Switching From Xanax To Valium (Page 3) (Top voted first)
UpdatedPLEASE HELP! For the past 7yrs I've been on 1mg Xanax (3x) per day for anxiety and panic attacks. I take my dosage of Xanax as prescribed by my Dr unless I have a severe panic attack, then I may take an additional (1-2) 1mg xanax when I'm actually having a severe full blown panic attack to stop it. I've been on other Benzos before but Xanax seems to be the only thing that stops the panic attacks when I'm having them.
Recently my Dr decided to switch me from 1mg Xanax (3x) per day to 10mg of Valium (2x) per day because he says Valium is "stronger" and has a longer half life than Xanax. He says the Xanax isn't working for my anxiety anymore. From what I've read on the Internet about Xanax vs Valium is that Xanax works better than Valium for panic attacks. I like to mention I have a phobia of taking new medications. I stressed my concerns to my Dr that my anxiety isn't as much of issue for me as my Panic Attacks. He said not to worry cause the Valium is stronger. Then I asked him what if while I'm taking the Valium I suffer a sever panic attack? What do I do to stop the panic attack? His responce was that I could take a 1/2 of a 10mg Valium tablet to stop the panic attack. I wanted to tell him that from what I knew, Valium is slower acting and that I didn't agree 1/2 of a 10mg is going to stop my panic attacks but I didn't want to question his professional expertise over my Internet findings. I know he's the Dr and the Dr knows best right? So I guess to finally get to my point is I'm terrified to start the Valium because im afraid that when I have a panic attack and I say WHEN and not IF cause it's only a matter of when I will have a full blown sever panic attack what would I do to stop it? From reading up on Valium I know it wont help stop my panic attack like the Xanax will. I asked my Dr before I left his office that while I'm on the Valium and I have an attack could I take a Xanax to stop the attack? He said absolutely not! He said if I have a panic attack while on valium I can take a 1/2 of my 10mg Valium. I didnt say this to my Dr but I know from what I read about Valium is that it won't stop an attack as fast as Xanax will. I dont know what to do? Im so scared and I feel helpless cause I feel like my Dr isn't getting what im saying. My panic attacks can last as long as 2 hours or more. I know because my longest panic attack was while I was driving through the desert and realized I forgot to pack my Xanax. 2 hours in to my attack after trying breathing techniques and what not I had to taken to a hospital by ambulance cause my heart rate went up way to high and so did my blood pressure. My panic attacks can lead to an ambulance ride to the hospital. I feel like my Dr is focusing on treating my anxiety more than my panic attacks which are of greater concern to me at this time. I read on line that other people have been prescribed both Xanax and Valium to be taken as needed. Valium for anxiety and Xanax for panic attacked. I spoken to 3 pharmacists who tell me that I can take the Valium and if I should have a major panic attack I could take a Xanax no problem because they're both Benzos but only on the occassions when I'm having a bad panic attack. Why couldn't my Dr just say that? I know some of you may read this and say that I just have an addiction to Xanax. Honestly that would be further from the truth. If I knew that Valium would stop my sever panic attacks I would switch in a heart beat but from what I'm reading I know Valium won't help with an attack as fast as Xanax will. I'm not looking for the Xanax "kick" some people love to feel or to have a feeling of Ephoria. I just want a reliable medication to treat my disorder. I want to trust that my Dr knows what's best for me but only I know what my body and mind is going through and I somehow can't get him to understand! If anyone has had the same problem as me or can offer any support or advise I'd love to hear what you have to say. Has anyone ever taken both medications in the same manner im suggesting or together at the Sametime? How did it make you feel? We're you able to cope and how? Please anything will help. I know there has to be other people out there experiencing or have experienced the same thing. Thanks.
My friend, stop being so afraid and listen to you Doctor he is right.I went through the same thing.And when I finally did what he said it was wonderful it worked so much beter than Xanax.Trust me I have been their.JHall II
Exact Problem, I've been switched to Valium but they do not work, Xanax does, the Dr. will not listen to me. I could loose my job so I am going to have to find another Dr. Good Luck
@ Barb
First things first I want to welcome you to this thread. I was the person who initially started this thread because at the time I felt scared, helpless and alone as you are feeling now. You will find all the people on this thread are here to offer support and advice to others. As always I stress the fact that we are not Doctors and can only share with you our own experiences and findings but you should always check with your Dr before making any changes to your medications or in this case your husbands medications.
When I initially started to look for information about making the switch I found that many if not all the threads about Xanax and Valium were people posting about using these drugs for recreational purposes which was upsetting to say the least. So I started this thread to try and reach out for other people who have a medical necessity that warrants taking these medications. I'm glad you found us.
In my initial post I talked about my fear of switching from Xanax to Valium. Since then my condition has improved and I'd like to share some advice that may help you.
I can only imagine the fear that you and your husband are facing at this point in time. Knowing that your husband has a brain tumor must be stressful enough and to top it off now you're having to face the stress of changing a medication that you know is working for your husband but your Drs are telling you otherwise.
My personal experience with the switch from Xanax to Valium was not good at all. When I first posted this thread I had not attempted the switch because I was afraid. Since then I had switched to Valium as my Dr recommended. It was a difficult decision to make but I did it.
My experience with Valium was horrible. While I was on Valium I felt like a walking zombie with panic attacks. The Valium did nothing to help me. I was still having severe panic attacks and since my dosage of Valium was high I couldn't take anything to stop my panic attacks when I had them. It was scary! So I discussed my symptoms with my Dr and he agreed the Valium was not helping me. His explanation for wanting me to switch to Xanax was because the Xanax was actually causing me to have my panic attacks because of it's half life.
Xanax for lack of better words is a "quick fix" medication. For the average person who doesn't take Xanax it works great because it takes effect right away and your body metabolizes it quickly so it's effects wears off faster. So although the Xanax was helping me with my severe panic attacks it was doing nothing to prevent me from having them. He suggested I switch to Valium because it has a longer half life. Valium takes longer to take effect for most people but the benefit of taking it is because it stays in your system longer and gradually wears off were Xanax leaves quickly and leaves you vulnerable to a roller coaster of sorts. So my Dr insisted that I try another benzo that had a longer half life. He suggested Klonopin as an alternative to Valium because of it's longer half life. I was very hesitant to take the Klonopin because I have a phobia of taking medications.
I was very reluctant to take it and insisted that Xanax was the only thing that worked for me. So my Dr basically told me that he could no longer prescribe Xanax to me if I didn't try a benzo with a longer half life. So I just decided to bite the bullet and take it. I felt I couldn't knock it until I tried it. Plus I wanted to try it just to prove to my Dr that Xanax was the only thing that helped me with my condition.
My Dr started me on 1mg Klonopin 3x per day. He kept me on the Xanax at the same time which is NOT usually recommended but with the level of anxiety and panic disorder it was warranted. His goal was to tapper me off the Xanax and replace it with the Klonopin.
The first few days I didn't feel anything different not better or worse so I carried on with his recommendation. After a few weeks I started to notice that I didn't need the Xanax because the Klonopin was doing it's job. I didn't feel the crash like I had felt with Xanax when I needed to take it every few hours. Pretty soon the Xanax became an after thought unless I had a sever panic attack and needed a quick relief but because the Klonopin was still working in my system the Xanax crash never happened.
I am currently taking 150mg of Lamictal as a mood stabilizer which is also prescribed to people as an anti seizure medication, 1mg of Klonopin 3x per day which is also prescribed as an anti seizure medication and 1mg of Xanax as a back up if I have a severe panic attack. I'm glad that I made the switch because I'm taking less of a benzo medication than I had been for the past seven years.
Believe me I completely understand where your husband is coming from. No one knows your body as well as you do. I know from personal experience. My opinion is that your husbands Drs are recommending he switch to a benzo with a longer half life because of their overall benefits. It's hard to trust that making a switch will help because your husband has been taking the Xanax for a while and is comfortable with it and if its not broke don't try and fix it right?
Before I give you my advice I'd like to ask you few questions. If that's ok. What condition does your husband suffer from that warrants him taking Xanax? Has he ever tried taking another benzo other than Valium and Xanax? Are you returning to work from FMLA because you have exhausted you time or is it because of financial reasons? I'm only asking you these questions to figure out the best advice I can give you based on my own experiences.
Being that I don't know the answer to those questions I will offer you this advice. Talk to your doctor about alternative medications (benzos) other than Valium. It would be best if he could try these medications while you still have time before you go back to work. That way you can be there to offer him moral support or to calm his fears or concerns about making the switch.
In regards to your concerns about your work schedule being at night and that seems to be the time that his seizures normally occur there may be something that can ease your mind.
This may sound silly but it worked for me and my husband. My husband also took FMLA time while I was struggling with my anxiety. It was comforting to me that he was there with me and it was comforting to him that I would not be alone or feel alone if I were to have a severe panic attack.
So one day while we were looking for a gift for a baby shower when we came across an at home monitoring system that allows you to monitor your child when you are away from home. This particular system allows you to monitor your camera from any computer with an internet connection or via an iphone with 3G or above or an iTouch that has wifi connection. It has night vision so you can monitor anytime day or night. Another good thing about this system is that along with being able to see the camera you can also hear any sound coming from the room it is in.
My husband also works late hours and wanted to be able to monitor me after he left home. It gave him peace of mind that he could check in on me without waking me up. If he noticed that I was out of bed or not breathing or moving, he could call me and see if I was ok. Since he could hear the sound coming from our room he could also hear my phone ringing. If I didn't answer he knew something could be wrong. So perhaps this idea could work for you to give you a little peace of mind. The monitoring system unfortunately works only in one room so we decided to put it in our bedroom.
There are other monitoring systems out there that can be quite costly however this system is fairy reasonable. It's called 'Summer Infant peek plus" and it's only only available at Baby's R Us. The system costs about $299.99 but it was worth it to us! Perhaps having something like this will help ease your mind knowing you can check up on your husband while you are working. I know it did for us.
So bottom line is talk to your Dr. Do your own research about other possible options or alternatives to Valium.. Unfortunately your husband may have to do what I did and try Valium just to appease your Dr.
Please keep us updated on your husbands journey through all of this as well as your own. Like I said in the beginning of this message we are here to offer you support so you don't feel alone. Even if it's just to vent your frustrations.
Good Luck to you and I hope to hear back from you!
WOW!! No one on here is a doctor? Really??? So much poor information here. I was on the maximum legal dosage of Xanax (2mg X4) for almost 20 years and used Valium 5mg to ween off. I suffer from the most extreme case of panic disorder within the age variant of the disorder. Now that I'm older my anxiety and panic attacks are manageable through self soothing and have been for over 10 years. I was chemically dependent to the Benzos. The calculations in this thread and the threats of heart attacks etc from withdrawal are completely bogus. Its all in your head. First you have to understand how the drugs work, why there are different forms and the real equivalency which is still being debated because the science is subjective. If you look at it from pure chemistry this is the table to follow.
Alprazolam .5 1 - 2 9 - 20
Bromazepam 3.0 .5 - 4 8 - 30
Chlordiazepoxide 25 1 - 4 24 - 100
Clonazepam .25 1 - 4 19 - 60
Clorazepate 10 variable 1.3 - 120 * (unreliable absorption)
Diazepam 5 1 - 2 30 - 200 *
Estazolam 1 .5 - .6 8 - 24
Flurazepam 15 .5 - 1 40 - 250 *
Halazepam 40 1 - 3 30 - 96 *
Ketazolam 7.5 3.2 30 - 200
Lorazepam 1 2 4 8 - 24
Nitrazepam 2.5 .5 - 7 15 - 48
Oxazepam 15 2 - 3 3 - 25
Prazepam 10 2.5 - 6 30 - 100
Quazepam 7.5 1.5 39 - 120 *
Temazepam 10 2.5 3 - 25
Triazolam .25 1 - 2 1.5 - 5
I wouldnt wish panic disorder on my worst enemy but those of you who are only using meds to treat it are probably full of s***. If youre talking to a shrink in med management, thats a mistake. Speak to an internist!! Someone who actually studied the chemistry not just a bunch of case studies. And Syrus.... I'm surprised your doctor is still practicing.... The pharmacy is filling two Benzos at once without a qty change???? Really???? What state do you live in?
So Here are the real facts so that people aren't so scared.
Valium is the benzo of choice for discontinuation therapy. Some people have a paradoxical effect due to the o ring structure of valium and in those cases Clonazepam usually works. Now... lets say you quit cold turkey.... this is bad... BUT lets define cold turkey. The effects of the withdrawal will not reach there severity for 24 hours. You may think its bad at 6 hours but thats not the worst of it. Phenolbarbatol can be used in cold turkey cases to keep you semi-sedated from the effects because the withdrawal effects of the Benzos are all psychotropic. SO you wont have a heart attack or stroke from this. Here are the most common and most common is a generous term because most of these do not happen to most people at high dosage total cessation. So if youve been reading about seizures, heart attacks etc... CALM DOWN! You can taper down with little chance of severe withdrawal effects.
There are all kinds of psychosomatic effects from cessation but they only share symptoms of a more serious disorder. The most likely worst case scenario you can expect is more panic attacks. Now of all the potential problems you may have the most dangerous of all of them is the potential for suicide. The tachycardia wont kill you even if it looks like a heart attack... the blurred vision wont kill you in and of itself even if it looks to an ER doctor like MS or something worse. ANYWAY.... I am here to tell suffers that want to get off the drugs because they feel they can manage their panic attacks with breathing techniques etc. that you can do it and you shouldnt be afraid. It only takes one pill at youre current dosage to come back from tapering if its too tough... but do not live in fear. The only fear you should have is the contituation of the Obama care that is already rolling out and the increased freedoms of Pharmacists that may cause you to be forced into tapering off despite the AMAs assertion that no patient should be taken off the drugs against his will. GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL!! BUT ABOVE ALL DO NOT LISTEN TO ME OR ANYONE HERE BECAUSE THEY ARE EITHER NOT DOCTORS OR NOT THE RIGHT TYPE OF DOCTOR.
But what are you really saying? I mean after all this is the Internet. Valium is not my Benzo of choice. I agree with the O/P. I thought Ativan is the choice for panic attacks? I'll take Xanax any day for its quick action, but it might be the most dangerous of them all, at least on the way out
Well ok I guess? I had the Ativan that took an hour to possibly work. They don't melt like Xanax. I have taken plenty of Valium in years past, and I found they now give me headaches and most certainly don't control anxiety in the same way. Since I don't get classic panic attacks, Xanax is for me. How fortunate I am to be associated with this poison
I have been reading many of the posts about Xanax and I take 2mg 3x daily, but the main problem with this drug is that you have to continually go up on dosing. It loses it effect after a certain amount of time, that is the one bad thing about it. So you can't take 1mg for a year and expect it too keep working, because it won't. I am tired of moving up on Xanax but it works and I hate changing medications. I also have insomnia and nothing works for that, trust me I have tried them all including the drug that should be taken off the market ABIEN. It is so hard when those of us who struggle with mental illness fell like a guinea pig for our doctor and the pharmaceutical companies. I just want something to work along with my therapy for depression, anxiety, and agoraphobia(all due to being attacked by students in the inner city school I taught at). I didn't know them but it has ruined my life. I am a prisoner in my own home. I worked 15 years to get my degree while raising my girls, my husband is wonderful, thank the Lord. I really feel like mental illness is very taboo in our society and so many doctors are pill pushers and don't listen, when we should be the ones that get the 30 minute appointments, not the 15 min. Get one in and out so the next one can get in quickly. What an esembly line we are.
I can relate to your problem, fortunately I have an awesome doctor. I take 5mg if valium 3 times a day, Buspar 2 times a day and have 1 mg xanax for panic attacks. Some doctor are reluctant to give one benzo much less two. The drug seekers ruin it for all of us who have real anxiety and panic attack issues! I agree that valium is wonderful for anxiety, but I have found that only xanax works for real panic attacks. Good luck
I've suffered from panic attacks for 10 years, even had 2 trips by ambulance to hospital for 2 very severe attacks. I used to take my Xanax morning and night.. But was still waking during the night with attacks. So I took myself off them and only take 1 when I feel an attack coming on. And taken with an icy cold drink it works within minutes. I hope I'll still be able to get my scripts now that its been made a schedule 8 drug. I do not have an addictive personality and think the people that do have the huge problems with this drug would have a problem with any drug given to them....
I read your question & I have been on Xanax, Valium, Klonopin(I hope that is the right spelling) and various other meds for anxiety disorder, panic attacks, claustrophobia, muscle pain, etc. The Klonopin worked great but when the traumatic situation that caused severe panic attacks was over(about 6 months). My psychiatrist asked if I needed it. I said no, it only helps me sleep better which any small dose of another med would have worked. So he leaves me on it for 2 plus years. I could not get off that stuff the withdrawal was agony & I do not mean the normal sweats, diarrhea, and so on. What it did to me mentally, I went down so slow and it was agony. Shaking, bugs crawling, and just feeling like my brain was going to explode. Just so I could sleep a little better. If you are on it for a short period maybe 6 months or under you will be okay. But unless you and your doctor decide together( always be as informed & proactive as you can be) that this will be a lifetime problem & you have exhausted everything else. PLEASE LISTEN TO MY WARNING. I have been ill 20yrs and have 29 diseases & medical conditions so I have experience. I read some other answers & I pretty much agree, give it a chance. I know how hard and scary it is.
.25 mg Xanax is the smallest dose you can take? While I see it helping with your daily anxiety, I can't see that dose taking on a FULL BLOWN Panic Attack?
was on 1mg Xanax 6 times a day due to anxiety had brain surgery and got vertgo and asked the doctors to switch me to another medication which they did to diazepam 5 mg 3 times a day. now I got to get weined of my diazepam due to me leagaly having pot my unine by UVOP now anxiety level is exstreamly high, BPs is in herpertion 1 and heart pulutions heartbeat is raceing with shakes what is the proper way for them to lead me off this for 19 years of meds
How has it been proposed to you? If its cold turkey you can die so do it safely and slowly and or look for another Doctor/Pain place. Plus your Cannabis guy might have Xanax?
I have been on 1mg xanax 3x a day for a few years for anxiety after klonopin made me dizzy adavan didn't work and cymbalta helped but needed supplemented. My usage of xanax which worked best, isnt needed as much due to less stress at work and life. Now it seems it dont work at all and now take 2 to 3mgs at once ...so now not needing it, i take it to fall asleep...i take 1 to 2 and takes up to an hr before i notice it...takes long to work for me but lasts short time. So a friend gave me 10mgs of Valium and it worked instantly...i cld sleep right now or function at work...seems faster and lasts longer...im going to suggest to dr. To switch ...think my tolerance too high for Xanax and Valium may be better switch maybe? Each person different...
"Now it seems it dont work at all and now take 2 to 3mgs at once ...so now not needing it,"
They make it that way. Many of us feel like you and decide to just stop. Then comes the sickness or death. Valium is not the answer!
DON'T DO IT! !! YOU'LL REGRET IT as valium does have longer halfkife, it just won't work for anxiety after so long on xanax. I'd try klonopin first if your doc is wanting longer half life. Thing is, youll probably (we r all diff) need 20mg at once to just feel calm and not anxious. Klonopin 2mg is like xanax 1mg in eqivalence but different feeling. Not as hardcore but not nearly as wek as Vals. If you have very little tolrrance or can wean down for 2 weeks, then 20mg of Valium is awesome. It's mainly used to get prople off xanax and evrntually off otherwise you'd have Breeden on valium first. I'd hold onto the xanax if possible or up the dose to 2mg pills. I took 2mg 3 times a day before switching to valium (didn't last, had to use my refill of xanax). Most fr's are starting to dhy away as they see little value to xanax now as altetnatives r better fir anxiety. It's more for break through anxiety like for attacjs. God I miss rohyohnol, worked the best, just half a milligram and anxiety free. Too bad you can't find in mexico anymote. (I live in cali so the occasional trip is nice. Roofies were easy to find 8 years ago but that's when they quit hookin up whitey unlrss anyone can tell diff. Sorry for the side question.
i was dogged off xanaxes and loraratabs and somas and klonipon all at 1 time was on xanaxes for 12yrs been of now for 6 months my dr now gives me valiume 10 mg 2 a day but scared to take i no what i have been thru but have panic and anxiety attacks bad dont no what to do i am on low dose libirum 1 a day at bedtime only thinking of putten a case suit on my other dr had to go to detox and rehab over that
Wow I really hope you are still watching this thread - I have ALL of your problems plus severe pain and joint issues in all cervical places plus neck muscles which is made much worse with any stress and yes valium will definitely help you. The only issue is unfortunately eating food- any food will stop this medicine from working. up to 5 hours after eating. I had to restrict my food for my other pain med. You will find that valium will stop future issues due to the long acting. It is a much better muscle relaxant and is also better for seizures. If u r able to get it I prefer valium over xanax for panic, pain, and migraines Any day. Good luck. And I wish I had your Dr.!
Great Awesome Advice and Real Truth! God Bless You!
I'm an australian citizen and have been taking Zanax since 06/07/2013, I was reducing off my dose and my head thought it was a brillant idea. Don't get me wrong I'm on suboxne been on it 28 maths changed my life don't use needles. But I knew I was addicted when I experienced my first withdrawl on October 22 2014. I had not ran out, I tried to see how long I could hold off, at this time I was off suboxne for 3 weeks in 3 weeks I had had some H 2 days in a row FULLY sTOPPED after that. Recommended opiated replacme t program my dose 32 mg as I have done lot s of reading of people's views thoughts possibilities and reality and fact.
Since NOV 2013 till now I have decreased a full 2 mg and in 30 days I informed my doctor I wished to reduce, on ever occasion he has been very direct and helpful and nice, When I went in there today for my consultation I encountered a Dr that appreaed to be Really not interested. Now he has been my doctor for 3 years I came clean and said I was abusing them in JUNE-JULY popping like tick tacks.
So the day for asked for help I was willing to go into a chemist and pick them up it was a safer thing for me and the medical administration also. The chemist staff are wonderful.
On my consultation to today I was thrown a comment saying In his opinion that I would be on zanax for life. I'm a very strong man, I have had to learn to survive adapt to my life as I was in addiction. Now my problem is I want to know when I should cross over to a longer lating half life. Also I'm at the stage where I take them as I'm prescribed but I'm no couch bum I get out there and am extremely fit,
Should I go to as in 6 maths I have halved my dose. Please help I'm genuine I miss being clean and around the 12 step fellowship. I'm patient as recovery can't be rushed but I need advice help
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