Soma Versus Baclofen (Page 2)
UpdatedI was recently switched from soma to baclofen. The Baclofen makes me feel very strange and I cannot function as well on it as I can with Soma. It makes me sleepy, and frankly just makes me feel like crap. The Soma works better for me as far as muscle spasms. The Baclofen does help spinal pain but does not work as quickly as Soma on spasms. My doctors in Alabama refuse to prescribe me Soma even though I have been put on different muscke rekaxers, Soma works best with my body. Why will doctors nor prescribe what works best for the individual. Every thing works different on different people. I want to be able to function and not be a zombie. What should I do. My pain clinic doctor only wants to get meds from him, but if he wont prescribe what works, I will get my pain meds from him and soma from another doctor. It would make it easier if he would just prescribe the soma. It works for me. I also have anxiety problems which the baclofen seems to make worse.
I've been on a total of 240 mg of morphine a day and 4 somas a day and i just switched pain doctors and he wont write me up soma he keeps writing me up flexeril and zanaflex even though i told him they don't wtf am i supposed to do?
Some drs refuse to write rxs for Soma due to the abuse. You have no.guarantee another will rx you Soma. You will.have to get along without it.
I like balcofen because I can function and drive, rather then just black out on soma all day and do nothing.
Docs know that Soma is more addictive than Balcofen , that's why I was also not prescribed soma any more:(
I also live in Albama, Birmingham area, and know plenty of people that still get prescriptions for somas.So unless their Drs are breaking the law that is a lie. MY doctor prescribes them.
need soma
major pain which has left me confined to a bed
drs will not prescribe, I am desperate and tired of being given strong pain pills which only leave me nauseated.
I live in So. Cal but am willing to do what I can to get - this is the worst pain ever and pain meds are not the answer to terrible muscle spasms.
Tizanide makes you drunk Flexirel leaves you loopy Bacloflen is a joke and all the rest do not work. Please anyone
My doctor claims that soma is the number one muscle relaxer prescribed that people tend to over use due to little or no side effects
Me, it may be the number one muscle relaxer he prescribes, but not most drs. Soma is even classified as a Schedule II in a few states
I've also been taking Soma ( 4 X 350mg daily) for 6 years along with OxyContin and Ativan
Medicare part D stopped paying for it and I mentioned it to my doctor.
He's tried flexiril, and now trying baclofen and it's not helping.
I had no bad experience with Soma. My doctor explained that recently studies have shown people taking Soma along with Ativan ( or Valium or Xanax) and an opiate pain med have been dying because it stops your brain from telling you to breathe while sleeping.
I'm a single dad so he is just trying to make sure I stay safe.
He did say in February that if Baclofen didn't help he'd prescribe Soma again but I'd have to promise not to take in the evening so worrying over possible interaction would be less likely
Maybe the people I've seen post here if you are honest with Doctor and trust me I know 3 months on meds that don't help is tough but since I was nice about trying the 3 for him , he trusts me to be careful with soma.
I feel bad for everyone posting here. Pain every day is not fun I know. I'll pray everyone here finds relief soon. Good luck to all of you.
Pain is awful but warmer weather is coming and that always helps my pain a little?
P Rogers, some drs will prescribe Soma if nothing else works and some won't. Medicare Part D will usually pay for Soma, after you've tried all other meds, but it does depend on the plan. Most drs won't prescribe Benzodiazepines with opiates any longer, let alone with Soma. If you have taken these meds for a while together and you Do Not Drink, Do Not Take Any Illegal Drugs, Do Not Take Any Prescription Drugs Not Prescribed To You and Only TakeThem As Prescribed, you should be fine.
Each of these drugs can suppress your breathing so when you combine the Soma, OxyContin and Ativan that is three drugs that can suppress your breathing. But as long as you take them Only As Prescribed and you don't do any of the things I previously mentioned, there is no reason for you to have any problems.
Are you still taking baclofen? Is it still working so well ? I have just switched from Soma to baclofen and I can relate to some of what you said. I am just having a big problem with remembering when I actually fell asleep.
What u said made no sense at all. Working for a small retail pharmacy in whatever dept must not be in pharmacy as a pharmacy as a team member. Save the real info for people that know what they speak about. Wow! Sounds like you take lots of drugs!! Spoken from a Pharmacist!
Baclofen is worthless. My physician switched me from another worthless muscle relaxant to Baclofen, It did not relieve my pain, stop the muscle spasms--in short--it didn't do anything more than give me bizarre dreams. I have a form of restless leg syndrome that is so painful, I wake up and have to jump out of bed, the cramping is so bad. Within 30 minutes after taking Soma, the pain is gone and I can sleep through the night. Baclofen did not help any of my symptoms at all. I can't believe they made Soma a Controlled Substance (C IV)...almost ANY drug taken on a regular basis is going to cause withdrawal symptoms....I had my friend see her doctor and he prescribes Soma and she gives the prescription to me. I don't care if it's illegal--they are coming out with worthless drugs that do not help, and/or cause more problems than before (for me, it's nightmares). And the cost ALONE is ridiculous....compared to Soma. I am furious--with my M.D., and the people who manufacture Baclofen
Dump Baclofen, Schedule IV drugs have the lowest risk for abuse and addiction. They can have refills and be called in. Louisiana made Soma a Schedule II several yrs ago. There may be one or two other states that have also done this, but most states have not.
Yes they can give u somas. I've been on somas for 17yrs with no problem. It's your doctor. So u just need to find a different one. And there is NO LAW that states that they can not give that to their patients. If that was my doc i would ask him to show me the law or report saying they can't and i put money on it that he will give it to u. But he is just being an a**hole. Hope this helps.
I understand what everyone is saying about Soma and other drugs. I have Lupus erythematosus and have had it for years..but you must understand there are strict laws for each states in regards to opioid use due to the fact that many are being abused and sold on the streets...there are many other muscle relaxers like maybe works fast and doesn't make you numb or dizzy while your medicated..but I must say that it depends on the medication you are using and as always check with your Dr....just because we request another drug by your Dr....he may feel in your best interest not to put you on that because of the interaction it may have with that particular medication and always talk to your pharmacist...for they specialize in after all that said work with your Dr...and not against him..hope this helps you all.
Please do not blame your doctor - blame the government. I am a doctor and have been ORDERED by my medical board to not prescribe Soma with any opioid and to taper off any patient now taking the combination. With ObamaCare on the chopping block, now is the time for a letter-writing campaign to Congress, the Surgeon General, President Trump, etc. This nonsense filters down from the DEA, CDC, and FDA and only the Federal government can rein in the out of control bureaucrats! The Trump administration claims to be intent on removing unnecessary regulations. Time to hold their feet to the fire!
Dear talks alot, your message is exactly what I am going through, EVERY WORD OF IT, I was put on somas after a pretty serious car accident, now I have my L4 and L5 that are blown I have nerve damage in my legs I have fluid that builds up on both sides of my lower back I have had injections to where the doctor would remove the fluid and put the medicine in that has happened twice and now they say they can't do it because of my L4 and L5 and I also have fibromyalgia and they just out of the blue said that they had a meeting with all of the CEOs or whatever at my pain management clinic and they decided that they're not going to give out Somas anymore they seem to think that the pain medication will stop the spasms and I'm not sure how it works for other people but for me the pain medication has never stopped the spasms it's really sad that all of us people that really need this medication are having to pay for the people that have abused it I also have anxiety and panic attacks so I am on a medication for that and they tried to say that should stop the spasms when they get so bad but not one time has my medication for my anxiety ever stopped my spasms so now they are trying me on this medication Lioresal, I will start it tomorrow, Maybe by some miracle this medication will work but I have my doubts, thanks for sharing your story it helped me a lot
Ya I was prescribed Soma and tizanidines for my back problems in Missouri. Moved to Florida and these stupid doctors will not prescribe Somas to me even though I take them as needed. They really help my back feel better and I can function on them just fine. The tizanidines knock me out. The ***** pain specialist told me I will not prescribe you Somas and I told him they work well for me and I can function and I only take them as needed but he said he will prescribe me Baclofen 10mg once a day and I can take the tizanidines which puts me to sleep. What an *****. If I was addicted to Somas I would take them everyday but I don't. I just want a doctor to prescribe me what works for me, not what he thinks works for me!
The doctors recently put me on Soma, but because I'm on medicare it would not cover it, so it was 300.00$. So they put me on the Baclofen and they really help but make me so sick with severe stomach pain. My nerves I have noticed have also been a lot worse. I did not put the two together until I saw a friend of mine's post, for she had been taking them and the same thing happened with her. So I'm going to quit taking them until I talk to my doctor on Monday.
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