Percocet Addiction And Withdrawal (Page 5)
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Someone please tell me how long it takes to withdrawal from percocet and what is expected day by day?

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THE BEST ROUTE FROM WHAT IVE SEEN IS CLONIDINE .1mg morning and night for 4 days and you will be free of physical dependence!!!! Upset stomach and nausea will stay and some depression ….if you have access to a benzo…xanex valume ect …it should help….but taking this route is thd cheapest most comfortable way with not getting u addicted to methadone or suboxen..both evil….note if you take to much clonidine hypertension is a risk its mainly a blood pressure med….everyones diffrent but 8… 0.1mg clonidine should get you through ….no doc or chance for scripts?? Having intercourse helps alot ..massages…hot showers….potassium….vitamin c…..good pot…..nyquil-D behind counter….alot of water…staying POSITIVE AND ACTIVE… no doctor everyone is different but everything listed works for majority…..Pills- 3 to 5 days….usally starts 6 hours after last doseMethadone , suboxen a less aggressive withdraw pending on dose but lasts WAY LONGER….After physical withdraw is done …dont think u can take one 8 days later and be ok and stop….cause if your not serious dont even put your self into withdraw…

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i feel your pain

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I don't know if your still going through this but you can trick your body with non narcotic opiates because your body just wants the opiates but your mind wants the euphoria. I took tramadol while detoxing and it helped because tramadol is a synthetic morphine without the euphoria and that's exactly how your body accepts it. DO Not take it beyond the few days of the worst of your withdrawls otherwise you will have another drug to withdrawl from.

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50 a day would have killed her. something is not right. 12 a day will ruin your kidneys.
I have worked myself down to 1/4 a pill every 6 hours and now I am going cold turkey. I still feel the gut pain, but that is all. If you can go the first 36 hours the pain is not as severe as it would be for those who quit at a higher dose. ALWAYS TAPER IF YOU HAVE that choice!

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I've been reading your posts and gotta tell you. It's like reading my own story. At this point I'm on day 9 of a very brutal cold turkey from 7 years of 5/325 percs for chronic acute neck and jaw pain. Wasn't planning on this but our gov't has stuck there noses into things and will not allow any pharmacy to refill any script till they say it's time. Unfortunately I'm going to have to go back after this forced abstinence. In the 7 years we haven't found any thing else that works and it's either that or I don't function. I guess the upside is I know what I'm up against when/if we ever get this thing dealt with and will know I'm in for the long haul. That at least will help me plan things. Good luck to you and everyone else. This whole process just stinks!

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Day 5 you will be Fine , I did the same thing on day three just to get sleep cause i was awake non stop sweating restless legs bad I was exhausted so I took a 5mg slept 5 hrs and the next night day 4 took one more and was Fine , I tefilled my scirpt cause I am supposed to take them for pain but after thiose 5 hell days I could take just one whenever and be all good but I ended up back to whetre I was and ill be out of them tonight, and starting the s***y cycle all over again. I was taking 8 of the 10mg per day for over a year. Good luck to you.

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Please help I have been taking percocet for about 7 months but in a very heavy volume I have been in withdrawal for 3 days today I did take 1 and a half 7.5 peercocet to knock the edge off I can't work I feel worthless is taking the ones today going to start the withdrawal all over again and how much longer before I don't hurt anymore

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I am only on day two and frankly im not feeling as s***ty as i expected which scares me. I have been an addict for about 5years and i too lost my job, fiance... soon to b everything if i don't kick it. Ive tried IOPs, suboxone, and i think the only thing for me is to just b 100%ready and go cold turkey. I never allowed myself to b clean long enough to get to make it to that feel good stage but this time is different. Im optimistic, excited to b sober and hope the hell doesnt get the best of me.

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It depends on your body for how Long it will take ive seen with most it can take 5 to 10 days but generally by the 5th day u will feel a lot better but the first two days are hell you will have body aches , fever, diareah, some vomit, restless legs, cant sleep but know this after three days I was basically good to go . Mentally u will still want them but the physical withdrawals will be so much better.

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I have been on them for about 8 yrs. I only take them as the Dr. Says I was injured at work now I have a crushed nerve in my arm I hurt constantly it sucks . I am going to be honest of why I had to come off my medication . I fail a screening, they found thc in my urine . I don't smoke anymore and the pain is horrible. But I wish I could go back to my Dr. Now I have to find out if another Dr. Will see me. But I think if u take it to get high only the u are a addict but if ur like me the u need it for pain its ok

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IVE BEEN ON MY SECOND DAY I WAS ON 10\325 perc i was on them four three yr i just dont want it anymore dose it get any easyier what help pls help me

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i know how u feel im so tired of the withdrawl feeling i get so scared whats en its ging to be ove my boyfriend on them to hes trying to get off them im scared going to happen next of ivve never felt like this im scared

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hey Jmiri, sounds like you are doing well, i am so pleased to hear it! I got clean for awhile and then had serious neck pain and of course ended up right where i left off. It's day 4 , didn't miss this feeling! I was smart about it this time, i knew i wanted to get off them again and so started tapering off and the withdrawl has been s***ty but i can still function and go to work etc.

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all you can do is just keep doing what you are doing, it will get better. i too have been addicted to perc for the last 8 years and have suffered detox more times than i can remember. I take an average of 12 per day and the detox can be wicked for the first 7-8 days on that amount. i found it's not until about day 21 that you feel truly normal again and are able to sleep without the hot and cold etc. that said if you are planning to quit and you have someone you can trust to help, it is very wise to taper off, you can have seizures going cold turkey with no weining down, plus is you can get yourself down to one pill only at bedtime for a couple of nites to assist sleeping,you will not suffer nearly as much.

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I'm on my 2nd day and it hurts like hell! I have a wonderful family and I want to start living and smelling the sweet smell of flowers! I'm not able to enjoy my beautiful family because of my addiction to these damn pills! I am 44yrs old and hate what I've become, an addict! I have been off and on with perks for 8 yrs. I detox my self at home a few times, but this time is the harshest yet! It took approximately 4 days to detox prior, wonder how long it will take now? I going cold turkey at home! I've had all the side affects, but the pain in the worst! It really hurts! Please help!

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You may want to seek medical attention. You can die from the detox of alcohol. I'm on day 5 of Percocet withdrawal and am starting to feel better. Keep your mind busy! My back still kills but it'll be over soon!

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I am 31 years old and I have been been taking Percs for about 6 months now. I just started cold turkey on Wednesday and I feel still as if my life is going to end. I'm also bipolar so this makes it feel 10 x worse. I drank as well when taking the Percs. I need help. My stomach still feels rotten and I can't eat without throwing up. Please help!!

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How is everything goin? where you able to get clean?

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For 2 years I was on suboxone maintenance which RUINED my life. I tried to detox got to a 1/4 of a 2 mg sub a day but after I didn't have it I suffered. I picked up Percocet. I'm a long time heroine user. I am now in a vicious cycle of suboxone and percs, I lost everything, my job, my house, my dogs, my boyfriend. Can I detox with suboxone like they do in rehab or am I delaying the envitable? I wanted to start with 4 mgs and then work down. So that I'm not fully masking the withdrawal just making it more tolerable. I also have been prescribed seroquel and Xanax. Please help!

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the day after you have your last dose you will begin to feel like you have a body cold, or body aches like you have the flu. you will feel depressed and like you cant get out of bed. you will have restless legs and pretty bad anxiety and depending upon the amount of percocet you took daily your legs will ache. This will be at its worst for a few days and each day will start to tapper off. after 7 or 8 days if you can find something to do physically it can help pull you out of the depressed anxious feelings. the anxiety might stick around for a couple weeks because your body knows what will make it feel better. DO NOT TAKE SUBOXONE OR SUBUTEX OR METHADONE unless you have a job that you CAN NOT take a week off work to get straight and stay in bed. Get something that helps you sleep and just stay asleep as much as possible. I did the suboxone way and was taking a very small dose daily and the withdrawls from that were not as intense but lasted what seemed forever. Remember this. you will have to let someone close to you know that you are going to be going through this and make sure you trust them enough to help you get through this. If you dont have anyone go to NA mettings you can get a sponsor and they actually care whether you make it through it or not. DO NOT PUT YOURSELF AROUND THE SAME PEOPLE YOU GOT PERCS FROM IT WILL BE TOO HARD TO QUIT. If thats how you got it. Oh and another reason to not do suboxone or the other drugs to help get off it, is that when you go to your doctor or an outpatient program for this your put in a database that says you are a opiate addict and if you hurt yourself and went to the ER you would not be given the good stuff. :) I am 32 days clean now and I feel wonderful. YOU CAN DO IT TOO.

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