Percocet Addiction And Withdrawal (Page 4)
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Someone please tell me how long it takes to withdrawal from percocet and what is expected day by day?

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What should I do? I have no idea if people still read this, or give advice. I want you all to know what I'm goin' through and maybe I help someone out. I've been livin' reckless since I was 15. I'm now 21bro and I realize I'm not a kid anymore. I started off smokin' alot of cannabis. Maxin' out at 15 blunts a day for 3 years straight. :/ at age 19 my and my girlfriend of 4 years, broke up. That's when I was introduced to other drugs. I would spend 4,000 a week on coke. I'm not bulls***tin'. I don't come from a wealthy family, I'm Hispanic. I can't explain how I was gettin' that kind of money, because at the time I was facin' prison time. This went on for about 3 months. From 10/11 to 1/12. Around 4/12 I started usin' percocet 30. Boy did they make me feel complete. Since then I have been addicted. I know I have a problem, I just cant seem to beat it! My mother is a Christian, and I feel as though she's slowly losin' faith in me. That my friends is the lowest feeling possible, thats at least what I thought. I'm just 21 guys, and I've already let my mother down. I've gone from usin' 15 30s a day from 6/12 to 12/12. That was my last straw, well thats what I thought. Secretely, I was still hooked. I was usin' "only" 6 30s a day. What I'm tryin' to tell you guys is that this lifestyle is no joke. I dont wish this on nobody. This past September 9/2013. I lost my grandma, and my bestfriend. My grandma had 2 strokes while recoverin' from surgery, and my bestfriend? He overdosed on H. :( he was 22 years old. A year older than me. I felt this was a wake up call. Losin' 2 people that mean the world to you, it has to be. Guess what, at both of their funerals I was so numb, high as hell of percocet. I'm cryin' right now typin' this. Im so lost. Im sorry I typed so much, I've just never let it out.

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Post 69 is the best info on how to get through this....scrolll down and read

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I have arthritis doctor has me on 5/325 percocet I have. Come to my senses that I needed to get off of this drug been on it for all most two years now ..its been 6day since I took a pill I have had anxiety attack, chest pain , cant eat much or sleep for a long time but I do fill better today than the day before any tips on how to improve my appite

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Wow this actually made me cry!! I am on day 15 of perk withdraw and I can relate to you so much. I used to feel the same way had to have pills to get up in the morning they made me so happy but when they started not working on the pain I decided to stop cold turkey! Today I am so tired I'm on the couch. I feel for you I just know that getting off percs is your only chance at freedom. That's what is keeping me going today.

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hi i have no one to talk with about this. i fractured my lower lumbar i was extremely healthy ran 9miles 3 days a week and played hockey. now i have been on percs for 2 yrs 9 500mgs a day i am out second crying in pain and depression i am trying to get to work i took four days off for vacation to plan for this withdrawal i take 60 in 10 days i go through this constantly getting them from the street to get by those extra days but i want to die the depression is the worst for me the naseau is not pleasant nor the pain but mainly i am very depressed. is there anything that can help naturally? please help alone on this.

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Hey everyone, it gets better I promise! I'm doing it old fashioned and weaning. Yesterday was worse day thus far, and I realized (percs make u forgetful) that I hadn't taken any!!! I'm down to 5mg's a day. Keeping busy, already on clonidine for htn, so it's not too bad. From upto 50+mg aday for over 5 years to this is almost sucess. I AM doing this, and suceeding. YOU CAN TOO!!!! Keep up the good fight people, as I'm praying for you. ;)

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Hello, my name is Andrew.
I was recently taking percocets for 1 year. 30mg everyday

I made a bad move and 1 day just said I'm done no more.

I stopped cold turkey. Was the worst feeling in my life.

This is hard to explain but the main problem was the pressure/tension that was in my arms.

Mainly in the upper bicep area and forearm.

I felt like I just wanted to grab something tight and squeeze and scream.

It stresses me out so much and keeps me up night after night.

Anyway I went to the doctors, he gave me butrans patch 20mg every hour.

Also gave me clonodine and trazadone to help me sleep.

Things felt good and getting better.

2 weeks on the patch I decided I want to take this off so I don't get hooked to this.

Next thing I know I'm having withdrawls from the butrans patch now.

Back to the doctors again he gave me higher dosage of clonodine and trazadone as well as he gave me baclofen for the pressure tension in my arms. First day I took the baclofen I slept good but the pain and achy ness in arms etc was a lot.

When I took it I felt paralyzed.

I have been on baclofen trazadone and clonodine for 1 week now.

I have been off percocets for around 25 'days now and off butrans patch for around 7 days.

My question is, when I stop taking clonodine trazadone and baclofin will I be having withdrawls from these also?

Also, does anyone know what and how to cure this pressure tension in my arms

It is untolerable and I only get it while laying down I'n the night. Keeps me up I cannot sleep.

Please any help is appreciated.

How Long will this butrans withdrawl last?

Thank you

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Please share the kit info with me. I'm withdrawing and scared.

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I need help. I need to be off of percs completely. I am so ashamed of myself and where I am with addiction at this point in my life. I use 20 mg daily. Never even knew about this until about a year ago. I will readily accept any suggestions. I'm ruining the body God gave me. I have to be clean, healthy and strong for the two terminally ill family members I care for. I'm scared and always fail during withdrawal. I HAVE to work every day as well. God bless everyone fighting this awful fight.

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I would greatly appreciate info regarding the kit you mentioned.

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Please don't give false or misleading info. An opiate is an opiate! Doesn't matter which kind of percocet it is, it's still an opiate just the same. Also withdrawal can last in the extreme physical aspects aka dope sick for only 3 days and then that's over but you will still feel a longing and discomfort following that that could last weeks or months or even years.
Many think they can tamper but for an addict that's pretty impossible and IMO prolongs the withdrawal because all that time you are tapering you are withdrawing and when u jump off you will still withdrawal!

Many are scared because they don't think they can enjoy or feel good without them that's the biggest lie from the devil! You will feel good without them and as your dope amine repairs itself, you will feel natural highs.

Each withdrawal you have will get worse and the longer u are using the worse it gets each time even if u were using less than previous time!

Many suggest prescription meds but for us that don't have access I have created a help kit that has diminished about 95 percent of withdrawal symptoms that I can gladly share with anyone interested that also shortened my withdrawals to only 2 days!!!!! Just reply to this post

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Hello everyone. My story is not as intense as the rest of the board but I thought I'd share anyways. I have been clean now for 6 days after 2 months of taking upwards of 20, 5/325mg percs a day. A lot of people have become addicted due to injury. Me on the other hand shamefully became addicted out of pure ignorance. I took them because I could and had no regards for what was to come. I had around 7 bottles of percs and 4 bottles of vicodin 5mg/325. All gone w. In 2 months. I will describe from last pill how I have felt and the withdrawl symptoms that I have experienced.
Between hours 1-20 from the last pill I felt fine. I remember thinking this is not going to be so bad but then hour 21 hit me like train running into a straw house. Hours 21-26 I was unbelievably cold. Like an eternal chill had consumed me. Even outside when it is 95 degrees currently. Between hours 26 and 36 it felt like a week had passed. I was confused. My vision blurred. While trying to sleep the auditory hallucinations started but only briefly followed by what I have read called restless legs. I could not sit still. Or sleep. I was kicking so hard I became fatigued and could barley walk. All the meanwhile there was a presence of extreme anxiety and mood swings. I thought the world was ending. All of this within the first 2 days. The severity of these symptoms lasted another day and a half. It's now day six. I have accumulated 5 hours of sleep maybe. My appetite is still gone but I can throw down small things here and there. My addiction was of pure stupidity but the lesson is that it isn't all euphoric. The day will come when you think the apocalypse is at the very foot of your bed. I did this cold turkey with no help and no meds to relieve the symptoms. That itself is the moment my eyes opened to a opiate free life.

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Thanks man.. I'm helping my stepdad to get off years of perc addiction.... I don't know how he is still alive... smokes too much, seriously addicted... his heart and lungs, kidney, whole body is just messed up. He really wants to quit now to not lose his family. I'm writing down a grocery list of items to get for his detox. I hope it works.

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hi i am posting about my sister, she fell and hurt her back and got put on percs and valium. she was falling a she can't walk alone even with a walker, she still falls, she can't see good got 175 glasses now, cusses really bad now when she was always so shy and quite..she can not eat without making a mess all over her, she can't give herself a bath or go to the restroom by herself..she lives with a pill addict...she has not had any type of pills for over a week. can you tell me if these are symtoms of w/d...unsure of how much or how long she has been taking....i know her bf has access to please.

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That is awesome, good for you ...the worst should be almosy over what symptoms do u still have? I have a friend that gets 380 of the 5mg percs per month and when hes out for a few days he has no symptons at all besides diareah so everyone is different, I wish that was my only side effect to lose a few pounds per month wouldnt be Such a bad thing : ) Haha im 33yrs old ive been prescribed these for 3yrs the past two years ive taken them regularly, this was all due to a head on collision car crash broke my tailbone tore my shoulder which I still need another surgery on it dislocates about everyday , the day this happened I asked my boyfriend at the time to slow down he was from florida and I knew he wasnt familiar with the hill and the Sharp corner we were approaching but he didnt listen and im messed up for life while hes off somewhere perfectly Fine ,it haunts me daily. I can do everything normal unless im off my pain meds Then I feel everything like its the day after the crash again.

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Thanks, today is day 7 and I am feeling a little better. Old habits die hard. I quit because I have a problem, and I know it. The fact that I am craving is evidence of the problem. I turned down the chance to get a few today Percs today. What would that do for me? Extend the inevitable? Go backwards a few days? I have to do this...just wish it didn't suck so much.

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Are you able to see the doctor who was prescribing the pain meds to you so that way they could prescribe you meds to help the WD symptoms? Your across the country from me im in Seattle, WA im not sure what the laws are there ig you need a referral for a pain Clínic ir not, but here its very strict . Just curious.Did you quit the pain meds cause you wanted to or did a Dr cut you off? Here its illegal for a Dr to cut you off withour offering help or a referral to a Clínic that can help. If you can get your hands on a couple very low dose methadone pills like the 5mg and tale two a day for 5 days no longer Then that ir a new habit will form it will help tremendously, which I know methadone scares people I refused it until I was on day 3 of a 104 tempature and thought I was going to die and at that point I was willing to rey it and I was Fine afterwards .

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Thanks. I'm on Long Island in NY.

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It will get better I promise but I know the feeling day by day you really notice any improvement and for me the fever and restless legs not sleeping for more than two hours per night really takes its toll the last time I did this I was on day 5 and still had no improvement when all the times Before I was good on the 5th day, today is my last day of my script and I have 5 days before my refill im not looking forward to this at all , good luck to you feel free to ask me anything ive gone thru this several times, ive not yet foun. Anything to help get sleep during this I took hycodan last time which is a liquid coedine mixed with vicodin which only gave me two hours of sleep each night . By the way what state are you from if youre local to me i may be able to help you out.

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Just sharing because this seems like a recent thread. I am on day 5, and I am in trouble. I can't believe I have gotten to this point. Like everyone else it all started with really doesn't matter why. I'm a 55 year old active male who became addicted/dependent you pick. 2 10/325's a day, every day for 4 years. May not sound like much to some of you, but I broke 'em up and went every 4 hours or so. Wake up, pop a .25, go to the gym, head to work. Take more at 10am, again in the afternoon, after work, then have a half at night. Just smoothed me out. Sure I live in pain, but I know that's not why I was taking them. Tried to stop with suboxone a couple of times, and it helped, but I have no more of anything. I've played ice hockey, climbed mountains, and cycled 100 miles with these in my system. Took a new job, making big money, but always hiding my problem. Hit up a couple of doctor friends along the way...they would never think I had a problem. Worst week of my life...and I'm really struggling. There are no pills around, and there are no options to getting any, but I would crawl on the floor looking for crumbs if I thought there were any. I would steal from my neighbor if I thought they had pills in the medicine chest...hell, I've done that before. I would find them on the street if I knew how and wasn't afraid. I know just writing these words proves how much trouble I'm in, so I have to stop. No options, no way out but through. When I read about it taking weeks to clean up it's freaking me out. I've gone to work everyday this week...I am a leader of a large organization. Been telling people the doctor switched up my blood pressure meds and warned me I might get sick. Should be ok in a few days. Will I? Will I ever feel better? Intellectually I know I will, but right now, I can't see how to get through this day. One of my friend's sons went through this, and is now off drugs and serving overseas. I mean, if he can do that...imagine, I've got to hold onto the image of a kid I coached in hockey as my inspiration. I feel like such a failure as a person and as a man. I see others on here have gone through, so I know it can be done. To anyone who reads this...if you're reading these wondering if you have a problem, you do. Stop now. Talk to your doctor, tell someone, go to NA, do something to help yourself. Hold a kind thought for the next person going through this.

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