Side Effects Of Bactrim (Page 21)
UpdatedI need to know of any side effects that may occur while taking this medication.
Please check out "The great lymphatic system by Dr Robert Morse" on YouTube.. For all of you who want to truly understand why you are reacting to this drug and how to go forward and heal yourselves for good.... I challenge anybody to come back to me and not see the truth in this video, which is one of hundreds for you to view... God bless...
Thank you for posting which of his vids to first view.
I am still dealing with vision that seems to "bounce" (best way i can describe it), dull headaches that persist the entire day and achy eyes. I describe it as a dull headache but also is a sort of brain fog that is constantly there.
I did the same thing as your daughter. Everyone said, "can't be from the sulfa. It would have happened sooner. " It was the 8 th day
I am not positive that I should take these. I have taken them in the past, and they did help, though not to the point the pressure kept on getting better. I am an active paraplegic of over 40 plus years. I do not want to be taking this script of Bactrim. It is a fact that I smoked cigarettes for many years, but quit them about 2 months ago.. Do you think they will do more damage, than good, in the overall course of this medicine? I am not a diabetic and eat right, i.e. protein, veggies, and fruit.
Hi all you unlucky bactrim sufferers. Similar story from me too. Given bactrim for a wound infection and then developed what I thought was the flu.
Bloodshot swollen eyes, aches pains, stiffness, lethargy, fevers, chills, pinpoint itchy rash mostly on feet, numbness in hands with excruciating pins n needles, headaches, nausea, a bit out of it, like unable to function normally, neck pain, dizziness. Does that sound like what you've had? I've stopped it now after 3.5 days but strewth it knocked me out, and thing is i wasn't getting any better. Not usually the effect drugs are meant for. Even my Doc said oh you look awful, yet still didn't marry up the two and prescribed panadeine forte. After suspecting the truth I stopped bactrim. Now feel I am on recovery. My question is how to detox residual out of my system.
Thinking activated charcoal, green detox? Herbs? I already have an issue with depression, anxiety and adrenal fatigue so I can't afford to make that worse. Thanks for any tips.
Hi there, I literally took 2 pills on two separate occassions, on the second day I developed a rash on my forearms. I am gradually starting to get better but I am feeling really nauseous and with on and off abdominal pain and was wondering if anyone else experience the same thing? The neuropathy has gradually been subsiding but my anxiety is through the roof. I feel so desperate to get answers. I felt lumps under my arms, headache, GI symptoms, and a bunch of other stuff. But random symptoms. I went for a ct scan, breast ultrasound, endoscopy of my nasal and throats passages and all are good. I still have to undergo a colonoscopy because of my gi symptoms so I am praying is just a symptom of the bactrim and nor something more serious.
Folic acid might be reduced by bactrim.
Folic acid is a B vitamin needed by pregnant women..
Your post made me laugh because for me, Bactrim actually causes what looks and feels like cellulitis, but is an allergic reaction. Every body is different.
Janet, I agree with you. I have lymphedema too and bactrim is a med that works for me. It upsets my stomach, but all antibiotics have some type of reaction with me.
Hello all, my name is Scott 57 year old retiree, mostly healthy. My experience has been very similar to a lot of you, especially Susan and Kurt. I was prescribed BACTRIM DS for a Sinus infection early April, 2017. I started having aches and pains throughout my body and small bumps mostly on my chest around day 4. I emailed my Dr. and she said these were normal side effects. Instructions given with the Bactrim say to call your Dr. if these symptoms occur which I did and she said to keep taking them. As of today I am just over 4 months from finishing the 10 day 2x per day dose Dr. prescribed. Biggest problem when I finished course was I had so much muscle/joint pain I could barely get out of a chair to walk. Also had a CLUNK IN MY THROAT STARTING AROUND DAY 4. My Dr admitted it was an allergic reaction but gave me nothing and said symptoms would go away within a week or 2. Dr ran normal blood panel including Thyroid....all normal. Symptoms did NOT go away within 2 weeks so I went to see an ENT on my own because in week 2 my throat started to swell ENT also said it was allergic reaction to BACTRIM AND GAVE ME 9 day course of oral prednisone. Prednisone helped immediately and took pain down by about 70-80%. At the same time he prescribed RANATADINE 150gm 2x per day and SINGULAIR 10mg for throat and allergic reaction. These helped my swollen throat issues. When I finished PRESNISONE my pain level came back to around 50-60% of what it was originally. On my 3rd visit to ENT (JUNE) he prescribed 2 additional antihistamines (DOXEPIN 10mg AND HYDROXYZINE 25mg) to try and reduce body swelling (he said to try and speed up the recovery time). Took all of these for past 2 months with minimal improvement in body pain which, in my eyes, my biggest problem. In early August I tried going off the RANATADINE and rash that was on my chest, that was somewhat dormant during 4 months, began to itch severely and I once or twice a day I get a feeling as if my chest is burning from the inside. Went in the See ENT again and told him about the rash and he said to go back on the RANATADINE. He also prescribed another course of steroids (12 days) which I have filled but have not taken yet and don't think I will unless rash starts to get out of conrol). Btw, I have had the rash since April but it did not bother me much until now.....first course of steroids did nothing to the rash. At this last appt. ENT told me he had never seen the allergic reaction last this long. He is ok continuing treatment but does not know what else to do....I give him an A for effort. Back up to end of June and my PC DR wanted to check blood again. All was normal except thyroid was High....hypothyroid. She put me on LEVOTHYROXINE to correct levels. In 1 month changed just a little and now on 2nd month at increased dose. Was hoping that was some of problem but I really don't think so at this point. Also, since mid April when I finished BACTRIM DS, I have had brain fog, trouble with words, slight burn in eyes, tingly nerves in legs when standing still for more than 10 seconds, strange shots of pain like pinprick off and on.....usually in legs. As of right now I can say that I am better than when I finished the BACTRIM DS. Maybe 40% better overall with new symptoms daily (example...knees hurt when I get out of a chair and then I can walk ok. If I get down on the ground, I usually can't get up without help. Fatigue is less but still there..seems I need a nap In The morning most days unless I am out and about keeping busy. Overall muscles and joins still very sore). I do take 2 aleve on days I leave house and they do help the pain.
Sorry this is so choppy but as a lot of you know, the fatigue and brain fog makes it hard to stay focused and on task. I do have an appointment with an ALLERGIC IMMUNOLOGIST on September 14 (unless they squeeze me in sooner). Not holding out a lot of hope but still hoping against hope. I am like a lot of you at this point who have had this stuff for months.......thinking it is mostly time and prayer that works best on this stuff.
Thanks and praying that everyone heals soon!! God Bless.
Kurt, can you please tell me if after 7-8 months you are still feeling all of the inflammatory pain you had in the beginning or is it better? Can you place a percentage on the pain improvement if there is any. I have read all of your posts and I do see that you mention "7 months and I can't say that I am a whole lot bett
Kurt, can you please tell me if after 7-8 months you are still feeling all of the inflammatory pain you had in the beginning or is it better? Can you place a percentage on the pain improvement if there is any. I have read all of your posts and I do see that you mention "7 months and I can't say that I am a whole lot better". I know that statement should be self explanatory but could you please reconfirm that most of your joints and muscles are still in pain as of today? Thank you. Scott
Hi Scott,
Sorry it took me a while to respond. First off, I feel your agony and frustration. After reading your first posting, I was shocked at the multitude of meds your doctors where throwing at you in almost a shotgun approach to ease your discomfort. Personally after this experience, I refuse to take any drugs and fortunately none of my doctors prescribed anything to alleviate my constellation of symptoms. I’m adamant on healing the natural way by supporting my body to heal naturally with diet, exercise and lifestyle. Of course this takes time and there is so much trial and error.
I’ve had so many symptoms over these past 10 months, many of them went away but some of are still lingering, the extent and intensities of which vary. The main ones that bother me the most at this point are, dizziness, and loss of sensation (some tingling). Gone (For the most part) is the severe depression which I personally attribute to an aggressive probiotics/pickled vegetable regime. Also my chronic fatigue is pretty much gone and I have a lot more energy, still not 100% but much better. Also I had bad neck pain and strange sensations from that region for the longest time but that has finally been gone for about a month. I’ve been going to a special chiropractor who practices the ABC technique which has helped that considerably. I’m not holding my breath because anything can come back. It’s like playing whack a mole with my heath. I also still have the wide spread lack of sensation but that has improved slowly.
So regarding the neuropathic symptoms, like tingling, joint pain, etc., all of which I have had through this journey. It’s very difficult to put a percent improvement on that. It’s very nonlinear, and the symptoms can go up and down even in a single day. It was interesting because early on also noticed a very close connection with the dizziness, depression and the neuropathy. They all increased in intensity at the same time. It’s hard to actually describe what I’m feeling too. I would say, loss of sensation when i pinch myself, tingling, joint pain in specific joints (not wide spread), joint stiffness and pain which is centered in my feet and hands. Also I have these strange muscle issues where my rapid muscle movements like wiggling my fingers can get tired really quickly making my hands feel clumsy, but also recover quickly too. I got myself a lot of hand eerie gadgets and those have helped a lot. I don’t have wide spread pain. If anything its loss of pain which makes me feel really weird and rubbery. Lately it feels like I’m getting some sensation back and I’ve been feeling more itching sensations when I do. Hopefully this is a sign of the very slow nerve regrowth. I know Susan mentioned that in a another message, and so whenever things itch I feel a positive glimmer of hope?
So, I don’t know how to answer your question. I did have some strange biting pains early on both those went away. But yes, I still have symptoms, definitely after 10 months. Is it sill as bothersome? I would say no, but even that is complicated by the fact that I was extremely depressed making everything much more intense. I think the overall trajectory is one of improvement and not decline. It almost feels like my body is honing into some new homeostatic state but in a very very convoluted way. Really the things that has helped the most, have been exercise, weight lifting, swimming, probiotics, and time. In the beginning I was really sensitive to crappy foods but now I tolerate bad foods better. I still have always had a very good mainly non inflammatory paleo-ish diet which I try to enhance with antioxidants, Omega 3 and magnesium.
Also you mentioned something about your eyes, as did bfunk a while back. I have also been experiencing dry eyes at night. Has anyone else had this? I wake up in the morning and it feels like my eyelids are stuck to my eyeballs. I have some eye drops ready every morning when I wake up. I think that’s slowly getting better though. Also my vision in general on my left eye has been sketchy, and that seems to be improving too. I also noticed a very noticeable slowing down of rapid eye movement if I move my eyes back and forth rapidly, but see a slow improvement to that too.
Anyway, sorry for being so scattered. Sometimes I almost feel like I can write a book about this whole crazy experience! The medical community has not helped me one bit except for ruling out things like MS, lupus, etc. And like what a lot of others have said they all refuse to accept it was the Bactrim. Maybe it was, maybe not. I just know that I felt fine before I took Bactrim. Maybe we all have a genetic defect to where we can’t properly metabolize Bactrim and it causes a massive toxic shock or some kind of mitochondrial dysfunction? Another theory is that my gut microbiome was totally thrown out of whack. They say it can take years to get it back into balance. I now that my depression went away and it’s well known that the gut creates about 90% of your neurotransmitters. And there are lots of study’s that support the link between the gut and depression.
Kurt, thanks for the response. Glad to hear that you are sort of feeling better. Been 4 months for me and I understand everything you are saying. I have had had a relatively healthy diet for the past 30 years but slipped into unhealthy a lot (if that makes sense?). Anyway, I have been concentrating on eating anti inflammatory and pickeled foods and think that is helping? Lots of little issues but main thing with me is pain in all my muscles and joints. Have tried exercise and walking in pool a few times but just a little wears me out...mostly hurts my arms as I swim with them as I walk. Guess I shouldn't do that!!! It's been a month since last attempt and think it's time to try again!! Thanks for your response and I will be updating this blog/forum periodically as I have progress worth reporting and my healing continues. Sending out prayers to all who have been affected by this poison.
I took bactrim two times and have bloodshot eyes and they are really irritated. How long did you suffer this. And is there any kind of relief for it, i tried eyedrops, it took the red out but my eyes are still irritated :(
Hi all, I have a question for any of you that have experienced phototoxicity from using Bactrim. I was on it for 4 days and stops when I had a severe allergic reaction to being in sunlight. Got symptoms of a bad sunburn including sun damage spots, and a sort of hives on the neck. It worsened to the point where I had to go to the ER because my body was shutting down: IV, steroids saved me. I have been off the Bactrim for 3 days and am really nervous about going outside at all (I am fair skinned and live in a high altitude area - Colorado Springs CO), and it's still summer. Any advice on how long I need to sit this out before going out in the sunshine is appreciated. I know every case is different, but would be interested in hearing your stories. Thanks.
Scott, thanks for the post. Have you tired a dry sauna? I know its helped take a lot of joint discomfort away for me. But yes if you're in pain don't push through it. It can take months before you feel better. I'm curious how this has affected your mobility? Specifically rapid unloaded movement like wiggling your fingers or any other muscles? Do yours tire out quickly too?
Annie, how are you progressing? we sound like we have a lot of similar symptoms.
Re: Kurt (# 414)
Kurt, I can sympathize and relate to your experience and the experience of a few others here. I took Bactrim for 10 days. After day 1 my legs were buckling and i was suddenly so weak it was truly unbelievable. This was in 2014. The doctor told me to "tough it out." I quickly had slow heartrate, brain fog, incontinence, dizziness, pins and needles, nerve pain everywhere, and felt lightheaded with ringing ears. I failed autonomic nerve testing (tilt test/sweat test). Doctors agreed that i had neuropathy but 3 neurologists say it was not from the Bactrim. I guess there are a lot of coincidences in the medical field... My symptoms may be slightly better now. There is a lot of trial and error as far as diet. Certain foods seem to be triggers. It's interesting to hear other people's similar stories. Every day I kick myself for staying on that stuff. I should have stopped it on day 1. I should know better than to have listened to a doctor. They must know what this stuff does to people. When I tell them that other people have had similar experiences, the tell me to "stay off line." Very frustrating. Good luck to everyone. God bless and don't give up!
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