Seroquel For Insomnia (Page 3) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have been taking Seroquel for a year now for insomnia. Anybody else take Seroquel for this? I have looked around and it doesn't even seem that Seroquel is normally given to someone for this.
i take my seroquel everyday at 5p.m is that ok ??im used to it but if it not good to take it like that tell me please???!!!
I have been going back and forth to the doctor for a month for being light-headed. They said it was dehydration. Went back they said it was uti and bronchitis. I still was light-headed, went back and they said high blood pressure and they put me on lisinopril. Couple of weeks went by and still lightheaded, went back to the hospital and they said it was a sinus infection. Still to this day I am still lightheaded and to add to the problem, I can't sleep. After about 2-3 hrs, I am awake for the rest of the day or nite. Can anyone please provide some insight.............
Holy cow this sounds like me. My Cpap has been uped and still wake up like you. I have stopped takeing the med. No sence in paying for something that does not work. I have had years of bad sleep. If you find anything out let me know
This is my life...EXACTLY.. Our husbands must be brothers.
I have been taking seroquel for awhile now for works great considering I am a serious insomniac. But I have bad jerky movements in my arms an hands. Is this a side effect or no.
Insomnia first comes without notice. If it is not understood by the patient, slowly it will become chronic, lot of the patients don't understand it's causes or its problems, if it is not properly treated in time or proper drugs or not taken, it will be transformed to psyzophrenia and if proper treatment is still not taken, it will develop hallosinations, both audible and visible, if immediate treatment is not still taken, the patient will become mad man and the society will call the patient as mad person. Quitipin-100 is the best drug at night, should be used life long, it is without side affects. Chronic Insomnia is not curable permanently.
I was prescribed Seroquel for bi-polar disorder but NEVER for insomnia. I had to stop taking ir because I had awful dreams and would fall unexpectedly. Every psychiatrist I saw through my insurance provider tried to push Seroquel on me for one reason or another...I dont like the side effects. Also, even though it would initially make me sleepy after several days the drowsiness would dissipate.
I do. I've battled insomnia and migrains most of my adult life. finally I get solid sleep, which helps with my migrains. my doctor said lack of sleep can cause migrains.
I have been prescribed seroquel for 13years for sleep. It works however it's time to stop. Not good for the body.
I'm sick of not sleeping and my doctors won't do anything about it, so I ordered 90 seroquel off the internet, and fairly cheap for the 50mg. dose. I got them very quickly from India, they even tossed in 10 prozac tabs. So, I just popped the 1st.seroquel and I'm waiting to get knocked out. Bring it on.
I got seroquel 300mg and took a half of one at night. Slept better than I can remember. Apprently it has side effects, but I have not noticed any. It works better than anything else I've taken as a ICU nurse on night shift for 35 years. Valium, Xanax, restoril, ambien, dalmane, and even halcion, do not hold a candle to this stuff.
Yes i have the same problem i sleep with it i need to get it prescribed to me though. Its the best but they say its a drug why i dont do drugs does it mean im a drug addict i hope not
Are there interactions with other prescriptions and are there side effects? It really works for me, so I'd like to keep taking it.
I take two 25 mg serequel each night at 8 pm..helps me. switch off mh thinking and racing mind..I couldnt sleep without it now..
How much do you take for insomnia and is that all you take thanks M
Hi Josie,
I am so glad that Seroquel works for you. I have been taking Seroquel for 8 years, I am Bipolar 1, so needless to say I was only sleeping 3-4 hours per night. I went in hospital and came out taking 400 mgs. for about two weeks. I cut back to 20 mgs, after speaking to my Dr. Now I have gone down to 25 mgs. I have the most wonderful nights sleep at 9 hours. I am very thankful for Seroquel! Best of luck to you!
Can anyone offer encouragement for getting off seroquel? I'm currently down to 100mg and doing fine with my goal to totally get off (with phy's help) exchanging this RX with one that doesn't cause the "knock out" effect. I'm so scared about not sleeping.
Hi, I'm suffering the same exact things u are, insomia, major anxiety and DEPRESSION, I can't find anything that really make me feel better. Only AMBIEN helps me sleep but my doctor took me off and started me on Serquel ,does it help u
For me, weight gain was the biggest issue. To the point that it has made my depression 10x worse. I was put on Quetiapine 25mg to help me sleep and to aid my mood. I developed a serious case of the munchies, as I did with various other pills like Endronax, Avanza, Stilnox, was terrible stuff for me. I think those might have been the main ones..and Tradazone. I BLEW UP in the last two years from 63kg to 118kg. There are no words. If I was depressed and an insomniac before. I and so much worse now. I literally do not know who I am. Don't leave the house. Don't go anywhere for embarrassment. Find it impossible to diet. I'm just devastated. In USA that would be a whopping 259.6 pounds. Happy Days. But we are all different.
Re: Rebecca B (# 17)
I have always had sleep issues and can remember getting a whipping at 5 for "being up all night". They put me on Seroquel and Trazodone for sleep around 20 years ago. I found myself hurting, and tired in the morning. I found out why, when my now husband moved in with me. I was up walking around and eating all night. The doctors kept increasing the dosage until they had me at 300mg's of seroquel and 200 of Trazodone. I'd take on Klonipin and lay down 20 minutes later and be asleep in 10 minutes. Wake up after 3 to 45 minutes and not be able to get back to sleep or lay down. I had terrible problems with feeling like I had an abundance of "high energy" and like I wanted to crawl out of my own skin. I found out this is a side effect of the seroquel. I also had an increased problem with pychosis due to lack of REM sleep. 5 years ago medical cannabis became legal, and I've used that to help with sleep. I have gradually cut down on the Rx's and increased the bedtime edibles. I'm getting lots of REM, I'm staying in bed. I'm not raiding the fridge, so I've lost 30 lbs. The weight loss has really helped decrease my back pain from the spinal surgery. If I had it to do again, I'd stay away from the anti-depressants, and , if in a legal state, use cannabis. Also, no one has every died from cannabis. OD on the seroquel, or your child gets ahold of them, there isn't anything they can do for you, but make funeral arrangements.
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