Rumoquin Nf Mexican (Top voted first)
UpdatedRumoquin N F
Diclofenaco sódico 75mg
Metocarbanol 200mg
Dexametasona .75mg
Excipiente cbp 1 tablet
By Marcel Laboratories
I suffer from gout so when I get an attack I take one, also heard is good for arthritis, and and of course Rheumatic diseases.
My doctor said that is a drug cocktail and there is nothing like that in one pill. Take it if necessary, it won't cure any disease, it only kills and relaxes the pain/area affected. It really works !
2 Replies
The ingredients are…
Diclofenac, which is classified by the FDA as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. Methocarbamol, which is a muscle relaxant and Dexamethasone, which is a steroid class medication.
Thus, one shouldn't take it without their doctor's approval, because there are some risks associated with it and it may be contraindicated with some medical conditions, such as heart conditions and high blood pressure.
Typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, acne, weight gain, increased risk of bleeding, stomach irritation and fluid retention.
And any medication you take orally is systemic, so it will affect more than the area that's in pain.
Are there any questions or concerns?
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I have had a bad case of arthritis in lower back Istrated taking this drug 2 times a day It is a miracle drug and as it gets better I only take one a day and then gradually quite taking it My question is should I take 2 a day Will it hurt me
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