Percocet Vs Tramacet (Page 4) (Top voted first)
UpdatedHi. I'd like information comparing Percocet (Oxycodone / Acetaminophen) and Tramacet (Tramadol hydrochloride / Acetaminophen). Is Percocet a stronger more powerful pain killer than Tramacet? If so, by how much? If you have been taking Percocet are you likely to get the same effect from Tramacet? Is there a chart somewhere that compares or ranks all pain killers comparatively? If so please tell me where. Thanks - good health to you all
Sorry Ben but Tramacet is a combination that contains two medications tramadol and acetaminophen!!
Got some rather interesting, yet 'disturbing' news today.
I WAS on percocet for a rotator cuff problem .. honestly, the stuff did nothing for me .. not even a sedation effect. I then went to Tramacet .. pretty much the same thing .. I was frantic, spoke with a pain specialist in our oncology dept and learned that approx 5-8% of people are lacking a chemical that allows analgesics to do their jobs!! He feels I am one of them .. so .. I am happy to say physio has helped my shoulder pain .. and TES (Tylenol Extra Strength .. NON generic) is working for me ..
Just sayin :-)
please be aware that Tramadol (etc) has a seratonin reuptake component -- which could be an issue for some people and cause neurological issues such as seizures for those at risk for seratonin syndrome. If you take herbs or antidepressants for depression or have certain other neurological and or circulation predispositions. It should not be abused for this reason, as too much seratonin can cause seizures and circulation issues. This is not known or spoken about in medical establishment typically. Also, studies show that long tern TRAMADOL use effects dopamine receptors in the brain with permanent changes. Dopamine is the receptor involved with Parkinsons and other neurological/body disorders. If taken lightly, on occasion and onlyh as prescribed this can be a good option. But is not to be abused or used as a self-midicating source.
Consider yourself VERY lucky that the doctors are thinking about addiction before it is too late!! It's too bad ALL Dr.'s aren't like that. There are other ways to manage pain besides addictive, life ending drugs! I know this from experience.
I have taken both these drugs and I personally find the Percocet more effective for pain control .. I have mild to severe osteoarthritis in my lower back and right hip.
Your best bet on the 'specifics' of these 2 drugs is to ask a pharmacist .. I find taking 2 percocet can pretty much make me incapable of anything, whereas 2 tramacet is like taking 2 placebos.
Finding info online is convenient, but I find you get so many conflicting opinions, not that EVERY pharmacist is going to be BANG ON .. but .. at least there is some personal interaction going on.
Good luck !!
i have a broken shoulder, and am taking tramacet, i like a glass or two of wine, what are the effects of alcohol with this drug?
Annie ..
I was first prescribed 'Tramacet' for severe arthritic pain .. with me, it was a NON issue, no help what so ever. I am now taking Oxycodone .. it is much more effective, and I tend to take less .. in fact I take just one a day .. in between I will take 2 Tylenol extra strength along with a Tylenol #1 (available at a pharmacy without a script) .. I also have to take an anti inflammatory twice a day .. I hate taking these meds, but, what can you do.
I have never found a concise and conclusive 'chart' listing the effectiveness of one drug as opposed to another. I am a Registered Nurse, and I find that talking to a pharmacist (not a pharmacy aide) is your best bet .. these professionals are very knowledgable, and, have the TIME to spend with you .. you can take their suggestions to your doc and go from there ..
Good luck :-)
I have bulging discs and Tramadol helps me a lot but it has been causing me severe insomnia for 5 weeks. I guess this side effect isn't going to get better with time?
If you have been dealing w/ insomnia for that long you really should go see a Dr. They can either change you pain medication or give you a non addictive medication used in cases of depression or bi-polar etc. called Seroquel. I know you think bi-polar, depression? That doesn't sound good but it just helps you sleep at night rather than self medicating w/ Gravol or Sleep Aids.
Oxycontin is an opiate that is incredibly dangerous in the long run for your health, to those who say it isn't addictive, you need a reality check. It is so addictive people accross the country are overdosing, selling it in the streets, kids are using it to get high not to mention the increased number of deaths. Which is why pharmacies aren't selling it anymore in most places. Tramacet is a slow release medication, that through my experience works best when taken regularily. I have chronic migraines for which preventatives do not work and tramacet is the only medication that can dull the pain enough to get through the day clearheaded and not in a drugged up haze. If I take too much at once I also get extremely sick, its all about knowing your tolerance level. Doctors don't always know what they're talking about when it comes to pain killers and the dosage, if it doesn't work then try taking less.
I recently fractured 3 ribs. I am 77 years old. The pain has travelled fromleft ribs,left arm,left shoulder blade to chest cavity to right arm, lower back. I was prescribed percocet but given tramadol. This doesn't begin to relieve the pain. Why are we not given the drug prescribed? I now also have indigestion, which I never get, and feel nauseated. Can I go back and demand percocet and would it do better? Thanks
tramadol also called ultram is not percocet.I don't understand how they could give one for the other
you know on 2nd thought call the pharmacy and ask,I think someone made a mistake.Unless things have changed but I doubt it
Hello i am a 43year old male from SOUTH AFRICA i have BIPOLAR DISORDER and AADD(adult attention defficite disorder) i abused narcotics along time ago and now i am 8years sobber but i am getting the most intence crippeling cluster and tension headaches some days its so painfull i want to shoot myself my doctor has put me on TRAMACET and its not working i have read some of the other blogs here what pain killer would work best for me? Please i need seriouse help. Regards LESLIE.
Tramacet AKA Tramadol is NOT the same as Percocet and it a very dangerous addiction. Tramacet is for short term use if you start feeling depressed or suicidal speak to your doctor immediately it is most likely the Tramacet. It is the sertonin that affects the pain - but short term. After a year or more you will notice it doesn't work and that you either have to increase it or have mental health problems. SCARY! You can't mix this drug with numerous other drugs! NUMEROUS! It has been compared to Heroin addiction wise - and Percocet may have a physical dependence but nothing like Tramacets physcologic addiction and changes of you mind. It took me 3 months to get to somewhat normal! Now on it again thanks to a doctor that DID not believe ME - I am having a hard impossible time getting OFF! Good luck and if you CAN get off it immediately and never take it again! Too many people have killed themselves because of this drug!
I would not BE on TRAMACET! WOW what is wrong with doctors this is worse than putting you on HERION!
I have been using tramacet for over 3yrs for pain from two very bad car accidents. Yes oxy's are better for relieving pain and are way cheaper but tramcet is good because it does help pain and you can drive and work using them. I have cronic pain now after 12yrs. First accident was in 2000 almost broke my neck. Took 3yrs to get back on my feet then in 2009 drunk driver hit me. So I am back where I started from but worse this time. Tramacet is the only thing that keeps me smiling (barely) but it's so damd expensive it's insane. I am also worried about the long term effect on my organs. I now have fibromyalgia with artritis coming into my neck joints now. I"m only 49 and life ain't so great anymore. Was always an A type personality and thought i'd never get old..but I feel like I"m 80 most days. My life has changed so terribly. Anyone had an experience with actupuncture? I want to try that for pain. Sorry for the spelling in a hurry lol.
My sister took oxys for pain and got addicted but only cus she had an addictive personality and I am afraid of having same problem my dr gave me tramacet which did help some with my back pain but I found that over the counter back and muscle pain pills from costco worked much better and only cost $4 a bottle tramacet $ 4 a pill and not covered by any health coverage at all then looking it up online freaks me out dr says they nonaddictive which is not true which makes me distrustful of all drs they dont even know what they are writting prescriptions for its insane
I also have RA and take methetraxate plus arava. I found that tremacet did help me. They aren't cheap though. I have no side effects!!!
I need a hip replacement, but can only have it in three months time, I am taking Tramacet now, but try not to take more than about 6 per week, I am concerned that if I take 4 per day then by the time I can have the op. they will no longer work. is that so?
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