Side Effects Of Suboxone (Page 11)


I have been on suboxone now for just under a month. I think it is an amazing drug, i have had no cravings or interest in returning to opiates, my drug of choice was oxy. I get up every day feeling happy, and am able to take on what ever the day brings me. I am also on lexapro for depression at this time. There is one problem after i take my dose, which is 8 mg. twice a day, I am extremely tired sometimes to the point where if i sit down I will nod off, so I keep moving and can usually fight through it. I am wondering do other people feel this way or does it get better the longer you are on it? Two other things that are sometimes very bothersome are dizzyness and extreme dry mouth. I just wanted to find out other peoples experiences. Thanx

262 Replies (14 Pages)

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Yeah that's what's wrong, you're taking a lot. Can I ask why they have you on so much, compared to before when you first started?? It seems counter productive to start at 2 mg then build UP to sixteen. Is it for pain? Even then I only know of one person who is prescribed a dose close to that and she has a titanium rod for half a spine or something.

If it's to treat addiction that's more detrimental to your sobriety than anything and I would seek a doctor whose ultimate goal is to get you off everything, like it should ultimately be utilized, not lining his pockets with cash.

FYI, at high doses it made me feel very irritable too. I have BPD, PTSD and a high serotonin level though which could contribute.

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I would say you're taking too much. I've been on Subs for quite a few years. I used to feel that way. i started at 3 8 milligram tabs a day, but now I just take one a day which seems to be the right amount for me. I don't feel all tired all the time, etc. Good luck.

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Yes it is. Suboxone, especially for me gives me an appetite.

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2mg of Suboxone isn't enough! I go thru full blown WDs EVERY NIGHT! So yesterday I started induction help from physician...just shrugs his shoulders and I do my own research. So NEVER got stabilized 34 horrid nights of WD on 2mg day. Wears off ...doesn't last the whole 24. I know there are ubsorption issues with films and new garbage generic tabs. So my question is...I'm nodding at 6 mg split into two doses...(no sleep at all and 5 mg Valium to TRY for sleep) and 2 mg is obviously NOT ENOUGH!! NEVER stabilized...had WDs EVERY night since day it's day 34. HELP!!! PLEASE H E L P!!! I'm on my own. Thanks Kare

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that sucks. I was taking 8 mgs a day. Your message is a little confusing. Do you take 2 mg or 6 mg a day? when they switched me to the films, though, it seemed to wear off faster and I would wake up in the middle of the night with WDs so now my dr gives me 8 mg and 2 mg if I need it in the evening which works good for me. Good luck!

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Sorry about that I've been on my own since day ONE. Was talked into 8 mg films (cheaper if I'd split into 2mgs. I am an MS patient and its the same old Norco 7.5 story...2 then 3 then 30 mgs at a crack...etc i have a HUGE opiate tolerance after 6 major surgeries yada yada. So...I've Been down this road once before and it worked GREAT! I defied my Dr and blew off of the Suboxone in 30 days...NO WD period. Clean for 7 years and then the surgeries started again. Piece of cake right? WRONG!! Can't get old hexagon Subs with no other CRAP inserted that I SWEAR interferes with ubsorption . My goal is to get OFF and QICKLY. So,..,I put myself on 2mg...NEVER MADE IT PAST MIDNIGHT. Huge WDS...for 34 nights can't take it anymore. Decided from readin Dr Js theory to re do induction hence 6mg split into 3 and 3. WHY don't these films last the bloody 24 hrs? And the white Generics are GARBAGE!!! So. Xi need advice in doing this the right way and not suffering anymore. Don't tell me to talk to my Dr because I know more than he does about pharmacology if that tells you anything and I have NO ins! If I could see this Dr J...I would he's 2 plus hrs from me I'm in Chicago. I'm too old for this crap I'm 57 and have had MS and Lupus for over 30 years. Thank you for your support this is my FIRST EVER POST. Thank you all.....

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My cousin was shotting Suboxone and now he is taking it like he is surpose to but I see him notting out and wondering if that is normal? I see people saying until they get use too it but he has been taking it and shotting it so should it still be making him noding if he is taking it correctly?

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Never shot suboxone, or anything for that matter. But how much does he take daily and at a time?

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If hes still nodding he is probably still taking too much

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Well if ur receptors are filled up u shouldnt get withdrawals before 3-4 days. Not talking about sweating and restlessness but real physical symptoms. The thing with sub is that it takes alot longer to leave the system than regular opioids or H. Which again can be a real pain when u try kick it. Have friends who have gone more than 2 months with withdrawals and couldnt take it any more. Personally i think if u wanna quit u should change to morphine for a month or two to get the suboxone out of the body, then u will get a bit tougher withdrawals but much shorter time. Been on suboxone myself for 2 years and it has been a great help for me, was hooked on H and morphine for a few years before it and havent had any urges to use any opioids after i started. That being said i would not want to be on preparates the rest of my life. Just wanted to share my experience, good luck to everyone else out there who knows this situation you can all get your life back

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I just came across this post and I want to say that I got hurt a work and was put on pain pills for about 2 years, I decided I was tired of relying on them to live my life so I tried to quit, got extremely ill. Someone told me about Sub's so I went to the dr. and started taking them, after a few month's and my savings acct. was empty I wanted to get off them, but there's a big problem getting off, that one man said start to taper and he is oh so right, it's been about 1 1/2 years now and I'm still stuck on them, I have to find them on the street cause the dr.'s visit here is $250 plus 8.50 per strip, I live on social security and cannot afford that. I know it's wrong to get them off the street but I can't get off of them. You are all feeling well now but wait till you try to get off the subs. It's mind blowing, so, so sick. I'm in my 60's been fighting this for so long, I'm so tired of all this. I hope you all have better luck than me.

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I know it's going to be so hard to get off of. I've been on suboxone for 8 years and am not looking forward to when I have to come off it, if ever. My doctor said I might be on it the rest of my life. I don't want to be on it forever, but I'm scared about coming off of it b/c of the side effects. I have heard if you taper it down a really small amount at a time, it's not so bad. Good luck!

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I know this is an old post, but Lexapro is a wonderful medication for depression. I was on Lexapro , while I think it's a wonderful medication for depression it comes with side affects. The main side affect is feeling very tired. All I wanted to do was sleep. So if you mix Suboxone and Lexapro you will feel very tired. I think if you are taking Lexapro then your doctor can lower your dosage of Suboxone and the Lexapro, another idea is taking them at different times. Lexapro also makes people very hungry. It relaxes the body so much that you want to eat and makes you gain weight. But if it makes you feel good I rather have the extra pounds. I hope this helps . Again Lexapro makes you very tired. Maybe the doctor can add a medication to give give the patient a boost to not feel so tired. Good luck.

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Hey buddy,
Your question about taking Xanax as prescribed while on Suboxone and will it mess anything up?

I have been on Suboxone now for a little while. I am prescribed 8mg 4 times per day. This is a high dose and I find it to be to high for me so I'm trying 8-4-8. So far it's been ok.
Anyway, now to adress your question. I am also on 5mg Valuim and have been for about 2 years now. My docs are aware and said from the get go that there would be no issues taking both at the same time. Man, knock on wood, so far I haven't had any issues whatsoever.
I'm no doc though so you might wanna discuss it with yours? But you should be good 2 go.
Good luck!

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What do you do if you take it to soon and get sick

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Ive known ppl who have died mixing xanax and suboxone

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I have one question, I'm trying to withdrawal off of opioids by using suboxone 10/8 milligram films. Is it possible to detox from the oxy's with just 10 subs? In the past couple months I've been taking between 80 and 110 milligrams of oxys a day. I have been on opioids for the past 10 years and it's the first time I'm trying to withdrawal with subs, if anybody could give me any kind of suggestions I would appreciate it. Thank you.

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takin xanex with suboxone is very dangerous.. benzos are the biggest no no while on suboxone

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The nodding for me is because the dose of suboxone was too high. Maybe try a lower dose and see how that works for you. I too believe suboxone is a great drug when used properly. I had a three level cervical fusion and was loaded down with pain meds for three months, from dilaudid then to percocets then to hydros. I wasn't able to wean down off the pain meds and didn't want to continue the road to addiction so I started the suboxone. It has been 7 days for me and each day I take a little less. I finally feel I am getting my life back!

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I have been on Buprenorphine 8mg / Naloxone 2mg, 3 tabs a day for over 7 years at the VA. I have stayed on these because it also has been found to help with pain. I am disabled from a fall off a telephone pole, I was on so much pain meds for about 15 years they became ineffective and I was also hooked. This helped right from day 1, took away all my cravings and as mentioned subsequently helped my pain, not as good as I want but its either take this or become hooked on opioids or worse and go through all that crap again, no thanks, I will live with the pain that my Suboxone doesn't take care of. I wanted to also say, that any doctor that is prescribing Benzo's to anyone who is on Suboxone first should have their license revoked and second sued. Benzo's with Suboxone is a deadly combination, their are other prescriptions that can help with anxiety and sleep, Doxepin is GREAT for sleep, like any prescription especially for those of us who have a high tolerance the mgs will be adjusted accordingly. I struggle with PTSD, Bi-Polar, Clinical Depression and a few more mental health issues as well as physical issues. But I would again Say that BENZO' s are a HUGE NO NO, NO JOKE. Suboxone has saved my life, there only real side effect is as been mentioned is if I sit in a meeting, movie or anywhere for that matter for any period of time, I have to fight off the eyes closing and contrary to what I have read in some comments it isnt a dosage issue, it happens whether 1 tablet or 3 tablets are taken.. But I urge anyone that is taking Benzo's, stop,, NO BENZO's are even supposed to be prescribed on Suboxone. I read someones comments about stopping Suboxone, it's as harder as any Opioid and you must be weaned off of these. I would do the rehab thing if having an issue stopping... I am grateful for this drug, it saved my life a little over 7 years ago.. As long as it is continued to be offered to me, I will gladly take it, MAN O MAN the BENZO thing is just wrong and is a VERY, VERY BAD idea and combo... I would be suing for malpractice and thats a fact...

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