Seroquel And Weight Gain (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Is anyone else experiencing weight gain from seroquel? I still work out the same as always, and eat the same way, but I have gained over 20 pounds since i started seroquel 2 months ago. I dont want to stop taking it becasue i finally found a drug that helps, but this is an unacceptable side effect to me, anyone have any tips for dealing with this?

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i got off the sarequel and got on topamax and ive lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks.

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Thank you for saying that 25 mg of seroquel made you gain weight! I have been on many different dosages, 800mg at night, 600, 400, 200, 100. I have gained 40 lbs, developed diabetes, tachycardia and worsened depression. Unbeknown to my pdoc, i weaned myself off "Serokill". Yes, it helped with sleep and non stop thoughts but, I BECAME FAT!! Craved carbs and sweets. I excersize now and diet, lost 25 lbs BUT now some symptoms are back... Hard time sleeping which led to overactive thought process. So, i brokedown and took a 25 mg Seroquel, yes I slept well but started to wonder if Just taking 25 mgs would cause weight gain. Now, thanks to you, my question was answered! Goodbye 25mg, no thanks, no more unwanted weight!! I will take 50 mg of Benadryl tonight, thats is all a low dose of Seroquel is anyway, same as Benadryl, Seroquel at 25 mg is nothing but an antihistamine. Thank you for sharing. P.S, I have been on Abilify, Geodon, Respiridol, Zyprexa, Abilifyand they all suck!! All cause weight gain, and most cause diabetes. Hope I, in turn have helped someone else get off this evil drug!!! Lorraine

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I have been taking Seroquel XR 400 for about 3 years. I was always skinny and never had a problem with weight or swelling. I have gained 90 pounds and I experience extreme swelling in hands legs feet and ankles. I have been training to do triathlons for a while now and eating a 1200 to 1500 calorie diet. Nothing helps it only seems to get worse. My doc told me yesterday that taking this med there is no way I will lose weight. So we have made the decision to go off of it by increasing another one of my meds. This is my only chance to drop weight.

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I have been taking Seroquel for nine years. I started with 25 mg and went up to 300 mg. I gained nearly 40 pounds over six years, but then reduced my dosage to 100 mg of the extended release version and lost 30 pounds in a couple months with zero exercise. Seroquel made me painfully hungry, all the time, and I craved sugar nonstop. I am finally back to my original weight, but that is because I started taking Concerta for A.D.D. Unfortunately, Seroquel is my lifeline for treating bipolar disorder. I cannot sleep, at all, without it. Lack of sleep caused severe mood swings and it wasn't until I could treat the insomnia that my mood leveled out. I found that the extended release helped in many ways, one being that I was significantly less sedated in the morning. It takes longer to fall asleep, but I don't feel like I am in a coma and unable to function in the middle of the night. The weight gain was horrible, but I was going crazy before I took Seroquel.

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I started taking seroquel one year ago. I quit drinking and couldn't seep. I never ate sweets and always have eaten a proper diet. I have gained 30 pounds ... Always hungry and craving sweets and carbs... Can't sleep without it. Please someone give me a way to sleep and get off this medication. I have been on celexa for 3 years with no side effects but doesn't help the sleeplessness.

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I have been taking Seroquel for several months now, 300mg at night. I had the same issue my weight started going up I gained 6 kilograms a month. I decided this was unacceptable to allow to continue as I am very careful about eating healthy, and am normally an active person. I found that in order to lose weight on this drug, you need to be exercising heavily (45 minutes to an hour a day) and regularly. I also started taking a non stimulant weight loss supplement which is helping . I agree this drug does help what it is prescribed for but it is a pain because of the constant battle dealing with the side effects.

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thank you i gained 27lbs first month now about 100. cannot seem to loose will note your protein info

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i think it will get worse. i was on lihtium and after losing 168 lbs on wieght watchers for two years my doc put me on lithium and i gained it all back. now after a week of seraquel at one hundred for three days and now two hundred for the rest of treatment i have gained four pounds. so i have been on it for four days. and four pounds. if i keep gaining weight i am going off the drug as it won't get better. you will just baloon up and keep gaining weight,

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Before starting seroquel xr 400 mgI was a 00 I didn't diet exercise eat healthy nothing and still stayed small. Within the first year of being on seroquel I gained and went to a size 16. I hate all the weight I gained especially knowing I didn't have to do anything to stay small before. But I also know without this medication I would be unstable. But I'm finally fed up with the weight for the last 6 years that I am changing my eating habits in the last 2 months I don't eat at night I'm walking daily and Ive recently given up soda and with all this I have lost 30 pounds so far. My doctor warned me about the weight gain when I started but I need this med so yes weight gain will continue at least for me it did but I'm finding out that it's also possible to lose weight while taking the medication too just try something different and find what works for u like I did.

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I went from size 00 to size 16 from this med i have decided to change eating I haven't eaten at night in 2 months bc I take the pill at night and I wake up starving but I try to ignore it now and I am walking daily and given up soda so far in 2 months lost 30 pounds it can be done I have so much more to go but I'm determined

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Seroquel pm and cymbalta am. recently prescribed topamax 50 mg at bedtime. been on seroquel one yr. Gained 60 lbs.topamax suppose to help me lose. I eat at night and dont even realize it. can anyone relate.

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I am taking seroquel 300 mg at bedtime. When I first started taking I gain 20 lbs but that was like 9 months ago but just on eating healthily I lost all the weight I gain plus some. I still on it because it work very good.

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I was always a twig, my high school size, I am a guy, I gained 60 horrible pounds taking seroquel, running working out like crazy not losing a bit, I am going off it immediately.

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I recently moved and had a hard time finding a therapist in our area, the central Oregon coast. Was off meds for 9 months (not my choice) and had severe weight loss as my bipolar went postal ....finally found a Dr & was put on JUST 25mg Seroquel instead of 100mg, at night which knocked me out. In just a week, my weight has gone up 3 lbs but I'm thrilled. For those of us who have a rapid weight loss that is life threatening (I'm 5'7" & under 120lbs but gaining), this drug can be a life saver. I'm also ADHD, so in conjunction with going back on Adderall, I'm not concerned about a huge gain as I am rarely ravenous and have gone primarily vegetarian & keep carbs & sugar out of the house. The most I ever gained on Seroquel was 15lbs which is why I changed my household food items. I'm allergic to Lamotrigine or any antisiezure med for bipolar , so I knew with the antipsychotics I had to be 'pro active' about the weight gain.

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This just happened to me. I ended up in the ER last Sunday. I've been prescribed hydrochlorot caps 12.5 mg, one cap twice daily. I had gained 25 lbs. I began the meds on Wednesday night and when I weighed this morning I had lost 10 lbs water weight. It's easier to breathe, I feel more agile, more energy... more normal.

I hope this helps you.

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I know that feeling about the sweating, and the weight gain, I'm stopping the meds, because of this problem!

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I'm 63 and my doctor just put me on Seroquel to help me sleep. I have bad insomnia, lots of real things to worry about. 100 MG did not do much, 200mg helped me sleep. I have 2 problems however 1) I'm up at night eating anything I get my hands on, like the munchies with marijuana. I can feel myself gaining weight after 2 weeks and I'm already 50 lbs. overweight 2) I can't get out of bed in the morning. I could sleep till 1:00 if I didn't have to get up. I think I'll just stop taking it and see if there is an alternative med to help me sleep.

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That's because you need a baseline EKG before taking it and a follow up EKG 2-4 weeks after you're on it. This drug can stop your heart in your sleep. They don't do regular EKGs on Alzheimer patients; they die from the drug. That's according to my neurologist who insisted I have an EKG before starting and while on it.

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44 year old female on Seroquel for 10 years. It was added to my Zoloft when I was pregnant with my daughter. Zoloft seemed to help at the time. Seroquel did turn me into a zombie 20 minutes after taking it & It is 100% addictive. However unlike most I DID like the weight I gained on it. Off now for 1yr and lost ALL my voluptuousness. NOT happy with the drastic weight loss but I will NEVER poison myself with antidepressants again. I have permanent twitching in my face, eye, leg muscles, hip and joint pain. I watch what I eat, meditate and partake in good ole cannabis and am more emotionally stable than I've ever been. Just my experience. Thanks.

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Omg yesss!! I was 130lbs and started seroquel within 5 months i went up to 151lbs for me this was devastating . i take 100mgs at night for sleep & bipolar , i said to myself ENOUGH!! . I began walking everyday and stuck to a strict diet of healthy soups and salads. I still drink my coffee' s & pop however, i m am down to 139lbs which took month & 1/2 to lose , still 9lbs to go !!! Its sure goes on faster than it comes off !. I am stuck between in a hard spot bc this medication helps me tremendously but comes with some hard to deal with side effects .

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