Seroquel And Weight Gain (Page 7) (Top voted first)


Is anyone else experiencing weight gain from seroquel? I still work out the same as always, and eat the same way, but I have gained over 20 pounds since i started seroquel 2 months ago. I dont want to stop taking it becasue i finally found a drug that helps, but this is an unacceptable side effect to me, anyone have any tips for dealing with this?

152 Replies (8 Pages)

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i have been on this med for 10 yrs i take it for sleep disorders and its either take it and sleep or dont and be a zombie !!! can this drug be fixed so this side effect isnt so un healthy ??

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I've been on seroquel for 12 years.I used to weigh 134 lbs @ 5.2 inches. In a year and half I was@ 280 lbs. My dose has ranged anywhere to 200 mg- 600, depending on the need for adjusting. I'm down to 210 lbs and recently been working out and doing low carb diet. I'm scared to go off medicine for sleep reasons. send my body is used to this med and nothing else has worked so far. I'm currently only taking 25 mg for sleep because my mood is stable with lamictal and welbutrin. Is there still evidence that suggests that such a small dose is and will keep effecting my metabolism? scientific wise? Or am I doomed until I stop altogether?

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Not imaginary. It has physical effects , which was how I was diagnosed. All sufferers share the same effects and it runs within families. As medical technology moves forward many physical brain illnesses will be easier to see. There is promising research originally intended to help Parkinson's sufferers that now is being used to help those with bipolar. It involves brain surgery performed while the patient is awake and reacts to stimuli that doctors use as they explore certain specific places. This will be a tremendous leap forward.

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Effexor is a bad drug ! Have U looked it up in a PDR ? I WAS on it for 5 yrs. Most drugs have ,1 or2 pages about the drug .Effexor has 4 pages side effects even include swollen vagina .,,!!!!! It's bad coming off . try celexa .. U can't just stop taking Serique cold turkey . that wld B dangerous. UR DR.will wean U off good luck !!!

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Try the Midon Shots with VitamonB12. Sometimes 5hey give youna mild dight pill it's called Phentermine I lost 60 pounds in 4 months thank you

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I am experiencing the EXACT same thing with the weight gain AND edema. Im not understanding bc im drinking plenty of water and am active everyday. Im open to any suggestions as well

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Have you ever tried Epilium instead of lithium?
Ive always been on Epilium for my bi-polar and works awesomely

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I was always able to eat whatever I wanted and never gain weight. I was prescribed 300 mg of Seroquel and starting gaining weight so I had to watch what I ate. Recently I dropped to 100mg and I am no longer having a problem with weight gain.

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Yes. I have been on 300 mg ER for about 5 months. I have gained 25 lbs and have a little edema in my lower legs/ankles. Med helps me but don't like the side effects.

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Yes i just started seroquel 4 months ago and ive gained 20 pounds which is not like myself to makes you feel like your never full.i wasnt advised of this or i wouldnt have taken it.other than the weight gain i sleep better and works well for bipolar disorder.i just wish it was a win win ..i work out as well and nothing.unfortunately i will have to switch meds due to this.i am not happy with this weight gain side effect.anyone have insight

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That's awesome!! I'm prescribed 150mg, and that made me gain weight at the beginning too (too much).
I'm 4'8", supposed to weigh around 85, which I did. Took the seroquel, and gained 30 pounds in 2 weeks. I don't feel healthy at this weight. It's winter, so unfortunately I tend o hibernate rather than take walks, and only get out in he fresh air when it's above 40 degrees.
Anyway, I was having a couple other weird side effects, so, without telling my psych doctor, I started taking one every "other" night. No more bad dreams, or racing thoughts, and I lost 2 pounds (better than nothing) in about a week. Not nearly as much of an appetite (like you, I still have my coffee every day, and drink soda, a couple times a week), and it appears to be helping.
I'm moving down south in a few months, as MA is not good for my bi-polar, and income situation. I believe the overall atmosphere will also help.
Keep up the good work!!
God Bless!!

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I have been taking 600mg of seroquel at bed time for 3 years. It is great for my depression but the weight gain is horrible (30 pounds). I want to get off of it but I am afraid the depression symptoms will come back. This sucks.

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I was on 300 mg of Seroquel it was like somebody stuck at air hose up my ass I quit taking it lost 50 pounds I I had gained but went back on it to 150 Mg at bedtime now everything is fine I'm back to my normal weight and it helps but it does cause restless leg syndrome you need something to counteract that that is the bad side effects of Seroquel

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Oh my gosh I have not been this big since I was pregnant. It helped with the depression but now I am getting depressed because of the weight gain. I have gained
30 pounds since starting it 6 months ago. I am a vegan so I don't eat fatty meats, no breads or dairy. I am about to stop taking it but I am afraid of what it might do to my depression. Doc does not know what I could take in place of Seroquel so I guess I will live being overweight.

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Re: janie (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Oh my gosh I can't take it. I don't eat junk walk a mile a day and still gained 30 pounds on seroquel. I take 600mg at bed for treatment of Bipolar. I want to get off of it but doc says there is nothing he could prescribe that would help my mental issues. As far as the water retention, I have to force myself to urinate 3 times a day I am so bloated I slosh when I walk. I am miserable and don't know what to do.

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Re: sarah (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

I feel your pain. I have always been thin but since taking Seroquel 6 months ago I have gained 40 pounds. No matter what I do I can't shed the pounds. I feel a lot of it is water retention my legs are swollen and I can't make myself pee. I am miserable but it does help with my depression. I would like to find a different drug to control my Bipolar symptoms but my doc says Seroquel is best for me.....I beg to differ I cant stand the way I look and feel so I hide in my house so no one will see me.

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The patient and family are usually told to disregard the normal side effects of psych meds. These side effects represent a trade off from being a danger to self and others. The weight gain could actually be the body weight getting back to normal as opposed to being malnourished. Keep active and eat a balanced diet.

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I have been on Seroquel for several years it worked for my severe depression but I have gained 45 pounds and no matter what I do I can't shed the pounds. I have been working with my doctor to try and lower the dose (600mg). I want off this drug but am afraid the depression will come back. Good luck to you.

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Re: shauna (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I will always recommend dex, for everything and anything. I am a hopeless addict to these!

Yes, I take dex with the seroquel and I am still alive. No I do not have diabetes. The dex is highly addictive (at least to me); it is an excellent appetite suppressant. I've been psychosis free for over 10 years!

If this combo does not raise a red flag please talk to someone that is not insane :)

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been taking it for a few yrs. 50 mg at night. no weight gain.

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