Seroquel Is Working For Me But I Know I Should Get Off It. Advice Please!
Im a 23yr old female, have been taking Seroquel for about 2 months now. I had anxiety, racing thoughts, overthink, and couldnt sleep some nights, so my doctor prescribed me this. After a breakup and miscarraige it helped me get my life back together, I can think so clearly now and am so much happier within myself. It has stabilzed my moods! I want to get off it because the side effects I have read scare me - diabetes, insomnia etc + the groggy mornings are hard but do-able. Soo last night I didnt take it, had an OK sleep, waking up every couple of hours but this morning I have anxiety back and dont know what to think. Is it possible you can get psychologically addicted to it? I dont want to stop taking it because its worked wonders in my life, but I know its not good for me and the longer I take it, the harder its going to be to get off it. I am worried if I stop taking it, I will get the anxiety back, overthink everything + the racing thoughts. I dont want to be that unhappy person, I felt like I was crazy overthinking everything!
Any suggestions? This is the only med I have ever taken for this.
yes come off it, I came off it fast 5 days cutting the meds In half there is a half life of 6 hours, every six hours your med reduce them self ( your body detoxes its self)
it will get better day by day
You aren't going to find any medication that may help that doesn't carry the possibility of causing side effects, some more risky than others. That is just the nature of it, when you add a chemical to the body to try solve a problem or resolve a health issue.
Learn more Seroquel details here.
If you need to resort to taking a medication, then the trick is to find one that works well for you, but doesn't cause you a lot of problems.
And with the concerns you have right now, what I'd suggest is going to see your doctor to talk about them. That way they can help you fully evaluate the possible risks and benefits.
Are there any other questions or concerns?
Hey, I Like how your reporting to Seroquel maybe it is your job? but in the long run if I where to of been taking these medications for 10 years how would I come off them I would be addicted.
Lets go back to the farm age and eat healthy foods, where there wasn't any pharmacies just regular people cooping with daily lives.
Can you tell me your dose how long it took to work how bad before you took it were you
hey, yes sorry guys I am back on my meds and I feel better than ever. I thought I could live without them turns out I cant. I need them they allow me to function throughout the day and I have some side effects but ill have to learn to live with them
I just started this med can you please tell me what your dose is and how long it took to work. What were your racing thoughts of? Please let me know I'm so desperate for relief I would say if something is helping you function stay on it Speak with doc to see about coming off if your concerned but everything has side effects including Tylenol If you take it regularly
Can you tell me about your meds and what you suffer from was it hard to find meds to work for you
How will seroquel effect a screening for a job and will it make an employer not want me to work for them on an antipsychotic medication?
I suffer from a lot of stuff like nose bleeds, weight gain/weight loss, some times when I get up to fast I get light headed and sometimes I hate having the stigma of taking drugs to help me. I would rather not take drugs and still be healthy I just don't know how to come off the medication and what repercussions it has to mental health and my own health.
I totally disagree....
I use to have racing thoughts aloooot and it was effectively treated with paxil. I took 20mg. but I must warn you weight gain is the big drawback with this medication as it screws up your metabolism. Another side effect I experienced was muscle fatigue. Workouts and jogging were reduced substantially as my muscles felt super sore. Like when I would go jogging my calves felt like rock. My cardio was just dead in the water. And so the weight slowly packed on. But compared with seroquel it definitely is lesser of the two evils as it's not as harmful to your health and the withdrawals are not as severe. Paxil withdrawals when tapered slowly is just slight dizziness and that's pretty much it. If I were you I switch to paxil. Also I heard lexapro does wonders too. Btw, I'm shocked your psychiatrist prescribed seroquel off the bat. That drug in my opinion should be used as a laaaast resort !!!
you are physiologically addicted, which means your body is used to the ingredients working on the serotonin, epinephrine and other hormones...I take this medicine too. After just 1 month on it I packed on 10-12lbs. and counting....I live in Little Rock & my Doctor is in Memphis....I called the office & they wanted me to wean off of it before doing anything else, can't do that if I don't have something else lined up for chronic manure!!! weaning is just not necessary for me....I just know I took this drug 15-18 years ago and I recalled that weight gain was why I wanted to STOP...That's why I got off of it back I'm waiting to go to see my doctor at my next appointment in February...I'm basically starving myself because I'm depressed about the weight gain....nothing fits. I look horrible in the mirror and I won't let my husband look at me or hardly touch me....BUT I CAN NOT SLEEP without Serokill...I was on Trazadone before this med and I had a nerve block (steroid) for chronic pain caused from a medical implant device in my right upper hip area for my chronic UTI"S, it's called IC Insititial Cystitis (I know I didn't spell the 1st word right)....anyway, after the steroid ALL of my meds stopped working...I was going 6-7 nights in a row with no sleep...horrible...I just remarried 11/12/13 and I haven't felt good at all as I went to LV for our wedding and I had a house sitter so I hid my meds and I couldn't find them when I got was awful, no meds for over 2 new husband didn't know what to think, but he's the one that finally found my hiding place, so I will tell you that Seroquel will do funny things to one's memory or lack's just after Christmas and my adult daughter just went back to her home in NY and I miss her terribly, I'm depressed about how Christmas is now with my daughter splitting her time between me and her Dad's...he messed up our little family, yes, I'm remarried, but the pain is still with me...I hate it and him...I have racing thoughts constantly...finally, though, I'm able to read and comprehend a book, used to be magazines were all I could comprehend, short's a 24/7/365 day struggle... INSOMINIA is the WORST....I'm not sure what to do...stay on the med and get 4-6 hours of much needed sleep except I can't wind down until 3,4-5 am....I feel like a bat...My body is still fatigued when I wake up...I don't know which is the worst of the 2 evils, no sleep or weight gain, well I really do know, I hate the weight trying desperately to walk more to shed some weight and am going to join a nearby Recreational Facility that has a walking track, pool and I'm pretty sure they offer exercise classes, I'm a former professional dancer, studio owner and I have never had to watch my weight....I hate my life right now, but I have a new husband to try to keep happy....Hell, It's a nightmare...
does any of you taking seroquel have the side effect that things you remember how they smell dont smell that way anymore. Nothing really smells good to me anymore...:(
Oh Cheryl i forgot my memory was s*** too. I am an executive and wasnt good! I have been off serokill (like that) for three or so weeks i lost a pound last week which isnt much but its better than gaining. My memory seems to be back and i think i can smell things right...not like every perfume smelled of wet dog! I will keep you posted!
I have been taking seroquel for 16 years I use to take 600mgs but the last 6 years I have been in 1400mgs each night for supposed paranoid schizophrenia , I want to come off it and have been taking only 800 mga the last 2 nights I do have a bit of a headache but I feel more alert more awake . Seroquel affects my mood my sleep my weight , I don't like psychiatrists because they always say take medication they are evil . I have been in three community treatment orders as involuntary patient , I need some sympathy of comparisons I know I can get off it myself
Cheryl , sorry your life is so crappy . Ask your doc to try you on suboxone while coming off or reducing seroquel . The side effects can be worse than the depression itself , especially the weight gain . Fat and happy just does not go together . The toll it takes on your body from being obese is not worth it . Do it and feel better soon .
Sorry , should read for Emz11 not Cheryl .
yup....same here..everything tastes and smells different each time ...nothing is evef the same
I'm not an MD, but I've taken Seroquel two separate period of time and came off both times. I had no problem coming off, no withdrawal, and again I went on it again and came off. Speak to your MD I'm positive you have nothing to worry about. It's a lot of mind of matter. Again, I'm not an MD but I've been on several medications in the past and Seroquel is a piece of cake. Don't convince yourself that it will be difficult, because it won't. More importantly, maybe you should stay on it, you stated it helped you tremendously, maybe stay on it.
ive been on 2 x 25mg serequel each night before bed...been on them for 5 yesrs ..YES. they are very addictive.mentally and physically..
the other night i couldnt find my meds and had my worst ever panic attack...until i found them ...
i need my medz to function..if it works why change
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