Refilling My Valid Xanax Prescription Early (Page 15)


I only see one doctor and he gives me a 3 month supply of xanax. When I went the last time he wrote me out a prescription but I still had two refills. I had a friend and her husband passed away and I gave her some of mine thinking I would have no problem re-filling the prescription. I had sense enough not to go to the same pharmacy and not to give my insurance information. So I go to this small drug store by my house and I had to fill out paperwork such as dob, name and my DL #. Well they paged me to the front of the store and advised me that it was 7 days to early for them to re-fill. So my question is where can I go to re-fill a prescription that is valid written by the same doctor. I only tried one place, I'm guessing they must have a data base if you try and refill your prescription early (even without your insurance) does anyone have advice on where I can go to get this filled?

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@saywhat...people have different struggles at different times and do deserve ALL advice do with it what they will. Is it possible for an addict to NOT KNOW they "cant live" w/o their meds? 20 years ago w various gyne surgeries i took hydro/oxy products for many years (& varios hormones) eventually i tried the laymans "fix" for such probs & decided to have a child (of course i was ready for a child...the "cure" was just a bonus) when i tell u i simply stopped the medication after many years with NO WD...not a sniffle, not chills/flu, no diar, nothing! Had my son and was "cured" ... Larry us adhesions get shredded during pregnancy reform in different locations etc. it is as I set a legitimate Laymans cure! No probs, not a second thought about pill etc...another 13 years pass, terrible accident/back/neck everything ...and newly diagnosed Ra, hypothy, anemia, multiple vit deficiencies etc...during the height of the pill rush...i think the "high doses" or my age or perhaps the metabolic changes in my body ... But something was biologically different this time --w/in simply a "delayed dose" i would get beginning of wd! But by this point..pain, pills, etc became an identity-- centering my life around things I could not do, centering it around making it to MRIs doctors appointments pharmacy etc. --i was "legitimate" and took as prescribed and i was cash pay (losing my health ins in divorce & $$$ to atty/auto ins settlement) & although i had the same drs...i had to go to several pharms for $-- some pharmacies would take certain discount cards that would drop hundreds of dollars off a script but then on another prescription another pharmacy would have it significantly cheaper with s different discount card etc. what happened to free market economy? What if we couldnt buy our produce at publix, our toiletries at walmart, and are electronics at Best Buy or on the internet? So pharmacy shopping is not always what pharmacy selection is about !! But Most reformed addicts would say yes! Would i go to multiple pharms to save $700 per month//i had scripts for all my metabolic stuff too) Hell yes! Can i now? Hell no! So i rigidly disagree...esp w national database in place having to stay w one pharm in one area. & now i travel to care for my 83yr old father, sometimes leaving immediately after apt & need to get script whenever & wherever on my way or as time stacking saving time & & during errands! How i consider my plight today...pain meds made it possible for me to start walking...years later now working out 2 hrs per day..all thst self imposed pt in turn allowed me to discontinue meds except to v rare occasions! They were a very necessary (evil?) for a time but 100% i wouldn't have my new crazy healthy fit lifestyle w/o them...wouldnt have been able to pt/push through the pain! I have been through & tried it all (all w/in the as needed) & also found myself legitimately in some of the situations other posters have described out of town without my meds, a friend in dire straits etc so maybe i am "naive" thinking no one wants to be on pills or short But not everyone is Psy addicted! But everyone definitely phy dependent! I think some dont know difference but meds are slippery slope.. Anytime your focus becomes yourself whether it's your health elements or focusing on negative things ...psychological addiction can happen w anything (food drink pills) but u have to "know urself" and fight agsinst it to be or become who u want. Has anyone else noticed No Physical WD when younger?

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@Saywhat. I totally agree with everything you said. I find it comical when people put their whole medical history on here. The most BS post I've ever read on this site was a woman who said she has spina bifida served the country was injured in Iraq and her Dr kicked her out of PM for no reason. I'd like to know which branch of the Military would accept someone with spina bifida. I come on these boards just to read the hilarious lies addicts will post in order for someone to give up their Drs name. Anyone who gives out their Drs name is nuts.

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@Ryan, that is not true. Doctors will never regain from prescribing narcotics and scheduled drugs. Nope, that's never going to happen. What will happen and does happen is many doctors are no longer prescribing narcotics and scheduled drugs Willy nilly. Doctors are getting train to be able to identify, people who are exhibiting drug seeking behaviors. Doctors are being trained that narcotics and scheduled drugs should be prescribe short-term. Doctors are being trained regarding the quantity and strength of narcotics they are prescribing. For example a person who weighs 110 lbs should not be put on 30mg of oxy. Doctors are being trained that they cannot give a person a script for say, 130 pills of oxy with 3 refills. That means the doctor won't see that patient for 4 months. Doctors are being held accountable of contributing to patient's addiction. People who are put on narcotics and scheduled drugs should be seen and their pain/conditions be reassessed at least once a month. That's why some doctors don't put refills on those type of meds. It
force the patient to go back to the doctor. If someone has a fracture or other types of chronic degenerative disease of course they will prescribe narcotics or scheduled meds. In fact, pain is now listed as the 5th vital sign. Doctors can get in trouble over-prescribing, and they can get in trouble for under prescribing. If a person has legitimate documented injury and the doctor let them suffer. The doctor can be charge with neglect an inhumane treatment. The problem is pain is subjective not objective. For some doctors determining whether the patient really has pain is a challenge for some doctors. Also, naexample generally have pain scale. For example, some treat mild pain or moderate to severe pain. Managing a person pain is slippery and can be controversial.

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OMG, this is the reason why the FEDS and doctors are putting more controls in place with these drugs. People Sharing their meds is making it hard on those of us who follow the rules and act with some common sense. If her friend needed meds then she should go get her own and people should quit playing doctor. What's scary is all the people who gave you bad marks as a nurse stating the obvious.

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I miss Publix, even used their Pharmacy. Went to Rite Aid today, they took my order and told me to return in 5 hours. I can't wait until they shut down, hopefully they'll close my location?

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Lol... Publix is the only one that would run 10 different discount cards for whatever medication it was I needed ...and if I didn't have the best one somehow they would come up with the best discount card and even if at the time I had insurance the co-pay was more than a discount card they would use the discount card there pharmacists are amazing, super smart, nice, fast… You know the opposite of Walgreens and if I didn't have the best one somehow they would come up with the best discount card and even if at the time I had insurance the co-pay was more than a discount card they would use the discount card there pharmacists are amazing supersmart nice fast… You know the opposite of Walgreens lol... Publix gives free antibiotics, the same ones that Walgreens wanted to charge me $46 for!!!

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I had a rx with 5 refills and my pharm let's me refill 2 days early each last refill was on Feb 4th. On February 17th I had a dr appt and I expected him to post date the scrip but he didn't! So I went to a different pharmacy across town w my BRAND NEW SCRIPT and they said "sorry, your too can pick them up on March 2nd though" I asked how could I be "early" when it was a brand new scrip? She politely told me that I just had that particular med filled on Feb 4th from ********discount drugs. So yes, they do have a database that shows what,where,and when ANY DRUG was filled.

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Some States do, some have one but don't use it. Be advised that your doctor can also log onto this date base and see what you tried to do

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Yes, they do, and by doing things like that going to various pharmacies trying to get over only creates more problems. Trust me when I say once you do mess like that the pharmacy will log your name in the system. Behaviors like that from anyone not just you helps validate that there is a serious problem with self medicating, dependence and ever that comes in between.

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You are 100% correct. Some people are there worst enemy. They fail to follow the rules and guidelines then turn around and blame the doctor. Trust me, with the amount of money, time and sacrifies that most doctors spent on medical school. They have to adhere to the guidelines established for. I doubt if any doctor wants to get a fine, lose their license or much worst their freedom because some patients want and expect them to order whatever the patient's wants.

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@Travelgal, you are right on point with your assessment. These people are their worst enemy and don't even know it. The mess that the pull most definitely impact legitimate rule following chronic pain sufferers.

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@0kcgirl, that's the mistake most people who are addicted of have develop a drug dependency. Some people post their full medical history prior to asking for a recommendation for a doctor. In fact some of the medical injuries that some stated that they have. I am wondering how did they find the strength to write a post. Also, some people have posted some signifact mutiple o juries and said their doctor just blew them off. First of all if a patient has significant life altering injuries that impacts their quality of life and the doctor doest address it. That patient most definitely have the right to report it to the medical board, because that is consider negligence and inhumane treatment.

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@rayanpatrick, I was on the board asking if a psychiatrist would order insomnia medication because I am taking Zoloft and Xanax or should I go to my PCP. Since then, that issue was resolved. I asked him and he told me it was not a good idea because I was on the Xanax. He suggested that I try a OTC and a Xanax and if it doesn't work then on my next appointment we will discuss it further. Therefore, I take either Unisom or Benadryl along with the Xanax. @,rayanpatrick, I have been on massive does of, Vicodin, Percocet. Oxycodone, Fentanyl Patch, Nucynta, flexaril, restoril, and Xanax. All at the same time due to Osteoarthritis and sciatica. I ended up becoming addicted/ dependant on them. I had a pain management doctor who did not hesitate to write these scripts. I ended up self medicating above the prescribe doses. I landed in the ER on more than one occasion .Eventually, the last time I ended up in the ER. I told them I needed help. I went to and inpatient rehab for a few weeks. Then I did out patient. The meds were messing my mind up. They had negative effects on my kidneys. Once I was detox and I was fully committed to the rehab both inpatient and out patient. I have never taken none of them anymore. I don't have to ask for a doctor because I know some who for whatever reasons don't make mind writing these massive AMT of narcotic. I am fearful because I never want to go back to being dependent on narcotics. I did a left total knee replacement. I still suffer from pain in my right knee. Lower back and basically all over sometime. Intake Extra Strength Excedrin. Which works because it an anti,-inflammatory becsuse it helps decrease the swelling and it gives me good 8 to ,10 hours of relief.

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SayWhat, a patient can report a dr not prescribing them opiates to anyone the want to, but it won't make any difference.

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@BL, if a patient has documented proof of a legitimate injury and pain and their doctor fail to provide them with care or refer them to someone who can provide them with managed care. That patient most definitely can report that doctor to the board of medical ethics. Of course there will be an investigation. Every health care professionals are govern by an ethical committee. Nurses, are govern by the State Board of Nurses. Doctors are govern by a Medical Board of Ethics Committee. The pendulum swings both ways. Just like they are able to hold a doctor responsible for over prescribing. They most definitely can hold them responsible for under prescribing. Those actions can fall under negligence.

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Unreal. Im sitting here trying so, so, hard for a Doctor because my Suboxone Doctor said new law no Suboxone & xanax mix- I think he is full of crap and need to know what kind of Doctor I should see for my xanax. 1 person will answer and you are worried because you "GAVE" YOUR pills away-this is one of the reasons they are cutting back. the sellers & the givers. it's illegal & anyone knows that you can't GIVE any of your medication out, that is why you don't have any. I have major PTSD because my last husband blew his head off in front of me with a shotgun & well literally had his brains on my lap & I had 2 see a Doctor family & he is dead now & well I just don't get it ppl giving and I can't even find the right kind of Doctor that it won't be a waste of my money for xanax only. 7 days is a lot of medicine to GIVE away. I only wish I had a Doctor or whoever prescribes legal scripts. Suffering is a bad deal.

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Missy, you need to see a psychiatrist and talk to them about the xanax. A new dr, psychiatrist or any other type of dr, may or may not prescribe you xanax. You also might want to talk to a psychologist. Psychologist can't prescribe medications, unless they are also M.D.'s. But, you need help beyond medication to cope with witnessing your last husbands suicide.

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Well I went there last week and they said they no longer took ins.

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Hi Missy, I am very sorry for your loss. The tragedy of what you witness and experienced is beyond awful. I just wanted to tell you that your doctor is not wrong, Suboxone and Xanax can be lethal that's why they are contraindicated. Try and do some research to what meds are compatible and take it from there. Stay strong.

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BL, for what its worth some Psychologists are allowed to prescribe limited medications IF they took the proper required additional courses

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