Side Effects Of Suboxone (Page 3)
UpdatedI have been on suboxone now for just under a month. I think it is an amazing drug, i have had no cravings or interest in returning to opiates, my drug of choice was oxy. I get up every day feeling happy, and am able to take on what ever the day brings me. I am also on lexapro for depression at this time. There is one problem after i take my dose, which is 8 mg. twice a day, I am extremely tired sometimes to the point where if i sit down I will nod off, so I keep moving and can usually fight through it. I am wondering do other people feel this way or does it get better the longer you are on it? Two other things that are sometimes very bothersome are dizzyness and extreme dry mouth. I just wanted to find out other peoples experiences. Thanx
I have been taking suboxone since last July. I am currently still on 2 8mg in the morning and 1 8mg at evening time or night. Since I have been on suboxone my sex drive is hit or miss and it has also caused minor issues in my relationship, but we have been together 2 years and I can't tell you how much her support helped me. If you have never had an addiction, it is my advice to you to ask your BF if you both could attend a NA meeting together. There me and my gf became closer as she started to understand my struggle and side effects and heard others stories about how this addiction can alter ones life. Again you being there for your BF through thick and thin will help him in the long run and you too.
suboxone is an.opiate.. it is made from two parts__the nalaxone(opiate blocker only works if you shoot it..) the buprenorphine is an is classed as an orvinal. why dont you people research ur medication and the things in it before you take them...congratulations! you have moved into the world of legal drug dealing and youve replaced your opiate/opiod addiction with another opiate/synthetic opiod....
Hi,I was just wondering from reading the threads when @ how I will get off subs. I have been on them since the summer of 2006.I started out on 3 subs a day(24mgs) and got myself down to 12mgs(1 @ a half a day) and felt comfortable with that dosage now for almost 3 yrs.I am just thinking now that I have been on these things for 6 yrs and I am gonna be a lifer cause I refuse to go through that withdraw and the saying goes the longer your on it,the longer you withdraw so I did the math @ would rather DIE.Oh,and to make things more complicated I am perscibed kolonopin,1 mg 3 times a day since 2000 for panic disorder @ social anxiety plus I am gloraphobic but I go out more now and feel more balanced with both medicines working together.I go to my psyche doc,not my sub doc for these so I have to 1,go to 2 different pharmacies @ 2,stop taking the kolonipin 4 days before I go for my monthly visit to the sub doc so I withdraw 4 days out of every month since you can't have narcotics in your system,especially benzo's.I am a single,31 yr old man @ I feel if I never would of sit in the passenger side of (ill leave his name out) my friends car and got into the accident that led me to pain medicine that led me to opiate addiction that my life would of been totally different(obviously).This all happened in the summer of 02.I am not blaming anyone cause I know it sounds like it cause I know Its my fault and I am sorry for being long-winded and off topic but I feel this forum can give me positive feedback. I'm spilling my life out here that my closest friends and family don't even know(@ I wan;t to keep it that way,lol).Thank you for your time anyone reading this and Good Luck and God speed on this nasty cycle of addiction.
yes the skin problem. i have been picking now for almost 3 years and it is horrible I have scars all over my body I lost my sex drive for the first year was on lexapro and that put my head in the clouds just got switched to citroplifan and like what the other guy said I have the same side effects. I lost so much blood one day I couldn't stop cutting and i thought the worst. If u want contact me. so we can talk about this together.
Ok, hear it goes... Number one. Subs are effing addictive. If you think that withdrawls from opiates are bad, wait till you try to come off of subs after being on them for a LONG time. The only way to detox, and not go through long withdrawls is to do a quick detox with subs. Like a week or two at the max. Start off with one 8 mg pill, or the strips in my opinion work better, and you can cut then down into little pieces much easier than the pills. That night take another 8 mg. Day 2, 4 mg in the morning, 4 at night. Day 3, 2 mg in the morning 2 at night. Day 4, 1 mg both day and night. Then the 5 day, wait till you start to feel really bad, and take a sliver of a strip, or a small piece of a pill. Before you sleep take another sliver. Day 6 wait again till you feel like crap and take another sliver or small piece. If you can sleep and not take anything then do it. Day 7 wait again till you don't feel well, and take half of the sliver you were taking. Or half of the piece of pill you were taking the day before. This works. I have detoxed like this, I was addicted to opana, I would snort 2-4 up to 8 20 mg pills a day. I got into a car wreck, flipped a car 3 Times and flew from the car 30 ft and broke my.back in two places. I have been on pain pills for around 5 years. I also have severe scoliosis, bone spurs in my neck, and stenosis. If you want to get clean, then take a week, and do it. Do it quick, stop prolonging it, and move on with your life. How long would it take to detox off opiates? Normally a week. Subs are great for detoxing! But if you stay on them longer than a week or two, then you really are just substituting one demon for another, and the detox off of subs are really really bad. My advice for anyone thinking about getting clean, get some strips, get on them then get off of them as soon as possible. I hope this helps. It does work, I didn't feel like crap when I was detoxing off the opana, and when I came off the subs, I was fine, because I was only taking them for a WEEK! And for the people who think their doctor is not getting rich off of your addiction.. think again. They want to keep you coming back as long as they can. They are there to make money, and insurance money is still money. Not all doctors are evil, or or greedy, but let's face it, most people who are doctors drive BMW's or Mercedes-Benz, you don't see too many doctors driving p o s cars... I think we should pay doctors when we are healthy, and don't have any problems, maybe then people would stop being medicated for such a long period of time. I feel really sorry for someone who has been on subs for a really long time. Once you stop, it will be hell. That is why it is so important to get off the subs as soon as possible.
There's a difference between addicted and dependent. Yep, you absolutely WILL become dependent on subs. Just like you'll become dependent on your anti depressant, your beta blocker, your blood pressure meds etc etc. that's just a fact with medicine that you take daily for any extended period. You will NOT find yourself chasing it, ruining your life, risking your home, your freedom, your family etc etc like an addict would. That's a very significant difference.
Now, like all medicine that your body becomes dependent on a longer, slower taper is reccomebded to avoid withdrawal symptoms. This is no different than wellbutrin, or Prozac or many many other meds. The fact of the matter is addiction is a disease- sometimes you have to look at the consequences of NOT treating the disease. If you had high blood pressure, or cholesterol, or even depression, you'd take your pill every morning. Sure, if you suddenly stopped you'd withdrawal, but why would you stop if it worked? Same thing with suboxone
I was on subtext and continued my use f klonopin during my treatment. I have panic disorder. You will need to continue the Klopin when coming off the subtext. Don't be hiding that from your subtex proscriber. I was being treated with both medications by the same dr. I too found that the combination of the meds helped deal with certain associated conditions- fear of leaving the home etc. I have been off sub for 6 months. It took me about 6 weeks to begin to feel close to normal. But I couldn't stand the fear of knowing that one day I had to get off of the sub. So I picked a month . I took
" holidays" off from work and laid in bed until I could get out. Bit by bit. There's other meds you may need to manage the withdrawal symptoms. Eg. Myalgia etc. You can do this. You don't have to be a lifer. Just make sure you let your drs know what's happening.
You are exactly right. I have been on Suboxone now for 4 years. I take 1/8th of a tablet in the morning, last me all day, and at night when I feel abit of withdrawls, I take another 1/8th. So I am taking total of 1/4 tablet per day and I feel great!
I am very happy I have come so far but I'm finding I am super depressed now I was shooting heroin for about 2 years before that I was doing Oxy. do you guys deal with depression? I have been on suboxin it since january. everything was fine in the beginning just a few side effects but now I feel very depressed and I have nothing to be depressed about I do get a little tired and get dry mouth sometimes. I take it 3 times a day under
Tounge . I think I take either 6 or 8 mpg a day before this month I wasn't taking enough my body build a tolerance and I was very angry and noticed I was going through withdrawals so I bumped up my dose...
Ok so heres the deal. Today is my first day of taking suboxone and I thought I would come on here and
share my experiences so far and hopefully it can help someone out there with their questions.
First off I have been "addicted" to pain killers for about a year and a half now. My drug of choice was usually perc 30s but Iv pretty much tried them all... Morphine, percs, tramodal, OCs, OPs, roxies, you name it... I started taking pain killers to cope with the massive depression I was dealing with at the time and that seemed to be the only way to get away from the mental pain I was in. For the past year and a half I was snorting usually 3 to 4 perc 30s a day and due to my lack of health insurance I was buying them off the street for about $20 a pop... you do the math, it was very expensive!! I tried quiting the pills cold turkey multiple times but never succeded because I just couldnt deal with the pain and lack of energy that comes with the withdrawls. Yesterday I decided to buy two 8mg strips of suboxone from a friend for $8 a piece. I snorted my last perc 30 last night at about 9:15p.m. and took my first full strip of suboxone today at about 11:45a.m. Right now its about 3:15p.m. and I feel great. I have abdolutely no withdrawls and no cravings for a pill! I have a very slight "fade" as if I did a pain pill but for the most part I feel very "nomal". I havnt felt this good in a very long time and its almost like a miracle! I am a little bit tired but if I start doing something active I become more energized and focused. Im in a great mood and feel great physically too! Before taking suboxone I did have my doubts about it and was a bit nervous but I have to say that this tasty little strip does exactly what its supposed to do! Im quite suprised at how well it actually works! If anyone is dealing with a narco addiction and wants help getting off the pills and or H, I very much recommend taking this route!
Good luck to everyone in thier fight to clean up and I will come back with an update on my progress in a few days.
God Bless All!
my son is on subs and he has gained weight, lost his gall bladded, and who knows what else the dr dont tell us or dont know cuz there isnt ne study on them or the long term effects - i thought they were good too b4 but not ne more
hi guys,i hope to get some advice. my boyf of 14 yrs snorted his ritalin stole any drug he could. is in a out pat rehab for abusing meds. they put him on 8mg of sub. since he has regressed to his snorting ritalin days very self centered irritable poor judjments and some mania is this a side affect or is this really him thanks for any advise. he has been diagnosed as nanic but refuses to accept it in the past. he has caused me great greif and refuses to think it could be the sub. he went without anything for 1 mo and did wonderful it was like falling in love again then for what ever reason, they put him on sub. wasnt like he was having withdrawl. just cravings and in my opinion has ALWAYS looked for a pill to take the easy way out. if this is the way he will be forever I WANT OUT
YES! Thats why I just stopped by to see if anyone else is having the same issue.. Love that it hepls with the craving and angst of withdrawl but the nodding off is horrible, I do it at work, at home, in the car , anytime I'm sitting for longer then 10 minutes I'm literally fighting to stay awake. My husband hates it and is embarresed by the fact we work together and he sees what is happening. Not sure what to do...Red bull and coffee and sugar are a huge part of my diet now , more then sad.
Amazing attitude to have towards people doingthe best they can to save their own lives. Its hard being an addict and even harder to make the right choice. Its good though to see that YOU HAVE LIFE AND EVERYONE ELSES SITUATION FIGUERD OUT PERFECTLY. GGood for you. If only all of us were as blessed.
Sorry to break the news to ya but your gonna have way worse withdraws from coming off subs then your minor opiate habit...I wish people would do more research before messing with suboxone..Its not as great as people are led to believe//good luck
Your feeling ok because suboxone has opiate in them...I fell for the whole Suboxone is a agreat drug also...Its not at all..I mean really all your doing is substituting one bad habit for another..Its like covering up a major injury with a band aid..First off when I started taking subs I got severe twitching..Like I would out of nowhere jump out of my skin..Doctor said it wasnt the sub but I know my body and it didnt do it before taking the subs..Second, I gained 45 lbs and Ive always been a very thin person ..And third, I had no desire to do anything..I worked because I had to and then the rest of the time I layed on the couch and didnt want to do anything..especially have sex..And suboxone is VERY addicting..Coming off subs..Very horrible..I tapered down to like 1-2 mil grams and the doctor said I shouldnt really get that bad of withdraws..BULLCHIT..It was just as bad as coming off opiates and it last 10 times longer...I got SEVERE hives..broke out so bad I had to go to the emergency room..They tried to say it wasnt from the subs..AGAIN, I know my body and I knew it was from the subs with draw ..I still have itching and sneezing 3 weeks later, although not as bad...I had extreme anxiety and a knot in my chest ( and heartburn ) for ever..couldnt sleep, restless legs, aches all over, couldnt eat ( which is a good thing cause i gained so much weight while on the subs )..Talk about depressed and hopeless..Im still 3 weeks later and I feel emotionally drained and sad...I would have never taking suboxone if I would have known the full affects of this drug..My advice is..Dont take it unless its a life or death situation...And I agree..I believe their making so much money off suboxone they want people to stay on it...What do they care..Horrible drug...Good luck
Your full of it
yOU GOTTA GET OFF SUBS...6 years is way too long and the doxtors dont care because theire making money..Also..Your playing a loosing battle taking the benzo and letting yourself go into withdraws w/o a doctors can die from benzo withdraws. you can have a seisure ...please get help
He seems like a loss cause...You cant change anybody and he's only bringing you down...move on and let him face his demons
Good luck with your son..I have a 17 yr old son and I would hate to watch him go through this kind of problem..My thoughts and good luck to you and your family..If its a life or deathysituation then subs are good..Just not long term
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