Side Effects Of Suboxone (Page 4)
UpdatedI have been on suboxone now for just under a month. I think it is an amazing drug, i have had no cravings or interest in returning to opiates, my drug of choice was oxy. I get up every day feeling happy, and am able to take on what ever the day brings me. I am also on lexapro for depression at this time. There is one problem after i take my dose, which is 8 mg. twice a day, I am extremely tired sometimes to the point where if i sit down I will nod off, so I keep moving and can usually fight through it. I am wondering do other people feel this way or does it get better the longer you are on it? Two other things that are sometimes very bothersome are dizzyness and extreme dry mouth. I just wanted to find out other peoples experiences. Thanx
Linda, I hate the fact that I am so dependant on this drug. And I do realize it is just a substitute for my addiction. I'm scared to death to not be on it!! I too have had the same symptoms as you to the "T" and they too have said " oh you havnt a clue the Subs are a miracle drug they cannot do what you are experiencing." I am very intune with my body and I know when something isnt quite right. I've had the same feeling of my soul jumping from my skin and it comes outta no where and to seethat someone else has had the same issue really scares me. Ive had my eye twitch off and on for months at a time and my left arm feel like its semi asleep with tingly hands. I've gained 60lbs (I did have 2 children in this 2 year span ) but I have 4 children and have never had any issue before. The two most commen things I do here from medical staff is "No its not the subs" and not enough medical tests have been done to really determine the full effects of the drug. And yet any and all symptoms discussed with ALL the doctors I've had is deny, deny, deny! Anyway its frustrating to be in this situation but here is where I am for now. One day at a time...
Sometimes in life when your a sober person and you love an addict you NEED to show them love by letting go. I am an addict. I have cheated, lied, stolen, manipulated and anything and everything you can think to do I've thought to do or have done. I do know that in my addiction I have affected everyone around me and though at the tim,e that was not my intention I still did it. I have a great job , beautiful house, wonderful children, and a very loving and supportive CLEAN husband. I have ripped to shreds with my issue. Ive been selfish and consuming and not the person I promised my family I would be. I reccomend that when you as a person know your limit , with respect for your self set a boundarie and unless you expect that this person will always be an addict and that at any moment can relapse, lie , fall prey to their addiction. Unless you can realize that and have that in your life and all it entails LEAVE.
Thats too bad. You are the exception tho, and not the rule. I hope you never need to withdrawl from any drug again. Suboxone is a God send for most people, myself included. Good luck
I just started with Sub. , it is an amazing drug.!!!! I have hope for the first time in 10 years that I will overcome this disease. I was taking between 10-14 Tramadol a day, eating them like candy. I do have some side effects that I wonder about. I feel like I have gained some weight and the dizziness. I can handle both, I now know I will see my children grow up. Congrats to ALL!!
i was abusing pain madication for almost 2 1/2 yrs, and im only 21, the 1st time i took sub was a horrible experience, i was sick for 20 some odd hours, fully irrected, and had the runs, i was bout 19 at the time, my tolerance for opiates wasnt high at all, til about 7 months ago i was doing atleast 60 to 100 mgs of roxi, im headstrong so my with drawls were more frustrating and annoying than anything, lack of sleep, restless legs, bi polar etc, than i said enough is enough and started on the subs a few months ago!! Hell, i barely do more than 1.5 mg a Day!!!! Amazing!! i Heard Sub With Draws Are Jus As Bad, But il also use Maryjuana to help to, in about 2 weeks i plan on Droppin The Subs, and Continuing self Medicating My Self With THC, Widh Me Luck!! i Will Keep Yal Posted!!
Oh And I Failed To Mention i Was diagnosed With Bell Palsy, Sleep Apionia, Sleep Parlyisis, Which Lead Me Down The Road To Substance abuse! only thing i dont like about subs is i havent had and baul movement in about 2 weeks, i mean i urinate regurlarly, but i havent s*** in awhile!! SCARY!!! i went out and got stull softers, milk of magniesa, and enemas!! Im To Young 2 be having these problems!! Any Solutions??
I have been on suboxzone for almost a year now, I had the same side effects of sleepiness. It seems the side effects when away as my body got used to it! I was on 2 8mg film's a day and now I have myself down to taking 2mg films 2x a day.. I think I am almost ready to come off of it. The only thing is that I have tried to just stop takking this small dose I do take and i am so tired and feeling almost but no quiet as bad as I do comong off pills.. I get the yawns, sleepiness, aggravated, ect.... I wonder is anyone else at this same feeling as me.... I mean the medicine has done it's job and my body feels good it's just like I'm not feeling as good as I could feel...
You can cut the strips up into pieces. You really wanna get down as low as possible. People have the most success going down around .25 and lower. At 4 mgs per day (2 mgs twice per day is what you're on I think you said?) you're gonna feel pretty crappy jumping at that.
Don't worry- take your time & taper slow & low. If you get low enough, slow enough, you'll have no problem jumping.
What do u mean by .25?? And do u think that 2mg 2x a day is not enough... I know sometimes (like today) I had to take an extra 2 mg.. just to feel like I should!! It seems to last for a few days and then I have to take a extra every few days, it just makes me feel better and more normal! What do ya think....?...?
It's enough if it keeps you from withdrawaling. By .25 I mean cut your 2 mg strip into 8 pieces. If you want to stop the best way to do it is to reduce your current dose by around 10% every 10-12 days. With each drop you'll feel slight irritations for a day or two and then you'll stabilize. Once your feeling good stay there for a few days & then drop. Keep doing that until you're down in the .25 mg range.
Does that make sense? I hope I'm explaining it well enough.
Thanx for all your help!! Really appreciate it...
I had the same thing happen to me, had to up the dose a little to feel normal (if there is a NORMAL?) Not sure if that is the right thing to do but I did. Each day I am on the suboxone I feel different effects, like one day I am feeling good, the next day I hurt all over, next day I have a bad headache, next day not? Does anyone else out there have the same reaction? HELP...I just want to feel good again and be off all of the pills. Please post anything that may help me out. :)
I been on it for almost a years 2 8mg strips a day! I had the same symptoms headache, not enough level in me, so on.... I have cut my self back to 2mg a day, sometimes I skip a day! I feel to take 4mg every once in awhile! I'm ready to get off them & be myself! U will go through withdrawals not as bad as OC 80's but I eventually going to quit, hopefully soon!!
@ Saul - that was the best advise yet thanks.
I am on day 5 of taking Suboxone and get a little tired throughout the day, especially if I am not moving around as much. Also noticed minor headaches and minor stomache discomfort (which I may just need to drink more water to help) I have been playing around to find the best dose for me. Started with 8mg which I found to be too much, tried half (4mg) but by the evening all I can do is focus on one thing at a time and get very emotional. Going to try 2mg twice a day instead.
Overall, it just makes it so I am not sick whereas Methodone actually mimics the opiad effect of coming on, feeling way better with energy for a short time then nodding heavy and the withdrawl is horrid - I would not able to hold down a job with the nodding. So this is better in comparison - I can function at my job and take care of my son. Hoping not to have to use it for very long - from what I have read, the quicker I can wean off it the better.
Does anyone know if the withdrawal of the opiat (being sniffing heroin in this case) comes through even when taking Suboxone or is it just the effects of the Suboxone I am experiencing?
Good luck everyone : )
Does anyone know if I can take Suboxone and the Z pack (for bronchitis, possible pneumonia) at the same time? I do not want to get sick or hurt because of
yeah doctors over prescribe you the sub so that you will get addicted to it easily so that they can write you a ton of prescriptions, soo that they can make more and more money. doctors are drug dealers with degrees. especially and usually only when it comes to prescribing suboxone. they do this on purpose, dont give in to their nasty tricks...ween off of your sub as fast and as much as you can. it can cause the worst withdrawals, worse withdrawals than heroin is SO hard to completely get off of it, this is why i ask everyone who reads this to try and ween off of it as soon as they can, and obviously take as little as you can each day so that it's easier to get off completely.
you are experiencing the effects of the suboxone. the withdrawal of the opiate does not happen when taking suboxone because within 24 hours of taking the suboxone, the chemicals in it prevent you to crave any other drug, and that if you do take the drug, you won't feel it because thats what the chemicals in suboxone do.
How do drs make money by writing prescriptions? Actually, with the 100 patient cap, drs would make more money getting people off suboxone as quickly as posdible. There's no money in maintenance - the real money is in the initial induction, which costs twice as much as maintenance treatment does at most drs.
The facts are that short term suboxone use has a very high relapse rate. Suboxone is just one of many tools an addict will need thru-out their recovery. Getting off it before a proper plan for recovery is in place has proven to be a path to relapse
DO NOT TAKE XANAX!! that is the number 1 thing you are not suppose to take. i've been on it a year now and my dr. wants to take me off. im going crazy out of my mind.are you suppost to stay on it for only a year?
I have been on Suboxone for about 4 years now. My drug of choice was heroin. I started taking hydro's and went from them to anything I could get my hands on . It was terrible.......I was spending up to 500 dollars a day on pills just for myself. My day revolved around pills......I would get up in the morning and take whatever I had left and then the chasing game was on. EVERY contact in my phone was someone I could get pills from. Next thing I knew there was a dry spell on pills.....I went through withdrawal for days and couldn't take it anymore. I called a friend of a friend and asked if they could find me anything........the only thing they could get was the heroin..........I did something I said I would never do......I bought it and snorted it. From then on I fell in with the wrong people and started shooting it. One night I was partying with some friends when one of my good friends had gotten some bad dope............after seeing that happen I KNEW I had to get some help. I called my Dr and they referred me to the Suboxone Dr I am seeing. I have been clean for four years now. I know a lot of people on here have been saying that Suboxone is so bad but it saved my life. My drs office is great and they don't just shove a script in your hand and tell you see ya next month. I might make people mad on here but people have to do what's best for THEMSELVES. Maybe some ppl Suboxone isn't the answer but for me it was. I have my husband and my children and my life is great advice to ppl is to do what's best for you.......I know if I had stayed doing what I was doing I would be dead...........I'm not going to say that I'm not worried about stopping Suboxone but for now I'm taking it one day at a time. That's the only thing that you can do.
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