Prednisone Drug Information
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I have been prescribed prednisone 20mg. And am directed to take 2 tablets daily for 5 days. I am male and weigh 158lbs. Do I take 1 tablet every 12 hours or do I take the 2 tablets together each day as one?
I was prescribed Prednisone 10mg once a day for a duration of five days. My problem is that I suffer from anxiety. Will taking prednisone worsen this?
I'm taking a short 5 day course of Prednisone 10mg twice a day. Always gives me the jitters. Any suggestions? My Dr did prescribe a sleeping pill for the week too, but I’m not sure if I will need it at this dose.
I'm trying to find information on the better brands of generic Prednisone. Currently taking Prednisone made by a company called Cadista and am not impressed with its effectiveness.
I took one 20mg prednisone and felt like I had taken diet pills. My heart pounded while talking but I felt great. Is this safe? I have a stent. I then took half of a pill and had a terrible burning sensation in my stomach.
I've taken 5mg x6 prednisone for 5 days. Will there be any lasting side effects? I stopped taking them as I was frightened of side effects. Pounding heart, pains in my gut and weird emotions.
Re: David (# 1)
I have had to take prednisone quite a few times for asthma. The usual directions are to take it in the morning so you can sleep at night. although it seems your doc would have prescribed 40 mg tabs if that were the case. Check with your doc.
Stand behind your kitchen chair with your feet together. Start with righ keg and kick out to the side 15x 2 times a day starting out. Do the same on your left leg. Kick to the left. Now back to your right leg ( standing straight) kick you foot(leg) back 15 x. Same with the left. You will immediately feel the hip muscles at work. Work your way up to as many as 30 if you can. Then there is squats. Pretty self explanatory. Bend your knees and swat down then back up. Great for hips and thighs. That’s probably enough for now. I am in Physical Therapy and these are just a couple of hip/thigh muscle strengthens. Hope it works for you.
Re: Jackie (# 20)
Does anyone else have any of these problems on my post earlier ? I get very sleepy no energy edgy face and neck cushioning stomach huge. I'm miserable.stated tapering many times before then get symptoms the more I taper the worse I feel.
After taking prednisone as per my MD's request, I observed that I retain lot of fluids, most particularly on my stomach and I feel very heavy while walking. How do I get rid of fluid retention after taking prednisone?
I have been on injections of steroids and prednisone for over 3 yrs for my lungs. I'm now down to 10mg for the past 6 months but feel more emotional, nervous, short-tempered, depressed and not myself. I felt better on the higher dose. My adrenal glands don't work. Can 10mg make you feel this bad? My blood pressure is high with taking 12 pills daily. I feel so miserable and have to take naps because I can't stay awake. Not me. Any answer? My Endocrinologist said he can't help right now but I forgot to tell him how I feel emotionally. I'm 63 and had to have steroid induced cataract surgery in both eyes and now can't see because its all been blurry since November. Thanks and God bless.
Re: Ray (# 16)
You might ask a pharmacist. It may depend on what type of arthritis you have. Generally most forms of arthritis have more effective long term medications available. I think it IS somewhat unusual to take prednisone daily for that long.
I'm not a doctor though so, like I said, check with a pharmacist or call a nurse hotline.
Re: Heather (# 17)
A doctor would probably advise you to titrate (take 2 pills today and then the last tomorrow). However, having been prescribed prednisone several times myself, I have simply quit taking it after only 3/5 days and at times not even taken the full dosage. Most of the time my doctor doesn't even have me titrate. He just has me take 5 a day for 5 days and that's it.
That being said I think you will be just fine not taking the remainder. That is just my opinion based on my experience and what I have done. I am not a doctor.
I usually like to keep a couple in reserve as well as I take them for gout attacks. Usually if I feel an attack coming on taking 2-3 10mg prednisone will be enough to prevent/reduce the initial onset of painful inflammation. At that point I can just take an NSAID like ibuprofen to fend off the remainder of the attack.
Prednisone is a powerful steroidal anti-inflammatory and is good to have on hand IMO as long as you don't over do it. A little goes a long way, at least for me and my gout attacks.
I was prescribed prednisone 10mg (3 tablets by mouth once a day). I have high blood pressure anyway and now I feel worse. I have taken it 4/5 days prescribed. Can I just stop the prednisone?
I have been prescribed prednisone (various dosages) for arthritis for eight months. It seems to work somewhat, but how long can I take this drug? I cannot get a straight answer from my physician.
I am on 20mg twice per day. The pharmacist said to take one in the morning and the other at lunch. If you wait too late it will interrupt your sleep. Call your pharmacist for clarity.
I have been taking prednisone for about 5 days now and my stomach is not feeling well today. I have a heartbeat of 106. Is that bad? What should I do to bring it back to a normal range?
Hi, I am prescribed prednisone 20 mg twice a day for 5 days, Could It give me side effects, such a swollen face if I am only taking the medication for 5 days?? my diagnosis is Wrist Synovitis
Thank you
Re: Janu (# 3)
Whenever a prescription states "Take 2 tablets daily", this means you take them at the SAME time!
If a prescription says "Take one pill twice a day." THIS means you SPLIT the 2-pill a day dose....normally every 12 hours for as long as prescribed.
I've been taking 20mgs of Prednisone daily and after 1 week I am now getting terrible migraines. I have tried acetaminophen but it offers no relief.
I missed the last two days of my five day prednisone pack for my itching and now I have had a headache for three days. Please advise.
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