Sulfameth Trimethoprim 800/160 (Page 3)
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I have an infected large bump on my calf. What is the extensive list of side effects for this medication?

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I took this pill for about a 3 days and developed a full body rash, I was covered in insanely itchy hives,and i have chills. I stopped taking the medicine for a 4 days to let my body heal. Is this what the allergic reaction is? and how long until I stop itching and the medicine is out of my body??!?

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I took this pill for about a 3 days and developed a full body rash, I was covered in insanely itchy hives,chills. I stopped taking the medicine for a 4 days to let my body heal. Is this what the allergic reaction is? and how long until I stop itching and the medicine is out of my body??!?

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I only took 3, and it took 2 days after my 3rd dose to completely feel normal. I also had severe depression from only 3 doses. I stopped taking it. I am visiting my regular doc as I was out of town during my ordeal.

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I also agree that this is a horrible medication. I was given this medicine for a uti. I'm suppose to take it 2 a day for a week. The first night a I got cheat pains. The second day I had a fever of 102.9. Whith muscle cramps, joint cramps, stiff neck.sore throat, and chill. I haven't taken the pill in 24hours and the aymptoms remain. How long will this stay in my body?

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My doctor gave me the same strength & I have to take it twice a day. I guess it depends on what you are being treated for.

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well, Im not sure if my face is "swollen", but i woke up and my eyes seemed like i havent slept n days like i just endured lifelong constant stress. my face has never looked like that before. so again, not sure if its swelling, but definitely puffy under my eyes as if hadnt slept for weeks.

so not sure if this is allergic. the 800 may be way too much dosage for me as well. i weigh 100 and took 3 doses so far

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I am on sulfameth / trimethoprim 800/160 for 2 days and i also have the shakes like I'm speeding.
I also feel muscle pain in my upper arms. a lot.

my chest hurts, but i suffer from anxiety so I'm not sure if thats from this med or if its my nerves from the shake side effect.

I am only supposed to take child doses of any medication, but forgot to tell the ER doc. This may be way too much dosage for me.

I don't know what to do. Because I get nervous easily, it doesn't help to try to relax on this med. my entire body is so tense and stiff!!!

someone asked if anyone knows how long one dose stays in your system. does anyone know?

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I have 3 more day to go on this drug. I had the edgy discomforts at night, but since yesterday I am experiencing muscle weakness in my right ankle. My foot cannot walk straight, it collapses to the right and I really have to force myself not to fall.

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I just started taking this medicine for after breast reconstruction an i hav experienced hot an cold chills an my left hand my fingers parted like a v like it was arthritis or sum cus it got stuck like that 2twice an ive been only takin the medicine for bout 3 days

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Good morning, and it finally is a good morning. I am glad to have found this site as I was beginning to think I was just a big baby. I have a sinus infrection and broncitis (spelling) On Monday the doctor perscribed the usual 800 mil and I thought I would feel better within a day. Well, just the opposite. I couldn't eat a thing, actually had trouble even drinking water, I felt all clammy, tired and so weak I could hardly walk from the bed to the bathroom. After reading this thread, I stopped taking it. Already I feel better. The information I received mentioned side effects, but I rarely have any, so certainly wasn't expecting anything like this.

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Wow, I was looking up this med prescribed to me in 800/160 at 2x daily. I recently was involved in an auto wreck, and my arm is horribly burned and infected. Day 2 on this stuff and I woke up with my entire left side of face swollen, my chest and neck are red, burning and itching and hot to touch and I am feeling really bad. I cannot take any more of this crap! There HAS to be something better than this. You can't get better if the stuff prescribed does you in!

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Al - thanks so much for the reality check. In reporting to my doctor she diagnosed as I was having a heart attack????? I told her again it was the anibiotics. Later that day she called me and said "STOP THE ANTIBIOTICS!!" BTW 2 cardiologists said no heart attack.

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@Bob in TX

You're having an allergic reaction, too, Bob. Angina is NOT a normal side effect. It is a severe allergic reaction. You're probably having other side effects by now, too. I hope you've stopped taking the drug and have told your doctor about your reaction. If he earned his medical degree, then he should know that the angina is not a normal side effect.

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@Barbara, comment #163:

You had an allergic reaction bordering on anaphylaxis. It's a good thing you stopped when you did.

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iv'e had pluersy for awhile, can't shake it .
Doc prescribed sulfameth/trimethprim 8oo/160 tabs.
fells like having a heavy duty angina is that common with this med.
bob in tx.

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I'm so happy I found this thread! I took this medicine for 3 days and lost all energy, no appetite, chills and muscle aches, vomited after taking. I quit taking after that and all symptoms have gone away.

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I have been on the antibotic for 15 days. The last three days I have developedm itching on my lower back stomach and chest, but no rash. Could this be caused by the medicine?

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I have a UTI and was prescribed this medication a day and a half ago. I feel sick to my stomach, dizzy, shaky, weak, I don't have an appetite, and my motor skills are slower than usual. Even my voice is shaky. I have a day and a half to go. I called the nurse to explain my symptoms and side effects and she said they are all NORMAL side effects. If I could suck it up for one more day, I should. She said this is the safest antibiotic on the market and it will get rid of the bacteria as soon as the prescribed amount is taken in full. Two more nights of hell.
If you can make it through, do it. You'll be happy you did.

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Was on sulfameth for mrsa now I have missed my period. On birth control. Is this normal?

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I haven't heard of this affect before but everyone is deferent. But it sounds more like he some how stubbed his thumb. A lot of basket ball players get this. Maybe he hit it in his sleep. Try ice and heat and use tiger balm ointment or something with a high camphor content keep the thumb from moving in army medic class we were told to use a splint like you can get at a drug store but that was in Vietnam it may have changed now.

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