Taking Hydrocodone For Depression (Page 21)


I am wondering if anybody else out there has taken Hydrocodone and noticed that symptoms of depression are alleviated? I find that many of today's anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs come with unpleasant side effects, whereas while taking Hydrocodone they aren't there. The caveat to all of this is that yes, I know that Hydrocodone and opiates in general can be addictive. So long term use would result in withdrawal symptoms. I'm just wondering who else might agree with me on this?

508 Replies (26 Pages)

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I AGREE in my opinion this Dr. is negligent besides being greedy by not putting the welfare of his patient first. Because what is the patients's prognosis...drug addiction.

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Wow BRIAN! excellent post. . Your info is spot on! It's so very rare to see such as informative post.

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Yes, when you first take a hydrocodone pill, it makes you happy and gives you a "HIGH", but after taking that long term that high goes away. Then you have to deal with the problem that you are addicted to them. I understand that it is wonderful to be happy and high and you can get lots done. I use to do the same thing. But, it is just not worth it, DON'T use them to make you HAPPY!

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Absutely they do control depression and PTSD. There is more and more research ckecking out to support this. I use 1 a day and it helps with the above

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Using opiod meds like this is preposterous at best!

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It does not control depression, I know there are clinical trials going on with this, but it is because it "COVERS" it up. It gives you loads of energy, a high and makes you happy, all day! I am a depressed person, and I would take a pill in the morning of hydracodone, then I would clean house, mow the lawn, clean the pool, give the kids a bath, do the laundry and cook dinner and still have energy and be happy. That is what the pill would do for me. Then I would get up the next morning and do the same thing. After taking them for a year, the high, happiness and energy went away. So depressing! Then I had to deal with the addiction! So, if you want to go through that, go ahead, but I am telling you the truth, it does not last!!!!!

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Brian, I am with you 100%. For one thing, it makes me wonder if these people are Dr. shopping to get these many hydrocodone pills. Since I have been through, I am highly against it now. I agree with you 100% on what you said. Thank you for posting!

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Well Lee, an epidural involves "a drug injected into the epidural space of the spinal cord" so there are some serious risks. And the drugs they typically use are very powerful opioids and/or corticosteroids. (Of course we know bad things only happen to bad people, right? So no worries.)

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You are correct, and the fact that opioids give people a chemically induced feeling of well being is PRECISELY why people become addicted to them! Well, that and the fact that when you stop taking them abruptly you feel like hot-dipped dog-poop and can even die from withdrawals, and like nicotine, even when you successfully give the drug up the longing never really leaves you. Plus, if you ever find yourself in a situation where you need a large dose of a morphine-like drug, there will be dosing issues that could prove fatal.

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“hooked" on Narcotic Pain-Killers is a good way to bring in easy and very steady money. What does that refer to I wonder? How would a physician make money by prescribing meds that temporarily allow someone to 'clean the house' and in general feel better? There is no reason to believe that people using opiates occasionally in order to feel better, have more energy, and improve their quality of life would mean they're going to end up in a worse state eventually. Why would anyone assume they would not have the sense to ration their intake of oxycodene so that they could continue to feel more optimistic and happy? Why blow it?!

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Okay, I know exactly how this will sound but I've been clinically depressed since I was 17. I've taken all the med school given for depression. Some worked for short periods of time and some made me feel like I didn't care whether I lived or not. I am fully aware of your position and agree that opiates are not accepted for depression, but try living your life like many people who are severely depressed ( some you probably wouldn't expect) . I ask you to not to condescending to someone who just wants to live a semi normal life.

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They are doing trials right now on a medication for treating opiate addiction called Suboxone/nalaxone for its uses for depression. It is an opioid antagonist which clings on very well to the Gaba receptors in your brain. These receptors are the ones that make you feel the affects of opiates. The interesting thing about this medicine is that it will give you that opiate sensation up to a certain threshold and after that you will be able to feel any increase of even if you tried to take it with any other kind of opiates, in fact you would most likely go into withdrawal.
I have been on this medicine for maintenance for 5 years and have also suffered from major depressive disorder for decades. I noticed right away that it greatly helps my depression symptoms. As far as I know it can only be prescribed for opiate addiction maintenance and step therapy right now. It is still an expensive medication even though there is a generic for it called bupernorphine/nalaxone and will most likely need a PA from your doctor for your insurance to cover it. Hydrocodone never made me feel better one way or the other, but after a severe knee injury and surgery I got to the point that I was taking two 30mg instant release Oxycodone 3-5 times per day just to function. Not to mention the 2mg Alprazolam (Xanax) as needed. Now I've been clean for 8 years and my depression is well managed.

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Hello Lee,

Due to Opiates, etc being very prominent in the news across North America right now there are many many people with many many different opinions about these drugs. Some support using opiates, some say stay away and some are neutral about them. The hard part is filtering out the facts from the opinions and bias attitudes etc and taking the good information to help you make good and safe choices for your issue(s). Opiates can be used in many different ways and have the ability to have other uses beyond those for pain etc. Some people take them for depression like you're asking about and some people take them that suffer from bi-polar disorder to help keep them level and balanced so to speak, but most use them for pain relief etc. Using opiates for depression is not a very common way to use opiates due to the fact that people become addicted and dependent on them and then end up depressed and addicted to strong narcotics which is a terrible situation to be in obviously. Personally I would only suggest taking opiates for depression if you have already tried everything else your doctor(s) have prescribed and even then I would go find another 2-3 doctors and have them see if they can either suggest another medication or way to go and then if all those new doctors, as well as your own original doctors are out of ideas and your depression is truly that bad then maybe try using a VERY VERY VERY SMALL DOSAGE AND MILLIGRAM of Opiates. A 5MG tablet ONCE a day would be the most I would want to see you taking and NOT everyday either.

If your depression hurts you everyday then I would suggest trying to add some new activity and/or hobby/walking/running/etc and try and change your routine up to see if getting yourself involved in some new activity etc brings anything positive to your life. BEFORE trying Opiates for your depression I would seriously try every other possible thing you can and give them all an honest and real try to see if they help. Many people that are depressed suffer due to them being lonely, they have very few or no friends/etc to spend time with, they're shut-ins and choose to stay home and not leave their "sanctuaries" because they feel safe and comfortable at home and due to this they either dont have or dont want visitors over to visit so they become lonely etc and their depression gets worse in their eyes because of it. And of course many people are depressed due to very serious events or experiences in their lives and it has deeply hurt and affected them causing serious depression etc. Depression comes in many many different forms as you know of course but it also has many many potential different ways to relieve it.

Using opiates for depression is not something many doctors would be agreeable with and most I would say would shut that idea off immediately and refuse to even consider it. There is always exceptions to every rule etc and of course there will be some doctors willing to write prescriptions for oxycontin, hydromorphone, morphine, percocet, etc etc for depression and those doctors I would guess are either compassionate, understanding and open to trying new treatments/medications/etc for their patients while other doctors would be thinking of greed and self gain by prescribing opiates knowing full well that in doing so they will have a consistent opiate taking patient that will make them a certain amount of money every month etc and they decide to overlook and ignore their morals as well as the code they promised to uphold and prescribe you opiates no problem. First off and Mandatory I would discuss the whole situation with your doctor, ( If you trust him/her and know that they have your best intentions at heart ), And go over every possible treatment, medications and other physicians/specialists/therapists/psychologists/etc etc and single out every other treatment/medications etc BEFORE even considering taking any Opiates in any dosage no matter how small because taking Opiates for any length of time beyond a few days - 2 weeks, ( like after surgery etc ), is a VERY VERY SERIOUS, LIFE ALTERING, EXTREMELY IMPORTANT AND MASSIVE DECISION for anyone thinking of starting an opiate treatment routine. Opiates are 100% addicting and I can guarantee you that you WILL 100% become addicted and dependent and they WILL control your life depending on how long you take them and what dosage etc you take. You will experience side affects and for some people they are very very serious and for some they are not to bad and manageable.

Unfortunately and sadly many many physicians dont inform their patients the facts and info about taking opiates, regardless of the term they will be taking them. Taking opiates is a HUGE life changing decision and sadly for far to many a life-ENDING decision due to them not being informed by their treating physician(s). To many people end up in very serious trouble taking opiates and some die due to overdosing because they either didnt know better and messed up bad, drinking, or using other drugs while also using opiates, or they knew and chose to ignore or not take seriously the very real and serious ways opiates can hurt you or end your life. Regardless of all of this, I would ask yourself one question BEFORE even thinking of considering any type of opiate for your depression: Is your depression at the point where you and your doctor(s) have ALL exhausted EVERY OTHER POSSIBLE Treatment/medication(s)/other specialists, psychologists, therapists, etc etc and IF so have you TRULY taken the time and serious honest effort to really learn about opiates and how they might be able to help you and help you depression? Have you discussed this idea with your family/partner/children/close friends/parents/etc? Why did you think of taking opiates as a treatment/medication for your depression? Did you take some before one time or more then one time, felt high and liked them a lot? Then thought, Hmmm I could take these and feel great all the time and not feel depressed ??? ( Its a totally legit thought and way of thinking if you did/have, opiates do make people feel great BUT.........) And what thoughts have you had regarding taking opiates for your depression? Were you thinking you could take a pill here and there depending on what level your depression is at ??? ( like todays sucks so ill take some and tom is not to bad so ill either not take any or just take a little bit ??? ).

Taking opiates for any length of time and reason is a decision that comes with a very very big and serious responsibility and a level of maturity that never gets lost or broken or taken for granted. These narcotics can and will kill you if the person taking it is ignorant, naive, arrogant, stupid, abusive, and if the person doesnt take them 100% seriously and if the person isnt 100% prepared to be 100% honest and truthful to both themselves and their prescribing doctor(s) and to their parents/wife/husband/children/etc etc. You WILL experience Ups and Downs while getting used to opiates, you WILL experience some level of side affects whether it be small or big, you WILL go thru severe hell IF you choose to play around or not take them seriously and you WILL risk your life if after reading everything I just wrote you and youre shaking your head thinking OMG man, chill out and relax !!! Ill be fine, you're totally
over-reacting and over-exaggerating all this stuff about taking opiates !!! Geez, chill out and dont worry about me, im all good and none of this will happen to me !!!! IF you're thinking/saying ANY of this then PLEASE dont even think of taking this medication for your depression, PLEASE.... Honestly im NOT trying to lecture you or freak you out or do anything at all EXCEPT INFORM YOU, PERIOD. I've seen and experienced to many events of losing people, to many close calls, to many bad situations with people I know with friends, family, co-workers, etc etc and them either dying , almost dying, or ending up in bad situations and other terrible realities to be chill or relaxed when it comes to opiates.

IF you and your family/doctor(s) decide to try using opiates for your depression AFTER you've all discussed and gone thru all the other potential treatments/medications/therapies/activities/etc etc, and you all feel that your depression is so serious and it causes you to suffer enough that you have to go down the opiate route for relief, then PLEASE PROMISE YOURSELF and your FAMILY/Etc that you will learn about opiates FIRST BEFORE taking even one dose, and you will always, everyday, every time, and for the entire time you take the medication that you will NOT mess around in ANY way shape at all and drink alcohol, do other drugs, ( legal or illegal UNLESS your doctor(s) inform you that taking the mixture of different drugs, regardless of them being legal or illegal is 100% OK ), and that you will NOT EVER Escalate and start increasing the amount of opiates you're prescribed and you Wont ever ignore yourself when your inner voice or voice from your family/friends/etc tells you that you're messing with your dosages and/or time(s) you take them daily or weekly or whatever. I write this Not because im being your dad, but because if you cant agree and take seriously what I just wrote, 100%, then taking opiates is a very very bad idea for you and you will end up in a very bad situation one day down the road and the last thing I want is to learn that you ended up like that. What I just wrote, the whole long message and how serious I am writing it and that I care is exactly how and what you and your doctor(S) SHOULD also experience when discussing whether or not to take opiates for your depression. IF your doctor doesn't treat you the same way I just did then please get another doctor and one that looks in your eyes while discussing opiates with you.

IF your life isnt being taken 100% seriously by your doctor then being treated by that doctor while also potentially going on some opiate treatment is a VERY BAD IDEA and thats a very BAD doctor!!! Also if you do try it PLEASE do NOT take any more then 5MG ONCE a day and no matter what do NOT increase that at all unless its been a long long time and then only to 10MG, PERIOD. Increasing any more then this is stupid, ignorant and is guaranteed to cause you and put you in a very bad situation down the road. I just dont want to see you get into a mess with these things, its very very easy to and most people do get into problems they have very serious problems trying to get out of. Im trying to educate you so you dont go down that path. Ive taken very high amounts of opiate medications for about 14 years for severe chronic C.R.P.S - Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome - ( Nerve Pain ), Osteo-arthritis, Tendonitis and Ive had multiple surgeries and done every treatment/medications known and seen every possible doctor who could help. Im telling you all this so you can save yourself a huge amount of nightmares and learn from somebody that only wants to help you any way possible.

Again, PLEASE dont take this message as a lecture, I truly DONT mean for that. You sound like you need some advice about opiates and depression and you asked about it so im giving you a ton of free info so while you're beginning to learn about this you can have a good foundation of knowledge to base it all from and have info to refer to so you can see if you're going down a good or bad path.
Also if you want or need any advice, info, etc etc at any time regarding anything to do with opiates and doctors, etc please dont hesitate to email me, I am available to help you anytime no matter what you want to know or ask etc. Im happy to help if I can !!!
Ive seen to many people take opiates wrong and not take them seriously and they end up in a world of trouble, if I can help or assist I will and it will be my pleasure....... ? I hope you're able to find a different type of treatment or medication etc so you dont have to try using any opiates but if you do I just hope you always learn before choosing or deciding anything and always before taking anything. So many people think they know better and they end up in very serious trouble.......you're obviously smarter then they are because you are asking about them on here and this site has many good people on it willing to help 24/7.......you're already ahead of the majority of people which is awesome!!! Again, im available anytime for anything!!! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!! Cheers!

{edited for privacy}

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Have to say from someone who is both Suffering from depression/anxiety & severe chronic pain. I will say- good luck finding a Dr willing to manage your depression with hydrocodone alone. Asking for an opiate/narcotic (controlled substance-requires a narcotic agreement & usually random drug panels) Many ppl who have chronic pain find it difficult to find Drs willing to prescribe basic opiate meds to control their pain often making them feel like 'drug seekers' Prescribing an opiate for depression is ridiculous. First- there is the risk of toxicity of acetaminophen you can only take so many combined pills that includes other meds -examples Excedrin or Tylenol with it. Then there is the risk of tolerance where after a short amount of time you need a higher dose or the hydrocodone doesn't work anymore and you are looking at Percocet/Oxycodone /OxyContin for relief. Yeah-not happening. Then you are having withdrawals and going to Rehab. Good Luck with that.... Actually- I am seeing my pain management Dr in 8 hrs. Will get back & let you know what he says... Will most likely get laughed in my face!

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Toll of opioid related deaths:


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Oh yeah, how about toll of ALCOHOL related deaths? ??....oh that's right, that's a multi, MULTI BILLION dollar business for the government. ...so we're not supposed to talk about it..besides, it also funds the ARCHAIC DEA..

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You are better off trying to get a medicinal marijuana card than hydrocodone!!! MJ ccomes in more than one form- oils, ediles, vaping oil. FACT! LOOK INTO IT!
Just came from pain management and brought it up and I think she almost laughed in my face ! It is borderline drug seeking behaviour. You WILL run into a problem. Two reasons- Acetaminophen- can be toxic. The other tolerance- when it stops working! GUARANTEED!
Seriously- Hydrocodone is not the way to go.

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Good option ISE!!

Nonpsychoactive Cannabidiol (CBD) is an amazing antidote for anxiety. In fact, CBD may be even better at controlling anxiety than psychoactive THC. While THC can make anxiety worse in some cases, CBD feels like being enveloped by a warm, calming blanket. The best part? There is no known way to overdose on CBD and it does not impair cognitive function.

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Thanks! Another good thing about CBD it legal in 50 states-without the THC. Just make sure you talk to your Doctor &/ Pharmacist before starting anything new. I normally speak to both- first- my Pharmacist- since they have a complete file- allergies, ALL meds, and Vitamin supplements. Then if they see NO interactions- Doctor.

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The point I was trying to make was simply that Bupronorphine is not an opioid analgesic, it has been proven in many trials to lower depression significantly at the dose of 2mg sublingual per day. It does not make you feel high and there is zero risk for overdose. Would you rather suggest benzos where a mix of alcohol can kill?

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