Please Help, Trying To Navigate The World Of Suboxone, Many Questions
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I am in transition from methadone to suboxone today. I am waiting for the WD's so I can take my first suboxone strip. I want to wait as long as possible and take as little as necessary... Where can I get advice on the internet? chat rooms? I am very eager to stop all opiate related meds. If I wanted to stop very soon and quick what are my options? I have a new doctor for the suboxone but I don't feel like I can burden him with all the questions I have. Thanks all!
10 Replies
Gee, you are so correct. When someone is coming off a medication they need to know everything..I have had to learn the same way, from other patients. By the time you read this all the Methadone will be out of your body and you will be on the dose you know you need. What scares me is everyone I have spoken to have told me that Suboxone will be the hardest thing I have ever had to come off of. So I just throw my hands in the air and say whats next. Good luck.
U can go on suboxone. Com and they have a bunch of information about the subject.
I can tell you my experience with both drugs.First I am a pain patient Is. Dependent upon opiates to make my life better. Methadone has a great life span . It is the most effective pain med. I have ever taken. This after scripts oxy 30 up to 3_4 times day with Norco. So I w as only on methadone for one month. MOVED to s New state they label ed me kinky and pushed me into suboxon therapy. suboxone works for withdrawal s the firts few times you dose u will feel hi, I did any way but after that u get no pain control I hot off of it easy no we s but I wanted to get back on my klonopint s a nice muscle relaxer and anxiety . So those are my experience good luck....
Looks like I am doing an 8 day rapidish detox starting Tuesday, yay! I was on 30mg methadone for 7 months. I thought I would use suboxone to taper but I have been offered help to get through this and I am accepting. I will offer any advice and share any of my story if anyone wants to know.
any i guess they don't allow links, as it the website said it may take a few days before they post it, if you want to read it, go to front page of suboxone forums and look for suboxone taper success.
Here was how i tapered, i wanted to do it quick and not be addicted to suboxone. if you have any questions i'll try to help, there is so much negative from people on line that I hope this helps some:
I was prescribed methadone for pain management some time ago and if taken a long time the half life could last a long time. I 've been off suboxone for about 40 days and was also looking for advice, I posted how I weaned myself down and got off quickly, you could read that if you like, but anyway from what I understand as long as you didn't get withdrawals at first the suboxone should override the methadone withdrawals. you already waited a good amount of hours, I would continue to take the same suboxone dose, if your feeling well for the next few days and if you want to get off quickly then drop your doses every couple of days. How long were you on methadone and what dose daily?
I took it for two years but switched to oxycontin which I was on for years, I'll link my taper, maybe it will help you.
I have talked several times with my doctor. I get mixed directions. I want to be on the lowest dose possible. I cannot figure out whether he agrees or understands that. One time he said only take as much as you need and another time he said take all 8mg. I have given up and I am making the best decision I can. i will try to stay on the lowest dose possible.
I have been off methadone for 3.5 days or 84 hours. I have taken about 2mg of suboxone this morning. My WD's never got more than 12 on COWS. I didn't get precipitated WD's. I have felt okay all day.
So... can I expect some methadone WD's to kick in some time soon? Or the need to take more suboxone than 2mg to stave off the methadone WD's?
I was a low dose of methadone for a short few months so maybe I am not in for much (fingers crossed) and therefore I might be able to keep my suboxone dose very low and then soon be tapering off.
I cannot believe that the only place I can get all the options and info is the internet!!! i am sick of this world where some people are obviously in it for the money, some do want to help and some seem hellbent on bashing the maintenance meds! Dont they all realize that a patient DOES NOT NEED THIS CONTROVERSY. facts, facts, facts, nothing more, that is all a patient needs. Unless I have mental limitations I CAN MAKE MY OWN DECISIONS with the right facts. It's disgusting how much money i have spent and the crap I have been through. The meds are fine, its the people involved that mess it all up.
sorry to vent.
Your doctor should have let you know what dose to start with, it has to be calculated according to how much of the Methadone you were taking.
Doctors that treat with it are specially trained to do this and such information actually isn't available to the public, so others can't provide you with a precise answer. That's likely why no one has responded.
Learn more Suboxone details here.
Did he provide you with any information?
is it something i said?
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