Pain Management Dr. Around Nashville, Tn (Page 5)


I just moved to Nashville and need a Dr. to continue writing my Oxycodone 30mg 4/day. I have medical records & MRI showing I actually need the medication. I can get a referral if needed. I appreciate ANY help. Thank you!

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No they are not a pill mill they are Very Strict as in Drug Screens,Pill Counts and Doctor Shopping etc.They do Accept Insurance for PCP Visits...They do not Overbook Have People Waiting for Hours,Your Avg.Visit is approximately 45-1hr Carolyn the Owner is Fighting Cancer as We write with Weekly Chemo,Radiation Treatments if you want a Pill Mill go to Clarksville and See Orusa and wait for 8-10hrs to be Seen

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Also I neglected to Say they will give You a Referral to ANY TYPE of Therapy they Deem Necessary. They are just a Small Caring Establishment trying to Help People with Pain....if You want a One Stop Pain Management Establishment try Center for Spine,Joint,Neuromuscular Rehabilitation they accept certain Insurance offer Physical Therapy Injections Custom Orthotics' and have an on site Medicine Dispensary they are located at Summit Hospital with Several other Offices around the Nashville Area

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Yeah I'm firing them! I get more relief from smoking a bowl and a beer than the 10mg.....I liked CPS but when they dropped my ins. I had a problem with nurse and a question I had and now they have me down as "inappropriate treatment of nurse" all because she kept lying and changing my inquiry to my doc.....oh well, looking for new doc now Pain & Spine is creepy! The doc said, " everyone your age has what you have so you should be used to the pain by now" what a sicko!

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Pain Management Group has added new locations to their group. They are in Antioch, Murfreesboro, Cool Springs, MT Juliette and West Nashville now.

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WoW I just talked to four pain clinics in and around Nashville..Apparently TnCare UnitedHealthcare Community plan dropped ALL of the major pain clinics! No wonder I'm stuck with squirrely bug eyed men who think 10mg is way too high! Trying to change ins and begin the search again...

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I'm looking for new pain management in Nashville or clarksville who takes United healthcare. Pain clinic I'm at now is not caring and they dont understand when u been in the same pain meds for 3 years and they dropped my pain meds and since i been there for 5 months I've been in the worst pain since i lost my leg. I'm losing my limbs due to my condition and they dont care. I need help. I was on roxi 30mg 4x daily and oxymorphone 20mg 3x a day. Now they push me down to 15mg 4x daily 7.5 oxymorphone 2x a day. And they will not up me for my pain. Please help.

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Moving back to Alaska!..Any one know of pain clinic that will prescribe medication and take United Health Care insurance !..please help!!!!

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Fire ice I know a dr that is great. He listens & actually cares. If u could get me ur email i'll give u the name but I don't want to put his name out there

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Cc I went there for 3 yrs & finally left because they just kept bring my medications down. When I started there it was great but something must have changed cause all of the sudden they started taking me lower each month

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Mike if u have other PM drs I would really appreciate it. I started going to CPS after my dr moved to Florida & it's literally 5 mins from my house so I figured it'd b easier all they've done is drop my meds down more each month

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PMG is a clean clinic. They don't tolerate abusers of medication or other illegal substances but if your pain is genuine they'll take care of you. They have lowered and increased my dosages over the 6 years I've been a patient always fairly. If you're in pain and have the MRI's to justify it, Pain Management Group will help you. If you're diagnosing yourself don't waste your time. Accepts Cigna/Health Springs.

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I need new PM Dr. One I go to now started cutting my meds in half. They don't understand doing that without warning is rough when u been on same mg for 3+ years. Any help? And what gets me is I have went by policy. Never miss pill count. And they treat you like they have the higher power. I didn't ask to be in PM but my condition of health I am in would have me in pain and not live life. After someone has been on certain pain meds for a period of time, the medication doesn't work as well but that wanna treat people like junkies when everyone isn't like that. So since they cut both my pain meds in half 2 weeks ago, it has been pure Hell. Withdrawals were so bad the first week it was making wanting to take more but I knew if I did it would meds up my pill count And make me run out. So for 2 weeks I've been in the worst pain of my life since starting PM and for those reading this and thinking I'm just a junkie wanting more pain meds, you are wrong. My health problems I have is a disease that causes my bones to start breaking in my limbs and causes infection. There is no cure, just treatable through PM then in time I lose that limb. I have already lost my right leg and now left hand is starting to break and have pins and rods holding bones together so amputation don't have to happen soon. Left foot is breaking too, arch broke in half and ankles shattered and been told that I'll be losing my left leg in bout 9 months cause there is nothing left to been done to try and save it. After all this, pain clinic cut my meds in half. Any help? Not looking for a pill mill but a clinic with caring doctors. In in Nashville area

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The odds of getting a prescription for that strength and dosage as a new patient are slim to none in this day an age of pharmaceutical abuse. CPS Comprehensive Pain Specialists or PMG Pain Management Group are the 2 major providers in Nashville and surrounding communities. Both require a current MRI or CT Scan and will start you on a lower dose, only once other preventative methods (like inj's.) and time have failed will they increase medications. Learn to pace yourself to lessen the inevitable pain that comes with over exertion.

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Hi Jill. I read your post dated 18 Aug about a good pain management doctor. Would you mind e-mailing me his name and phone #? I have been in pain management since 1992 when wounded in the gulf war. I am in need of a new PM doctor since my current one is retiring soon. Thank you in advance, John. I live in the Nashville area if this is where the doctor is located.

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My Rx Coverage SSI Medicaid, does not cover my Oxymorphone ER 15mg. I am back on the 15mg again. Before I finally got ssi disability and i was on the 15mgs I only paid $186 @ Walgreens. Then when i got approved for ssi disability and PM I was going to didn't accept my Healthcare Insurance. And they wouldn't let me pay cash because it was against the law. I finnaly found a PM Doctor. And they put me on the 7.5mg Oxymorphone 2x a day and i was paying $175. Now I am back on Oxymorphone 15mg 3x a day and of course I have to pay cash. And cheapest I could find was $490 for 90 of them. Is there anyone who has the same problem as me? Where Medicaid won't pay for Oxymorphone and know of a pharmacy that lets you use discount Rx card where the cost isn't as high?
Live in Nashville, TN

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Hello I'm a 47 yr old female living in Nashville & have been in pain management 15 yes due to numerous chronic conditions. My back, neck is inoperable, DDD, FIBROMYALGIA, CERVICALGIA, SPINAL STENOSIS, DISC PROTRUSION, LUMBAGO, LUMBAR RADICULOPATHY, ARTHROPATHY OF LUMBAR FACET JOINT, DISPLACEMENT OF DISC WITHOUT MYELOPATHY, MIGRAINES & I WALK WITH A WALKER SO IM LEGIT. I NEED A DR ASAP the Dr over my clinic left so they can't write scripts now n I'm on high powered stuff 200mg morphine 2x n 30mg oxycodone 4x, muscle relaxer, lidocaine ointment n migraine meds. I can't take trigger point injections they put me in A-fib but had epidural n facet without any relief. The laws have changed so n I want a Dr that cares not think I'm a junkie. I went every 28 days for follow up n got 28 day supply of meds. I'm out of meds starting wed morn so need info ASAP can anyone help me find a caring Dr? I don't want a barage of emails but if you'll respond then I can give it to you. Thanks n blessings to all.

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I really need a good pm Dr. Mine just shut the doors because of her illness. I've been going for over 8 yrs.thx

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Is there a way I could get the name of a pain dr. That will not be afraid to prescribe long and short acting. My dr just up and left. I went to one tues and they basically said he can't help me because my situation can be corrected and medication is thr only thing that can help and he doesn't like to prescribe levels that I'm on. I was sout of meds and he sent me with a smaller 2 week dose on just short acting and schedule me for a 2 week appointment if I wanted to go down to like a 10mg oxycodone from 30mg and long acting. That's impossible. I'm hurting bad with just going down to a 20mg and no long acting. I don't want just medication but that's all that can treat this until orthopedic surgeon says different. I need someone that takes tenncare as I just got laid off and had surgery on something different and they sent me in to be approved for tenncare.

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Jaysmo976, I've been going to Hope for 4 years but the director Chad left n they can't write scripts now. I haven't been able to find a new pm Dr as caring. If you have info on 1 i could see till miss Carolyn gets a new director I'm definitely going back to Hope because they do care n don't treat u like a junkie. They understand ppl in chronic pain for many yrs.

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They found a new doctor and are back in business. Good Luck....

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