Seroquel Reviews (Page 2)
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I just started taking Seroquel for Anxiety and really bad Panic attacks. Can anyone tell me good things about this medication??

33 Replies (2 Pages)

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Dear Sarah, Joe, and sjfbrownsville, I stopped taking the medication after the first 3 days. It caused more negative side effects and made my symptoms worse. I am not bi-polar nor schizaphrenic, however I see the same Dr. that my sister sees and she has these illnesses. I guess my DR. thought we would be the same in chemistry make-up. I recommend trying other meds if the first week doesn't seem to help. Meaning tell your Dr. I recently saw that this drug is under investigation and believe it 's being taken off the market. However my sister who takes it at large doses and needs remarkably high sedatives and tranquilizers, functions ok on it. My Dr. switched me to Lexapro 40mg daily after trying wellbutrin/klonapin,and lexapro combo. I stopped everything about a month ago and he still really thinks I need at least lexapro for depression. I am no expert on this med but I know enough that in appropriate functioning and behavior isn't a good side effect and am glad I stopped. Keep me informed! Thanks

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I was put on it (300 mg. bedtime) for chronic insomnia. It was a disaster. I would go to sleep for about one half hour, 20 minutes after taking the medication. I would wake up in the Twilight Zone and stay there for 4-6 hours. Best wishes.

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Yea i started off hardcore 25mg double next day and so on until i got to 400 mg before work i work a late shift i think he was confused. However i have masterd how to use and how much. And Belive me its a life saver. I take it for Anxiety and pannick attacks. but you know what it does't work for pannic attacks. works excellent for anxiety. And your mind racing with thoughts. Its stops racing thoughts. i combine it with Kolopin. I take 200mg before bed. and 2 25mg's before work . It's Great Medicine i wish i could find something for Pannic Attacks.. PS it dosnt work if you bite a pice off unless its before bed. never in the day before work . you must take the little 25's Belive me.

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Prescribing one of these drugs for sleep disorders is actually very common. They tend to have a very calming effect and one of their side-effects is usually drowsiness.

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I am trepidatious about taking a drug that is being prescribed for anxiety/sleep issues at night but really is used for bi-polar folks.

My doctors tells me Im not bi-polar but am currently taking elavil and halcion or ambien at night and not sleeping well

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If sleeping relieves anxiety than this is the drug. I needed something to help with my energy level. I started this drug on Friday and I am feeling a little psychotic on Sunday. I slept thru Saturday. I'm serious. And I have a 6 year old who is sick. I haven't been able to function. I am taking 25mg twice a day for 10 days then he wants me to take 100mg twice a day. How long have you been on this med and what are you experiencing today? I think we could use some positive remarks from out there.

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I've been reading how it was given for anxiety to psychotic states. I just asked for something to get me through the seasonal blues! I think I am starting to become anxious by starting it! Let me know if you feel better soon. To: IS THIS FOR ANXIETY.

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I get really blue at the daylight savings time change. The end of the year and lack of sunlight are a bad combo. I've become irritable, no levelof tolerance, no patience,frustrated and sleepy. I've had difficulty staying with one project to completion and focusing is difficult. I feel like I have had TOO MUCH sleep and have feelings of grogginess. I can not stop eating. It is like I can not get full. I've gained 20# of the 80#s I recently lost. Now my Dr. prescribed SEROQUEL. I am so sleepy that I can't function. I am even more intolerable. Today is my first dayon the drug but I'm unsure this was the appropriate drug. Can anyone give me advice and support? Please! I just want my energy level back up to super charge. I function happier and feel better. Why does he want me to be lethargic and fat?

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yea, i got some of seroquels..200mg..and i read the discussions..and that dude with the bong ran into the wall 4 times..i agree...these things take u in a different world..luv dont take them if u dont want to get messsssed up

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I was taking Seroquel for a while and they did great for me, but the only bad things were that they made me so tired and made me gain weight, so my Doc took me off of them.

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i started taking seroquil a few yrs ago for a sleep disorder-i couldnt shut my brain off at night. the dr started me on 100 mg and they did kick me, so i cut them in half, take 1 every night and sleep like a baby with no hangover. i have had no adverse side effects and find this pill to be my saving grace. it usually takes about an hour to kick in, and i get a sudden hunger, but that is easily fixed by a small snack. just wish there was a generic, as it is expensive - but worth it !

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My doc tried me on 200 mg 3 times a day and they kick my ass. I took a bong outside at 6 in the morning, in my underwear. My son woke up and ask me what was wrong. I ran in the wall 4 times in a row. he sent me to bed and that the the last time I ever took them damn things.

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I've been taking Seroquel for almost a year, and it has changed my life for the better!! Stick with it, it will make you very sleepy at first, but you will get used to it and it is a life saver!!

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