Seroquel Dosage
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I am taking the antipsychotic Seroquel, what is the normal dosage one should take?

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I was told 800mg is the max dosage however I don't know your history. I was on 25mg for 7 years and it worked better then than my.200mg I now take.for bipolar. It is an amazing drug once your body gets used to it. My dr explained it like a shotgun shell. It is one pill that works differently on each person but works for depression, anxiety, psychotic disorders, and other things. I have always used it as my mood stabilizer and get highly aggitated when I go a few days without it where I don't like my clothes even touching my back. I am also on zoloft 150mg and klonopin 1mg 3x per day which I usually take only twice and suboxone for pain. I suggest you do research on all your meds and how they work and work with each other. I believe we can learn more about our illnesses and help edjucate our doctors so we get the right treatment sooner. Hope that helps.

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Although that is way too much for me, its a common dosage amount for some. Alzheimer patients and those with severe psychosis often get 3500 mg and up according to my doc. I was prescribed 50 mg per day 5 years ago for shift work disorder. (an off label use) About an hour later I've got quite the buzz, and sleep well.

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I take 1400 mgs of seroquel a day is this normal ?

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