read the warning label and/or directions written by your Doc.
My meds from pain management say in caps DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WHILE TAKING THIS MEDICINE. As well as put in the directions.
Did you ask your Pharmacist when you picked up your medicine? They should've gone through all of that during pick up.

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Its kinda common knowledge that many (not all) peeps find such benefits with low dose opioids- more so if you're not used to taking them, and if you're among those that find them to be a stimulant, rather than any narcotic effect...

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Yes, I do agree and xanax and all the anti-depressants out there are also very addictive. I was recently given the Fentanyl patch and had bad side affects but they told me that was normal for a new drug because my body was not used to it. I had taken it for almost 2 months and was not happy and then all of a sudden I started to feel so so good!! Not having any side affects now and it makes me happy.

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Hydrocodone is a pain med, also know as Vicodin . I am surprised your DR is giving you that as a anti depressant. So this is a first I have heard of this.

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hydrocodone is an opiate...yes it will elevate your mood very quickly as it causes euphoria.

However, like alcohol (which GREATLY alleviates anxiety), once it begins wearing off it will actually WORSEN your per-existing depression and very likely will cause increased aggression.

NEITHER opiates or alcohol are good for depression as they only "fix" it for about an hour at best...then they actually make it worse.

I used to use morphine as the OP described, but it was when I noticed I was VERY easily agitated while coming off (I used enough to elicit the buzz of two beers). Most downers may make you feel great for a bit but most (not all) will floor you when you come off. I then used alcohol...it is actually pretty common for anxiety sufferers to use alcohol for anxiety and it works...however as I already had depression problems along with anxiety, alcohol is no friend to me. Nor are opiates.

I miss my opiate days, but I do NOT miss the extra downer effect nor the increased aggression. I encourage you to limit your opiate use.

In 6 months I went from needing 2mg morphine I.M. for a 2 beer effect to needing over 12mg...less than 6 months. Opiate addiction is nothing to mess with, if it weren't for the tolerance issues I might still use it, but opiates damage your liver just like alcohol...so take GREAT caution.

Tylenol (which is an ingredient of hydro) also damages the liver, if you consume alcohol and take hydrocodone, even if not at the same time, you are REALLY killing your liver...and that is not how you want to go...very slow...very uncomfortable.

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Duh,its a opiate of course it's going to make you feel good. Duh!

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