Suboxone Chat Room (Page 4)
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I have now been on suboxone for a year, I got on it when I found out I was pregnant last January 2013 and I had my beautiful healthy daughter in August 2013 I used to be on subutex during my pregnancy but once I had my daughter I was switched to suboxone. I am on 2 1/2 strips a day and my doctor has been wanting to lower my dose however I have so much going on that I am really nervous to do so. I have lately been dealing with my daughter on my own her father just didn't show me the respect I deserved and he wasn't willing to work to support our daughter so we separated and now I am left on my own with all the finances out daughter and looking for employment which this all just recently happened since the last time I saw my doctor on top of that my daughter has medical issues due to her throat not developing correctly during my pregnancy so we have multiple doctor visits for her monthly and she has special feeding rules and medications to take so I am very overwhelmed. My doctor seems to be harder on me then his other patients some who have been on suboxone for 5+ years so this is making me very nervous to ask him to up my dose from 2 1/2 to 3 strips a day. Does anyone have any advice? I've really been trying to stick it out but I just feel like an emotional wreck and like my body can't take the stress. Please I need advice! How should I ask my doctor to up my dose?

88 Replies (5 Pages)

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Absolutey Not! It hardens your veins and causes Blood Flow Problems. Several young people die from iv suboxone use. So PLZ people do not iv suboxone!!!!

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Re: S (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

PROUD OF YOU!!! Your Message was very very inspiring! I don't know about your sleep question... sorry! Sure hope it gets better for ya! So sorry about your mother!

Take care! & I enjoyed reading!

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Re: Skittels (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I take halves during the day also!! Really helps... mind over matter kind of thing. I'm doing good as well! Liked your post and answer...inspired me! Been On Subx since May for the 2nd time! Luv my new group of addiction Dr.s (finally)! Thanx. Have a good one! Coco in Tn. Happy new year!

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Re: littlemoremercy (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I've been on 8mg sub for 10yrs. I deal with depression, that all the opiates were covering up. New meds,patience,honesty, and give yourself a break.

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I'm on day 23 of my Suboxone Withdrawal. The Withdrawals are pretty much over, I'm mainly dealing with lack of sleelp and not sure when my normal sleep cycle will come back. I was on Suboxone for a little over 3 years, was addicted to opiates for about 1 year before Subs. My last dose of Suboxone was 2mg per day for about 6 months. I could have tapered lower, but I was at my wit's end with this mess. The Last 3 months while on Subs I was very depressed, tired of being chained to something to feel "normal" if that's even an accurate description of what Suboxone does to a person. It changed me a lot, I pulled away from family and friends, I basically went to work and home and not much else for the last year. Luckily I was able to save quite a bit of money over the last 1 1/2 years to break my chain to Subs. I was at my Job a little over 9 years, I tried to ask for time off, but my bosses weren't very happy with that, they wanted me to wait until it was better for them, but I had to think about myself for once and chose to leave my place of employment and start on this journey of Self Discovery toward a life without any drugs.

5 years ago I didn't have a drug habit, but toward the end of a 5 year relationship I found out that the person I was in love with had cheated on me numerous times and it broke my heart. That changed me, I ended the relationship and started doing things that I had never done (pills) and found myself addicted. I tried to get off them, went into withdrawal and couldn't work and go through that at the time. I finally was given Suboxone, it was described to me as a cure, a miracle and pretty much a godsend to addicts. Within the first year I was tired of taking it, i wanted off it, because I had never been addicted to anything. I made a huge mistake, I blame no one but myself for this. I had planned to go off it, but then got the worst news of my life. My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 lung and brain cancer. My plan had to be put on hold, because I was my mothers caregiver. So for four months my Aunts and myself took shifts taking care of my mom, when I would go to work, one of my aunts would come and so forth. My mom did pass away 4 months to the day of finding out.

I was a wreck during that time, I had to take care of my mom's estate and tie up loose ends. The last 2 years I've went back and forth with the idea of getting off this crap, but I knew I had to save some money to do so. Thats what I did, I put back every dime I could over the last 1 1/2 years and on October 12th 2017 I made the decision to "jump". I'm a little over 3 weeks into the proces, I'm feeling pretty good, but still not sleeping all that great. I have been prescribed a sleeping med, but it's yet to give me more than 4 hours a night. I want to go back to work, but I know that I need more rest/energy to be able to do so. Now that I've shared my story, does anyone know just how long it takes for "sleep" to come back naturally?

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I'm on suboxone I'm getting nose job tomorrow? My doctor don't know I was afraid he wouldn't do it ? I'm scared of bad pain because subs block opioids? Any advice

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Just want to say I know exactly how u feel! I feel like I could have wrote this myself. Why do some of us feel that need for something? It's an awful feeling to crave all the time. just wanted to say I understand.

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Im so sorry! I feel that way too sometimes!!..I relapsed a year ago & on suboxone AGAIN (since May). Started out fine...but now, sept, seems to not be working the same!! Just like your comment! I have to stay on this. It is the only way i can function. Esp in the mornings. (Bad arthritis, hip & knee)! I'm so grateful I have Suboxone...just give it more time! Keeping you in my thoughts ...just take it day by they say..that's all we can do dear! Keep busy, optomistic, hang around good, caring people.. & pray! Xo coco

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20 have to take it sublingualy, under your tounge.

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I am new to saboxin. My question is is I take xanax after taking saboxin will the xanax have the same affect. I want to stop everything but am scared about stopping xanax. So if I took the saboxin and take a xanax will I still feel the effect of xanax

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I've been on subs 8mg a day for two months, then 4mg for two months and 2mg for two months now! I told my doctor i was weaning myself off them and he didn't like that!!! There goes his $120-$140 a month, always throwing a drug panel at me, knowing I'm clean!! Anyway, I told him I wanted the 2/0.5 and he tried to talk me out of it!!!

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I've never been in a chat room before. I have questions about suboxone. Is there anybody out there?

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I know its really hard.I'm still trying too find a way without a crutch too. Trying to stay busy with activities interesting to me while taking my meds as prescribed helps. But i think groups may help me too, just other ppl in similar situations to talk to in confidence. Maybe it will work for you or 1 on 1 counseling. I hope you find something that works for you. We are all trying to get through. Believe it. Blessings!

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Absolutely not dude! u won't feel euphoria anyway because of how it's designed. Specifically to prevent a high through iv. You're better off just taking it sublingual.

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Really i don't think upping your dose will do any good honey. I sympathize with you tho sincerely cause my financial and parental educational obligations are driving me insane. But after that two strips for the day i don't a increase will have any real affect. N docs r really iffy bout increases or even adding other meds but anything worth a try. Ide all about anti anxiety meds like clonazepam. Good luck tho.n hang in there. Blessings to your baby

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Hi little, are you feeling withdrawal at 8mg? Suboxone is intended to block the effects of opioid meds while keeping withdrawal away. But it can also help with cravings. The reason they say less is better is because it should be easier and quicker to taper off a lower dose. So if you are still getting withdrawal symptoms then you need a higher dose. If not then don't go higher. I've been on 12mg for 6+ yrs and I hate it. It can be used as a tool to help someone get clean, but it's not the answer. I'm a 30yr addict and know how you feel, I have said the same things, if I could stop I would have, I will always need something, etc. Unfortunately for people like us there are NO easy answers. We have altered the receptors in our brains to the extent that will take months or years to recover from. But I do believe now that it can be done. I would like to spend some time as my real self, would like to get up in the morning and get my day going with no more than a cup of coffee! I wish you the best of luck and if you want to vent or have a question I check in often. God Bless

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Hello littlemoremercy! I used opiates for 11 years. I went on methadone for awhile but when I decreased the amount I was going through severe withdrawals. Rather than staying on the methadone and increasing the amount again, I chose to go on suboxone. I started off with one 8mg strip a day. That wasn't working for me so I had to increase my dose. I feel much better now. I know some people say,"less is better" but sometimes people need to increase in order to feel better. I would talk to my doctor and see what he says. I have a great relationship with God but my life is so much better being on suboxone rather than abusing opiates.

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need help with suboxone. I am taking 8mg aday take when I wake up. I been at this dose for 5 months. The problem is I feel like it is not working any more. I no longer feel motived to do anything. I have done methadone for a year, been addicted to pills for a good 20 years, been in and out of recovery, done treatment (only one time-feel like their is no reason to go again) and now suboxone. suboxone was great in the beginning but now I feel like it is not working any more. My question is what do I do now? Have read that less is better so where do I go now? Afarid the answer is to get sober and better relationship with God. I am 49 years old and feel like I will always need something. If I could stop I would have. Have had lots of trouble because of my addiction. Please help me find a way to live with my self. PLEASE

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Hi my name is Barbara and as yourself I am going from 8-20mg 2 1/2 strips a day am I going to feel high or overdose just still real sick at 8mg real scared I am real nervous, scared this is my first time on here I really need help too and had no idea how to get on except to talk to you sry about that but thanks for anyones help

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I have been on suboxone for 10 years. I started at 8mg a day and have now been on 24mg a day. It doesn't bother me if I have to continue taking it. It keeps me clean and takes the cravings away. I don't ever want to be where I was eating Oxys like candy for 11 years.

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