Side Effects Of Suboxone (Page 12) (Top voted first)


I have been on suboxone now for just under a month. I think it is an amazing drug, i have had no cravings or interest in returning to opiates, my drug of choice was oxy. I get up every day feeling happy, and am able to take on what ever the day brings me. I am also on lexapro for depression at this time. There is one problem after i take my dose, which is 8 mg. twice a day, I am extremely tired sometimes to the point where if i sit down I will nod off, so I keep moving and can usually fight through it. I am wondering do other people feel this way or does it get better the longer you are on it? Two other things that are sometimes very bothersome are dizzyness and extreme dry mouth. I just wanted to find out other peoples experiences. Thanx

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Re: Christine (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

You’re correct. I have stopped taking pain medication without suboxone a few times, with it once. The withdrawals took SO MUCH LONGER from the suboxone. Withdrawals from pills I knew the third night would be the worst, and after that it would get better every day until it’s done in a few days. The subs not such.

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Re: Ryan (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

What do you intend on doing if you need something to stop pain? Also most people I know who have been on this med eventually suffer depression and anxiety. Maybe depression is caused due to the fact that nothing will work on you for a very long time even after stopping suboxone. When it originally started people were told how easy it is to come off!! Unfortunately that isn't the truth. IMO you are on too much. Also the first couple of weeks might make you feel ok but don't expect this to last.

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Re: Polo (# 234) Expand Referenced Message

I totally agree ,it's not the wonder drug they like to force on people , withdrawal is disgusting much worse then opiates including methadone ,IV actually heard of people taking there lives with this med ,don't touch this drug longer then maybe 2 weeks,a lot of drs do not understand or care.

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Re: Bubba Gump (# 238) Expand Referenced Message

So true what you are saying. I'm in Australia and the same thing happens here. Good luck with getting off it, sounds like you really know what you are talking about. It's a pity the Drs and drug experts don't know the full story. I'm convinced there are some drs who are just getting people hooked knowing that they will be getting steady income. No way should this be allowed. Better off being on an alternative drug that doesn't destroy nerves and brain cells. Good luck.

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Re: Ryan (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

If I get moving the Sub. Will let me be energetic. If I sit down or lay down without any other people around to stimulate me I fall out. Had occasional headaches and sweats also. I cut my dose...FILM down a few milligrams and feel more alive.

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I have been on suboxone for 6 months and I've recently been feeling generally bad nausea, headaches and dizziness. These symptoms come and go. At first I thought it was blood sugar related or maybe signs of menopause. I'm just confused as to what is going on.

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I've been taking Suboxone for about 4 years and now have had diarrhea for the past four months. Could this be a side effect from long term use of Suboxone?

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Dianne, IV seen people coming off opiates with methadone and subs ,I don't think drs know enough about Suboxone or subutex at least with methadone they have experience in dealing with withdrawal, for starters 8 mg a day is way too high,you must feel like a zombie, in my opinion it should be used when methadone dose is down as far as possible and used for no longer then 2-4 weeks and nothing like 8 mg a day,for some reason over here in Australia people are told how easy it is to come off ,I do not believe this,IV seen people in a terrible state trying to get off it.also what happens if you have accident and need pain relief? Nothing will stop pain or ease pain in an emergency ,and forget about enjoying anything ,IV heard people say it took a very long time before it was out of your system,so even a trip to dentist has problems,it seemed to stop people enjoying anything ,this is my opinion and everyone is different, 8mg is way too much ,unless you've spent last 2 yrs in an O den in Asia,take care be patient an don't believe everything . especially new wonder drug info.

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Re: Florida Liz (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Not going to prescribe those with Suboxone; I know because as a true Narcoleptic I was on Provigil and Sub dr discontinued due to possibility of serious interactions

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Bubba Gump (# 238) -so true !! Not a wonder drug ,just turns people into robots they can control, kinda bit like clockwork orange ,IV heard.

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Re: Christine (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Agree 100 percent to your post. I went through same thing. Only on it 8 months. This is a very powerful medication.

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Re: Liss (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

That’s my question too. Since I’ve been on sub I can eat a salad and gain weight. I’ve been on sub now for a month and a half and have gained 20 pounds!!! Feel like I’m blowing up!!

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You're just high. Lol. Break the subs up into halves & take 1/2 in the am 1/2 after lunch another 1/2 around 4 or 5 & the other about an hour before bed. That will eventually go away. With me, I've been on sibs for 10 years, they have taken away all my energy. I'm coming off of them now & am starting 2 feel a little better each time I'm lowered.

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I've been on 4 MG, 2x daily for only a week and a half. Side effects are horrible - profuse sweating, major headaches, and and overall feeling of withdrawal, including fever. I have used it in the past and never had any issues. Nothing is getting better, I feel like it's getting worse actually. Has anyone else had this problem, and if so, what did you do? It's also affecting my mental health, I don't know what to do.... HELP, please

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I was taking Suboxone for more than 10 years and eventually weened myself off of them a year ago. I have taken various different doses prescribed by a Doctor, of course and I'm here to tell you & anyone else reading this comment... One Suboxone a day is enough for any patient. If you are taking more than one, you are taking more than what is necessary & sufficient. That's the bottom line. One Suboxone is effective enough to prevent any withdrawals within a 24 hour period. No if, ands or buts about it.

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Re: Rose (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Glad it's good for you,see if you feel same way,when you want to get off!!

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Re: Krista (# 228) Expand Referenced Message

In my experience with Suboxone, if you are experiencing that much fatigue, your dose is too high. Not a doctor, just my experience. Good luck!!

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Re: Holly (# 249) Expand Referenced Message

For some reason drs like to over prescribe, in my opinion it's no wonder drug. The depression that goes with this med and withdrawal symptoms are shocking, most drs do my agree !! I pity anybody on this med who needs pain relief as it wont work. !

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Your on Avery high dose ,not enough is known about it,you will be needing your anti depresants,

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Re: Barbarah (# 247) Expand Referenced Message

You are it's no wonder drug.

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