Teva 30mg Vs Aurobindo Pharm Amphetamine Salts (adderall) (Page 5)
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For several years I've taken TEVA 30mg Amphetamine Salts 2x daily with consistent positive relief. Focus and a feeling that I could have a productive day gave me a reason to get out of bed. On 8/21/2014 all that changed to nervous anxiety filled days staying home. What caused the dramatic change quickly became clear. The generic Adderall produced by AUROBINO PHARM which my regular CVS Pharmacy filled my RX with on 8/21 was less than effective it was exasperating the very symptoms for which it was prescribed. FDA is an ineffective bureaucracy controlled by lobbyists for foreign and domestic pharmaceutical companies making huge profits in generic drugs at the expense of the health and quality of life of others. The manufacturing of inferior or possibly harmful medications by greedy corporations will continue to grow until a strong GOOD DRUG coalition is formed. Tomorrow I know I will be calling my pharmacy, CVS Corporation, my Dr., and make a report to the FDA. I will also try my damnedest never to purchase a drug produced by AUROBINDO PHAR.

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As long as the FDA is funded by Big Pharma the nasty symbiotic relationship will be there. It prevails at the expense of the patients who are forced to buy the expensive crap they more often than not produce. As long as we have the best congress and bureaucrats money can buy, we're screwed. Maybe many patients are experiencing the same new results as you. Get a lawyer, file a suit; seek to make it class action.

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I am a nurse who also takes adderall. I'm hoping I can be of help to all of you. Don't worry, I just want to help. Nothing else!!!!
I've gone to Walgreens for 10 years and they're the only pharmacy I use. First, they know all the meds that I'm on and are notified if there's any chance of drug interactions with the medication I take. Secondly, for 7 years, Walgreens has never changed their manufacturer or pills in any way.

If you do have a problem, you can ask your doctor to check the box that says you can only be given the name brand for your adderall and/or any other medication you are on. Just explain to your doctor why. I hope this helps.

{edited for privacy}

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Very well said & every word is true unfortunately. Thanks

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I recently had a similar experience with Alprazolam. I have been on it for a few years as it helps alleviate the stress which causes my Sjogrens Symptoms to multiply to an unbearable point. I know the manufacturers had been switched a few times over the years. This time Walgreens gave me my RX with a manufacturer called DAVA. (Look on the label on all your meds. These folks have a bad history. Google them.) Walgreens said they were switching all their meds to DAVA. I then called CVS. Same situation. Switching to DAVA. I called Target, Walmart and mom& pop pharmacies in my area. ALL switching to DAVA! Why? I finally found that Cosco was the only company not involved in this monopoly.

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I have been getting adderall for about a year now they are orange semi round b 973 I'm not sure what company it's from yet...its all I've ever had from Walgreens..what does your look like?. I Have been watching a few utube vidios on adderall Dr. Charles Parker has about 6 good ones I found that the 20mg probably need to be taken x3 daily..its good info for someone like me that's somewhat new

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I had the same exact experience! I used that brand from CVS and felt horrible!

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Re: Hate Aurobindo Brand Adderall (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Exactly!! Wow, could not have articulated it better.

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Re: Kelly (# 160) Expand Referenced Message

I am 100% in!!!! How can i get in touch with you so we can discuss this? Aurobindo adderall messed me up!!!

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Re: KD55 (# 163) Expand Referenced Message

Wow. I feel bad for you and I understand your pain and frustration. I too felt like I was actually poisoned. My boy did not respond but unlike you I got this terrible stimulant feeling. Very uncomfortable. I think their inactive ingredients are very dirty and affect how the drug is absorbed. Nevertheless, we shouldn't be given drugs from India for Christ's sake.

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Re: Hamster (# 164) Expand Referenced Message

I agree about the tolerance. I also believe the more you take of one, the better you're likely to respond, no matter which one. It's when they switch it up after a few months that the bizarre side effects are noticeable

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Re: WokenWarrior (# 157) Expand Referenced Message

I have to agree with you. I have had them all.

The last 2 scripts were Teva. Awful. Nothing. Just the same diabetic, sugar based saccharin crap - and so weak now.

Their reformulation was strategic. They want you to hate these things so you are cornered into purchasing their reformulated "Brand"...its like the fox guarding the henhouse- and Express Scripts were savvy enough to know this strategy...hence, it's no longer covered by this insurance.

I take the Brand XR 30mg from Shire and supplement with a 30 mg Generic. I cycle from Teva, Mylan and Aurobindo on the generics. I went with the dreaded Aurobindo on this script. No issues. Mood enhancement.

Bottom line after 7 to 10 days on ANY of them, tolerance builds....

Take what works for you but the "fear" factor on certain generics is your opinion only. Our bodies/mind ain't the same folks...

Good luck - and be well.

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Re: Kelly (# 160) Expand Referenced Message

I am going through a horrible two weeks after switching to CVS from Walgreens because CVS near my house is open 24 hours. CVS filled my generic adderall with auro-fill/aurobindo the chalky, round pinkish pills that have the U30 markings. I researched the company and found that Auro-bindo aka Auro-Life in 2018 was removed from the market in the US from 2006-2013. The reason was active ingredients in generics less than 50%, and contaminants in the drugs. I had been on Teva for over a year and was doing very well. After my first dose of this "medication" I knew they were crap. They didn't work. Period. But worse they did the opposite of provide focus, they made me sleepy, and disoriented. Then jittery and got nausea, headache. After that first dose I literally fell asleep. I couldn't shake the lethargy. By the end of the day I was extremely depressed. The kind of gloom that makes everything seem futile and awful for human life in general. Hard to explain. I tried one more day or two and the depression wasn't as bad but the pills just didn't work. No energy, no clarity or focus. Just an edgy choppy feeling, that made me disoriented. It was as if I had to think about every normal action to force my body to comply. Awful. I felt poisoned. I called CVS and Doctor and I was given another script. I haven't picked it up yet from her office but I am going to tomorrow, paying for the Auro-Life/Aurobindo shot my medication budget for the month so I had to wait until I could pay for a prescription for Teva. I'm not getting it filled at CVS, in fact I'm transferring all my medications, back to Walgreens. I wish someone would run a chemical analysis on these pills, I guarantee that they are not even close to the 80% of active ingredients required by law. To get any relief I have had to almost double my dosage. And then it only lasts, if it works at all, for about an hour to an hour and a half. And the odd disoriented feeling is still there. If someone would run an evaluation on these pills, I would join a class action. This company was taken off the U.S. market for seven years I'm sure when they were selling pills with half of the active ingredients (and contaminants) they were making millions in profits. If no one is monitoring them is it unreasonable to think they would try it again? These generics are not cheap. I paid $72.00 for the privilege of feeling like hell, setting me back in my work, and just all because a company in India is selling god knows what and calling it generic adderall. I have had some of the same less serious side effects like numb fingers and legs/feet feeling of physical weakness and body aches. And yes, I also got sores inside my mouth. But the worst part is struggling to get through the day. I agree with one commentator that the feeling is similar to ephedra that crappy stuff drug stores, or variety stores and gas stations sold. Taking a Sudafed provides more focus. Someone please analyze this pill. I want them off the market.

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I've been on adderall for about ten years with no trouble. Then at the end of april I went to my dr like normal. He always sends my scripts in by email. Got my scripts and I noticed my adderalls were different. I didn't think anything of it and started taking them on april 26, 2018. By may 2 or so I had a terrible sore on the side of my tongue. The next day the sore went from the side of my tongue around to the bottom, about the size of a dime. I went to my dr and he said it's an infection, gave me a prescription for an anabiotic and I started taking it on may 8. After seven days of taking them the swelling went down a little bit but still had this open sore on my tongue and it hurts like hell. I've used peroxide and listerine several times a day and some home remedies I've found with no help. I start to look on the internet and all I find is that if you have open sore on your tongue that's lasted more than 2 to 3 weeks you need to see your dr because it could be serious. So now I'm freaking out, so I set an appointment with my family dr, not my psychiatrist. He looks at it and tells me I need to go see a specialist an have a biopsy done on the sore. After my appointment I start to get another open sore on the bottom edge of my tongue, then my tongue is looking like it's cracking everywhere. Then I get another sore on the tip of my tongue. Now I got three open sores and my tongue is cracked all over. It's around june 26 2018 I don't go to the specialist until july 10 2018. So I'm freaking out, I get on the internet and run across a site that says there's a link between adderall an open sores on the tongue, but I'm not really thinking about the link because I've been on adderall for about ten years.

Then it clicks my adderalls were different. Since the end of april I've been getting these adderall I've never had before. Then thinking about the form I read about the link between adderall and sores on the tongue. So today I look at my prescription bottle and look up the company that makes these generic adderall and it's aurobindo. Then I find this website and can't believe what I've been reading. So starting right now I'm going to stop taking them and see if the issues with my tongue is because of this generic brand of adderall. I got 9 days as of today before I go see the specialist for a biopsy. If none of you ever seen a tongue biopsy just check it out on youtube. I'm only 45 and just the thought of a biopsy freak's me out, so I'm praying that this just ain't a coincidence and is really the cause of the sores on my tongue. Will see. Today is july 1 2018. Either way I'll be back to let everyone know the results.

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Re: WokenWarrior (# 157) Expand Referenced Message

Everyone else has chalk pills. Maybe you just lucked out. I feel like I'm going to die from this poison

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I plan on pursuing a class action suit against aurobindo. I need to know who is in? {edited for privacy}

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Re: WokenWarrior (# 158) Expand Referenced Message

I recently got diagnosed and got put on Adderall. I ended up getting Aurobindo 20mg. Keep in mind this was my first time ever on any meds so I had zero tolerance. Well I took the meds and felt absolute nothing. Literally felt NOTHING but appetite suppression.

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Re: Rastas777 (# 136) Expand Referenced Message

wow i found 1 person without a negative aurobindo comment regarding adderall ir....literally 99 percent of people get on this hate bandwagon and scare others into thinking there meds arent working....believe me these u31's go hard af and i'm regretting having taking 90 mg ... could have just taken i'm really happy to see someone without a bias against this brand...i mean cmon guys

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Re: Christie (# 153) Expand Referenced Message

I disagree...The sugar teva footballs are weaker and less potent than the auro u31's. I just took 90mg 1 and a half hours ago....Pupils dilated....Edm music sounds amazing, 10/10 laser focus....And no anxiety... So why all the hate for these addys? I've had literally every type (mylan, core, teva brand and generic, mallinkrodt, aurobindo, sandoz and even ol' school shire ad/30's). So after 12 years of adderall use I think I would notice if the daily medication I take everyday caused headaches, sleepiness, and anxiety... I swear aurobindo must have improved their plant's quality cuz my pills aren't crumbly and work all too well...Don't hate, just take!

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Re: Christie (# 155) Expand Referenced Message

I am in NH and Wallgreens has 20 mg Tevas.
CVS and Rite Aid carry the Aurobindo (sp?) so I won’t go there. They gave me major anxiety.

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Re: Monza (# 154) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. Did you ALREADY get your script filled? If so, what is the brand? Where did you get it filled? If you're comfortable telling, what state? I'm from Kansas. I get my stuff in Wichita. I used DILLIONS pharmacy for 7 years for my adderall until I got that aurobindo s***. Now i go to walgreens and they give me the TEVA's.

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