Teva 30mg Vs Aurobindo Pharm Amphetamine Salts (adderall) (Page 11)
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For several years I've taken TEVA 30mg Amphetamine Salts 2x daily with consistent positive relief. Focus and a feeling that I could have a productive day gave me a reason to get out of bed. On 8/21/2014 all that changed to nervous anxiety filled days staying home. What caused the dramatic change quickly became clear. The generic Adderall produced by AUROBINO PHARM which my regular CVS Pharmacy filled my RX with on 8/21 was less than effective it was exasperating the very symptoms for which it was prescribed. FDA is an ineffective bureaucracy controlled by lobbyists for foreign and domestic pharmaceutical companies making huge profits in generic drugs at the expense of the health and quality of life of others. The manufacturing of inferior or possibly harmful medications by greedy corporations will continue to grow until a strong GOOD DRUG coalition is formed. Tomorrow I know I will be calling my pharmacy, CVS Corporation, my Dr., and make a report to the FDA. I will also try my damnedest never to purchase a drug produced by AUROBINDO PHAR.

254 Replies (13 Pages)

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If the Aurobindo Adderall pills are sometimes"too potent", that's a serious problem. They're supposed to all be "equivalent" to every other brand.

If the effects of an Adderall pill are too strong, that's just as much a problem (or even more of a problem) as if they're too weak.

If these pills are super potent, that could perhaps explain why some of us have lost sensation in our body parts after taking what we were thinking was our normal dose that we'd been on for years.

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I personally have had to move from area to area and have been on the many different varieties of Adderall and I don't understand the Aurobindo complaints. I find it to be TOO potent, actually. Once I cut my dose in half, no side effects.

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I've been looking for this answer for the last 3 months. Your post was more recent so I am replying as I have also been given this B/S Aurobindo instead of the usual generic CVS would give me. I've told my doctor and and the pharmacist there was something wrong and I was made out to be addicted and abusing my prescription. I thought I was going crazy and losing it when my usual 30mg in the morning and 30 mg at noon did nothing except give me headaches from hell and all sorts of other side effects. Last time I tried to find Non generic Adderall in Tx I was SOL but hopefully I can find it this time. I never had any problems with Adderall in the 5 years I have been prescribed it until about September/October a few months back. Does anyone have any advice on how I can find something other than this s*** Aurobindo? All I can find is this brand everywhere I have looked.

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If you have details or links regarding where you found that aurobindo amphetamine salts medicine (generic adderll) has been changed please post asap. Until i found this site, I had searched all day and part of yesterday for even a recent post and all that kept coming up was info from 2014. Even though that was good because you see how long this company has been selling this crap with known identical side effects from numerous people and further more found out that CVS pharmacy has some sort of exclusive partnership or dealing with aurobindo and they make huge profit margins from this "medicine". Tomorrow I will actually be removing all my prescriptions from them after dealing with the pharmacist and then reading exactly what she said from someone else that posted their interaction with cvs, a script from the big boys at the company. They don't care and that proves it to me. If you use them BOYCOTT CVS!!!!!!! I will also be printing some of these pages to give to her for her conscience to deal with, it is amazing how crooked some medical professionals are just to make a buck at the expense of peoples lives, and most think ISIS is americas #1 enemy, but these more dangerous terrorists are on every f'n corner in my town. Anyway... I can't wait to see what the real medicines do for ADD, I have only had this one, which was a life change until this batch i got two weeks ago. Now i am tying so many things together from the last 2 months as well. I thought i was crazy or something until i started reading every single side effect i had before, but mainly the current side effects from the new batch which had a new name, but the pharmacist swore up and down she new of no changes to the med, but i kept questioning, because i am pretty darn persistant. But this batch is killing me, but i fear the withdraw and return of pre med condition which i never want to experience again. Have to get into doc tomorrow and if can't get appt will sit up there all day if i have to for walk in and med change. I do hope these people are held responsible for their crimes, because they are criminals and all the employees that just tow the lines are accessories during and after the fact. Please everyone keep writing and advising others about this, because no doctors are going to do it and you know the companies will just keep on pushing bad stuff, because they are pushers, its just a really big corner they operate on. No telling what they cut some of these meds with, SICK!!!!

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Aurobindo Pharma has a Facebook page. Someone on there has already written a complaint about how their defective medication nearly killed him.

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I was SO RELIEVED to find this blog! Friday 11/27 filled RX at CVS for 20 mg generic adderall - I took 1 pill and had a severe headache. Sat 11/28 took my normal dosage - within 15 mins I felt nauseated but figured I must have been coming down with something. I DROVE to the store 10 miles away only to find myself in a NIGHTMARE!!! I suddenly felt like I was not even driving my vehicle! If that was not bad enough, I pulled over and went in to a store for some water. I SWEAR ON MY LIFE I THOUGHT I WAS HAVING A STROKE! My left side went numb! My left arm, hand, and face went numb. My tongue was swollen, my heart was racing and I could not talk. I was confused and of course terrified. My husband went to pick me up and took me to the ER where they injected me with Benadryl and steroids to offset the reaction. I did everything I could to not close my eyes because I thought I was never going to wake up again and I wanted to see my son. I was released hours later doped up on Benadryl which I continued to take every 4 hours for the next day. I woke up today feeling great and ready for work. I was still not sure if the adderall was what made me sick, so I took HALF my dose............WITHIN 5 MINS I had the numbness and tingling and tongue swelling. I immediately went to my doctor and told him what was happening. While I was waiting in the waiting room I googled the manufacturer and stumbled on to this site!! AUROBINDO ALMOST KILLED ME! I never knew there was difference. It wasn't until I was waiting that I noticed my bottle said "DEXTROAMP-AMPHETAMIN NOT THE USUAL AMPHETAMINE SALT COMBO and I THEN REALIZED THERE WAS A 30 ON THE PILL WHEN IT ALWAYS HAD A 20. My doctor wrote a new script for 1 week and told me to go to where I always filled my script and return in 2 days for a follow up. After much deliberation, (and I was feeling way better after another round of steroids) I decided to take my NORMAL TEVA pill. I sat and waited nervously for about 20 minutes and guess what? I FEEL ABSOLUTELY NORMAL AGAIN! NO NUMB TONGUE, NO NUMB FACE, MY HEART IS NOT POUNDING! SO after this novel here, my question to you guys is WHAT NOW? I locked that bottle of poison up in a lock box hoping that some day soon they ask me for it and find something that can STOP THEM FROM SELLING THEM! What scares me the most is how many people out there have had this problem only to be told they are manic, or delusional or PSYCHOTIC and filled with other medications because they were not able to articulate what was happening to them? How many people's lives will this medicine ruin?

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Dear exasperated Pt. Keep in mind the DEA only allots a certain amount of this C II highly restricted Rx. They are in some areas on back order and cannot be obtained on demand the day you present your script. Always allow at least 12 h for the pharmacy to fill and generate the correct clearance and time to get a preliminary insurance OK before expecting 1 hour service on a schedule II. If your carrier is regular on filling your particular Pt/Dr brand name, good. If they don't have it, you may be allowed to use another pharmacy provided it does not run counter to your one pharmacy rule your prescriber AND pharmacist prefer. Good hunting.

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Do not take this product. It should be pulled from the market. Adderall was working miracles and I finally felt like I was normal. 3 days on these amphetamine 20 mg tabs and I have serious side effects. Dry eyes, irritation on my skin and it feels like sunburn on my lips and around my eyes. What's worse is it made all adhd symptoms worse. I was irritated by everything and had rage tantrums and terrible mood swings. This drug is not medicine. It is poison. Avoid this pharmaceutical company, it can have adverse effects.

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A lot of pharmacists say the various brands are "equivalent". But they really aren't. Aurobindo is not the same as Teva. The effects are profoundly different.

The multiple reports of Aurobindo causing bodily numbness, for example, are evidence of this.

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I experienced the exact same thing today with Aurobindo amphetamine 20 mg. I've already taken 3 extra and I am still tired. I tried to return the medication after I noticed it wasn't working, but of course, the pharmacy refused. It would be nice if the pharmacy could notify us when the manufacturer changes prior to selling us the medication. I didn't even realize the medication had changed until I had taken my prescribed amount without any benefit. Needless to say, this really infuriates me. I will never purchase generic amphetamine from this manufacturer again. I have Narcolepsy and this really affects my daily functioning and quality of life. Selling ineffective drugs should be against the law.

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Sue in Texas, I also felt very sedated on the Aurobindo pill for a long time. And I mean a very nauseating, dysphoric kind of sedation.

Eventually however this effect changed and I developed racing thoughts and psychomotor agitation which led to the horrifying body focused repetitive behavior I mentioned earlier.

This happened roughly a week or so after I quit my job because I couldn't think clearly enough to even remember my work schedule and my performance at work was so bad that there was no point in even trying anymore. Even staying conscious at my desk was a titanic effort. I always felt like I was going to pass out.

I didn't experience UTIs while I was taking Aurobindo but I did experience stomach upset and nausea and a loss of bodily sensation.

Be very careful with this stuff. The Aurobindo pills are not normal. Something is wrong with them. I too wish I could get them evaluated but it's beyond my means. I don't know what I'd do with the results, anyway. No one will take responsibility for these junk pills.

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Just an update from my "mail away" CVS pharmacy issues with aurobindo amph salts vs. the barr/teva brand. I have had to get my adderal through the local walgreens since CVS didn't carry it, and, supposedly they wouldn't order it. Long story short, is that I called the mail order pharmacist and asked if they stocked teva yet, or "how that would work" since I have had to pay out of pocket almost the same amount for 1 month as I would for 3 months thru mail away. It is surprising, but pharmacists evidently are robotic and dont know if they can request other brands or what. I ended up speaking to someone else, I have NO IDEA who, but someone in customer service, I suspect, and I explained the situation and that I can NOT have aurobindo -- only teva/barr. I had my doc write specifically ON THE RX "TEVA BRAND". Between talking to the rep who NOTED my records with the requirement of a specific brand and my doc writing only teva I have been able to get my 3 month supply of..... yup, teva! I will tell you though, that because adderall is so difficult to get in general, I had to give them a month lead time to get the proper brand in stock. Now, this is only 1 rx fill -- we'll see if they continue to carry it/obtain it for me. By the way, the bottle was sealed, so they evidently just bought the bottle for me instead of getting a larger bottle to fill other rx's. My plan is through the federal government, so if any of you have the same BC/BS federal policy, the way MAY be paved for you to finally get TEVA/BARR adderall. Good luck!

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The Aurobindo brand of Adderall is terrible. I feel sedated on it. Instead of helping me focus it does the opposite! I will NOT get my next Rx filled at CVS (my regular pharmacy) or any other pharmacy that uses this brand. I have taken Adderall for years -both XR & short acting -and this is the first time I have had this experience. I wish I could afford to have it tested at a lab- I bet there is very little active ingredient and/or some sort of filler that makes the drug ineffective. If Aurobindo knows this and has done nothing to remedy the situation, I call that criminal. Also, I have had an ongoing UTI since taking the Aurobindo brand of Adderall. Anyone else had this too?

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The pharmacy I go to is Safeway now which use to be Albertsons and I got the aurobo crap before and thought it was just stress or something cause they just didn't seem to be working like the Teva/Barr. Well I asked my pharmacy if they could give me Teva cause the Aubo just didn't work and I looked it up on forums. Well they had to give me 20 of the Aubo and the other 40 for my script with Teva and I asked why and they said that their distributor will no long take requests and only give them what brand they feel like. The Aubo crap doesn't help me focus or anything just makes me feel over heated and lethargic as hell and it takes up to 45mins before I "feel it" for IR and it lasts only a couple hours then horrid crash. Thing that really sucks is I can't switch pharmacies at the moment. I just hope they get Tevas back.

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I am currently taking antidepressant medication and amphetamine salt 20mg teva. Change my life for the good!!!!! I do have minor side effects , but its okay. I also would like for my daughter to be diagnosed... I think she maybe Add or bipolar . Can someone help me to make her understand that she needs to be diagnosed??? I want her to succeed in life and not wait 42 years like I did

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You express concern over unwanted adverse reactions to a certain brand of mixed amphetamine salts. I sometimes have had untoward reactions such as tics or repetitive myoclonic jerking for one evening. After that it went away. Side effects can seem like main effects. The fact is without other companies producing some C-II drugs they simply would be too difficult to obtain. The DEA puts limits on how many controlled drugs certain pharmacies are allotted. It's really too bad that you cannot even get your hydrocodone even from CVS when they are quoted as saying, "WE SAVE THOSE FOR OUR REGULAR CUSTOMERS ONLY"

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I experienced severe psychomotor agitation and dermatillomania after taking Aurobindo brand Adderall. I started to pick and pull at my skin and COULD NOT STOP. I lost control of my hands and lost sensation in my forearms, face, and the rest of my body.

This didn't happen with Teva brand, which I had taken for years.

I was caught completely off guard with this garbage. There's something WRONG with Aurobindo brand Adderall. It's defective. Maybe the combination of salts is off, or maybe some of the pills are super potent. It's not the same as Teva brand and the dozens and dozens of complaints testify to this.

In addition I experienced constant nausea and extreme fatigue, and when I would try to stand up, I felt like I was going to faint.

They also made me extremely agitated and angry, I was completely unable to feel pleasure or think clearly, and I lost my job because I couldn't function or complete tasks.

This trash ruined my life.

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Hey guys, all of these reviews are 100% true. Aurobindo is absolutely terrible. Ive been on Adderall for years and have experimented with many many generic brands and also the name brand and I agree with everything that has been said in response to your post. I filled my 15mg Adderall IR twice a day on 6/18/2014, and this brand makes me feel awful. It's almost like there is more dextro-amp and tweaky, unsafe chemicals in it then any other brand. It makes you edgy, uncomfortable, and increases anxiety unlike any other brand ever has. Also, it has dirty side effects like stomach issues, nausea, odd sleep patterns, chest pain, etc. etc. For anyone filling a script soon avoid filling at CVS, King Soopers, Target, and a few other places. Walmart seems to keep the Teva brand (now Actavis) in stock. Also it doesn't hurt to just call your pharmacy and ask if this is the brand they carry. Hope this helps!

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My research confirms Aurobindo is a manufacturer of all other names associated with Adderall and Amphetamine Salts. The Company does not have good records for medication. Compounds. No wonder they are located in India.

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UPDATE: Neurologist AND pharmacists have told me that many find aurobindo ineffective. Ask at the pharmacy for the generic that works best for you. Switch pharmacies if they won't carry (Teva and Barr brands are more expensive for pharmacies and gov't backed insurance does not reimburse enough for smaller pharmacies to carry the difference). Some pharmacies also will order for you. Remember - active ingredient amount does vary and fillers can cause side effects or interfere with optimal effect for you. Don't let anyone tell you all generics are equal; they're not. You must be your own medical advocate more than ever these days. Don't be a grump to the pharmacist; they are there to help. Be kind, be firm, ask for what you need. I'm back on Teva and am no longer having neurofatigue/narcoleptic sleep comas; I have my life back.

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