Side Effects Of Suboxone (Page 3) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have been on suboxone now for just under a month. I think it is an amazing drug, i have had no cravings or interest in returning to opiates, my drug of choice was oxy. I get up every day feeling happy, and am able to take on what ever the day brings me. I am also on lexapro for depression at this time. There is one problem after i take my dose, which is 8 mg. twice a day, I am extremely tired sometimes to the point where if i sit down I will nod off, so I keep moving and can usually fight through it. I am wondering do other people feel this way or does it get better the longer you are on it? Two other things that are sometimes very bothersome are dizzyness and extreme dry mouth. I just wanted to find out other peoples experiences. Thanx
Your full of bs Kevin. Just because you are set on being failure, don't drag everyone else down. You're wrong and there's lots of living proof against you. Wake up man.
Ignore Kevin's misguided advice. Do yourself a favor.
suboxone is an.opiate.. it is made from two parts__the nalaxone(opiate blocker only works if you shoot it..) the buprenorphine is an is classed as an orvinal. why dont you people research ur medication and the things in it before you take them...congratulations! you have moved into the world of legal drug dealing and youve replaced your opiate/opiod addiction with another opiate/synthetic opiod....
Hi,I was just wondering from reading the threads when @ how I will get off subs. I have been on them since the summer of 2006.I started out on 3 subs a day(24mgs) and got myself down to 12mgs(1 @ a half a day) and felt comfortable with that dosage now for almost 3 yrs.I am just thinking now that I have been on these things for 6 yrs and I am gonna be a lifer cause I refuse to go through that withdraw and the saying goes the longer your on it,the longer you withdraw so I did the math @ would rather DIE.Oh,and to make things more complicated I am perscibed kolonopin,1 mg 3 times a day since 2000 for panic disorder @ social anxiety plus I am gloraphobic but I go out more now and feel more balanced with both medicines working together.I go to my psyche doc,not my sub doc for these so I have to 1,go to 2 different pharmacies @ 2,stop taking the kolonipin 4 days before I go for my monthly visit to the sub doc so I withdraw 4 days out of every month since you can't have narcotics in your system,especially benzo's.I am a single,31 yr old man @ I feel if I never would of sit in the passenger side of (ill leave his name out) my friends car and got into the accident that led me to pain medicine that led me to opiate addiction that my life would of been totally different(obviously).This all happened in the summer of 02.I am not blaming anyone cause I know it sounds like it cause I know Its my fault and I am sorry for being long-winded and off topic but I feel this forum can give me positive feedback. I'm spilling my life out here that my closest friends and family don't even know(@ I wan;t to keep it that way,lol).Thank you for your time anyone reading this and Good Luck and God speed on this nasty cycle of addiction.
Ok, hear it goes... Number one. Subs are effing addictive. If you think that withdrawls from opiates are bad, wait till you try to come off of subs after being on them for a LONG time. The only way to detox, and not go through long withdrawls is to do a quick detox with subs. Like a week or two at the max. Start off with one 8 mg pill, or the strips in my opinion work better, and you can cut then down into little pieces much easier than the pills. That night take another 8 mg. Day 2, 4 mg in the morning, 4 at night. Day 3, 2 mg in the morning 2 at night. Day 4, 1 mg both day and night. Then the 5 day, wait till you start to feel really bad, and take a sliver of a strip, or a small piece of a pill. Before you sleep take another sliver. Day 6 wait again till you feel like crap and take another sliver or small piece. If you can sleep and not take anything then do it. Day 7 wait again till you don't feel well, and take half of the sliver you were taking. Or half of the piece of pill you were taking the day before. This works. I have detoxed like this, I was addicted to opana, I would snort 2-4 up to 8 20 mg pills a day. I got into a car wreck, flipped a car 3 Times and flew from the car 30 ft and broke my.back in two places. I have been on pain pills for around 5 years. I also have severe scoliosis, bone spurs in my neck, and stenosis. If you want to get clean, then take a week, and do it. Do it quick, stop prolonging it, and move on with your life. How long would it take to detox off opiates? Normally a week. Subs are great for detoxing! But if you stay on them longer than a week or two, then you really are just substituting one demon for another, and the detox off of subs are really really bad. My advice for anyone thinking about getting clean, get some strips, get on them then get off of them as soon as possible. I hope this helps. It does work, I didn't feel like crap when I was detoxing off the opana, and when I came off the subs, I was fine, because I was only taking them for a WEEK! And for the people who think their doctor is not getting rich off of your addiction.. think again. They want to keep you coming back as long as they can. They are there to make money, and insurance money is still money. Not all doctors are evil, or or greedy, but let's face it, most people who are doctors drive BMW's or Mercedes-Benz, you don't see too many doctors driving p o s cars... I think we should pay doctors when we are healthy, and don't have any problems, maybe then people would stop being medicated for such a long period of time. I feel really sorry for someone who has been on subs for a really long time. Once you stop, it will be hell. That is why it is so important to get off the subs as soon as possible.
You are exactly right. I have been on Suboxone now for 4 years. I take 1/8th of a tablet in the morning, last me all day, and at night when I feel abit of withdrawls, I take another 1/8th. So I am taking total of 1/4 tablet per day and I feel great!
my son is on subs and he has gained weight, lost his gall bladded, and who knows what else the dr dont tell us or dont know cuz there isnt ne study on them or the long term effects - i thought they were good too b4 but not ne more
Amazing attitude to have towards people doingthe best they can to save their own lives. Its hard being an addict and even harder to make the right choice. Its good though to see that YOU HAVE LIFE AND EVERYONE ELSES SITUATION FIGUERD OUT PERFECTLY. GGood for you. If only all of us were as blessed.
He seems like a loss cause...You cant change anybody and he's only bringing you down...move on and let him face his demons
Linda, I hate the fact that I am so dependant on this drug. And I do realize it is just a substitute for my addiction. I'm scared to death to not be on it!! I too have had the same symptoms as you to the "T" and they too have said " oh you havnt a clue the Subs are a miracle drug they cannot do what you are experiencing." I am very intune with my body and I know when something isnt quite right. I've had the same feeling of my soul jumping from my skin and it comes outta no where and to seethat someone else has had the same issue really scares me. Ive had my eye twitch off and on for months at a time and my left arm feel like its semi asleep with tingly hands. I've gained 60lbs (I did have 2 children in this 2 year span ) but I have 4 children and have never had any issue before. The two most commen things I do here from medical staff is "No its not the subs" and not enough medical tests have been done to really determine the full effects of the drug. And yet any and all symptoms discussed with ALL the doctors I've had is deny, deny, deny! Anyway its frustrating to be in this situation but here is where I am for now. One day at a time...
Thats too bad. You are the exception tho, and not the rule. I hope you never need to withdrawl from any drug again. Suboxone is a God send for most people, myself included. Good luck
For Suboxone to "work" you first need to be addicted to opoids - painkillers -oxys -etc.
...then (this is very impt)... you need to be in withdrawl for a minumum of 24 hours for the suboxone to work.
If you are not in withdrawl, the suboxone will give you the effect of an opoid withdrawl. It does not get you high. It is like a nicotine patch for nicotine withdrawl.
yes it can kill you...
I had been using suboxone for over a year, started it after a 160-240mg a day habit of oxycontin. Me and my doctor used a tapering schedule and I came out of the suboxone program with no withdrawals and completely clean and sober. As long as you do a taper with suboxone you will really not have any withdrawals.
I was on methadone at 35mg's a day and am now beiing transfered to subs. my Dr. recommended for the first 2 weeks side effects will present themselves (nausea, fatique, lack of appetite and the euphoria feeling of heroin. Once your body adapts the side effects will subside. I was advised that if the side effects or withdrawals continue withing the first 3 days the dose needs to readjusted. If you feel the nod, and or overly high your dose needs to be tapered down a bit.
My story sounds like yours. When I got off the dope got on 2 8mg subs a day for 2 yrs and then I desided I wanted to get off them. I tried just jumping right off and god dont do that!!! The withdrawls were unreal. I could't take it. I could't get back in a sub Dr. too long of a wait list, so I got on 40 mgs of methodon and hated it was nodden off and burning eveything thankgod a sub Dr. got me in. I am back on subs the put me on 2 8mgs a day i cut myself back evey few weeks 2mgs and have no withdrawls. I am now take 2mgs a day and this is the best I have felt. I do feel 2 8 mg subs a day is too much 2mgs is great!!! best thing you can do is cut yourself back little at a tme slowly. Best of luck!!!
I have been taking Subs For Six Years Now. I Started At 16Mg Daily And Took Myself Down To 4Mg Daily Because 16 Was Just Too Much. I Have Attempted To Wean Myself Off Twice. The First Time I Tried To Go Cold Turkey And The Withdrawal Was Excruciating, And That Was Only Coming Off Of A 4Mg Daily Dose. The Second Time I Tapered Down To 1mg Daily And I Quit.The WithdraWals Were Still Bad But Not Nearly As Bad As Before And The Worst Of It Was Over In A Week. Unfortunately, I Felt It Necessary To Resume Usage Of The Subs For A Combination Of Factors Including Chronic Back Pain, Depression, And What I Feel To Be AN Imbalance In My Brain Chemistry Which Is What I Believe To Be The Underlying Cause Of The Above Mentioned Conditions. If You Are Truly Serious About Getting Off Of TheM, Then You Should Tapper Yourself Down Slowly Over A Long Period Of Time. Since You have Been On Them For Such A Significant Amount Of Time, Then You Should Also Consider Taking A Proper Amount Of Time Tapering Down From Them. Let Your Body Slowly Adjust To being Chemical Free or You May End Up FeelingDepression, Loneliness, Irritability, etc, And The Worse You Feel, The More Likely It Will Be That You Go Right Back To The Subs. I Personally Have Made A Conscious Decision To Stay On The Subs, As Opposed To Replacing Them With Pain Pills And Antidepressants. Anyways, Enough With My Advice. Whenever You Are Truly Ready, Just Take It Slow, Try To Find Others Who Have Experienced The Same Problems,And Keep aA Positive outlook Cuz If You MakeIt Through The Tough Parts Of The Withdrawal And The Crummy Feelings That Can Come After The Withdrawal, Then You Will Be Extremely Proud Of Yourself For Taking Control Of Your Life And Overcoming aA Very Big Problem That Most People Will Have Never Experienced And The Few That Have Experienced Such An Issue Don't Always Come Through To The Other Side. Good Luck. I Know You Can Do It.
I dont know who prescribes you lot!! 32mg is the cieling height! Nobody needs more than 8mg at MOST. you will never get off them. I started on 12mg but within a week had cut down to 4mg a day..Its now 2 years later and after trying to stop i realised this is a lifelong thing.BUT i only need half a mg a day,,its nigh on impossible to stop. its not the physical side its the mental side!! if you think youve ever suffered from depression or anxiety just wait til you run out of subs!! be very warned..
Wow! It's inspiring to read such positive stories. I personally feel like I've been living a nightmare. I started taking oxy on a script from my doc because of back pain. My wife has a very serious degenerative spine problem so she was on them also. Our doctor was writing the scripts like they were water. "Three 40's a day not enough? Ok, let's try three 80's". We had bottles of the stuff and just kept stuffing it into our bodies until we were both so messed up. This all happened over an eight month period. When it came time to stop taking them I had no problem not taking the pills but I couldn't bear the physical symptoms. I just couldn't do it so I heard about a sub clinic for professionals and off I went. I told the counsellor repeatedly that my problem was going through WD's not the mental addiction. She said suboxone would be perfect for me because it would allow me to bypass the WD's and feel good immediately. Gosh, it was like an answer from heaven. Two months later when I was fed up with all the rules and visits and restrictions of this so called clinic for professionals (I call foul on that) and wanted to just stop the counsellor said I would have terrible WD!!! What???? But you didn't say anything about that when I signed up and said my only problem was fear of WD!!! Yes, I should have done the research but don't forget, I was properly wasted every day for eight months so I wasn't thinking about much when I first visited the sun clinic. Two years and seven months later I am still on subs and perfectly miserable. It has negatively impacted every area of my life from work to marriage. 4 days out of 7 I contemplate suicide with a scary feeling for making it a reality. I have to take Zoloft, immovane, serequel, and modafinal to beat the side effects of depression and insomnia and I have gone from being a dynamic person who could go for 18 hours a day to having maybe 4 - 6 functional hours per day. I started at 24mgs went down to 6 and back up to 14 which I know is too much. This is horrid and miserable!!
Hello everyone....i have been on suboxone for just over 2yrs...i have weened myself down to about 1mg daily for about 55-60 on my 4th day with sometimes feels like its getting worse not better....but yes i see a light..sweating..leg twiches..forearm pain like mad..crawly gettin it long till it stops i gotta sleep..i look like s*** addvice...thanks
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