Pain Management Dr. Around Nashville, Tn (Page 4)


I just moved to Nashville and need a Dr. to continue writing my Oxycodone 30mg 4/day. I have medical records & MRI showing I actually need the medication. I can get a referral if needed. I appreciate ANY help. Thank you!

170 Replies (9 Pages)

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I would love some info @ kdog please and ty!

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John, I have not seen a post from you, but am very interested. I have my first appointment Tuesday, May 10, at Pain and Spine Management in Brentwood. I am terrified they are going to change my regimen. Please email me {edited for privacy}.

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I find myself in a similar condition to you, age 60, female and 6 years in pain Mgnt. I'm unhappy with my current mass production Clinic and would like to find a compassionate Dr. I hate the accusatory questions, I'm an honest person worthy of trust. Could you please refer me?

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Dr Macorone in Clarksville. He will take care of you

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CC not the law! Just a guideline. Yet the new CDC guidelines are that pain docs aren't supposed to check for THC since folks who smoke take less pills..PMG loves injections, I went one day to them and they prescribed 3 7.5 perc!!! I handed them their script and got a patient initiated withdrawal due to insufficient pain control.....I'm looking for a new one now. CPS is good but they put me on Fentanyl patch and it sucked my adrenals and trashed my thyroid.....I went off the patch but overtook pills to avoid horrendous patch w/d, so they fired me....2 months and still can't find a doc that takes my ins and will prescribe what I was on...

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Jennifer Momentum on church St prescribes the dilaudid

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John you wanna post it again? I haven't seen anything and can't find any who take United Healthcare

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Anyhow didn't he just go on extended vaca after getting arrested for domestic assault? I just tried to look him up and read horrible reviews

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John my name is John too. I am also looking for a place to continue my meds,OC 60mg and ROX 30 mg each x 3 a day. I was injured in the gulf war then placed on 100% disability by the VA after the military medically retired me several years ago. I am very unhappy with the pain doctor that Ive been going to and was discharged 2 months ago for having some THC in my system after a drug panel. Now I must start all over again. Have visited two other pain doctors who won't take my case. I don't know how to contact you other than here and really hesitate to post my phone number. Think you can help point me in the right direction so I can continue my meds? The federal government is intruding on our lives more and more by the day and it is hurting the people who really need their meds to have any kind of quality of life. I tried the VA and they are so back logged it will take forever to see them. Please help if you can. Thanks.

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God knows I need a good doctor.I have spinal bifida and the pain is unbareable.please help me kdog

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Interventional Pain Center in Hendersonville TN is awesome, they are located across from CPS in Hendersonville. I use to go to CPS but discharged myself cause they were over medicated me, was on 120 Roxi 15mg 4x a day and 90 Oxymorphone 20mg 3x a day, they won't prescribe nothing over 15mg of Roxi but they will up the mg on oxymorphone. Then I went to CPI in Whitehouse but they are awful, was doing good on 30mg Roxi 4x a day and oxymorphone 15mg 2x a day but out of the blue they took me off oxymorphone and tried to give me the fentanyl patch so I self discharge and found Interventional Pain Center, they are very caring and good, they don't judge u at all, but they only give 15mg of Roxi, but will give the oxymorphone. I got other places if anyone needs a new PMD.

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MIKR yes I need more doctors names...I was at CPS and between them and other doctors I have had I've been on 4 of the 30mg roxi a day along with various extended release...CPS insisted in Fentanyl Patch and when I found that, that was the culprit in sucking the life out of me...I weaned myself off...nevertheless things got ugly in the end and I haven't been able to find a good doctor since them in February...they've been kind enough to put reason for dismissal Change of Insurance...all I can find now are docs that won't prescribe more than 10mg roxi and I refuse to take anymore extended release since finding out they cause adrenal deficiency, hypothyroidism, low testosterone in men or Gonadism, get this OSTEOARTHRITIS, OSTEOPOROSIS and a few other things that cause folks to need pain meds!!! Extended release is a scam indeed...years ago folks were getting upwards of 20-30 pills a day...that's what extended release was to prevent, not to stop folks for getting a pill every four hours!!! Ok so I've already been to Integrity but whew they have a flakey NP there who fires EVERYBODY eventually. Now there are more NP there and when she attempts to dismiss a patient the other NP out vote her..YAY! Too bad they weren't there when I was the interventional pain place you mention The Pain Management Group? I fired the about four years ago when they prescribed 3 7.5 mg percs....its been since late April and some during May that I've had medicine....who will prescribe 30mgs, I'll settle for 15mg near Hendersonville Madison area?

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Di, how is it going at Pain & Spine? I'm there too now and worried to death! They only prescribed 4 10mg roxi but I'm hoping after they get my new MRI's and meet with an actual Doctor that will change....if they stay at 10mg then Im better off with Cannabidiol and alcohol... I told them I drink maybe half a beer a month and they told me none/zero nary a drop is allowed and will get you fired!!!! WTF? They said I was high risk due to history of illicit drug use over 40 years ago.....I said No that makes me low risk since we both know even 30mgs roxi isn't going to make me feel high and due to my high tolerance you don't have to worry about an overdose even at a high dose!

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They suck! I'm no longer with them, and would have them closed if possible! Not because of what they would/wouldn't prescribe; that whole place, from the front desk, to the PAs, to the "triage", is one huge cluster----. I'm using CPS now and really like them. The whole place is friendly, professional, and they don't act like they just scraped you off the bottom of their shoe!
I hope you have a better experience. 1 week, 6 days to be exact, and I knew that place was trouble!

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Hey did you ever find them ?I'm from Florida and I'm here for the weekend . The airport lost my baggage and now I'm going through withdrawals . Plz some one help me find it here in Tennessee Nashville

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Please tell me where that might be. I'm so tired of hurting

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Hey Mikr I could sure use some of those other places you were referring to. I'm currently at C.P.S. In Hendersonville and I have been in Pain Management for over 15 years due to falling 32' feet into concrete floor....well all they want to do is Cut My meds Each month. I started there 3 months ago and was prescribed 5 15mg Oxymorphone and 5 30mg Roxicodone, now they've got me on 1 80mg 12hr time release Kadian and 3 30s per day but their taking 15mgs of oxycodone per month till I'm at zero....They're just taking My Meds away and offering Nothing in Return, No therapy, No Nothing...I've got to have a Doctor/Doctors that will give Me at Least 4 and 4...I have been as High as 4 80mg Oxycontin and 6 30 mg Roxicodone but I was like a Zombie. I have Recent MRIs and a Stack of Files from Numerous Surgerys and Procedures....Any Help would be Greatly Appreciated....Thanks

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Do u have that number to the clinic ur going to now the one across from cps. Plz and thank u

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Try Hope Health on Thompson Ln in South Nashville....They are The Very Best N.P.'s and Doctors in Pain Management in Nashville. You need a Recent (Less than 18 Month Old MRI and NO TYPE of ANY Drug Charges on Your Record). Carolyn Snider is the Owner and One of the N.P. and She is One of the MOST Compassionate people I have Ever met. They do not accept Insurance but it's only 200.00 Monthly and They will get Your Pain under Control....

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They don't accept any insurance? That's not a responsible Doctors office, it's a Pill Mill! I need all sources of therapy and pain management not just drugs.

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