Oxymorphone 5 Mg Ir From Aurolife Making Me Sick (Top voted first)
UpdatedI had been on 10 mg oxymorphone for 2 years due to 6 failed lower lumbar back surgeries and 2 neck surgeries, one which left me with a cage and disc replacements. The tightness and pain I feel daily is excruciating. I am 55 years old and can barely get out of bed each morning. So when the laws changed recently on the mg of opioids allowed daily (under 200mg) it changed my life. The doctor prescribed a smaller dose to meet the criteria. So I was on oxymorhpone 10 mg from global pharm with no problems for 2 years. 2 days ago when I started the 5 mg oxymorphone from Aurobindo (Aurolife) pharm manufacturer from India, I have been sick with stomach pains, nausea, vomiting and a headache. I didn’t take it for 7 hours and realized that I felt a little better as the hours went by but as soon as I took the 5 mg oxymorphone from Aurolife India, within 10 minutes it all came back full force, head-throbbing, stomach pain and nauseous. Has anyone else had a similar experience?
20 Replies
Hello Nadine,
I'm terribly sorry to hear about how this law has adversely effected your quality of life. Hopefully I can provide some information that may be useful and at least get you moving in the direction of resolving this issue.
First I want to ask if you have any known allergies or adverse reactions to any other type of drug? The reason I ask is because different brands of a particular type of drug, in this case Oxymorphone, use different types of inactive ingredients. More often than not when an individual talks about how one brand makes them sick it comes down to the inactive ingredients.
For the brand you are using posted below is a list of the inactive ingredients, hopefully somewhere in there you see something that doesn't settle with you.
Oxymorphone 5mg Immediate Release Inactive Ingredients:
- Cellulose, Microcrystalline
- Lactose Monohydrate
- Magnesium Stearate
- Starch, Corn
- Fd&c Blue No. 2
NDC: 13107-103
Pill Imprint U;85
Manufactured by: Aurolife Pharma, LLC
Distributed by: Aurobindo Pharma USA, Inc. [aurobindousa.com/products/oxymorphone-tablets-5-mg]
Oxymorphone 10mg Immediate Release Inactive Ingredients:
- Cellulose, Microcrystalline
- Lactose Monohydrate
- Magnesium Stearate
- Starch, Corn
- Fd&c Red No. 40
NDC: 13107-104
Pill Imprint U;86
Manufactured by: Aurolife Pharma, LLC
Distributed by: Aurobindo Pharma USA, Inc.
Source: https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?setid=22c7652a-aa16-4fa8-89d9-517e69059068
Opana (Oxymorphone) 5mg Extended Release Inactive Ingredients:
- Hypromelloses
- Citric Acid Monohydrate
- Alpha-Tocopherol
- Polyvinyl Alcohol
- Titanium Dioxide
- Talc
- Ferric Oxide Red
- Polyethylene Glycols
NDC: 63481-812
Pill Imprint: E;5
Manufacturer: Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc
Source: dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?setid=e6e34c18-fbc6-4cab-9aed-0905d93c2ab6
Please also note that for some odd reason the FDA and NIH.gov list two different sets of inactive ingredients for the same Opana (Oxymorphone) 5mg Extended Release tablet by Endo Pharmaceuticals. Posted below is the FDA's listed composition:
- Hypromellose
- Methylparaben
- Silicified Microcrystalline Cellulose
- Sodium Stearyl Fumarate
- Timerx®-N
- Titanium Dioxide
- Triacetin
- Macrogol
- Polysorbate 80
- Iron Oxide Red
Source: accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2008/021610s006lbl.pdf
I have included both the non extended release and the extended release because they do have different inactive ingredients. When you find out which of these two you are taking, you can see if anything in there would cause you to experience these symptoms.
What would be helpful is if you could tell me which brand you were using of oxymorphone before so I could see if there were any major differences between your old medication and this one.
I hope this information helps.
Re: Kevin (# 1)
Some of these ingredients sounds positively toxic. What in the world? And talc?
I just don't see how that can be an ingredient that is ingested put into anything? It's already found to cause cancer applied externally.
Hi Nadine, I am having a very similar problem, except that I am taking tramadol for severe spinal stenosis(from a fall), osteo arth, plus knee, neck, and foot pain from work related injury, with an onset of restless leg syndrome. I began taking tramadol because I can't take any of the codones due to the side affects. My equilibrium is already off, and the codones just made it worse. When I first started taking tramadol it worked very well, it relieved the pain to the point that I could sleep, do light exercise, wash clothes, etc., & and it stopped the restless leg. But when the war on drugs began, during Obama's 1st term, something changed. The tramadol was not as effective as before, and it began to present varying types and degrees of side affects each month. One month it might cause severe depression & anxiety, the next month it might cause me to have NO feelings, or feelings of anger, a few times it caused minor side affects but did not alleviate the pain, etc. I knew that these feelings were side affects so I just rode them out but it was becoming very difficult, somewhat tormenting. But the only thing that I was offered for alternatives were one type of codone or another which I couldn't take. I tried switching Pharmacies, and Brands but they had all changed and were causing similar side affects, some worse than others, and they all had one thing in common, they were all produced outside of the U.S. My brand, Amneal was made in India, and the fillers were different from the original Brand makers formulation. So basically we are getting substandard medication. Hopefully, this is not affecting the medications of those persons whose conditons are life threatening.
Abigail (# 3) --
This is pretty awful! Do you have to take generics? They are definately NOT the same!
I have replaced the oxycodin for hemp tincture and FECO AKA FULL EXTRACT CANNABIS OIL without THC works better than any opioid drug and no side effects or psycho active drug reaction, I'm down to once a day for the FECO from 3 times a day and the tincture a few times a day, sometimes I forget to take it because I'm pain free and walking, before I couldn't walk very far, I also take Tumeric with bioperene a great anti Inflammatory, and 12 mg of Boron all natural stuff.
Hi Nadine,
Here are some alternatives-
Ask your Pharmacist to get the same manufacturing that they used for the other dose.
Ask him to prescribe Promethazine - It can treat allergies and motion sickness. It can be used as a sedative before and after surgery and medical procedures. This medication can also help control pain, nausea, and vomiting.
*This is what my pain management does.
Also, find out and get approval from ALL YOUR DOCS & Pharmacist first, but CBD OIL without THC is a great alternative for relieving pain. And IF for some reason the meds aren't enough. You might want to consider weaning OFF all your pain meds and getting a medical marijuana card. Remember you do NOT have to smoke it for it to be effective. It comes in ALL Forms - pills, topicals, edibles, etc.... My brother went from being on Percocet, 2 pills every 3 hrs. Almost a catatonic state to competition in bodybuilding getting 4th place IFBB pro card with 4 herniated discs. And ZERO Percocet. It is amazing what success he had with it. And the pain level is better!
I experienced these same problems with my muscle relaxer. I have taken them for a couple years Not only does that brand make me sick Now I have no relief whatsoever! !!I called the pharmacy and of course there's nothing they can or will do and My Dr. said she doesn't understand because the generics are supposed to meet certain guidlines..Well I pay for crap medicine because I cant make or change the laws but our government needs to Do Much better than forcing us to take poison from India!!!#I looked up that Aurobindo and the others similar and they have all been given very poor scores or whatever they go by I dont know But congress knows they are A bad company and instead of getting rid of it Im seeing almost every pharmacy carrying this generic brand..I feel for you because I am stuck with a hospital and ambulance bill because of what the sudden change did to me..Praying someone does something I want my medicine made in America! God Bless You and all who have to suffer xoxo
Welcome to withdrawal. Get your 10’s back. Or at least Dilaudid 8’s
Re: Alex (# 6)
I do not buy that bs about cannabis taking opioids place. Were you stoned and out of it? Some severe pain can only be dealt with opioids. And what if a person does not like week, the smell, the effects etc. Personally I hate the way it makes me feel. I started cannabis in the mid 70's but soon the paranoia got me on valium and quaaludes. I don't know about that spelling. Anyway, I don't want any part of cannabis of any kind.
I have noticed a HUGE change in the effectiveness of opiate pain relievers. They are much weaker and dont lessen then pain like they used to. All this crap in the news about opiate abuse is a war against people with chronic pain and it is not right!! The medicine coming from India is s***!! It DOES NOT work!! This needs to stop!! We need to start getting these s***ty medicines analyzed and find out what we are being sold by the pharm companies!! Take what is left of your prescription to your doctor and let them know the side effects are making you sick. Have them prescribe the name brand that works for you for the balance of the medication.
There is NO reason you should suffer from s***ty medicine!
I was thinking the same thing-withdrawal. I hope big pharma gets their s*** together. I'm so sorry yall are having problems with medications.
The evidence is coming out that cannabis can replace opioids.
Source: "The Biology of Cannabis vs. Opioids for Pain Relief". leafly.com. Web. July 31st, 2017
I added back surgery , a Laminectomy.. double interbody - body fusion...7 years ago.. I was dire pain constantly. .was sent to an clinic ..was given 4mg.. hydromorphone.. after taking it for a week, every 8 hrs. It was affecting my breathing so much I could hardy breathe..was rushed to the E/R.. and given oxygen for 4 days, this happened..two times even after the hydromorphone was cut down to 2mg..every 8 hrs... I had to have oxygen at home for a yr.. . I stopped taking the hydromorphone & my breathing improved ... am off the oxygen (finally) am nown on the smallest mg. Of hydrocodone..they make... breathing better and seeing my PCP Dr.. only... opioids.. are very bad ..I wish my pain wasn't so dibilating....and no more pain...medicine.. good luck..
Report it to your pharmacy, the FDA and your doctor. More and more companies are buying medicine from India which does not have the strict controls the FDA monitors here, so they put poison s*** chemicals fillers in the medicine and LESS of the active ingredient!! Take what you have left to your doctor and get a new prescription for the balance. Let you doctor know its making you sick. If you can find a pharmacy that carries the brand you like. I got extremely sick off of medicine made by Amneal, from India!! Something needs to be done about the lousy drugs being sold to us!! Many of us have been on pain meds for years. Its the ones who abuse it and buy it off the street that are oding and going to the hospitals and caysing this crisis!! Not legitimate patients with chronic pain!! I resent being treated like Im one of those loses!! I take medicine responsibly and always will!! Im sorry you have to go through this. Im learning so much about how these pharm companies are screwing us out of rightful treatment for medical conditions. If no one says anything nothing happens. Please report it!!
I have had the same symptoms and the side effects are worse every time and I had a review and enquirer bout the pharma co. So my personal MD wrote me a new prescription and I'm now on buprenorphine and tramadol but I'd rather take morphine sulfate, but it is not easy to come by. And my advice is to ask your doc to prescribed morphine-based substitutes and diazepam or some other benzodiazepines to help you cope. I do hope you'll find the right combinations. Take care.
I actually believe you. When they had to switch from Opana to generic I can tell you I would rather take med that is expired or OLD then the garbage generic. It’s a different brand, but I have stomach pains and gas day and night. Awful stuff. First they use an artificial color that looks like they squeezed it from a children’s paint box.
Regarding the seriousness of being a chronic pain patient, the new PUSH is for medical marijuana. I am not a fan, don’t like it don’t want it and think it’s the biggest sham in the world to discredit chronic pain patients, make us fear monthly will we get our med then as soon as we do new guidelines and new garbage. Why? Because it’s all about $$. We are in a new world if you can’t make money or are not seen as value to this crazy system they look to get rid of us, I believe that will all my heart. If you are dependent on the system for anything you are out of luck, most of us victims of shoddy surgeries and procedures anyway. It’s all about the $$. My only suggestion is this, radical as it may be you will get your medication! Sounds like you have no plans on getting off this stuff then suck it up and ask for methadone. Forget the stigma, it works. Bad news is it’s impossible or very difficult to get off, you will be judged ostracized but aren’t you already?
It’s a less expensive medication and yes it’s for opiate addicts but some docs are using it for chronic pain. At least you know what you are getting, it’s the OG for pain. Good luck and God bless. Keep us posted.
Unfortunately yes. I've read a lot of stories of people being switched to certain generics that cause them to experience withdrawal because the potency is different and the binders and fillers.
Re: Barry (# 8)
So don't take it.that is your option, hemp oil contains all known cannibinoides except THC, works against pain by a different mechanism than opioids, without getting stone.
Re: Lynda (# 18)
I understand u had a bad experience but it’s important not to generalize as stating “opoids are bad” as u sound very much like a antiopoid Zealot, just bc u had a bad experience does not mean we all have. Keep yur personal. Stories to yurself as they appear to be more confabulation & antectodal than anythg. Life is not all about yur experiences , tx the Lord!
A generic med is held by the FDA to be within +/- 2% potency of the brand label. So many factors go into drug use whether prescribed or not. There is no help to be had. “”OMG... my pill looks different””” is all in your heads.
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