Suboxone Withdrawal After Taper Question.


I've been on suboxone 7 years. Started at 24 mgs and recently tapered down to .25 mgs. I planned on skipping one day, then two, then three and so on. HOWEVER....I am on day four and what do you know? Hardly any symptoms. And no terrible symptoms at all. I've been restless a little, pupils a little big. WTH is going on? I've read all these terrible stories about kicking sub, I've been terrified to even try...and here I sit just fine on day four?! Is the worst to come? Should I keep holding my breath? Please any advice is appreciated

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Hi, The first time I tapered off subs I was pleasantly surprised. I tapered slowly from 12mg to .5mg. The sub dr. I had at time was behind me on this. Started getting high about year later and started subs on my own and tapered kind of fast. Jumped at 1mg as I recall. Wasn,t too bad at all. Nothing like oxy wds. in the past. How long were you on .25mg when you stopped? One thing I found is that its hard to cut the 8mg strip when you get to the .5 or .25 point. Please post how your doing.

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Recently got a script for subs, after a 3 year habit of 1-2 g's per day I only waited about 12 hours before taking an 8 mg strip which made me feel worse for about 2 hours, after that I cut another strip into quarters and used throughout the rest of the day. Today is the second day on them and I had to take 16 Mgs to feel fine. What's the best taper schedule I can use? Don't wanna be on maintenance therapy for months, only weeks to get completely clean

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How many mgs. did your sub dr. say to take a day? How often? You may not have waited long enough before you took your first sub. That may be why you had to take more to feel better. If your suppose to take less than 16mg you should try taking what you are prescribed once a day. You,d be suprised at how strong subs are. Don,t take much to do the trick. Dropping a couple mgs every week until you get down to 4mgs then dropping 1mg a week has worked for me before. The trick is staying clean after you get off subs. That has been my problem. You,d think after all these years I would have learned. Ya, addiction suks.

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He said 1 and a half strips per day, either all at once or twice throughout the day. The first 2 days I couldn't get through without 2 strips though, so I will try to take one strip per day for a couple days so I'm not out by the end of the month. This is the 4 the day on them and yesterday I was able to work a full 8 hour shift but I had a deep chill the whole time because I wasn't used to standing and moving that much for the previous 3 days I suppose? Yesterday I used only 12 Mgs and am on track for 12 today also. Could it be the drop of 4 Mgs over one day that caused the deep chill feeling I was experiencing? I think I'll feel normal today on the prescribed dosage and can drop more Mgs over the next week.

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Don,t know what to say about the chills. I do know it,s easier to get off subs if you take them once a day. Mornings worked best for me. If your gonna try to taper you really got to read up on the half life of these things. It can be as long as 72hrs. That doesn,t mean that in 144hrs it,ll be out of your system. Thats what I hate about subs. You think after several days your doing fine but the wds. havn,t really started yet. Thats why tapering is critical. You gotta be on same dose for at least 5days, a week would be way better. Next week cut down so many mgs. but keep same dose for same amount of time. And on and on. Slow and steady to as small as you can cut them up then jump. Going up and down with the crazy long half life will really mess you up. I understand why you been bouncing around so far. Try to steady your dose out and stay on it for a week and see how you feel. Remember, theres no silver bullet. Your gonna feel a little crappy at times.

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Been on suboxone 5 years started on 16mg,now on 8.i will never come off of it. I fought opiate addiction 12 years,been to 10 rehabs never finished one of them,couldn't.but with suboxone at 37 ,and back on ADHD medicine,and anxiety medicine,along with meetings,and volunteering,at good will ,other places,I feel I'm on 8mg suboxone,vyvanse 50mg,xanax 1mg 3 times a day as needed.i know alot would say with all that ,that's not recovery,but my mom holds medicine brings it too me every morning.and my life does not revolve around says they got there brother back.i used to just sit taking lorcet 10 all day while x wife worked.i never drank,or any other drugs I broke back and the pain meds made me feel I think my life is getting better,except I can't work on disability.not just back,epilepsy ,depression,ptsd,anxiety,chronic pain .anyway Dr told me people with ADHD and don't keep getting treatment they turn to drugs for symptoms.which I have read before.addicts listen could be your troubles

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Little Back story,I was prescribed 12 mg a day however ended up abusing it and taking as much as 32 mg a day. Total I was on suboxone 6 years, knowing how I'm 24 it seemed like an eternity. It did help keep me clean and help transition to a more productive/ positive lifestyle!
To awnser your question though, I took 6 months to taper from 12 mg down to .75, my last dose being December 13 th,2013. I felt the same as you did, wondering if the hundreds of horror stories I read regarding getting off of suboxone were valid or not. However my doctor warned me When I saw him on day 4 that peak acute withdrawal would leak around day 8 to 12. Withdrawals slowly build up, peak and then slowly subside. I will say though for anyone wanting to quit, don't wait any longer. I remember feeling a deep anxiety and fear about quitting, especially in the later phases of tapering. It's now all worth while, my energy is still rebounding, granted I'm only a month in, not bad considering I'm rewiring my brain after 6 years of suboxone and 4 of opiete abuse!! I hope this post helps people both get through the withdrawal process/ maybe be the thing that convinces someone this goal is well within reach!

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Hey Lineman, Good story, glad to hear you got off the subs. Thats interesting what your doctor said about 8-12 days. What did he mean by " peak acute wd. will leak around day 8-12 "?
When I,ve jumped in the past it,s usually day 4 where I start to feel a little uncomfortable. Of course everyones different. You must be pretty proud of yourself as you should be. Six years is a long time to be on subs.
I,m curious about your wd. When you were in the worst of it how bad was it for you? The lack of sleep is what I hate the most allthough last couple times coming off subs there was only a couple of bad nights. I was doing about 500-600mgs Oxy/day plus eating Hydros like candy. Those wds were allmost unbearable. Suboxone wds were nowhere close to that for me. Congratulations Quitting the subs!

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Hi! I was on .5 for about a month, then .25 for 2 weeks. .25 is a pain to cut but it's possible. I did it on a magazine with an Exacto knife. Just start halving the 8 mg strips until you get 32 tiny pieces. I only did it once! I'm doing great now!! In retrospect I can tell I had some wd symptoms but they were so mild I didn't put 2 & 2 together at the time. I had diarrhea that I thought was a stomach bug. Also sleep was disrupted. But I DIDNT have those nasty chills/goosebumps hot flash crap. No nose running, no yawning, no tearing, no anxiety. It was WAY easier than I thought and I wish I had had the guts to try it years ago. I'm happy to answer any questions and best of luck to all.

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Hey Jolter, sorry for the typo, leak should've been peak, haha. Before I awnser your question I should lay a little ground work.everyone's differents therefore wd can vary drastically from person to person. I'm 24, super high metabolism, have a job which I'm very active, and since iv begun tapering have started a 6 day a week workout routine, along with a great diet! So I think those things could of had a positive influence on this process. With that said the worst part for me was around day 10, little bit of 11 to.during this I had terrible bowel movements, little energy, the things you would expect to see during wd. Everything turned a corner on day 16. The majority of my acute wd symptoms disappeared, the only physhical symptom left is an unusually high perspiration level under armpits( extremely annoying if you've never felt with it before)! Things that I truly think helped with the wd to the extent I would recommend them would be chlonodine(along with high blood pressure it has effect on nervous system, helping RLS, etc. along with that unisom sleep tablet, the worst sleep I got was for 3 days, I got around 4 hours, I'm already Back up to 8. And finally good diet and working out, along with a healthy dose of mental fortitude! With that said looking back I know I went through twice the pain looking at nightmare stories when I was tapering vs the ACTUAL discomfort of the wd process. The few things that mentally helped me out the whole time were these quotes I knew we're factual.
1) I can't be in suboxone for the rest of my life, so what's one more year gonna do for me, probably make it harder to quit
2) regardless of the short term up and downs, it will get better and we will be much better people in the end for it

In confusion there is no greater power to take your deepest sense of fear and conquer it, makes me feel like nothing out of reach now. And like I said in my past post, I put roughly 8 years of abuse of DOC/ suboxone so what's a few months of discomfort in the grand scheme of things. I hope great courage and resolve to anyone trying to kick suboxone, all I can say is its easily obtainable. And something that will give an unlimited sense of self worth after the fact

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So I tapered down to .25 mg from 16 in just 15 days , after I got to this level I tried to quit for 5 days, but every morning of the next day I would take my .25 mg dose because I felt like I was withdrawing upon rising from bed. On the 21st day I woke up not thinking of suboxone or dope or anything at 28 hours which was surprising and unexpected. and then after 48 hours I started noticing the rls and sweating and chills, it lasted another 2 days and I just came from work where I was feeling like that still, but once I walked up to my house for some reason everything stopped hurting. Now I'm sitting just fine not thinking of it at all. You can get off sooner than u think. My girlfriend had a 4 year habit and used more than me at times, yet she jumped from 16 the first two days then 8 then 4 until a week had passed. At the weeks mark she jumped from 4 to nothing and had little withdrawal symptoms, less than I had after tapering so low for 3 weeks. We are now both so happy we are out of that nightmare of wondering where we were gonna get our 200 bucks for the DAY which is what we used almost every day for 3 years. I am so glad I can pay some bills now and not worry about dope. My doctor had said he is planning for me to be on it 6 months to a year when I asked him how long till I tapered off. And he suggested dropping 2 Mgs per month, because that's 10 months of checks for him right there of course. He doesn't know I'm off it already

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Hello my friend: your post was very encouraging to read because I am in a similar boat. I am a 28-year-old female with a 7-year [sadly, illegal] suboxone addiction. I am a professional who has the summer off & decided that I need to kick this nightmare because it has been haunting me for the last several years - now or never, right? I am at the end of my rope - the long-term use has caused major emotional regulation problems, mainly severe anxiety and depression. At this point in my life, I've realized the error of my ways and can't even begin to express the shame that accompanies it (I was a very naive young person). I know cold turkey is not the way to go, as I've learned in the past. Ive been taking about 2mg for about 2 years, however there were definitely times I took the amount up to 2 times a day in the last few months to cope with some stressful life events. I think it's important to note that the pills were from 2010, expired in 2011, so the potency may not be as strong. I've basically been on maintenance for very long & it functions as an anti-anxiety medication. My method for weaning is this: I have been on about .25mg for almost 3 days. Was able to go 31 hours without taking anything because my idea is to only take it when I feel it is necessary (don't ask my criteria for judging this), but I only got to about 19 hours pill-free before taking my last dose of .25mg. I guess the reason I'm replying is because I would like your input on my weaning process - do you think I will have more success staying on this amount daily for about a week, then cutting it down further to basically dust, then jumping off? I am afraid that my approach may set me back or that I'm being too ambitious in thinking I can skip days? I have 7 years against me. My brain needs to be re-wired and I know suffering is inevitable. Definitely getting some w/d symptoms at this point but they are not full-blown. I made my bed, now I'll lie in it. There is no way I will continue my life as it's been.

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Hi StayStrong14. I am in similar situation as you. Ive been on 8mg/2mg suboxones since feb of 2013 . I used to take a lot of vicodin after the death of a close friend. That lasted for a very long time. I couldn't take spending the money, dealing with the guilt and self hate.. it was a horrible time. These last 5 years have been hell. Then a friend of mines parents gave me a suboxone and told me if I ever was wd. To take it....big mistake almost 2 years later I still get them. Ive been taking 2mg or 1/4 of the strip a day ... it just makes me feel normal...Im just so tired of having to take something to feel normal. I want to be off this for good.. the last 2 years I haven't been on anything but subs. I dont even drink. .but i am terrified about the withdrawls..or even how to do it.... no one knows about this . And I feel so alone. Please help...

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So sorry just saw this reply. Def. wean yourself off and stay at that lower level for a week or more if you need to. Everyone is different. After you feel ok lower again. I always lowered by about a third of the dose but it was pretty easy with the strips. Idk about pills. Try ur best to be consistent in the amount you take daily for best results tho. I know it's hard but stick with it. I feel like I've had my handcuffs removed since I've been clean and I stopped opiates in dec2013 then weaned off subs by the next month.

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Scaredandalone. + staystrong14 You're not alone, trust this. There are so many people who would love to help you and know that you aren't suffering any more. Like I said in another post just try to cut down what you feel you can handle. But have a grown up attitude about stopping because you will still go through some sort of withdrawal. You have to want it for yourself more than anything else and commit to it. I was as low as I could go and couldn't keep on so I knew it was quitting with subs or nothing because I felt I wasn't strong enough to go cold turkey. I've seen people do it and trust me being able to wean off is a blessing. Embrace it. And never desire that drug or the feeling it gave you again. Associate it with everything bad in your life like I'm sure you already do. You guys/girls can do this! Believe in yourself like I do.

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They make a 2mg/0.5 Suboxone film strip. I fold it in half, in half again, unfold it, turn it the other way and refold to make the quarters easy to pull or cut apart. Then I turn and fold again for the "eights".
I'm having a difficult time on 1/8th but refuse to go up. Sure wish for one good night of sleep.

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It took me about 5 nights to come down fully from it at that low a dose when I stopped. Mild chills and aches, kinda hard to deal with if you work

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I am so excited. Saw the Pain Doctor today. I've been on 1/8 of a 2mg/.5 film strip for 12 days. The doctor told me to discontinue the Suboxone. I will feel discomfort for 5 days or so.
I can do this!!

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he meant peak not leak...just a guess, since the L is located right below the P. You need to relax and not sweat the little things or you will never get over withdrawals.

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lower your dose..taper. you are trying to avoid withdrawals and that is not possible. But if you stop you only have to withdrawal once. Otherwise you will spend the rest of your life consumed with avoiding withdrawals, dosing, doing some opiate. For example: your statement makes as much sense as the following; I want to run a marathon, but I don't want to train everyday. I want a degree but do not want to study. I want a job but don't want to give up my days and nights. YOU - I WANT TO STOP OPIATES BUT NOT HAVE WITHDRAWALS. - IMPOSSIBLE. Just taper your subs and quit

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Very Proud of you!! god bless sweetie, started with oxy and opana then became to expensive so moved to other things that did just as well and cheaper. I def have the want to get help and stop just scared to death of being sick. so what your on subs and other meds if your not abusing them then great your not an addict. Addicts will do all they got just because they have it an want that feeling. Truth is you will never reach that feeling you had the first time. God Bless and best wishes to all stay safe

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Hi I am currently taking 2mg I tried to take 1mg yesterday and had a really bad day and took 2mg today again and I'm worried I won't be able to taper myself off help what do I do?

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Long story but recently cold turkey off 1 strip (sometimes 1/2) per day. On full strip for three years. 10 a day norco habit off the street for 8-10 years. Recently moved 800 miles from home for better job and 1st day someone stole my script. Anyway I'm on day 5 of zero subs. Been taking all sorts of supplements fluids Xanax ibuprofen Valium a little pot here and there epsom salt bathsand I'm just feeling so fatigued body aches chills a lot. Have new full time job and so worried about Monday work. Can hardly get out of bed. Any suggestions!

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Im on week 5 coming off a 5 year habbit of 20 plus 10/325 a day. Been on suboxone 8mg 3x a day for 2 1/2 years now 5 weeks off them i went from 1 8mg a day for a week then cold turkey. I took 20 Imodiums a day for 5 days and you know what i feel ok i stay busy and feel great frist few nights were can be done for sure if you want it. Alot of it is in our heads.

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My post wasn't saying I was not getting off, Lol, my post was about being scared of what's to come and hoping for some pointers. I wanna take the easiest road possible so my kids do not have to be affected by the withdrawal as much as I can keep them from it. And with the adhd frame of mind the feeling of needing it to go through life is hightened, it is more of a routine them nessacity and I was hoping for some pointers

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I am now in month 10 of SUBOXONE withdrawal and have had no relief. I'm going to the University of Michigan hospital for brain imaging and scans. I know others who have the same issues. This drug is poison and I recommend you never take it.

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I realize your post is from march, 2015 and today is MondayJan 4, 2016, but if you're still around I'd love to see how you're doing! Please give us an update is you're still around! Thanks!

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I was curious. After taking medication for 20 years I tried to kick my dependence by myself, and after 7 days of not sleeping I gave up. My doctor is slowly reducing my pain medication, then I go into treatment. I suppose it Suboxone. But after 7 days of not sleeping I'm terrified. I have no support system. With several chronic medical problems everyone has left me and I understand. They wait for you to get well and you never do. I need to know, How bad is withdrawal from Suboxone? I can indure almost anything if I can sleep. I have to quit pain RX to start living again. I can honestly say for myself the dependence is worse then my pain. Well 98% of the time. Since the pain medication no longer works. At least from the pharmacy. Demerol was the last time I was pain free but it didn't help the last time after surgery. So please be as honest as possible about withdrawal after Suboxone. Also, any suggestion that will help during withdrawal will greatly appreciated. Thanks

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The weird thing about Buprenorphine is that I kicked opiates successfully even easily the first time used it. Now i have kicked opiates with it again. The first time i experienced ZERO withdrawals from Buprenorphine. This time though only about 8 months later I am trying to kick the Buprenorphine and it is so painful I seriously want to kill myself..........If I had known it would be this bad and last this long and make me feel psychotic I would have just used clonidine and benadryl. My opinion is dont ever touch this drug to detox. Detoxing the Buprenorphine is much worse than kicking opiates.

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I was on OxyContin 120mg per day for five years. Started Suboxone and was on 8 mg for five years. Tapered to .5 mg per day over a period of five months then jumped. I am 69 yrs old and found the withdrawals to be a lingering problem. I have been clean from subs for four months and still am in daily withdrawals. There are several reviews on YouTube where people are having the same issues as me. The toxicologist told me the withdrawals could last 9 to 12 months and an additional year to get my brain producing the correct chemicals. I just want everyone to know this is not a walk in the park. A younger person with a faster metabolism will clear faster but not in one month. Getting off of subs and to continue working takes a strong tough person. I am luckily retired.

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