Pharmacist Refusing To Fill My Script Of Suboxone. What Do I Do??? (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I wet to my doc 7 days early because of running out early. I took my new script to pharmacy and said, this is early so I won't be using insurance. My doc said you can call him if necessary. Well no one wanted to. They filled two per day for three days. On the third day I asked to fill the rest on insurance for the next day. I was one day early. When I called the next morning to have my daily two filled the pharmacy manager said no we won't be filling it for another 5 days. Go to the ER for your withdrawals but don't come here because I won't give it to you. Has this happened to anyone else????

256 Replies (13 Pages)

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Yay!! I'm happy that you got your RX filled- I, too am going through therapy having to do with my recovery. Relapse makes my anxiety shoot through the roof, too so I hear ya! Wow, you substitute-teach? Impressive. I'm not currently working but attending college full time- childhood education/psychology are my focus. Do you like your job? And tell me more about your therapy, etc- I am open to learning new things. Right now I am trying to learn new coping techniques for cravings, anxiety, stress, etc...I think anxiety is just absolute the worst part in early recovery- then comes the dreaded experience stress seem to make them worse! I don't think cravings were major issues at the time but I don't know about later on as I were only able to make it almost six months without methadone. Not sure why I slipped- I blame it on mostly myself and the environment. I didn't really "change" my acquaintances or stay away from certain areas...that was so stupid of me! It bothers me so much because I was so committed to being clean- it was my obsession for four hardwork and abstinence...all down the F drain. I just started over in January of this year and currently on 30mg of methadone- I started the program in January, too. I refuse to go up any more and I'm definitely making the switch to suboxone from methadone. I was on suboxone for a few months, but didn't like how anxious I felt on it & I suffered moderate to intense headaches...DAILY if I took more than 4mg of suboxone. That's why I decided to go back on methadone, but now I am starting to feel like I made a mistake...ugh. Suboxone is nice because you get to take your doses home while those on methadone have to go to darn clinic almost daily for at least three months before getting any take-homes...only if our urine is clean!

Hope to hear from you soon, Jaime! Gotta bring my son to school now :)

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where are you from

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i do that with my meds. i have never run out before time. i always have pills left over, i have never abused my meds, i ALWAYS take as i am supposed to.

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They say that the pain doesn't come until your final jump off of Suboxone when you take nothing at all.

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Terista, do you know anyone that could cover a couple for you until you get yours filled? It may sound bad but I try to make a couple friends that get theirs filled a week or two before me and if they run out I spot them then vice versa. If you have any connections see if they know anyone who gets rid of them. Other then that keep doing what you're doing and stretch them out as much as possible...subs a long half life so you shouldn't really feel sick just maybe some anxiety. Let us know how it turns out for you!

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Where do you live? I can't get a Dr to give me more than 16mg/day. I need 24!

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Was it suboxone that you're trying to refill?? I've dealt with some stigma from my medication too, had one pharmacy tell me they don't carry it because they don't want people like that frequenting their business. Forgetting the fact suboxone is prescribed for BOTH opiate addiction and pain management.

Apparently addicts trying to get and stay clean are horrible, less then human standard, patients undeserving of help.

Also was pulled over for a taillight out and while rummaging through my purse for my wallet the officer spotted my prescription bottle, apparently with hawkeye he spotted they were suboxone demanded to detain me in his cruiser while persisting that because of my sub script I undoubtedly had a H problem and commenced to prying off my door panels in my car. All I had on me was pizza and wings, H free lol. Never touched the stuff in my life. He demanded to know why I was prescribed it, I politely stated that my medical histories/diagnosis was absolutely none of his business and filed a successful complaint.

My point being-Do NOT let people treat you less then because of THEIR ignorance. Please reply back with the details, I would love to help you file a complaint if there's a violation.

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Honestly I feel the same way you do! Suboxin makes me feel normal! I have a 17 ur history of pills, and just about everything else and I am only 32. I have been on suboxin for about a little over a year. Just last month is when I got into my first sub dr. I was givin one when I was going through bad withdrawals and it helped ALOT! I am living proof that this med is a life saver! My life has totally changed since I been on subs! It took me a while to get the nerve up to even call a sub dr to get an appt, bu when buying them off the streets was getting a little too much for me that's when I said call this dr see what happens well I called and they said they would call me back well a few days pass by and the nurse called me to tell me I got a appointment. I was the happiest ever. Some of these dr are hard to get into. Well I was so nervous sitting in the dr office. So they make me do a drug panel and I go in and talk to the dr, this dr is the best! It feels so good to me to sit down with a dr and tell him everything! I told him that the only way I can explain how I feel is "normal" I finally feel normal! I am only on 8 mg a day but I can't fill for 6 more days and I don't have enough to last me the 6 days! I'm debating if I should call the pharmacy tomorrow and just ask. I have a few subutex to stretch but I don't know what to do.

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Dear God don't ever alter your prescription lol. Unless you want a felony case. Just take a half a strip instead of the whole one for two days, you'll be fine!

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Freaking out, i actually can answer this from my experience last month. I was on subs, 12 mg a day and took my last one on a monday afternoon and started methadone that following wed morning. I took 30 mg and 2 hrs later took another 10 for a total of 40 mg. I also had to stop taking xanex cause that with methadone is deadly. The nurse was nervous, kinda wanting it to be one more day as this was at a methadone clinic but we went ahead any way and i was fine. I calculated 40 hrs since my last xanex and sub and i had not a single issue. Now this is my experience, not telling u what to do but i am fine and now up to 95 mg a day of methadone which i preffer way over subs. I get a euphoria feeling half the day and it treats my pain where subs did not and the rest of the day and night i feel great, normal, and happy as i was when taking opiates. Hope this helps and best of luck to u.

Hey ash, i still have ur last message. I have so much to tell u and ask ive been waiting for the time to sit down to write u back. I will this week tho. Oh and the only thing ive experienced is that i took xanex 1mg to help me sleep even while on subs and had to stop for the methadone. Took about 2 weeks or a little more for sleep to come back without xanex but it does come back. Mine is slowly getting better :*) again best wishes and god bless you all. Any questions all, let me know. Im an open book and i spare nothing, lol.

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Ugh I.know, off subject a little, but I'm so sick and tired if the pharmacy treating me and others with this prescription like second class people!

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Ok got it. I sent to other name u gave me. Hope u had a good day n no worries about ur phone. The frogs are in the pond leaving messages and on speaker going, "bud WEIZ -er. Bud WEIZ -er. Bud bud budWEIZ- ERRRRRRR"! HA HA HA ROTF. LMAO. HA HA HA. sorry had to...

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Are you serious woman??!!! You left dangerous narcotic drugs where a toddler could get hold of them?? And you don't even know WHAT has happens to the missing drugs??? ...and you have two other children searching for them?? Have you lost control of your senses?? Is no other parent slightly alarmed at this?...disgusting parenting. My daughter is the most important thing in my life. I make sure my medication is stored in a lock box in a locked high kitchen cupboard. If you cant keep track whether you've taken them or not, try and pill box with the days on them, or mark it off on your calender. If i had any say in it, id have contacted social services about your inability to keep your children safe from your drugs.

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OK girl where ya been? I wrote to that other one a while ago. Did u get it. Let me know how all is going and happy belated easter.

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call your doctor and call your insurance company and they will make them fill it early or go to the manager of the pharmacy or call headquarters, if you report him to headquarters the pharmacist who refused to fill it early, they can lose their job they have no right to refuse when a doctor already said it was alright to be filled early a doctor always overrides the pharmacist all the time. the pharmacist is just being disrespectful because he knows that you're a former addict.

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I try to get xanax 3 days after refill date. They refuse to admit I called ahead for the refill. This causes me SHEAR PANICK! I lost my job, was in a fight at a red light. Went back out and used I am dying. None of these docs and pharma s***s care at all, just want money. Same as my dealer!

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That's because you are on such a high dose!!!! The half-life is incredibly long so therefore makes sense that you wouldn't feel anything for four days as your receptors are soaked in the stuff....ask somebody who takes 2 or 4mg a day and they will tell you a very different story...probably would start feeling gross after 1 day max.

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This is absolutely false. Most phamacists have the descretion to allow refills on Schedule III and below drugs up to 8 days early (barring there is a more strict restriction in your state). If it is too early to bill insurance (most require it to be filled no more than three days early), the pharmacist has the descretion to give you a full refill on your medication and bill your insurance for it later or to dispense just enough to get you through to the time it is supposed to be filled. All the above is moot in your case because you had a newly written script to get your 'refill.' It would not matter if you got your script filled and then were given another 5 days later by the same doctor. It's a new script with new instructions. The reason you want to visit a locally owned pharmacy is because they don't have these extra corporate policies that place even more restrictions on what pharmacists are allowed do.

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Why would u be 5 days early (according to the pharmacy) U SAID U WERE A DAY EARLY? Doesn't make sense ? They wouldn't make u wait 5 days AFTER it was cleared by insurance? Something is being left out? Yer dr could have easily over ridden the issue IF EVERYTHING was legit? There was no sneaky tactics or moral issues!!

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I don't understand why just because your doctor retired you can't get another doctor to prescribe Suboxone for you?? Unless your previous doctor shouldnt have been prescribing it for some reason???? Are you in US or Australia by the way?

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