Percocet Vs Tramacet (Page 5) (Top voted first)


Hi. I'd like information comparing Percocet (Oxycodone / Acetaminophen) and Tramacet (Tramadol hydrochloride / Acetaminophen). Is Percocet a stronger more powerful pain killer than Tramacet? If so, by how much? If you have been taking Percocet are you likely to get the same effect from Tramacet? Is there a chart somewhere that compares or ranks all pain killers comparatively? If so please tell me where. Thanks - good health to you all

125 Replies (7 Pages)

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could you please tell me what you were taking from Costco very much appreciated thank you

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"Too young" for pain management? Time to find a competent doctor!

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Tramadol made me nauseous too. After 2 years of it for my Spinal Cord Injury it was horrid trying to get off the stuff. Percocet I use when I can no longer take it. Not everyday like the Tram. Percocet is a Narcotic here and I get a prescription that has to be filed at the pharmacy within 3 days. Tramadol/Tramacet/Ultram ... all the same drug is Opiate (synthetic) like but not an Opiate.

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Stay far away from Tramadol. Very addictive! I have been on it for a few years along with baclofen and flexeral and anytime I would miss a dose I would go right into horrible withdrawals.

I told my doctor I wanted to get off of it so that I can see where I am at with my pain levels (car accident was 7 years ago) and what other things I can do to cope with pain. Mydr gave me Tramaset to wein me off of the Tramadol. I took my last Tramaset a few days ago and I am at this minute at a clinic to see if he can help me with the anxiety and mood swings until I can see my family dr in a few days.

Please understand that I never got high on the Tramadol so I am not craving that but I am really struggling with the body addiction. I will never take that poison again.

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I understand - the same thing happened to me after long term use. Horrid drug!

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I had sciatic nerve surgery 4 years ago. Best gift I gave myself after 27 years of suffering. Look into it. Like my friend said. .. Don't be an idiot they can fix it now! And they did!

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2 different drugs. Percocet is Codeine. Tramacet is a synthetic Opiate, highly addictive because it has an antidepressant in it as well. It may help at first but after 12 months your body starts behaving worse. My experience. I spent a month in hospital getting off it. Worse drug I ever took. I suffered serotonin syndrome n physical dependence which I've never had with other pain meds. I refuse to take this s***. Expensive n prescribed to keep honest ppl honest. It can't disintegrate like T3, Endocet, Percocet n the likes. That's why it the pain reliever if choice to prescribe but for chronicpain it's a nightmare once you hit the levels they want you on. Good luck!

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if you got a headache from switching meds.. its probably due to withdrawal.. especially if you take 4-6 Percocet on a daily basis.

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In my opinion stay away from and with Tylenol as it affected my liver count and I am only 39. My levels were 3 x higher. You can always add Tylenol to regular prescription. Tramadol is much better than tramacet which includes Tylenol. I had a neck fusion and just switched from oxycodone to tramadol. I have used it before and honestly it works well for me. All pain needs are addicting so be careful. I did here that they will begin to take away I bupropion and tyl as additives to these pain meds.

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I recently broke my arm, rib and have a class 3 ligament tear in my shoulder. I was given the choice of atasol 30, Tylenol 3 or tramacet. I am on a low dose of methadone of 37 mg. Which would be the better choice, I am having a crazy amount of pain!

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hi, you can call people what names you want. but don't forget the fact that is not them doing these things is the addiction that drives them,and the same drugs that you talk about are very addictive, and you should know that everyone reacts differently to the effects of drugs, some are very easy to get hooked and some for no apparent reason harder to get hooked, but at the end we're all going to get hooked if we use them regularly. i wish you well and far from the pain that you're suffering. consider me as a friend, thank you.

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So is tramacet prity much from the same family as percocet? Just bc I get drug panels and don't want to mess anything up.

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I have rheumatoid arthritis and have been on Norco(hydrocodone) since 1998. I have tried other meds and nothing short of morphine works for me. Other drugs relieve some pain but not like Norco.

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That's because when your young, and never had opiate pain killers before, they make you nauseous and puke... not that they are a joke. If you got sick off them then a perk would be much worse for you...need to build up a tolerance. Try T3s or do what I do and vaporize some top quality Mary Jane... it won't make the pain go away but it will make your mind disassociate with the pain. It worked better than any pain killer I have ever had and believe me they had me on a ton due to an incredibly horrible car crash I was in.... you should not be taking basically opiates packaged in a nice pill so the biggest drug dealers of them all... pharmaceutical companies!!! make their money and of course the government gets there cut.

All that s*** is poison. Avoid it at all costs. It will ruin your life.

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If you have chronic pain and it is an issue that is degenerative or will not be able to ever be resolved... you need to request to see a pain specialist... the fact that you are 23 years old has no bearing on the pain scale.... if its chronic then you need to be able to function with your ADL ( activities of daily living) ie: getting up, showered, dressed, can you work without any pain control, does the pain cause depression. ... etc. Most doctors are very apprehensive to giving out narcotics... due to the misuse that s very apperent in our society ATM.

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Same here 4x daily for siatica and fibro no side effects at all for 10 mths

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Tramacet is aTramadol and parcetamol. Pure Tramadol definitely causes out of body experiences. Been there....terrifying...then doc realised that I like his son had a bad reaction to Tramadol. Be warned.

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I can totally relate to living with pain every single day. And it angers me that I feel like I am being included in the abusers of the drug and the stigma of the drug. But it's all that works unfortunately the drug abusers spoil it for those who legitably need it.

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I was on tramacet and the side effects for me were severe and my doctor assured me they were non addicting not true.. I went off of it because of sore stomach, pale stool which is terrible it just sticks and an enema was required twice.abdominal pain was severe so I went to hospital and got xrays and blood tests and couldn't find anything wrong and the doctor told me it was probably the tramacet and it has very bad side effects as well as addicting. my condition is improving since off of tramacet..

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Tramacet and Tramadol are the same medication just different name.

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