Teva 30mg Vs Aurobindo Pharm Amphetamine Salts (adderall) (Page 4)
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For several years I've taken TEVA 30mg Amphetamine Salts 2x daily with consistent positive relief. Focus and a feeling that I could have a productive day gave me a reason to get out of bed. On 8/21/2014 all that changed to nervous anxiety filled days staying home. What caused the dramatic change quickly became clear. The generic Adderall produced by AUROBINO PHARM which my regular CVS Pharmacy filled my RX with on 8/21 was less than effective it was exasperating the very symptoms for which it was prescribed. FDA is an ineffective bureaucracy controlled by lobbyists for foreign and domestic pharmaceutical companies making huge profits in generic drugs at the expense of the health and quality of life of others. The manufacturing of inferior or possibly harmful medications by greedy corporations will continue to grow until a strong GOOD DRUG coalition is formed. Tomorrow I know I will be calling my pharmacy, CVS Corporation, my Dr., and make a report to the FDA. I will also try my damnedest never to purchase a drug produced by AUROBINDO PHAR.

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For those who are told that they must accept the generic chosen by your pharmacy, please read the last paragraph in this report from the Wikipedia site. Your rights are shown in the last paragraph, under the Madigan Settlement.

Deceptive business practices

"In February 2008, CVS settled a large civil lawsuit for deceptive business practices. The Kaiser Family Foundation reported:

CVS has agreed to a $38.5 million settlement in a multi-state civil deceptive-practices lawsuit against pharmacy benefit manager Caremark filed by 28 attorneys general, the Chicago Tribune reports. The attorneys general, led by Lisa Madigan (D) of Illinois and Douglas Ganslar (D) of Maryland, allege that Caremark "engaged in deceptive business practices" by informing physicians that patients or health plans could save money if patients were switched to certain brand-name prescription drugs (Miller, Chicago Tribune, 2/14).

However, the switch often saved patients and health plans only small amounts or increased their costs, while increasing Caremark's profits, Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal (D) said (Levick, Hartford Courant, 2/15). Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett (R) said the PBM kept discounts and rebates that should have been passed on to employers and patients (Levy, AP/San Francisco Chronicle, 2/14). In addition, Caremark did not "adequately inform doctors" of the full financial effect of the switch and did not disclose that the switch would increase Caremark's profits, the lawsuit alleges (Chicago Tribune, 2/14).

...The settlement prohibits CVS from requesting prescription drug switches in certain cases, such as when the cost to the patient would be higher with the new prescription drug; when the original prescription drug's patent will expire within six months; and when patients were switched from a similar prescription drug within the previous two years (Hartford Courant, 2/15). Patients also have the ability to decline a switch from the prescribed treatment to the prescription offered by the pharmacy under the settlement, Madigan said (Bloomberg News/Philadelphia Inquirer, 2/15)."


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Re: Lesley (# 183) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for your reply. Yes, variations of the generic form, most especially aurobindo, causes depression. I mean to say that beyond soporific, I was also sad, lacked incentive and motivation, frowned, had no joy not to mention not being able to create a happy home environment for my family, or work. Doctors? I live in California; we don't have doctors who studied or interned in the USA. My current doctor just said he doesn't know what to do for me. He has no new course of treatment for me for which he is able to document according to insurance guidelines. In fact, that medical group does not treat using formulates that they know will require corresponding with insurance companies. Pretty flippin' sad, yes?

I found an independent pharmacy to provide Teva,. and I was sooo happy with them. Then, CVS bought them out, and filled my perscription with mixed generics, telling me they were selling me Teva, and labeling the bottle, "Teva," (I checked the bottle name before leaving the store to verify Teva. When I got home and opened the bottle, I found they were not all Teva. How about that?

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Re: Whaa (# 182) Expand Referenced Message

I forgot all about this forum things have been so hectic lately sorry you had to experience them horrible pills for me i stop taking them around the time time i posted on here by the second day being adhd i was all over the place so I called my doctor to see if he could call in in a script because of the problem's I was feeling with them other one's even told him i would bring him the bottle of them an he could see i been off them for a little bit but of course he said no but he would make sure this time when he calls them in that I would not get audo so I had to wait about two weeks or so but within that first week the sores started to heal by the time I got my new script i only had one little dot left when I got my script it was not audo ive been getting teva not as strong as they used to be but ill take it because after all I went through with them audo it's like a blessing i was in so much pain all the time everything hurt my tongue the sores were pretty good size talking they would rub my teeth eating I couldn't even get away from it sleeping man it suck but now everything is good I still went to see the tongue specialist he agreed that it could have been the pills just because the sores showed up write after I started taking them in even through I cleaned my tongue with peroxide an listeren took a whole script of antibiotics an the sores were just as bad an more showed up an it was like that for month's then in the first week not taking taking audo they were heeling now im good I will never take them audo again if they were the only adhd medicine left then id just be hyperactive an not focus of the rest of my life

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I feel like I should try the brand name.. Even though they are not what the used to be I'm sure they are better than any generic. If my doctor writes brand name only on the script will my insurance cover it or would I be stuck paying out of pocket???

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Re: KD55 (# 163) Expand Referenced Message

Just switched to these u30 aurobindo from CVS, immediately noticed I felt different in a bad way. Heart racing a little, but my focus on a 1-10 scale was at a -5. So scatter brained and forgetful, but wide awake.. they are garbage. Never had this effect from any other generic I've taken.

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I picked up my Adderall script yesterday at my CVS and I went in the day previous to see if they had or could order the Teva brand for me. The girl who does the ordering who is really great told me that they had lots of it in and there would be no problem with filling my script the next morning. I went in as soon as the opened the next day and the girl working told me they didn't have the 60 pills to fill my script. I told her what I was thinking the day before and she said they go really really fast because people come fromall over looking for the Teva brand and they were the only CVS in the area to have any. I was going to bring my script somewhere else when they didn't get anymore in their shipment. I ended up talking to the girl I know who orders and she said we have 59 Teva pills if you want to just get one fewer. I was fine with that. It just seems to be getting harder and harder to get it. They always seem to have the aurobindo brand though...

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Re: Kelly (# 186) Expand Referenced Message

I was taking these same teva/barr brand Adderall back in 2011 and they were much stronger as far as lasting ALL day! Now I'd be lucky to have 20mgs last 4 hours or so. The other brands out now other than sandoz were not really around then but they seem to all be awful as far as I'm concerned. I did try sandoz once back then and it was good.. also I tried the core pharma brand back then also a couple times and it was a little less smooth and I thought it was the least effective brand then but compared to mylan core pharma was great. I can't believe how poor the quality of generic medications have been getting! It's a crime honestly. The FDA needs to have tighter restrictions and higher requirements as far as a generics ingredients and there should be way more controls making sure a generic is very close to the brand and not garbage ingredients put together on some 3rd world country.

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Just my 2 cents here. I’ve been on all the generic adderall brands over the last 6 years. Barr was the best until Teva bought them out. I noticed, as well as many others that it wasn’t effective towards the end of 2017 (coincidentally the same time express scripts dropped coverage of the name brand, forcing insurances to drop it, hence saving them money, and the downfall of Teva). Teva also bought out Aurobindo/Aurolife, Corepharma joined with Impax but recently branched off and will soon be making generics again. Mallinckrodt and Mylan are garbage. But everyone’s different! I recently switched from Teva to Aurobindo, so far, so good.

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Re: Bobby (# 180) Expand Referenced Message

I have a simple theory that over time are body's adjust to the formulation they take, and when switched, can cause chaos. These psych meds seem more noticeable than other types. I am most partial to teva adderall and klonopin. I too, have not seen their klonopin for months now and the others I've taken tend to have too much of a sedative affect and with headache.

My experience with auronindo last month was scary. I felt some rotten side effects initially but continued to take it. I felt my body was acclimating to it. For me, the aurobindo was "speedier" than Teva but it really seemed the half life was longer. I never felt I needed extra. The Teva has a shorter half life, but I feel more stable on it. I know it's time for a dosage increase but my dr seems hesitant, so I will have to take some adderall holidays on less busier days to prevent further tolerance. It's the only way, long term, to prevent dosage increases but can, in itself, be uncomfortable. I hate big pharma.

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Re: Chris (# 184) Expand Referenced Message

You feel over sedated?? What are you taking that you feel makes you sedated. And it's okay to find another doctor if you aren't happy with the care you received. It's your body and you have the right to say to the doctor this medicine working at all. Can we try something else. I hope this helps. I don't know California laws at all, but you need to fight for your rights. Everyone deserves proper medical care. I hope this helps.

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Re: Lesley (# 183) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you, Lesley. I'm in California and I believe it has become common knowledge that our state exists in some parallel universe, and so it is true with our professionals. My doctor does not seem able to follow the instructions received from Health Net to get a pre-approval for a slightly different medication. Lord! I do not know alot about the medical industry, but can my doctor read and write? Needless to say, I get whatever treatment I can. But I may give up this treatment entirely. I constantly feel over-sedated. I begin to wonder whether I am Hyperactive.

Anyway, thank you.


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Re: Chris (# 177) Expand Referenced Message

If your doctor says you must have the name brand, the insurance company cannot deny payment.
I just know I've always been given the same orange football shape 30mg Adderall. Only once in 7 years was there a different pill.

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Re: shawn (# 162) Expand Referenced Message

What happened? I was getting wicked migraines and anxiety from that generic, but the tongue thing sounds horrible! I’m so sorry that happened to you!

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Re: Bobby (# 180) Expand Referenced Message

Hey whatever works best for you! The Man upstairs made us all different!

Be well.


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Re: Hamster (# 179) Expand Referenced Message

Maybe it works for you. MOST people online and from what the girl who orders the meds at my CVS tells me the aurobindo brand is awful. The CVS tech actually said she had alot of complaints and most people request the Teva brand. I'm on alot of other meds and deal with this poor generic issues with a couple of others also so I know I'm not going to mess with that aurobindo brand... Not taking the chance when the Teva brand works fine. Not as well as it used to maybe but still way better than mylan. I've never had an issue with tevas generics and actually they usually make the best generic brand of a couple other meds I'm on. Unfortunately they seem to be cutting down production and thier Klonopin is getting hard to find and their buprenorphine was the best generic by far yet was discontinued us 2015. Now the buprenorphine market he as no brand name product and a bunch of new awful generics( I mean truly awful!) So I am constantly doing this generic dance with 3 or 4 of my meds every month and have to try to get CVS to keep brands I prefer in stock by special ordering them. It's s pain!

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Re: Bobby (# 178) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. I have been on ALL of the generics - and Shire Brand - both the Shire XR and Teva's "Brand" IR tablet.

I am now on a routine of (30) Adderall XR Brand and (30) Adderall Generic.

Presently, I am taking the Aurobindo Generic. As a matter of fact, I wont take anything else (I was on Teva Brand IR but insurance dropped them as they realized Teva purposely was making their generic inferior - and awful - so you would buy the expensive Brand.)

It's all a game but I can tell you the Aurobindo of late is the best for me.

Perhaps some should avoid the scare tactics on this site!

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I was on Adderall starting in 2011 and took it till early 2014 and got teva / Barr. These were what most pharmacies carried back then but I also tried sandoz and they were good too. I tried core pharma then and they were probably the least effective back then. I took a few years off and recently went back on Adderall and for whatever reason I didn't check or ask about the manufacturer like I always do with my other meds. I was given mylan (which I hate from other meds of theirs I've tried); it was crap compared to what I was used to. I then went on the internet and saw all the new generics that were around with Adderall and how this aurobindo brand was so bad! I know from experience with one of my other important meds that generics have been coming out that are garbage the past 10 years or so. I got my next script for Adderall and I asked for Teva but I went to CVS late and the night shift was on and I don't know them, so I was told they had aurobindo and I quickly said NOOO!! I finally got the Teva brand and they seemed like they were not quite the same as years ago but way better than mylan. It is crazy we have to go through this with medication from the pharmacy. They should all be very close to the original brand name! I got a bottle of original brand name Adderall ir a family member had never opened when I first was on Adderall in 2011 and I was shocked at how different it was! They were so smooth and no negative side effects, it was amazing. I felt great and not speedy at all. How different they have all become...

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Re: Lesley (# 173) Expand Referenced Message

I am so happy to have this conversation with a professional. In response to directions regarding the choice of manufacturer of chosen generic the doctor offered that he was not sure the insurance would pay for a potentially more costly manufactured product. That is, we cannot compensate the pharmacy for the profit margin loss on sale of the product.

So, are you saying that Walgreens would continue to carry a brand that produced a lower profit margin? This problem, I believe, is at the foundation of our problem. I don't have a problem with Pharmaceuticals funding FDA (so long as it is public information) as that is a standard arrangement between commissioners and the product. I'd rather focus on solving the problem of profit margins for pharmacies (some of them mom n pop stores) for medications that are more costly to produce and distribute.

Can you speak to this?

My very best regards,

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Re: Lesley (# 173) Expand Referenced Message

I have used Walgreen's for at least 20 years. They do constantly change manufacturers. They just changed to DAVA...a company with a questionable history. Google them to find more. I asked that my RX not be filled with DAVA as I had a very bad reaction to their meds. Walgreens informed me that like most other chains in the Orlando area they are getting most of their tablets and capsule form meds from DAVA now. The ONLY pharmacy I could find that wasn't getting their meds from DAVA was Cosco. In 2011 the Federal government fined DAVA ...I understand it to be $7M (which is but a drop in the bucket) but the fine was for cutting the amount of the prescribed meds to a fraction of the dosage that should have been contained in the pills. I believe it was a cardiac med.

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Big pharma and the AMA are two of the biggest lobbyists in the country. They have public healthcare paralyzed by their greed!!!

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