Refilling My Valid Xanax Prescription Early (Page 14)


I only see one doctor and he gives me a 3 month supply of xanax. When I went the last time he wrote me out a prescription but I still had two refills. I had a friend and her husband passed away and I gave her some of mine thinking I would have no problem re-filling the prescription. I had sense enough not to go to the same pharmacy and not to give my insurance information. So I go to this small drug store by my house and I had to fill out paperwork such as dob, name and my DL #. Well they paged me to the front of the store and advised me that it was 7 days to early for them to re-fill. So my question is where can I go to re-fill a prescription that is valid written by the same doctor. I only tried one place, I'm guessing they must have a data base if you try and refill your prescription early (even without your insurance) does anyone have advice on where I can go to get this filled?

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Nope, just go elsewhere. Doctors don't prescribe anything anymore. DEA got em too scared.

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SayWhat , no one can tell you what your dr will and won't prescribe. You are going to the dr for help, so you need to tell him about not being able to sleep.

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Ok, thank you I will. I wanted to know if the psychiatrist would give me a script for insomnia because inam on the Xanax and Zoloft. I know my primary doctor will not do. I wasn't sure if psychiatrist treats insomnia, I was thinking that they only treat mental health issues along with phobia. You are right though. Nothing venture nothing gained. On my next appointment I most definitely will tell him and ask for a sleep aid. The worst thing that would in my book in that he said no.

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I am starting to see that, but there are a few doctors who will do it, not many just a few. Also, I have read a lot of posts here about doctors unwilling to prescribe anxiety meds and pain meds. They are absolutely wrong. One of the biggest addition in health care is that doctors must help to control their patient's pain/anxiety and phobia. In fact, American Nurses Association have pain management as the 5th vital sign. Its no longer, temp, pulse, pulse and BP. It also includes pain management. The rationale behind this is; people who are in pain are not receptive do anything the doctors saying because they're so busy concentrate on their pain that they connot process and concentrate on anything the doctor is saying and that's why the American Nurses Association really advocate for pain management. A doctor can get in trouble if their patient's complain about pain and the did nothing. That falls under neglect, abuse and letting their patient's suffer unnecessarily. With, that said, yes, DEA monitoring has increased and the doctor's might be scared. Still they are the doctor. If the doctor's are doing the right thing they have nothing to worry about, meaning; they take a complete medical history. They determine if the pain is acute or chronic. Yes, they also have to be diligent when assessing their patient's and looking out for doctor and pharmacy hopping. Part of the inpatient consult is to determine how long they have been having the pain, what makes it worse or better. They would also want to know what meds were taking for the pain/insomnia, which meds worked and which didn't. Then the most important thing is the doctor has to document a detailed history of the patient and see which worked and which didn't. The doctor also has to maintain any diagnostic test and show that the patient has tried many OTC meds, but they did not work. Doctors hands are not tied just because of the new rules and DEA. Another thing is, the doctors are suppose to try the least restrictive methods first. Once the doctor's cover themselves with detailed documentation to support their treatment plan they have nothing to fear, but fear ourselves. Now if a patient comes in and the doctor's are giving them prescriptions for massive quantities of pills such as 150 oxycodone that in itself is a red flag because the could be accused of over proscribing andbin itself is trouble. Theirbisva serious problem if doctors have to increase narcotics and frequency of the med. That would mean the med is not working or their could be an underlying problem that also need to be looked into. Then they would or suppose to send the patient for further evaluation. Last, but not least, those massive does of pain med can damage a person liver and kidneys. I appologize for this long rhetoric.

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Agreed re post about anxiety and pain meds--pain and anxiety go hand in hand.
Before the dea insanity my pm dr used to prescribe both. My same dr of like 7 years told me that pm are not alliwed to treat anxiety anymore but he said he would assist me to the best of his ability and walked me back down to 1/2 pill per night--so total 30 supply is only 15 pills which, sadly, i am grateful for!!!!
Its notvenough but its a life saver and i have other stop-gap measures to keep things stable but its allllwaaaayyys an anxiety ridden nigjtmare for me to manage both my Pinyan and inside today but only funds to focus on one pain of course wins -- it's disgusting to think I can't live my life to it's fullest even if my pain is having a good day but that's the reality of new prescribing!
If you have an expectation of pain management to prescribe traditionally psychiatric meds it's not gonna happen anymore !!! Good luck!!

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Usually, if a dr, that is not a psychiatrist prescribes psy meds it is a PCP. If you see a Pain Management Dr, you see him to have your pain managed and nothing else. Also due to the number of deaths associated with the combination of pain meds and anxiety meds, Pain Management Drs won't prescribe anxiety meds. If depression and/or anxiety is severe, it is best to see a psychiatrist because they specialize in treating mental health disorders. The days of PCP's writting prescriptions for all the meds you need are gone. There have been specialists around for a long time, but it seems like in recent years that more and more people are being referred to specialist instead PCP's treating everything.

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I fully agree with what you said and have stated this in a previous post of mine as well it is going to be real hard for us to get any more narcotic medicine or scheduled drugs legally

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Absolutely right. I have found over the years its best to have a fresh script and go to another pharmacy. However, in NY there has not been refills on controlled benzos in over 20 years.

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Seriously? Get into a detox program. This feed is full of drug addicts whining and complaining about not getting their fix soon enough. There are laws and regulations that are in place for a reason, most of the reasons are people who abuse the drugs, and illegally distribute them to others. There is no reason to fill your Xanax, suboxone, percocet, or any other control/narcotic, habitually early, unless they were truly stolen. Then present the proof of theft (police report) and beg your Dr for new rx, and pray the pharmacy and your insurance agrees to fill early.

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Judgment not necessary RxTex--clearly, "if" the person was an addict this was their first time pharmacy shopping & that behavior would be revealed pretty darn quickly. Addicts struggle w such bs as pharmacy & dr shopping but i think it is part of the behaviors, frustrations, & struggles which lead them to change. There is no need to call someone an addict--if shes an addict & 7 days SHORT she's going to realize it pdq during her shortage!!! This board must have thousands of similar posts...tough talk & tough love dont work w addicts...the brain chemistry has changed & brain needs to "heal" before tough words make any impact...just my opinion...every one free to have their own!!

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Benzo's ARE Narcotics as well as several other pain killers! Get your facts straight!!!!

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@Chrissy, anyone who are so vested into pharmacy shopping and who is running out of their meds before time are addicts or dependent on their narcotics/ benzodiazepine. PCP, can prescribe benzo/narcotics for short term use. If the
meds are for a chronic condition then they are referred to a pain management facility or Psychiatrist. There is no judgement in any response, IMO. Addicts are master manipulators and can spin a story that would make a saint cry. There is nothing wrong in calling a spade, a spade, it's just keeping things real. Prescription meds are the most abused drugs facing society today. When it comes to addiction there is no such thing as healing the mind first. In fact, it's the opposite. Addiction destroy the mind. One has to heal the chemical dependency before before the mind starts to heal. @ Chrissy, tough love/talk is exactly what the addicts need. People usually do tough love/talk after they have exhausted all other options. If they don't go into tough mode then they become enablers. The narcs destroy the mind, kidney and various other organs. Tough love is needed, addicts do not need to be babied. Another thing is, no one can be helped until they come to terms and honestly admit that they have a problem. Frustrations and problems with pharmacies and doctors are not what facilitates somebody to change. Frustration and other issues don't facillitae chang. The only thing it does is to send the person to other States to try and get what they need. Tough love/talk is exactly what an addict needs. It is difficult and like I said before by the time family and friends reach that stage they have exhausted all other options. Tough love/talk is exactly what the addict needs and is the epitome of helping to facilitate change.

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SaysWhat...i agree with u on all points... running out of scripts indicates shortage that can only be indicative as misuse. I simply "assumed" the face value of the message...that being said i think the pharmacy frustration is very similar to the tough love you encourage enablers to take (not participating/cooperating) with addictive thinking or behaviors ...i.e. trying to be a part of the solution not part of the problem. However, as you said addiction is a disease of the brain therefore Tough love is worthless in changing the addiction but it preserves the life and lifestyles of the caretakers and family members which is essential --because addicts will destroy all those around them. I do agree with you on all points in ur posted response! :)

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Benzos are not "Narcotics", never have been & never will

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I think the "intend" it to mean scheduled...but as u said benzo & narc not same.

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Are you serious. Listen to yourself!

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I said the same thing and was called stupid. Benzos are a controlled substance not a narcotic.

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@Chrissy, I just wanted to point out the fact that, IMO, this board is full of addicts or people that's dependent on various narcs/benzo. When it comes to prescription pain med and anxiety meds. A lot of people started taking these meds for legit reasons and ultimately develop a dependant on them or addicted to them. Prescription narcs become a epidemic with people abusing them. That's why strict strict drug laws were developed. I myself went on pain meds for pain due to bilateral Osteoarthritis in my knees. I ended getting addicted to them. The doctor I went to was very liberal with prescribing what I needed. I eventually acknowledge the problem and got help. Some of the post on this board clearly demonstrates addiction. The reasons that some people give regarding why they need the meds is very far-fetched. Narcotics pain med should be titrated down not up. You have people both young and old claming that they are going to need these drugs for the rest of their lives ( red flag). There are still doctors that will continue to be liberal with prescribing. There are others who won't, they will adhere to the law. People on this board are saying the doctors don't care and they should do this and that ( red flag). Addicts are self serving. Those doctors that adhere adhere to the drug regulations do it because they don't want to lose their license/ and go to jail. There are definitely addicts on this Board who whine and complain. Why would someone go to a pharmacy out of their residential area and do cash pay. It's because they are addicted and know what they are doing is wrong. Why would someone be willing to travel to utilized doctors that are liberal with prescribing. It's because they are addicts. I read nnn the news the other day that a doctor got a 4 year prison sentence for prescribing 50 oxycodone to a patient who was a recovering drug addicts. The young lady died from OD. If I was a doctor I would never ever risk my license or risk going to jail for helping an addicts to get their fix.

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You are absolutely correct. People need to keep things real and stop with the cock and bull reasons why they need early refill.

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@SayWhat. Weren't you just on this board earlier asking for pills?

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